N o . ;j o ] 5 1 ’ j-Ju lv 28, 9 8 9 , T N 3IJBM3N ■jB^BinapasH o/a xog ‘Xjapuia XjBiqn xassa and W THILLS j n d e d 1888 ....Published every FRIDAY a t MILtBURNNJ FIVE CENTS SFp y PAT MASELLA, his daughter SHORT HILLS Realty Company :al Wells Connie, and niece Gloria Masel- F r e e M a p s has sold the one family dwelling Glenwood la, who have spent a year in at 15 W. Bcechcroft road, Short [t Failing Rome at school, wMl arrive home New state road maps issued Hills, Millburn; N. J. to Maryly Candidate? on the Conti Di Ravoia July 28. by the New Jersey State High­ C. Buck for personal occupancy. |i six weeks ago, The Item way Department, arc now Another possible candidate for * available to Item readers free * lattention to the existing election to the post of Millburn of charge at the office, 249 tax collector to fulfill the unex­ l conditions in this area, Layte C.riffon Main street. Three Car Crash and residents while ob­ These maps show new roads pired term of the late Frank M, it. in low streams and and highways of- the state Rudolph may follow the taking |g lawns, got no other re- Best American and lakes and state ■ s In jures Four out of a petition by G. Howard parks in greater detail than Wilson, of Short Hills, former Champion Burlingame Hellza- formerly. Four persons were injured in however with milk prices poppin, an eleven month old an automobile accident involv­ Township Committeeman and tip, and farm produce Brussels Griffon owned and ing three cars Sunday evening chairman, this week. Mr. Wil­ and at a premium, they shown by Mrs. Ralph R. Layte of about 10:30 on the Morris turn­ son's actual candidacy is uncer­ Short Hills, was returned the pike near the arch bridge. it ins it in one of the most tain, however, at the present best American-Bred dog in the O fficer Pelletier, who was sent time. points, food costs, Southampton Kennel Club show Mrs. Uni Inyen to investigate, reported Francis Clarence A. Hill it is expected more than two months last Saturday. In winning this J. Fox of Brooklyn driving his will soon make an announce­ irn has had only one or class, Mrs. Layte's puppy de­ Is Librarian car north on the turnpike, col­ ment than he will seek the bowers, these of no effect feated such dogs as Ellenbert lided with cars driven by Republican n o m i n a 1 1 o n for ir King plant life or add- Farm’s Dachshund, Champion Accepting the certification of Josephine Elzer of Port Rich­ member of the Township Com­ iil moisture. As a result Hank Flottenberg and Cham­ the State Civil Service Board mond. Staten Island and Sam­ mittee and re-election in No­ and green vegetables are pion Moritz Von Rodeltal. as to elegibility of Mrs. Dirk uel Eisenstat of Bayonne, both vember. His present term will maturing and the heavy Previously in his own group Van Ingeri, iSt permanent ap­ driving south on the turnpike. expiie on December 31. are being borne by grow- Hellzapoppin defeated Lady Rb- pointment as librarian at Mill- Three passengers in the Fox From other sources it is lid consumers alike, wanoaks among others and with burn Public Library, the Library car were treated for injuries. learned two additional men will me respect alone cap resi- the American .Bred honors' Board has named her to the John J. Pfuhler received con­ seek the Republican committee take comfort. The water scored one of the greatest vic­ post and she is now. serving fusions -of- both knees and a nomination, this with Henry L. • has shown no dimunition tories in his short career accord­ under civil service. deep cut over the right eye, his Junge’s candidacy, making It, a ells of the Commonwealth ing to expert opinions. wife suffered lacerations and ★ four sided race. Company both in the contusions of the forehead and Chairfpion Nornay Saddler, a One of these candidates if is brook and in the Short their daughter Jane 7, suffered smooth fox terrier, was declared said will hail from Glen wood, area remain at the high Millburn B L lacerations of the lip.and cheek. best in show by Gerald M. Liv­ residents there feeing they will |of a normal season, Joseph Eisgnstat, mother, of ingston, the judge. He stated want representation on the com­ Samuel Eisenstat was treated by sumption due' to sprinkl- later that if he were to place any mittee when assessments for the Series Matures Officer Pelletier for contusions as shown about a 20 per- dog second for this honor it new storm sewer come up for of the left elbow and the right nerease. The normal daily would have been Mrs. Layte’s The Millburn Building and final approval. id is about 12 million gal- leg and bruises about tlic head. Brussels griffon. Loan Association announced this There has been wide specula­ )ut this is now at from 14 No one riding in the Elzer car week the maturity of its 39th tion as to these local improve­ million, maintaining that was Injured. All three cars in­ series of shares totaling $95,609. ment aiiSessments, many, feeling "onsistently. volved were damaged, two hav­ Profits to shareholders on this they may be called upon to pay Anniversary ing to be towed away. e years ago when drought series approximate four percent a portion of the cost when to ■ions prevailed, the water The Casa Columbo Jr. Civic compounded annually on every • * their mind, they havip received of the company wells Association celebrated its first dollar invested. A new 65th no benefit. d a marked lowering, anniversary Sunday with an series will open on August 9. 7 \ ix Sale There Is also still another ele­ rains restored normal con- outing at Longwood Lake, Dover. ★ ment who hold to the opinion s however arid this has not A softball game resulted in a Twenty-seven properties were Glenwood may be made to gcd so far this year, victory for the working mem­ Miss EittlcdaIc sold as the result of the Town­ carry the burden while the bene iency in rainfall here bers over the caddies. ship Tax Sale held Tuesday in fits they maintain, will extend ■ar is now placed at ap- "Pop" Deagan accompanied Home From England the" tax office. Outside buyers to all those areas draining into ately 3 inches. This would the boys as their guest. The purchased 22 properties with an Van Winckle brook. ■ater but for the early assessed valuation of $84,100 in­ group left Millburn at 10 A. M. On Tuesday, last Miss Rose­ Those who felt the two floods when precipitation was volving $2,825.44 in taxes while and returned at 11:30 P. M. mary Littledale, daughter of Mr. of last year and the relief meas­ ve. 5 properties were sold to Mill­ and Mrs. Harold A. Littledale of ures that followed, created an rile local losses are confined burn Township. The.se five have Hardwell road, Short Hills, re­ .uproar, haven’t heard anything flower growers and home an assessed valuation of $3,300 turned from England on board yet it is said by comparison to loners, outside the Town- Enters Dickinson involving $95.69 In taxes, the new Mauretania after a two what will follow publication of wells, springs and streams year stay in England. During All properties sold were for de­ the list and amounts of the im­ cii yiripf up so that crops are • Robert E. Marshall, Jr., son this time Miss Littledale has linquent 1937 taxes. Another tax provement assessments. rig and farmers are forced of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E .Mar­ been a pupil at Dartington Hall, sale of properties on which 1938 With three candidates for the.... haul water for stock and shall, 29 Old Short Hills road, a progressive .school in Devon­ taxes have not been paid will tax collectorship and four for ■thold rise. has enrolled as a member of the be held in the fall under Uie the 'committee- posts in the Re­ freshman class at Dickinson shire, where she was • one of three American pupils. After a new requirements necessary with publican primaries, plenty o f College of Carlisle, Pa., for the six weeks stay with her parents the adoption of a cash basis for interest is assufecTand a large •CLOYES of Fandango Mill academic year beginning Sep­ in Short Hills and at their sum­ the Township. vote will no doubt be polled. 1 heir annual outing at tember 21. mer heme in Mr.ntoloking, Miss ★ Chairman Lonergan of the ■'■s Grove Monday after- Marshall graduated from Mill- Littledale will return on Sep­ REV. RALPH H. READ’S topic Democratic county committee Softball, horse-shoe pitch- burn High School in 1938 and tember 20th t.o comj fete her for his concluding summer ser­ states that it. will meet early in aid other games filled up during the past year has taken last year of preparatory school m on at 11 o’clock service Sunday August and that the primaries me until dinner was served, post graduate work there. He in Wyoming Church will be “The will see a full ticket in the field. was a member of the school’s at Dartington Hall. ' , "ririion for the Truby gold Power and the Glory” . The No names have yet been brought 'as called off on account baseball and basketball teams C h u r c h, which customarily to light hp says, but committee and the glee club.
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