DELAWARE 100 DAYS MALE TO GRADUATION See Page 9, 10, 11,12 \ ~f:\'/;A p I Vol. 88 No. 21 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE. MARCH 3,, 1967 Progress Slow On Slarti.ng Facts Dispute Sororities Weekly Charge Recent talks with adminis­ trative personnel reveal that There is no evidence to do not show reports of the protocol and procedure seem substantiate reports made by incidents. to be two major stumbling the Newark Weekly that "per­ Worrilow revealed that blocks facing the establish­ haps as many as two ·dozen only three cases had come to ment of sororities at this uni­ incidents of indecent ex­ the attention of the security versity. posure had occurred in the for~es over the past several Dean of women Bessie B. presence of campus coeds months and that these were Collins, who has been work­ in the last two weeks," ac­ learned of through the Newark ing closely with the AWS cording to Newark Pollee Police who asked the campus sorority committee, felt that and university officials. guards for assistance. This there are many tasks to be The Weekly, in an article was confirmed by Newark Po­ completed before sororities which appeared Wednesday, lice Chief Arthur s. Haus­ may be established, ~4: claims that the incidents were sler, Jr. who said that during Letters have been received reported to the campus security -recent months there have from national sororities, In force, but were not reported only been four indecent ex­ the next few weeks, contacts to the Newark Police, Accord­ posure cases reported ,and will be acknowledged in order Cops Pinch Pot Nut ing to Vice-president for Uni­ that one did not involve a versity Relations George M, coed, to obtain more information. Cops pi ay chaperone on Feature Editor's date with Marr of The university's require­ J 171 e," (Photo by Fred Sinter) See page 7 for story, Worrllow, security records Dean Men Donald P. ments for sororities must then Hardy in expressing the be sent to those interested, Any university's concern said questions about these criteria that if the incidents are tak­ FROSH BLAZERS will be answered through con­ Senate Proposes ing place "we want to know sultation with the dean of about them.'' He then point­ Freshmen who purchased women. class blazers are requested ed out that none of the coeds · These and other preparations to pick them up Monday be­ supposedly involved in the two require much time. For this tween I p.m. and 5 p:m., in Reapportionment dozen incidents had contacted reason, Dean Collh'ls could Ewing Room D & E. The the Office of Student 1Services not verify whether the univer­ balance is due at this time. In a special meeting Wed­ residents, the final proposal or Dean of Women Bessie B. clarified the representation of sity will have sororities next nesday evening, the SGASenate Collins. approved a proposal for an commuters and fraternities in (Continued to Page 16) Hardy also reported that in amendment to the SGA consti­ addition and radically changed order to make communica­ tution and by-laws concerning the stat~s of senators-at­ representation. A complete large. tions between the security Students · Receive copy of the proposal appears In accordance with the SGA force and the Newark Police in a box on page three. constitution, the proposal still ·more formal, Hasan officers were appointed by both forc­ The vote of approval marked has to be passed by two­ the end of a continuing debate thirds of the Se.nate's member­ es. It was pointed out~ how­ Royal Treatment over effective representation ship at the next meeting and ever, that police and security which began last May. While approved by the administration officials often have meetings By NANCY LYNCH the changes were originally before it goes. into effect; how­ and that the new set up wtll dLiving as you would live at home''-is President Sidney intended to affect only the ever, the large majority sup­ merely make the relationship R; Peters' descrption of student life at Brandywine Junior representation of dormitory porting the proposal Wed­ more formal. College. nesday suggests that it has an Haussler also confirmed Students are treated to carpeted class rooms, tinted win .. excellent chance of passage. that the Newark Pollee and campus security were work­ dows, picnic grounds., cars on campus~ and all the coffee, If it does it will probably be ATO to Dedicate ing well together - and that mil~ and soft drinks they can consume. in effect for this spring's the guards were not 'Impeding The atmosphere at Brandywine is pleasant and business.. SGA elections. police work as was charged in like. Every physical detail has been carried out with a look House Addition The proposal evolved from recommendation of a commit­ the weekly article. According to the future. Planners have anticipated needs of tomorrow, Founders' Day will be cele­ tee on senator representation to the chief, "Any case that such as cvrridor floors which never need waxing or buffing, brated by Alpha Tau Omega co-chaired by present senators involved our attention was practically maintenance-free carpeting in all classrooms, and fraternity with a dinner-dance Pat Tate, ED8, and Tom Sand- (Continued to Page 3) electric heat. Efficiency seems to be a part of the school tomorrow, and a banquet on philosophy. ., (Continued to Page Hi) Sunday. The 5'16 academictsts at Brandywine represent seven Founders' Day commem­ states. Plans call for enrollment to swell to 800 by next orates the 102nd anniversary September. There, the figure will stabilize. Mechanical Marvel Neat But Slow of the Founding of ATO. The Students have opportunities for many outside activities: fraternity was founded Sept, the student senate, the chorus, intercollegiate basketball 11, 1865, at Virginia Military and baseball, intramural programs~ a sorority, and a fra.­ Institute. terntty. The Student Activity budget, under the guidance of a The principal speaker to­ Director of Student Activities, will run between $40 and $5o.,.. morrow will be T. Elbert 000 next year for 800 students. Chance, Director of Alumni Social events such as the Inaugural Ball and the Christmas and Public Relations at the Formal are preceded by a dinner at no extra expense. "Wed.. university, and an alumni of nesday Night at the Movies" is a popular activity under.. ATO. Thomas K. Pratt, Pres­ written by the administration. ident of the Chapter, will .pre­ Attendance at basketball games is outstanding. This may sent Gold and Silver Certif­ be due. in part, to student cars on cam pus. So far1 this icate Awards to distinquished is an unlimited policy. Eventually, the privilege may be Alumni. William G. Vosburgh, extended just to those students with a 3.0 or better. Jr., will be Master of· Cere­ Reception of a ski weekend and a spring trip to Bermuda montes. The event will be held are two more examples of student enthusiasm. "The 'esprit at the Kent Manor Inn from de corps' is most amazing," Peters said. Recognition is 6-12 p,m, given to the faculty who are encouraged to participate with The Founders' Day banquet the students in extra... curricular events. will be held to dedicate the The early success of Brandywine Junior College must be new addition to the ATO chap­ credited, in part. to its President, Sidney R. Peters, a very ter house, Stewart D, Daniels, dynamic and academically conscientious educator. "Everyone National President of ATO. participates in almost everything. There is always something wm be the guest spaker. going on; this is not a weekend eollege," he commented. A greeting from the univer- "Not only do you have to wait to get the ga~bag&., ·~" (Continued to Page 17) (Photo by Don Schmick) UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1967 PAGE 2 29 More Days Zagoria to Discuss U.S. Policy To You•Know·What In Chinese Communist Lecture "American Policy Toward at last year's s·enate Foreign toward Communist China and China» will be discussed in Relations Committee hearings the China Relations Com m it• the fourth of a series of free on u.s. policy toward China~ tee of the National Council lectures on communist China is the author of "The Sino­ of the U.S. Zagoria is now an being given at the university. Soviet Conflict." associate professor of govern• The lecture , which will be He has also written a ser­ ment and a member of the given Monday at 8 p.m. in the ies of newspaper and magazine faculty of the Russian and East Rodney Room of the Student articles on China, and .last Asian Institutes of Columbia ' Center- w111 feature Donald s. year~ served as a member of University. Zagoria as the main speaker. the United Nations Associa- The series is offered through Prof. Zagoria, who testifed tion panel ori u.s. Policy the International Education Program C5 f the university~ de­ signed to keep students and Co-eds Receive Invitation other citizens informed on vital current topics. Earlier lec­ tures have dealt with the de­ velopment of Chinese society, To College Queen Pageant problems of the Chinese Com• Group Tries 'Hon~y' munist Party• and China's mil• Judging is based on academ• All undergraduate girls are itary power. The final lecture THE GROUP DOWNSTAIRS presents Shelagh Delaney's ic accomplishments as well eligible for the National Col­ in the series, on March 18, A TASTE OF HONEY. The production, which will be given lege Queen Pageant to be held a.S attractiveness, charm, and will be on the future of Chi• at the Newark, New Century Club.
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