THE LITTLE PARPE WITH AB IG PRICELESS October 5 ~ 18, 2016 TheResidentGoodNews TheResident.com Twitter@Resident_News 16 11 5 4 8 IN BIZ IN RESIDENT Robert Guffey 3 Mark Grader 13 Pam Days-Luketich 12 Bruce Morrow 13 Geoff Chase 7 Cardinal Honda Grader Jewelers Chelsea Groton Bank Valenti Subaru Harp & Dragon 2 October 5 ~ October 18, 2016 the Resident 860.599.1221 www.theresident.com facebook.com/TheResidentGoodNews Twitter@Resident_News Shop Local Free Admission FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1950 Saturday, October 8th 11AM – 5PM • Rain or Shine Free Parking & Shuttle from Grasso Tech WINTER CAP Poquonnock Plains Park, 150 Fort Hill Road IT CAN GO DOWN, BUT NEVER UP! For forms visit Major Sponsors: Information Line: 860-572-9578 • Groton Utilities www.BenvenutiOil.com • Groton Parks and Recreation or call us at Department • Stonington Odd Fellows 860.443.6115 CT HODA Full 243 ServiceAct Neighborhood now while suppliesPharmacy last! Lodge #26 CT LIC 306827 Caring For You for more than 50 Years Transfer your prescriptions to CONSTRUCTION LOANS FORT HILL PHARMACY WITH LOW RATES FOR ANY PROJECT. A Full Service Neighborhood Pharmacy Average wait time is less than 10 minutes! Call us for details about any Caring For You for more than 50 Years of our many loan programs. Our threeShingles pharmacists Vaccine have -50 Prescription years of experience Required and will treat you like family! Transfer your prescriptions to FORT HILL PHARMACY . 5% down payment options available. Flu, Pneumonia - Available Everyday . The rate is fixed for the life of the loan. Average wait time is less than 10 minutes! . One closing. • Shingles/• Synchronized Pneumonia Prescription Vaccine - RefiNo Appointmentll Necessary- . Land and building packages available. Prescription Required ChimneyChimney . Complete an addition to your current home. Blister Packaging . Local decision-making; experienced staff. • Synchronized Prescription Refill Each blister •pack Free is labeledBlister with Packaging Chimney CALL LESLIE ROBBINS, Account Executive day/date/time to be taken - Call for Details ChimneyChampsChamps NMLS: 66731 | Bank NMLS: 493637 20’ Each blister pack is labeled with day & time to be taken - Call for Details CELL PHONE: (860)608-3560 20’ We accept most Goodrx.com prices. ProjectProject Address: Address: [email protected] ChampsChamps 20’ FREE DELIVERY 184184 Dowd Dowd St. St. Apply online at pbolc.com. 20’ FREE DELIVERY Project Address: in Groton, Mystic, Noank, North Stonington, ChimneyChimneyProjectNewington,Newington, Address: CT CT 06111 06111 PLAINFIELD Gales Ferry, Ledyard, Pawcatuck Chimney184 Dowd St. PUTNAM GRISWOLD 860-445-6431 184 Dowd St. POMFRET CENTER NORWICHChimney 116 Fort Hill Rd., Groton Newington,Newington, CT CT 06111 06111 DANIELSON GALES FERRY 860.445.6431d659007 Mon.-Fri. 9-7 • Sat. 9-5 • Closed Sundays ChampsChampsChampsSPISPI WO WO #: #:1990519905 Other down payment options are available. An example of a 5% down payment option for a $100,000 loan amount, 9-month construction20’ phase. 15- or20’ 30- Most Insurances116 Accepted Fort Hill Rd., Groton year repayment term would be Interest payments due during the 9-month construction phase, followed by 180 monthly payments20’ of $724.75 or 360 monthlyChamps ProjectProject Address: Address:Project Address:Issue Date: 4/28/2014 payments of $490.22 respectively (consisting of principal, interest and private mortgage insurance). Payments assume a credit score of 760 or greater. Home We BEAT most chain prices! Mon.-Fri. 9-7 • Sat. 9-5 • Closed Sundays SPISPI WO WOIssue #: #:19905 19905Date: 4/28/2014 Owners Insurance required on structure. Additional amounts may be required for taxes and insurance premiums and the actual payment obligation may be Our greeting cards are Most Insurances Accepted 20’ Project Address: 184184 Dowd Dowd St. St. 184 Dowd St. greater. Subject to approval. Other terms and conditions may apply. always half-off. Including CVS Caremark IssueIssue Date: Date:4/28/20144/28/2014 Newington,Newington, CT CT 06111Newington, 06111 CT 06111 860-928-6501 1-800-377-4424 putnambank.com 184 Dowd St. Gift items available. Senior Discounts Everyday Salesperson:Salesperson:KevinKevin Farrelly Farrelly Newington, CT 06111 Salesperson:Salesperson:Designer:Designer:KevinKevinS.K.S.K. Farrelly Farrelly SPISPI WO WO #: #:1990519905SPI WO #:19905Designer: S.K. Designer:DRAWINGSS.K. ARE NOT TO SCALE FULLY LICENSED & INSURED Issue Date: 4/28/2014 DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO SCALE SPI WO #:19905 Issue Date: 4/28/2014Issue Date: 4/28/2014 5’5’ FREE ESTIMATES NEWNEW CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGSDRAWINGSUNLESSUNLESS ARE ARE OTHERWISE OTHERWISE NOT NOT TO TO SCALE SCALE NOTED NOTED 5’5’ Issue Date: 4/28/2014 UNLESSUNLESS OTHERWISE OTHERWISE NOTED NOTED FREE INSPECTIONS REPAIRS Salesperson:Salesperson:KevinKevinSalesperson: Farrelly Farrelly Kevin Farrelly REPAIRS Revisions:Revisions: Designer:Designer:S.K.S.K. Designer: S.K.Revisions: Salesperson: Kevin Farrelly CAPS Revisions: Designer: S.K. CAPS DRAWINGSDRAWINGS ARE AREDRAWINGS NOT NOT TO TO SCALE SCALE ARE NOT TO SCALE 5’5’ 5’ UNLESSUNLESS OTHERWISE OTHERWISEUNLESS NOTED NOTED OTHERWISE NOTED DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO SCALE CHIMNEY LINERS 5’ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CHIMNEY LINERS Revisions:Revisions: 10’10’ RESTORATION Revisions: 10’10’ Revisions: RESTORATIONSTUCCO “When“When it comes it comes to to chimneys chimneys wewe Knock Knock Out Out the the competition!” competition!” STUCCO 10’ SERVING CT & RI 10’ 10’ 5’ 5’ 5’5’ CT HIC# 628054 10’ 860-594-8607 RI HIC# 628005 5’5’ 5’ 5’ QTY. 2 - 10’ x 20’ split QTY.QTY. 2 2 - -10’QTY. 10’ x x 220’ 20’ - 10’ split split x 20’ split QTY.QTY. 2 2 - -10’ 10’ x x 20’ 20’ split split QTY. 2 - 10’ x 20’ split QTY. 2 - 10’ x 20’ split CustomerCustomer Approval: Approval: APPROVEDAPPROVED APPROVEDAPPROVED AS AS NOTED NOTED REVISEREVISE & & RESUBMIT RESUBMIT SIGNSIGN TYPE TYPE CustomerCustomer Approval: Approval: APPROVEDAPPROVED APPROVEDAPPROVED AS AS NOTED NOTED REVISEREVISE & & RESUBMIT RESUBMIT BannersBannersSIGNSIGN TYPE TYPE SIGN TYPE BannersBanners CustomerCustomer Approval: Approval: APPROVEDAPPROVEDPRINT APPROVEDAPPROVED AS AS NOTED NOTED SIGNREVISEREVISE & & RESUBMIT RESUBMIT DATE SIGN TYPE PAGEPAGE Customer Approval: PRINTAPPROVED APPROVED AS NOTEDSIGN REVISE & RESUBMIT DATE SIGN TYPE ©© COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHTPRINTPRINT 2013 2013, ,BY BY SIGN SIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. ALL ALL DESIGNS DESIGNS PRESENTED PRESENTEDSIGNSIGN ARE ARE THE THE SOLE SOLE PROPERTY PROPERTY OF OF DATESIGN DATESIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. BannersBanners 1 ofPAGE PAGE2 Customer Approval: APPROVED APPROVED AS NOTED REVISE & RESUBMIT ANDAND MAY MAY NOT NOT BE BE REPRODUCED REPRODUCED IN IN PART PART OR OR WHOLE WHOLE WITHOUT WITHOUT WRITTEN WRITTEN PERMISSION PERMISSION FROM FROM SIGN SIGN PRO PROSIGN INC. INC. TYPE 1 of 2 ©© COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT 2013 2013, ,BY BY SIGN SIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. ALL ALL DESIGNS DESIGNS PRESENTED PRESENTED ARE ARE THE THE SOLE SOLE PROPERTY PROPERTY OF OF SIGN SIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. Banners ANDAND MAY MAY NOT NOTPRINTPRINT BE BE REPRODUCED REPRODUCED IN IN PART PART OR OR WHOLE WHOLE WITHOUT WITHOUTSIGNSIGN WRITTEN WRITTEN PERMISSION PERMISSION FROM FROMDATEDATE SIGN SIGN PRO PROBanners INC. INC. PAGEPAGE 11 ofof 22 ©© COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT 2013 2013, ,BY BY SIGN PRINTSIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. ALL ALL DESIGNS DESIGNS PRESENTED PRESENTED ARE ARE THE THESIGN SOLE SOLE PROPERTY PROPERTY OF OF SIGN SIGN PRO PRO INC. INC.DATE 1 of 2 PAGE PRINT SIGN ANDANDDATE MAY MAY© NOT NOTCOPYRIGHT BE BE REPRODUCED REPRODUCED 2013, BY IN IN SIGNPART PART PROOR OR WHOLE WHOLEINC. ALL WITHOUT WITHOUT DESIGNS WRITTEN WRITTEN PRESENTED PERMISSION PERMISSION ARE THE FROM FROMSOLE SIGN PROPERTYSIGN PRO PRO INC. INC. OF SIGN PRO INC.PAGE 1 of 2 AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM SIGN PRO INC. 1 of 2 © COPYRIGHT 2013, BY SIGN PRO INC. ALL DESIGNS PRESENTED ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF SIGN PRO INC. AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM SIGN PRO INC. 1 of 2 October 5 ~ October 18, 2016 the Resident 860.599.1221 www.theresident.com facebook.com/TheResidentGoodNews Twitter@Resident_News 3 fromthePublisher residentin biz Local busi ness es find “Res i dent In Busi ness” an ef fec tive way to adver tise. Celebration of Service By telling the com mu ni ty about yourself, you will attract loyal cus tom ers. Res i dents prefer to shop and ob tain ser vic es in a friend ly en vi ron ment. ore than 100 members of local Add your smile to the Resident in Business. 860.599.1221. Lions Clubs cheered their wel- Mcome as Bob Corlew, President, Lions International and his wife, Lion Dianne arrived at Eastern Point Beach, Groton, on a gorgeous sunny afternoon, last week. President Bob learned how Lions District 23C is serving residents and sum- marized successful and new campaigns are being launched around the world on page 11. The Heart Walk was a big success Alexis Ann, editor & publisher, the Resident, joins Scott again for the 27th year! What’s different Gladstone, Co-owner, Wireless Zone, and Billy Caron, Vice this year is the move from Rocky Neck Chair, Montville Town Council at the Bring your Mojo Golf to the Mohegan Reservation. Mohegan Tournament at Great Neck Country Club, benefiting Waterford Chairman Kevin “Red Eagle” Brown Country School, September 15, 2016. chaired this year’s Walk featuring a three- Robert Guffey mile walk, a heart-healthy lunch and kids’ activities and more on page 4. Salesman Pumpkin Chunkin is coming to Stonington Community Center again! Don’t miss out on the fun on Sunday, October 23rd. Enjoy an afternoon of fall festivities perfect for the entire family at Owen Field, Dear Mr. Cardinal, North Main Street on page 5. Another event not to miss is the 11th Annual Fall Festival scheduled for October 8th, rain or shine. This My wife and I visited Cardinal Honda is a special community event created and hosted by the Groton Business Association of the Greater Mystic after a less-than-stellar experience at a Chamber of Commerce.
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