CURRICULUM VITTAE Personal Identification: Name : Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, M.Sc., D.Sc., Professor Date of birth : March, 11th1954 Place of Birth : Yogyakarta, Indonesia Position : Professor in Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University Office Adress : Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, 65145,Indonesia. E-mail : [email protected] ORCID : 0000-0001-8001-4338 Scopus ID : 55218596400 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55218596400) Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sutiman_Sumitro Major (s) : Cell Biology, Nano Biology, Molecular Biology, Microscopy 1 Education Background: 1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Biology from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, received at 1976. 2. Sarjana(Doctorandus) degree in Biology from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia received at 1978. 3. Master of Science (MS) Degree in Biology from Graduate School of Science and Technology of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia received at 1984. 4. Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in Cell Biology from Graduate School of Biology, Nagoya University, Japan, received at 1989. Postdoctoral Felloow: Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Mie University, Japan, 1993. Publication: 1. Sumitro SB,Haminani S. Djalal T. 1981. The effects of DDT on the histological structure of Crop glands in the brooding pigeon couples. Warta Anatomi. 6: 23-31. 2. Sumitro SB. 1984. Kemampuan metabolism tanaman tembakau kedu rajangan dalam berbagai kondisi stress kekeringan dan jenis tanah. Thesis Sarjana Utama. Program Studi Sain dan Teknologi, UGM. 3. Sumitro SB. 1984. Pengaruh natrium khlorida terhadap tanaman tembakau varietas kedu rajangan yang ditumbuhkan pada dua macam tanah dengan dua macam penyediaan air. Thesis. Gadjah Mada University. 4. Sumitro SB, Sato H. 1989.The isotopic effects of D2O in developing sea urchin eggs. Cell Structure and Function 14(1): 95-111. 5. Sumitro SB, Izutsu K, Sato H. 1989.Effects of D2O on movement of chromosomes and the shorthening of kinetochore spindle fibers in anaphase in dividing spermatocytes of the grasshopper, Mongolotettix japonicus.Cell Structure and Function 14(3): 345-352. 6. Sumitro SB, Wijarni U, Pramana A, Soewondo A, Samino S. 1992. Inventarisasi jenis, habitat dan tingkah laku hewan bulu babi (Sea Urchin) di Jawa Timur serta usaha 2 pemijahan dan pengembangan teknik kultur embrio. Jurnal Universiras Brawihaya. 4(2): 50-58. 7. Sumitro SB. 1994. The vegetal plate invagination of developing sea urchin eggs in deutered condition. 3rd APOCB Congress, Sydney. 8. Sumitro SB, Susilo H. 1995. Biology Education in Indonesia.International Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education, JICA, Jakarta and Bandung: July 3-7, 1995. 9. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB. 1996.Separation of X-Y chromosome bearing sperms of Indonesian native bulls using sephadex G-200 and percoll density gradient centrifugation. 13rdInternational congress on animal reproduction, Sydney, Australia. 10. Sumitro SB. 1997. The retarded gastrulation induced in developing sea urchin embryo by rearing in D2O-sea water. Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 2(4): 175-191. 11. Sumitro SB, Handaru M, Fatchiyah. 1998. Possible role of small heat shock protein HSP25 in development of neoplasticity of proliverative lung cells. Berkala Kedokteran13(3): 21-27. 12. Sumitro SB. 1998.A comparative study of mitotic activity in spermatocyte mother cells of grassshoppers under continues microscopic observation.Journal of Biological Researches 4(1): 45-50. 13. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB, Hardjopranjoto S, Djati MS, Ciptadi G. 1999. Comparative study of diluter Tris and TCM-199 in freezing bull sperm after sephadex G-200 filtration.Media Veteriner 6(4): 9-13. 14. Aulani’am, Fatchiyah, Djoko W, Sumitro SB.1999. Pembuatan anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase dan anti-GAD antibodi untuk prediksi penderita pre-diabetes mellitus: Produksi, pemurnian, dan karakterisasi anti-GAD65 dan anti GAD65 antibodi hasil induksi oleh enzim GAD. 15. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB, Hardjopranjoto S, Mantara Y. 1999. Pola kapasitasi spermatozoa X dan Y sapi hasil pemisahan menggunakan filtrasi sephadex dan sentrifugasi gradien densitas percoll. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 11: 29-40. 3 16. Sumitro SB, Widyarti S, Fatchiyah. 2001.The In Situ Hybridization analysis of Heat Shocked Protein gene expression in proliferate lung cells. International Congress on Cell Differentiation. Gold Coast, Australia. 17. Sumitro SB, Aulani’am, Susilawati T, Hinting A. 2001.Isolation and caracterization of ZP proteins from bovine.A possible used for contraceptive vaccine. Reprotech 1 (1): 24-30 18. Mubarak SA,Sumitro SB,Djati MS, Aulanni’am. 2001.Isolation of Zona Pellicida Glycoprotein (ZP3) from the bovine Follicullar Oocyte and Property of their Immunogenety.Biosain 1(2): 12-20. 19. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am. 2001. Zona pellucida 3 (ZP3) has proper biochemical properties to be considered as candidate antigen for immunocontraceptive vaccine. Reprotech 1(1): 51-53. 20. Baszary CDU, Sumitro SB, Djati MS, Samino S. 2001. Penghambatan pembelahan mikromer sebagai trigger proses awal gastrulasi dengan perlakuan surfaktan pada embrio landak laut (Tripneustes gratilla L.). Biosain 1(2): 65-75. 21. Tianing NW, Sumitro SB, Sulistyowati L, MuliarthaIKG. 2002. Histopathological discription and gene ATPase 6,8 and Cox III aplification in mtDNA of breast cancer tissue.Biosain 2(2): 96-106. 22. Sumitro SB,Fatchiyah F,Widyarti S, Istanti A,Riawan W. 2002.The analysis of early neoplastic tissue in lung: Immunocytochemical studies on F-actins filaments and HSP25 interaction and in situ hybridization of mRNA analyzing HSP25 gen expression in new born rat induced by benzapyren. International Congress on Cell Differentiation, Lion, France. 23. Sumitro SB, Widyarti S, Fatchiyah F, Mudjiwijono HE. 2002. The analysis of proliferating cells in developing lung tissue of young rats and mice. Differentiation 70(7): 379-380. 24. Permatasari N, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB. 2002.High Glucose concentration increases basal intracellular calcium concentration in HUVECs. Journal of Asian Federation on Endocrine Societies (JAFES) 2(1): 139-141 4 25. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am, Sutiyoso. 2002. Bovine zonna pellucida 3 (bZP3): A candidate for immunocontraceptive vaccine. Journal of Asian Federation on Endocrine Societies (JAFES) 2(1): 145-148. 26. Tianing NW, Sumitro SB, Sulistyowati L, Muliartha IKG. 2002. Gambaran histopatologi dan amplifikasi gen ATPase 6, 8 serta COX III pada mtDNA dari jaringan kanker payudara. BIOSAIN 2(2). 27. Sumitro SB, Permatasari N, Soeatmadji W. 2003.The cytoskeletal structural changes in HUVECs:The role of Increasing Intracellular Ca ions induced by high glucose concentration..International Forum on Diabetes, Osaka, Japan (invited paper) 28. Hanizar E, Sumitro SB, Hinting A (2004).Detection of RBM and DAZ genes deletion on Java and non Java infertile men. REPROTECH 1(3):117-120. 29. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am. 2004. The deglycocylated protein of Zona pellucida3, an effective antigen for woman immuno-contraceptive vaccine.A keynote speaker in the 4th Asia PacificSymposium of Fertility and Sterility. Naha, Okinawa, Japan 30. Widyarti S, Sumitro SB, Fatmawati E, Djati MS, Soewondo A. 2004. Study of heat shock protein (hsp25) expression and proliferation on liver, kidney, and lung of rat (Rattus norvegicus) fetus. Differentiation 72(6): 279. 31. Widyarti S, Sumitro SB. 2005.Apoptosis in early pre-carcinogenic lung tissue. A study of HSP25 role on cellular homeostatic regulation.International Biotechnology in Biomedicine, Singapore, 2-3 August. 2005. 32. Arumningtyas EL, Sumitro SB. 2005. Variability of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) treated by Ethyl Methanesulfonate (EMS) Based on randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). International conference of Genomic and Biotechnology. Raipur, India, 26-28 October 2005. 33. Soeatmadji DW, Fatah F, Sumitro SB. 2005. Detection of GAD65 autoantibodies of type -1 diabetes using anti-GAD65-abs reagent produced from bovine brain tissue. Medical Journal of Indonesia 14(4): 197-203. 5 34. Rahayu S, Sumitro SB, Susilowati T. 2005. Genetic variation of Bali cattle based on isoenzyme pattern. Reproductive Biotechnology for Improved Animal Breeding in Southeast Asia. Pp. 163. 35. Rachmawati A, Sumitro SB, Susilawati T. 2005. Pattern of ram and bull sperm acrosomal reaction following the addition of bovine pellucida 3 (bZP3). Reproductive Biotechnology for Improved Animal Breeding in Southeast Asia. Pp. 215. 36. Hinting A, Hanizar E, Sumitro SB.2006. RBM and DAZ genes deletion , a nonspecificmarker for man infertility.International Conference of Advance Reproductive Technology. 2526 February, 2006. 37. Aulanniam A, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB. 2006. Konfirmasi spesifitas GAD65 terhadap antiGAD65 pada tikus DM dan pasien DM tipe 1. Journal of Biological Researches 11(2): 125-128. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.11.2.20065. 38. Sumitro SB, Rahayu S, Susilawati T, Soemarno S. 2006. Identifikasi polimorfisme gen gh (growth hormone) sapi Bali dengan metode PCR-RFLP. Journal of Biological Researches 12(1): 7-11. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.12.1.20062. 39. Rahayu S, Sumitro SB, Susilawati T, Soemarno. 2006. Analisis Isoenzim untuk mempelajari variasi genetik sapi Bali di Provinsi Bali. Berkala Penelitian Hayati 12(1): 1- 5. 40. Astirin OP, Sumitro SB. 2006. Isocitrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and ɑ- glycerophosphate dehydrogenase polymorphysm enzyme of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.) which is hydrogen sulfide
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