t h e w e a t h e r ,w , followed 07 Ln l noo>, or wol«ht; proteMy to-mPirow momnii The TImei Em co)drr to-nJ«l>l' MORE THAN 8000 Etedert Eeeh Week VOL V. UO.S86 WEST END NAMES ITS FIVE hundred at CO. COMMITTEE CHOICE The Political Committee of the West Martm Speaker At Memorial Day Exercises; TOWN’S FINANCES CONCERT GIVEN BY End itepublican Club reported at a HOLDING OXYGEN meeting in Workmen’s Hall last night Order Of March Announced By legion Post WILL ALLOW NEW that petitions have been filed for the high school group following members of the County Com­ Order of march and itinerary of service will be conducted. Police Com i mittee: Sixth District—Wendell Perrin thus,, who will participate in the Mem- missioner Thomas E. Martin will ad-1 PAVING PROGRAM TENT READY FOR Excellent Mtule Prognun Includes and Mrs. Emma Norman. Seventh Dis­ °* ial Day parade here was announced dress the assemblage here, after which | Selections By SeTeral trict—-William Smith and'Mrs. Jamer yesterday by Hurden-looker Post No. the parade will disband. Debt Percentage N ew ly One Foremost Composers Rolan. Eighth District—Anton Vit Jr. &0» American Legion, under whotjr The order o f march "will be as fol-| Percent Under Limit, auspices the exercises will be held. and Mrs. Nellie Smith: Ninth District lows: Grand Marshall, John E. Trous­ Darby Reports CLEVELAND TRIP Stanley Weston and Mrs. Emily Assembling at Hurden-Looker School dell; Assistant Grand Marshall, Joseph ntvma bemai^ o, on Liberty avenue at !) a. m. on May 3o Hendricksen. Dill. First Division—Hilside Police Within a week or so the township Special Apparatus Of The Local AM0E0 TOM SOLOISTS those taking part will fall in line hie­ STRICTER REGULATION OF A rally is planned for June 3 when Department, Grand Marshall and fltaff will probably advertise for bids for Health Board May Oo By ing north on Liberty avenue, continue STREET OPENINGS SOUGHT pjve hundred persons attended the many prominent speakers will bo pre­ Elite Rand, Colors and Color Guards, paving several streets following the Plane To Hospital north on Liberty avenue, then east o- firing squads, Civil War veterans, Span glith Annual Concert fftven at the sent. Mrs. Clayton Campbell won a receipt Wednesday of a report from An ordinance providing stricter re- j long Hillside avenue, north on Maple ish War veterans, Hurden-1 x>oker Post HiSh School audltorlwm 'am night by door prize at the meeting last night. Walter It. Darby, State Commissioner gulation of street openings for making; CALL SENT TO AID VICTIMS avenue, east on Clark street, to the No. 50, Gold Star mother's, Hurden- thP senior and Junior High School Or- of Municipal Accounts, stating that house service connections was ordered , OF CLEVELAND CLINIC 0A8 Hurden-Looker Park. Looker Post No .50 Auxiliary, Hillside r|lfstni assisted by the Junior High Hillside is still almost one per cent prepared by the. Township committee j From this point the parade will con­ Township officials, Hillside Special Pol. A possibility that the oxygen-thera- School Girls' Glee Club. Samuel S. under its debt limit. Wednesday night. This followed a: tinue cast on Mertz avenue, south on ice, Hillside Fire Department, Regu­ • • apparatus of Hillside's Board of Grossman was conductor of the orch­ LOCAL DEMOCRATS I neebtainty concerning the debt discussion brought up by Committee- . , North llroad street, west on Kidgwny lars and Vo hint ee«*s, Daughters of Am­ . ■ Health may be shipped by uirplane to­ estra Clementine Is- Johnson, o f the limit had been lidding up further man Robert !■ . Smalley who reported , j avenue, south on Salem avenue,east on erica, . to the. Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Glee Club, and Matoel Y. Stephens, street paving, but Mr .Darby's report two holes in the new pa* H urden street to the south gate of the Second I >j.vit^on—J unior Police, ,n< Ml 01 ! scene of the recent gas disaster, wan Supervisor of Music. Soloists were PICK MELLON, LEE enables the township to proceed with liamson avenue which an Evergreen Cemetery. Stops will he School Safety Patrol. 1Toy Scout Tfoopr !>oru d 1° | revealed last night by Dr. Clayton A. Helen -V. Dunlap, soprano; Mr. Gross- this work Among the streets which Edward Mellon, of 15 Clark street, made at the graves of Charles G. Wood Girl Scout Troops, Hillside Athletic Mentzer, Secretary of the Board of violinist; L. Wolfaon, violinist; will be the first to be acted on are Wolf i Consolidated Gas Co in making house ! and Arthur Lee, of 61 Sanford avenue, ruff and Edward Hurden, where short Association. and Irving llersak. violinist. place, Long avenue, Hiawatha avenue i connections. ' n „ „ ...... ceremonies will be conducted.. Third Division—Lincoln Republican Dr. Mentzer stated that he was in An excellent program by some of the were nominated by the Hillside Demo­ The procession will reassemble at Club and other brganizations. B l„y street, Broadway. White street.: Such connections. Mr. H„,alloy »aW. j c0„ „ ni,nlralt(,n w.|th , he Cleveland Ito. pest composers included the following cratic Club.Monday night as candidate*, Myrtle S tre e t, Wlnan. avenue, .Madlng are ««,„«,zed to *>«t mode before (lie, Wodnesday night and the Soldiers Plot and continue west to A request to Spanish W ar Veterans terrace, and Georgian court, Hillside pavement, is laid. ln any event, tin- 1 flections: for the Township Committee. Lee is t*io Coe avenue gate, west on coe ave­ to ’come out is made by Grand Mar­ coiv c a pajj at any moment to send the avenue, from Chestnut street to Bloy holes were c\it in the pavement wilhoin March, “Stars and Stripes Forever,•' engaged with his father in the plumb­ nue to the High School where a brief shall Trousdell. api>aratus to the hospital which may- streel will also be included. ' ?.i permit, it was said, and the Gas Com- Souw, by the orchestra; overture, ing and heating supply business in save the life of a more seriously af­ "Mlreille.'' Gounod, orchestra; violin Irvington. His father was formerly ■The township’s debt percentage on l)any " be requested to explain why fected victim of the tragedy. aolo, '-Second Concertino," R. Ortanan, a member of the Board of Aldermen in May Hi, the report sa.y», was 6.036. | Ul°V d,d the w o r k without a permit The need for these apparatus was and also why they have not replaced h, Wolfson; "Ballet Music From Rosa- Newark before that city adopted the CIVIC ASSOCIATION COSTLY ERRORS BY Since the township xn be bonded up fulled to the attention of the Board mtinde," Schubert, "T h e Swan." Saint commission form of government. Mel­ to 7 per cent of the average assessed l,avement. of Health, Dr. Mentzer said, by an Saens, "Norwegian nance,” Grieg, or­ lon is a salesman. ELECTS OFFICERS valuations for the previous three veal’s, Associated Press dispatch, and after chestra; soprano solos. Helen M. Dun­ Thomas Kenny, president of the OFFICIALS - ELLAM the township is now w ithin $146,019.60 consulting the member^ of the board, lap; duet, "Three Little Symphonies," club, said an active campaign will be of its limit. The total cost of the im­ called the. Cleveland Hospital on the Matthew Padula and John Rahner; waged to put these men over at the Hears Rev. George Brewer Talk Lincoln Club Candidate Charges provements named above, is estimated FIRST COMMUNION long distance telephone and offered the “Andante From Surprise Symphony," primaries, There will be no vacation On Problems And Progress Sewer Cost Excessive; at $364.7(10, but since practically all apparatus. Haydn, orchestra; selections. Girls Glee after the primaries, lie stated, as the Of Mexican People ‘Got Stuck' On Streets of this is assessable Uick on the pro­ FOR LARGE CLASS About fifteen were needed at the Club; violin solo, “ Traumerei," Schu­ club will remain active during the sum perly specially benefited, the debt limit jtlme. but a number were already on the mann, Irving Bersak. # years old; pre. •mer months to work in favor of the Election of officers was held by the Over 250 attended the rally .Wed 'Vijl not be changed. Mr. Darby mated., ,sixty-foui Rlrls and forty-seven boy: way, including three from New York Iud“. "l.’Arlfsslenne Suite No. 1,” Bizet commission form of government. Civic Association of Hillside Monday nesday night at the Hillsid I'lmitre] There will be no objection to proceed!. L .^ reeeh .. 1 Heir first Holy Common- City and several from Detroit. Hill­ night in Masonic Hall, resulting In the on Hollywood avenue under the aus­ ing with the improvements if the up- | jrchestra; vlolln solo, Mr. Grossman: Tie has been informed, Kenny de­ ; ion ...at .i,..the n.ta: 45 ....... mass Sunday side's is one of the three in the State Overture In D," Gretry, orchestra clared, that there are a number of choice of Charles Berntheizel, presi­ pices of the Lincoln Republican Club. propria!ions are sufficiently large to in- , of New Jersey. It was used when elude legal, engineering and adverfls-1 morning al St. Catherine s Roman Cath Republicans in the township who feel dent: Harry L. Freldauf, first vice The principal speakers were the two Felix Euld, late head of Bamberger there should be a Democrat on the president; T. C. Walters, second vice Lincoln candidates for Township Com­ ing fees. olic Church on North Broad street. & Co., was seriously ill.
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