Pennsylvania Radio Btfl Mus

Pennsylvania Radio Btfl Mus

839 -7832. WDVR Inc. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: WMGK(FM) -1942: 102.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 420 ft. Pennsylvania Radio Btfl mus. David L. Kurtz, chmn & chief engr; Jerry Dups AM 40 %. See page C -1 for explanation of listings. Lee, pres & gen mgr; Bruce Cotter, sis mgr, Don LeBrecht, prog dir. Rates: $59; 70; 70; 59. *WPWT(FM) -January 1950: 91.7 mhz; 180 w. Ant 10 ft. 1533 Pine St. (19102). (215) Kingsley 6 -0745. Anderson Little, mus dir; Ted Ruscitti, chief engr. WFIL -1922: 560 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. 4100 City Line Philadelphia Wireless Technical Institute. Mary T. WDVE(FM) Co-owned with KQV. May 10, 1962: Ave. (19131). (215) 879 -1600. TWX 710 -670 -9799. Van Horn, pres of bd of dir; H. A. Raske, pres & gen - 102.5 mhz; 55 kw. Ant 820 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from LIN Bcstg Corp. (group owner; acq 4- 28 -71). Rep: mgr; E. Cromwell, prog dir & prom mgr; Wm. Wayne AM. Net: ABC /FM. Rep: ABC /FM Spot Sls. Format: Blair. James M. DeCaro, pres & gen & nati sis mgr; Zerfing, VP & chief engr. Progressive. Spec prog: Black 1'h hrs wkly. Ken Kar- Jay Cook, prog dir; Ray McCloy, chief engr; Eugene pinski, prog dir; Pamela Cleeland, prom mgr; Tom Vassal', sis mgr. WRCP -July 11, 1947: 1540 khz; 50 kw-D, DA. 2043 Locust St. (19103). (215) 564-2300. Rust Craft Bcstg Daniels, mus dir; Carl Eckels, news dir. WFLN -July 23, 1958: 900 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 8200 of Pa. Inc. (acq 8-9 -65). Group owner: Rust Craft. Net: WAMO -Aug 1, 1948: 860 khz; 1 kw -D. 1811 Blvd of Ridge Ave. (19128). (215) IVridge 2 -6000. Franklin ABC /I. Rep: Avery -Knodel. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Allies (15219). (412) 471 -2181. Sheridan Bcstg Corp. Bcstg Co. Net: NBC. Rep: Masla. Format: Classcl. Ital 'h hr wkly. Matt Mills, gen mgr; Melva Perez, (group owner; acq 3- 1 -72). Nets: Nati Black, MBS/ Raymond S. Green, pres; Harry J. Haas Jr., VP sis & gen prom mgr; Frank Baker, prog dir; Neil Howard, mus dir; Black. Rep: Howard. Format: Black. Skip Finley, mgr; Dave Conant, prog dir; Jules Rind, news dir; Michael Plymstead, sis mgr; Mike Venditti, chief engr. gen mgr; Matt Ledbetter, prog dir; Derek Hill, news dir; Thomas D. Moyer, chief engr. Rates: $30; 26; 30; 26. Rates: $34; 30; 34; 18. George Mellinger, chief engr. Rates: $26; 19; 26; -. WFLN -FM -March 1, 1949: 95.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WRCP -FM- February 1965: 104.5 mhz; 26 kw. Ant WAMO -FM -1960: 105.9 mhz; 72 kw. Ant 430 ft. 500 ft. Dups AM 100%. Rates same as AM. 195 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 90 %. Stereo. Dups AM 30 %. Rates: $ -; 16; -; 16. WHAT -1925: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. WHAT *WRTI (FM) uly 9,1953: 90.1 mhz; 5 kw. Ant 400 ft. -J WARO -See Canonsburg. Bldg., 3930 -40 Conshohocken Ave. (19131). (215) Annenberg Hall, 2013 N. 13th St. (19122). (215) 878-1500. Independence Bcstg Co. (acq 1940). Rep: 787 -8405. Temple University School of Communica- WDVE(FM) -Listing follows KQV. Howard. Format: Black, R &B. William A. Banks, pres; tions & Theater. Format: Jazz. Dr. Kenneth Harwood, Dolly Banks, stn mgr; Jack -Dash, coml mgr; Henry gen mgr; John Roberts, exec stn mgr; Bob Uttenweiler, *WDDQ(FM) -Dec 15, 1949: 90.5 mhz; 25 kw. Ant Stevens, prom mgr; Chris Turner, prog & mus dir; Jack stn mgr; John Wright, chief engr. 480 ft. 801 Bluff St. (15219). (412) 434 -6030. Du- O'Reilly, news dir; Robert Hoy, chief engr. quesne Univ. Net: NPR. Format: Variety. Spec progs: WTEL 860 khz; 10 kw -D, DA. 4140 Old York -1925: Community profiles 1 hr wkly. Dr. Kenneth Duffy, gen WWDB(FM) -Co -owned with WHAT. 1957: 96.5 Rd. (19140). (215) GLadstone 5 -9200. WTEL Inc. mgr; Debbie Miller, prog dir; Fred McWilliams, chief mhz; 12 kw. Ant 890 ft (CP 48 kw. Ant 500 ft). Stereo. (acq 12- 31 -58). Format: Relig, Sp. Spec progs: Ger 6 engr. Banks Bcstg Co. Inc. Prog sep from AM. Format: Jazz, hrs; Ital 7 hrs; Pol 8 hrs wkly. George D. Hopkinson, progsv. Jay Peter Volkens, news dir; Sid Mark, prog pres & treas; Quentin C. Sturm, exec VP & gen mgr. WEDO -See McKeesport. & mus dir. Rates: $12; 12; 12; 12. WEEP -1947: 1080 khz; 1 kw -D (CP 50 kw-D, 25 kw- WIBG -1924: 990 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 kw -N, DA -2. 117 *WUHY -FM -1954: 90.9 mhz; 11 kw. Ant 920 ft. CH). 107 6th St. (15222). (412) 471 -9950. Golden Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, Pa. (19444). (215) 4548 Market St. (19139). (215) EVergreen 2 -9300. Triangle Bcstg Inc. (acq 8- 1 -59). Group owner: Myron 242 -6300. Buckley Enterprises (group owner; acq TWX 215 -569 -9815. WHYY Inc. Net: EPRN, NPR, Jones. Net: ABC /I. Rep: HR/Stone. Format: C &W. 5 -74). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Buckley. Format: Contemp, Pacifica Net. Format: Listener supported, Variety. Myron Jones, pres; Roger Willoughby -Ray, gen mgr; Top 40. Richard D. Buckley Jr., pres; Thomas R. Pate, Elkins Wetherill, chmn of bd; Warren A. Kraetzer, pres Mike Civiletti, coml mgr; Don Evans, prog dir; Ed gen mgr; Perry Silver, local sis mgr; Jerry Del Colliano, & gen mgr; David Karpoff, prog dir; Les Spencer, stn Polotowski, prom mgr; Fred Trainer, news dir; Bob prog dir; Janis Kerringan, prom mgr; Doug Tomes, mus mgr; Edward Cunningham, mus prod; Terry Gross, Brandon, chief engr; Bid Causey, opns mgr. dir; Ken Natz, news dir; Archie Sichel, chief engr. news dir; Robert Hall, dir of engrg. WHYY-TV and WUHY -TV affils. WEEP -FM- September 1962: 107.9 mhz; 36 kw. Ant WIFI(FM)- September 1958: 92.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 420 ft. Dups AM 50 %. 500 ft. Stereo. Decker Square, Bala Cynwyd. (19004). WWDB(FM)- Listing follows WHAT. (215) TE 9 -0900. GCC Communications of Phila. (acq WWSH(FM) -Nov 11, 1959: 106.1 mhz; 19 kw. Ant 5- 15 -70). Group owner: GCC. Rep: ABC /FM Spot Sls, 740 ft. Stereo. 555 City Line Ave., Bala Cynwyd, Pa. Rock. Alexander M. Tanger, pres; WJOI Creed. Format: (19004). (215) 835-2350. United Artists Broadcasting Daniel M. Lerner, gen mgr; Steve Kelly, prog dir. Inc. (group owner; acq 9- 30 -70). Format: Btfl mus. Beautiful Music WIOQ(FM) -1941: 102.1 mhz; 27 kw. Ant 650 ft. 2 James E. Connor, gen mgr; Lewis C. Greist, sis mgr; Bala Cynwyd Plaza, Bala Cynwyd. (19004). (215) Nelson Hobdell, opns mgr; Fred Moore, chief engr. 835-6100. Richer Communications Inc. (acq 1971). Rates: $70; 85; 90; 40. r Net: ABC /FM. Rep: Selcom. Format: Progsv. T. "WXPN(FM) -April 1957: 88.9 mhz; 1.9 kw. Ant 280 Richard Butera, pres; William W. Staats, gen mgr; Jeff ft. 3905 Spruce St. (19104). (215) 387 -5401. U. of 19, 1948: 93.7 mhz; 41 kw Ant 550 Poll, VPdir of sis; Roy Laurence, prog dir; Alex Demers, WJOI(FM) -July Pennsylvania. Format: Variety. Jamie Garner, stn mgr. ft. 1715 Grandview Ave. (15211). (412) mus dir; William R. Fantini, news dir; J. Alan Handley, Stereo. owner: Greer Stns. For- chief engr. Rates: $34; 38; 38; 30. 381 -8100. WKOI Inc. Group WYSP(FM) -1948: 94.1 mhz; 39 kw. Ant 550 ft. mat: Btfl mus. Robert G. Clarke, VP/gen mgr; Jerome Suburban Station Bldg., 1617 JKK Blvd. (19103). WIP -March 16, 1922: 610 khz; 5 kw -t1 DA -1. 19th & Roberts, prog dir; T. J. Feota, sis mgr; Glen Anderson, (215) 665 -9790. SJR Communications Inc. (group Walnut Sts. (19103). (215) LOcust 8 -2900. chief engr. Rates: S24; 24; 24; 21. owner; acq 8- 6 -71). Format: MOR. Jerry Michaels, Metromedia Inc. (group owner; acq 2- 8 -60). Rep: gen mgr; Henry A. Tronco, sis mgr; Frank X. Feller, prog 5 kw -U, DA -N. 100 Metro Radio Sales. Format: Contemp MOR. Donald WKTO -Oct 19, 1921: 1320 khz; dir; Terry Smith, chief engr. Ave. (412) 391 -9800. WKTQ Inc. J. Kelly, VP & gen mgr; William S. Dallmann, gen sis Forbes (15222). APR. mgr; Dean Tyler, prog dir; Paul Rust, news dir; Delmar (acq 3- 12 -73). Group owner: Heftel. Audio news: 1 hr wkly. William Dengate, chief engr. Rates: $165; 94; 110; 47. Philipsburg Format: Top 40. Spec prog: Black Cunningham, pres & gen mgr; Bill Tanner, prog dir; Gass, chief engr. WMMR(FM) - Co-owned with WIP April 20, 1942: WPHB -June 1, 1956: 1260 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 361, Mark Shands, mus and news dir; Bob 93.3 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 670 ft. Stereo. (215) 561 -0933. Radio Park (16866). (814) 342 -2300. Moshannon Rates: $59; 57; 59; 57. Format: Progressive rock. Joel Samuelsohn, VP & Valley Bcstg Co. (acq 1- 28 -71). Format: MOR, cam. -owned with WKTQ. March 8, 1948: gen mgr; T. Morgan, prog dir; A. Camiolo, sis mgr. Spec prog: Pol 2 his wkly. Dr. William Harvey, pres; WSHH(FM) -Co 10.5 kw. Ant 930 ft. Stereo. (412) 391 -0395. Rates: $44; 38; 50; 50. C. Dean Sharpless, gen mgr & chief engr; Mrs. Ruth 99.7 mhz; Btfl mus. Gearhart, coml mgr; William Burchill, prog & news dir; Prog sep from AM. Rep: Eastman. Format: dir; Chris *WKDU(FM) -91.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 217 ft. 3210 Sheldon Sharpless, prom mgr. Dave Gorman, prog dir; Jim Schulke, mus Chestnut St. (19104). (215) 895 -2580. Drexel Univer- Hood, chief engr. Rates: $46; 48; 48; 46. sity. Format: Black progsv, rock, top 40. Richard B.

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