LOOKING FORWARD… CAPITAL PORTFOLIO 2019/20 ROTOTUNA, ROTOKAURI AND RUAKURA PROGRAMME OUTCOME WHERE ARE WE AT ROTOKAURI PROJECTS Ka toituu, ka ataahua te whakawhanake BAVERSTOCK RD whenua ki Rototuna, Rotokauri me Ruakura. ROTOTUNA PROJECTS Detailed design nearly completed, construction expected to start summer 2019/20. Enabling the development ROTOTUNA VILLAGE First stage almost complete. Detailed design will progress ROTOKAURI ARTERIAL DESIGNATION of attractive and sustainable this year to allow major development of the roads, library Currently in the investigation phase. communities in the Rototuna, and community facilities. Rotokauri and Ruakura growth SPORTS PARKS ROTOKAURI SWALE DESIGNATION areas. • Rototuna Sports Park construction completed, due to Consultation recently completed. A recommendation on be opened later this year. where the swale should go is expected by the end of the year. • We are working on design of Hare Puke Sports Park this WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT year and physical works are scheduled for year three. RUAKURA PROJECTS We are all about improving the wellbeing of PARK LANE Being constructed in conjunction with the sports park. Park Hamiltonians and making our city a great place to RUAKURA WATER RESERVOIR live, work, play and visit. Lane (formal name still to be decided) will be completed in September. Currently under construction and due for completion mid- In the north of the city, the Rototuna growth area 2020. This will support future growth in the Ruakura area. has been developing over the last 10-15 years, and NORTH RIDGE DR is now nearing completion. The Ruakura growth In detailed design stage. The urbanising of this road has TRANSPORT area, on the eastern side of the city, is zoned to been fast-tracked to align with development. Construction is • The urbanisation of Ruakura Rd is being deliver more than 100 hectares of residential expected to start summer 2019/20. investigated for funding through NZ Transport Agency. development and more than 400 hectares of • The BORMAN RD STORMWATER WETLAND Ruakura Spine Rd is currently under employment land including land for the Inland Port, construction and due for completion 2020. The spine regional freight and logistics hub and industrial Nearing the end of detailed design phase. Construction is road connects the Waikato Expressway to the Fifth Ave park. Out west the Rotokauri growth cell is a work expected to start summer 2019/20. roundabout. The construction of this road will support in progress in terms of potential development the future industrial area in Ruakura. waiting to happen with significant planning BORMAN RD (EAST) work done over the last eight years laying the HORSHAM DOWNS RD UPGRADE FAR EASTERN INTERCEPTOR foundations for development to happen in the area. Concept development and business case engagement (WASTEWATER PIPE) with the NZ Transport Agency to seek project financial This major wastewater pipe is currently in construction This is a look forward to some key projects assistance is underway. Construction funding is currently with the first stage expected to be completed later this programmed to happen in these growth areas in budgeted in the 10-Year-Plan for between 2025 and 2027. year (2019). The next stage extending south is dependent the next 12 months (June 2019 – July 2020). with developer timing. PEACOCKE PROGRAMME OUTCOME WHERE ARE WE AT Ko te aaheinga o te hanga he waahi OHAUPO RD (SH3) ROUNDABOUT ataahua, he waahi toiora ki Peacocke. Service relocations and most of the main roundabout works will be completed. We’re Enabling the development of working to minimise disruption and reduce costs. an attractive and sustainable community in the Peacocke PEACOCKE BRIDGE Designs for the bridge and some main roads growth area. surrounding it will be finished this financial year. We’ll also start looking at who will build the bridge for us so we can get started before the end of 2020. WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT Unlocking new areas for housing to support WASTEWATER PUMP STATION AND Hamilton’s growth is a key challenge for TRANSFER PIPELINE the Council. Our investment in Peacocke is We will complete the design of the main pump ECOLOGICAL MONITORING supported by the Government’s Housing station, pipelines and connections within Peacocke. AND MANAGEMENT PLAN We’ll also start building the transfer pipeline which Infrastructure Fund, comprising a 10- We will prepare to implement the plan, deliver a site will link up to Crosby Rd. restoration plan and start building artificial bat roosts in year interest-free loan and NZ Transport the area. Agency funding. In the coming decades, when complete, Peacocke will be home for around 20,000 new Hamiltonians. PEACOCKE RD URBAN UPGRADE Initial designs and a timeline for when they will be MANGAKOTUKUTUKU INTEGRATED This is a look forward to some key projects built based on development will be completed. CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN programmed to happen in the next 12 Work on a strategy for managing watercourses, months (June 2019 – July 2020). stormwater, wastewater and water supplies in EAST AND WEST ROADING Peacocke and surrounding suburbs. This should be NETWORK – STAGE 2 finished in August 2020. Designs for the roads and work on a timeline for when these will be built and be completed. For more information visit hamilton.govt.nz/peacocke CITY WIDE COMMUNITY PROGRAMME OUTCOME WHERE ARE WE AT Whakapai atu te mauri o ngaa waahi HAMILTON GARDENS DEVELOPMENT taangata me ngaa waahi wairua auaha. • We are laying the foundations for the Ancient Egyptian Garden and work is concentrating on Improving the vibrancy of our the Pasifika Garden wall foundations. • Planning is underway on the Hamilton Club social and creative spaces. Summerhouse and the next stage of the Ancient Egyptian Garden. • Planning for the Visitor Centre and forecourts WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT will continue once the outcome of the Hamilton Gardens Management Plan review is confirmed. We are committed to improving the vibrancy of our social and creative spaces. HAMILTON ZOO/ We want to provide the community with RIVER PLAN WAIWHAKAREKE places where they can come together and • Central City Jetty — construction is anticipated SHARED ENTRY PRECINCT enjoy. We are working with the community to commence within the next few months, • Concept plan options have been assessed and our partners to develop parks, natural subject to negotiations with the contractor. and further design work is planned this year. areas, sports and pool facilities, libraries and our visitor destinations. PLAYGROUND DEVELOPMENT WAIWHAKAREKE NATURAL HERITAGE This is a look forward to some key projects PARK DEVELOPMENT • A refresh of the lower children’s playground at Hamilton Lake programmed to happen in the next 12 • Development largely completed. Planning underway Domain is underway as well as months (June 2019 – July 2020). for the official opening. the Melville Park playground. CITY WIDE TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME OUTCOME WHERE ARE WE AT Ka whai hua te hootaka whakawhanake RING RD I ngaa kaupapa waka ki Kirikiriroa; On and off ramps are under construction. Further • whakamana tupuranga earthworks and construction for the new bridge to Peacocke will also start. • whakapai ake haumaru • whakawhaanui ake ngaa koowhiringa waka TE AWA CYCLE PATH The Transport Improvement Design is almost complete subject to NZ Transport Agency funding approval. We are programme is delivering the planning to get underway with construction Access Hamilton outcomes of; later this year. • enabling growth • improving safety TRANSPORT CHOICE EASTERN PATHWAYS • improving transport choice We have identified key sites across the city to improve Previously known as School Link and University Link, this pedestrian and cyclist safety. These improvements will project is in business case phase to confirm the concept create a safe and sustainable transport network. design and associated funding. WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT We are all about improving the wellbeing BRYCE ST/ANGLESEA ST of Hamiltonians and making our city a BIKING CONNECTIVITY INTERSECTION UPGRADE great place to live, work, play and visit. As Construction on the Claudelands Rd Design is underway with planned construction in we develop our roads, we need to clearly cycleway is underway and will be early 2020. completed by October. understand and plan for the things that Other key cycling routes have make the most difference to our city. been identified including along the Gordonton Rd corridor with This is a look forward to some key projects construction work planned to start BADER ST IMPROVEMENTS on this project this financial year. programmed to happen in the next 12 Construction work has started. These works will improve months (June 2019 – July 2020). the safety of pedestrians and cyclists along this corridor. CITY WIDE WATERS PROGRAMME OUTCOME WHERE ARE WE AT Kia tika te ratonga wai moo naaianei me anamata. PUKETE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE Construction is underway for a significant Ensuring the provision of capacity upgrade of the Pukete Wastewater essential water services that Treatment Plant. allow for future growth and compliance. HILLSBOROUGH PUMP STATION WAIORA WATER TREATMENT PLANT Design complete. Construction due to start late 2019. UPGRADE WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT Construction is underway for upgrading the chemical facility at the Plant. Design is underway for new STORMWATER NETWORK IMPROVEMENTS clarifiers, sand filters, balancing tankand pump station We are all about improving the wellbeing Concept designs for stream/watercourse erosion to increase our plants treatment capacity. control are underway across the city. of Hamiltonians and making our city a great place to live, work, play and visit. We are making sure we can provide essential water, WATER NETWORK UPGRADES INTEGRATED CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT wastewater and stormwater services for Planning/implementation for a city-wide water network PLANS (ICMP) upgrade is underway. Works at the Fairfield reservoir ICMPs to plan and manage stormwater across the city’s Hamiltonians now and in the future. are underway, and design is progressing for works at the catchments are underway.
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