' I I I I 6 O'CLOCK J 6 O'CLOCK fl PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1887. PRICE ONE CENT, '.9j TWCLFTn DISTBICT. NINITXENTU DISTBICT. SEC. OF STATE, OOVEBNOn, DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. Wm. Tan, D 8,188 John Connelly, D. 6,883 1SS7. RACING IVY 1,010 CCS 1S. AT CITY. MaxAlteman, u. L John J. Cameron, R 4, Oranl. Cook. Dattnport. ITttl. LINGG'S INSANITY W. G. MoLauthlln, U. L. 8.344 : Tail's Plurality 4,178 Queen 8,873 1,030 THlnTEXKTlI DISTBICT. Connelly's plurality 1,723 Rensselaer... 8,500 1,037 1,83)1 James A. Cowle 8,037 TWXNTIETH DISTRICT. Richmond... 1,373 Day fop Secretary U Rockland 800 636 First of the Jockey Club's Cook's Plurality John Deorlnc, 1.98S W. n. Ilorntdge, D ,5l Probably No Hanging at CMotig&iH J. o. McMurraj.lt 8,204 Loula Berliner. 1)538 St Lawrence. 0,800 6,234 Lewis J. Mulleu, U. 653 Second Autumn Mooting. of State 18.245, L... - ErneitBohm, P. L 431 Saratoga eon 631 on Friday. S8 800 . 239 JM Cowle'a plurality Ilornldge's majority 4,794 Schsnectady, FOUKTIKKTn DISTBIOT. 1,400 1,837 ''leBBam! TWINTT-FIBS- T DISTBICT. Bcboharto.... 8,321 Tho Weather Ploatant, Track tho Corrected Fleuros and Results of Yeiter J. F. Dntler, D Sotinjlcr COO 27 tho Fat, An Application II. Klarman, It T4T Ernest II. Crobr, it 8,117 Made for a Commission I) Bcncoa BOO Racing, Attcndanco and Time Cood, DjjH day's Election. Peter C. Bambersor, U. L 1,312 A. L. Jacotw, 2,060 878 Lunatlco Inqulrendo. John J. u'Brlen, U. L 133 Bteuben PS9 1370 H pluralltr 1,809 801 Butler's Crosby's plurality. 457 8uno1k 801 rlPTXBNTII DISTBICT. 800 Col. Voto Unexpectedly Heavy TWENTY-SECON- Sullivan 188 The Honor About Rventy Divided by tho fellows' D DISTBIOT. Every 11. J. Sullivan, I) 8.763 Tioga (W) 4.ts Iteaeon to Relieve That the Jadfte j Downtown nnd an the Iast nnd ffnt Werner llrmi", H 2,424 J. Blumenthal, D , 7,631 Fnvorltr nnd Tlio Win- M. 11 4,803 Tompkins.... 950 CBO Will (Irani the Application-- OH Tames T. Cougtilln, TJ. L 1,602 O'Dalr, If IJnM Hlileft EiTect of the I'nlllno; In the TJ. '. ner Mnla. Harvard. Dnnbayne. nesslo F. W. Tlchna, L 1,937 Ulster 43 lis Not Hung; on Friday the Others Cnnaot'ljBbfH Oeorae Tote Contest In Close District Sullivan's plurality 839 Warren 430 Jane nnd KrnnUle II Unrnnin' (Owner Blumental'a majority 8,331 717 lie Nobody Relieve lie I Insane, bat r(ig Compnrleon with Show. 8IITKKNTU DISTBIOT. Washington . 1.C0O ,930 In Tbt I.rut Year TWBNTT-TnlR- D DISTRICT, Itnn Him Consecutive Race. .Toseph Murray, D 3,773 Wayne. 1,840 Dlnst be Mettled by a Jnry A Great 8 'LWmmA Nicholas Tt. D B,43 1,151 Cuarles Cooper, U, -- . 2,048 O'Connor, Thoro Me only a fow corrections to be J. h - Henry (iroMo, , Weatehcator. 100 1,477 Judget Odenllow O. M. Oyster, Jr.. antlon In Chlrnso Follows this Move. f,jSjmLmW it b.ot F. M. tho, city voto given Jerome O'Neill, U. L 8,734 Wyoming.... 1,030 Draner. rotulo in results of tlio as Murray's plurality 1,123 1,173 Tlnwrs v. P. llnrch and W. D. Jennings. Yates 1.00Q ISriCIALTOTBEXVZHINOWOaLD.J in the latest extra edition of the Evenino BKVRNTBEKTn DISTBICT. O'Connor's plurality 3,803 1,031 Keiretarv II. D. Melnlyro. 4lH CM F. Caldwell. CnicAoo, Nov. 9. looks as William C. Itlnokhotl, D 4, TWENTT-FOORT- StarttrJ. It though World Inst night. Tho complete returns II OISTnlOT. Total 60,79T 79,042 58,803 HobcrtS. Dobblo, It 8,933 09,093 Sl'XCIAI. TO THK ITIHINO WORLD. 1 cunning tbH show that Col. Fcllows's plurnlity is larger J. Murphy, U. L , 3,601 John B. Bha, D 6,630 Hill's plurality 11,134 frionds of tho Anarchists had, witlt John W. H. midland, R 2,163 Ivr Citt Rack Tiiack, WAsniNOTON, D. C, 9H than it was estimated to lie. Ho polled an Cook's plurality 18,345 ono blow, proventod hanging 1,891 Clarence a Graves, U. h 998 Nov. 9. Tho Nntionnl Jooltoy Club began its the of the unexpectedly heavy voto downtown nnd on Illackholl'a plurality AajH XK1UTEBNTD DISTRICT. second autumn mootinc During the archists Friday, and perhaps saved the cast and west sides of tho city, as a glanco Shea's plurality 3,888 ineirfH J. T, Fltmlmmom, D 4,M7 TITE KEXT LEGISLATURE. morniiiRtho weathor was dooldodly cold, but lives. ''JLWnW at tho figures by Assembly districts will show. William J. llojnun, U. L 3,803 Tho Tata for Civil Justices. SO it improved ns tho dny ndvrtncod, so that it Tho falling oil iu the voto of tho Labor John Hell, Ind FIRST DISTRICT. "Tom" Piatt Holds the Hennto-Deinocr- ntlc Tho application for a lunacy commission was cinito pleasant durlnc the rncinrr. Tho M party had much to do with Col. FoIIowb'b Fltzslmmoaa's majority, 664 Michael Norton. D B,753 iinlns In Ttotli Ilrnnr.hrn. in tho caso of Louis Lingg has dono all tnhvV(H F. T. FJUgerald, R 8,979 There seems no Legls-latur- o nttondanco wns not largu. tho trniiis from election. Thoro is no doubt that he'rccclvcd NINETEENTH DISTRICT. to be doubt that the next will bo Republican In Unltimoro lirinuiiin less peoplo than on any FATjLIXO llETWKr.X TITO STOOZH. lt is certain that Lingg cannot bo hanged two-third- I) C,4Sl both branches. Tho the votes of s of the men who voted JotmMmraT, Norton's majority 1,778 jjM JohaW. Noble, 11 4,037 Democrats nave lust two Senators In tho Eighth and day during the first mooting. In tho betting Friday. Tho hearing as to his lunaoy must George Mayor last year, TJ. SECOND DISTRIOT. 4 l Great for for Wm. C. Anderaon, 1 8,216 Twelfth, but have gained tho Fourteenth, ring thoro ara fourtoon of tlio original book- The Mrpubllean l'nrlu FaiU it land-ta- Charles M. Clancey, T. 3,429 be granted. The law does not admit of aay-jH- 'H x II but who did not support tho Twenty-nint- h Straddle Act. Hurraj'i majority 338 John Oailaahor, IT. L 3,103 and dlntrlcta by defeating makers, nono of whom wero overwholmod advocate for Secretary of State Denis c, D 97 Connelly, Uanoon othor course. The hearing must bo in opes'HH TWENTIETH DISTBIOT. Burns, Manvlllo aud respectively. with business. Tho track Is fast, and tho rac- Republicans who enlisted In the House Democrats havo even bet- 1 this year. The II. Ounther, D 8,865 Clanoey'a plurality 8,233 the dono ing began ith an upsot for tho favorito, srchlst, dam .Mais, 93 ..(Tabor) court. It cannot possibly bo rnshod througbJrjjB tho Labor party appear to have deserted it John Adler. It 8,668 ter. They mado a total gain of seven, although King of Norfolk, ridden by McLaughlin. Ho Joe Cotton, 115 (J. McLaughlin; i in 110 8 likely J. Uolan, U. h 1)468 THIRD DISTBIOT. they lost two In Kings. managed Brail, (Douglaa It is altogothor that for tho Democratic party. Col. Fellows From this county the to finish second to Davis llruughlon, 133.. , (Anderson o - George B. Deano, R T,9M fa- the support of tho German Republi- Jr., will have one Senator, Van A Hall's mnro, tho socond 100 (Kenny o will tnko a month at least. Quntocr'a plurality 1,191 D 4,960 Cott, throe-quarte- cans and also that of the Socialistic Iteptibli- - John J. Adams. vorito, who did tho in Nellie Van, 101 (Itaflcm o TWEHTT-riBS- T DIBTBICTi J. D. Billings, U. L 1,062 who succeeds Dunham In tho Eighth, and three The terms of the Judgment are believed i'll cans. It is thought that the Progressive Labor 1.10. Tho socond raco was vory'stmllar. Nettle, 103 (Chappclli 0 ;, Btcrm, D 8,886 members of Assembly, Morgan ?n the Seventh, 96 0 teH party gave Col. Fellows at least 8,000 votes. Walter ..u.. Deane's plurality 9,708 Uarnum was a strong favorito, but the old Pegamia, (Hmnott be Huoh that tho man must all bo hanged Mr. Nicoll pollod a heavy vote In the Joseph Murray, II 8,148 Hamilton In the Eleventh and Crosby lu the Twonty. horso could not gn tho paco, and Harvard Ten Htrlkn, 107 (Martini 0 tcuH Seventh, Ninth, Tenth. Eleventh, Thir- Jotin Kelly, u. h 462 rOUBTH DISTBICT. Drat. won somowhnt ensily, running tho milo lu Voabnrg, 93 (It. LewL) 0 gothor, if any of thorn nro hangod. unless, D 11,030 Wlndsall, 99 (Palmor) o DaH Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-firs- t, Alfred Steckler, SENATORS ELECTED. his backors in tho mutttols gottiug $95 teenth, Storm's plurality 708 Henry Botty, R 7.SS1 mOBABLT 1.42, Time 1.44V. Betting 5 to 3 on Joo Cotton, 6 deed, tho Governor interferes in behalf Twenty-thir- d and Twenty-fourt- h As-- C for each of Notwithstanding 1 1 Vos-bur- g, TWENTY-SECON- DISTBICT. Jfl, DM. their "flvos." to against Ten Strike, 10 to against of'H f ecmbly districts. Tho Republicans did not Steepler's majority 8,158 J. Kdward F. Faian.TJ." 17. Norton Ohs, D. that Raruum wns clearly outrun in tho scoond 11 to 1 esch Rrughton, Pegasus and Nettle, some thorn.
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