AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Next Parish Council meeting to be held at Wood Lane Community Centre, Apedale Road on Thursday 21st March 2019 at 6.30pm THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT But please note that they may be excluded for any item the Council decide should be treated as confidential Mrs C Withington Clerk/RFO Audley Rural Parish Council 13.03.19 ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE AT 6.30PM 1. To receive apologies 2. To note the approved minutes from last Allotment Cttee meeting 15th March 2018 3. To note income and expenditure for the Parish Council Allotment accounts for 2018/19 PARISH COUNCIL ALLOTMENTS AS AT 11.03.19 Opening Balance at 31.03.18 Estimated -£2,391.97 Opening Balance at 31.03.18 Corrected -£2,415.97 Receipts received during 18/19 Interim H/end £72.00 Receipts for 19/20 see below Audley (new & Old) £0.00 Receipts during 18/19 (for 19/20 Part rent) Halmer End £100.00 £172.00 Less Expenditure during 18/19 (£398.48 Audley & £318.00 H/End) £716.48 Plus outstanding rent Audley Allot 19/20 £672.00 Plus outstanding rent Halmer End 19/20 (part rent up to 31st January 2020) £100.00 PARISH COUNCIL ALLOTMENTS Est Balance at 31.03.18 -£2,188.45 4. To discuss other issues raised by the Allotment tenants as follows: AUDLEY ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION (THROUGH THE NOMINATED SPEAKER) 1. Removal of the membership requirement of the NAS in the terms and conditions, as voted by the members at the AGM. 2. The progress on the erection of a fence behind 4 Alsager Road to make the site secure. 3. Rent freeze for 2020 QUERIES RAISED BY HALMER END TENANTS: None raised 5. To discuss and approve the proposed rent for the following year (2020/21) for Halmer End (1st February 2020 to 31st January 2021) and Audley (1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021) 1 AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Next Parish Council meeting to be held at Wood Lane Community Centre, Apedale Road on Thursday 21st March 2019 at 7.00pm apprx (following the Allotments Committee at 6.30pm) THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT But please note that they may be excluded for any item the Council decide should be treated as confidential Mrs C Withington Clerk/RFO Audley Rural Parish Council 13.03.19 AGENDA 1. To receive apologies – 2. To consider approving and signing the minutes of Full Parish Council meeting on 21st February 2019 3. Decl aration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda (Note member should notify Monitoring officer within 28 days if not already. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships) – See attached guidance 4. Public Participation: Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power for up to 5 minutes each, with the item lasting up to a maximum of 15 minutes. 5. GDPR (standing item) • Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security – reminder • To consider adopting the SCC emails for all Parish Councillors • Acceptable user policy (All to sign) pending above 6. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- 1. Lime (T1) - Fell. The tree is located at the top of a tall retaining wall adjacent to the roadside. The wall has been declared unsafe and liable to collapse onto the highway. The wall cannot be demolished and rebuilt with the tree in-situ and we therefore require permission to remove the tree. There is an immediate safety concern regarding the wall and a swift decision would be appreciated please. St James Church Church Street Audley Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8DE Ref. No: 19/00175/TCA (Village Env/Conservation/Delegated) 2. Change of use from business premises to dwelling (Resubmission of 18/00685/FUL) Former Post Office Unit Automatic Exchange Wilbrahams Walk Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire Ref. No: 19/00159/FUL (Village Env/Delegated/S106 contribution Open space) 3. Detached ancillary accommodation to provide bedroom and washing facilities for a disabled person 30 Grassy Green Lane Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8JB Ref. No: 19/00127/FUL (Green Belt/delegated) 4. Proposed demolition of existing Working Mens Club and the development of 7 new dwelling houses (Resubmission of 18/00329/FUL) Former Halmerend And District Working Mens Club Co Operative Lane Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8BL Ref. No: 19/00117/FUL (Village Env/Green Belt/Delegated) 5. Erection of a detached bungalow in the garden Ferndale Chester Road Audley 2 Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8JD Ref. No: 19/00110/FUL (Village Env/Delegated/Section 106) 6. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/00617/FUL to substitute approved drawings for drawings 26, 27 and 29 to show amendments to plans and elevations of new dwelling Land Adjacent To School House The Drive Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8BB Ref. No: 19/00128/FUL 7. Proposed two storey front extension 16 Fair View Boon Hill Road Bignall End Staffordshire ST7 8LA Ref. No: 19/00106/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated) 8. Prior notification of a single storey rear extension measuring 3.500m in depth, 2.905m Maximum height and 2.025m to the eaves 120B Ravens Lane Bignall End Staffordshire ST7 8PY Ref. No: 19/00107/LEXNOT (Village Env/Delegated) 9. Single storey front extension, single storey rear extension, garage conversion and associated internal alterations Bridge House Shraley Brook Road Halmerend Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire ST7 8DR Ref. No: 19/00099/FUL(Delegated/Green Belt) 10. Detached garage 16 Roberts Close Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8BD Ref. No: 19/00092/FUL (Village Env/Delegated) 7. To consider if there should be arrangements in the event of “Operation London Bridge” 8. Flooding by Hougherwall Road/Grassy Lane – Mr D Jervis 9. Removal of bollards at Podmore Terrace/Hayeswood Lane – Mr M Joynson 10. Standing item - CCTV CCTV in the Village for the prevention and detection of crime 11. Traff ic Sub Group – 14th March 2019 – feedback from meeting held 12. T o consider the costs to convert the existing two Speed Indicator signs to Solar 13. To consider supporting a request to reduce speed limit through Scot Hay from 40 mph to 30 mph and other measures 14. To consider purchasing a dog waste bin along Bignall End Road (FP25) and funding NBC to empty it 15. Leddys Field – use by other groups/organisations 16. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas inc: • To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for February and approval of any action required or taken under Delegated Authority including – refixing the miners cart at Bignall Bank (CAGOO) • To note the intended date for the tree work at Albert Street 17. Request for funding to support The Minnie Pit Centenary Commemorative Group through sponsorship – Mr M Joynson 18. Correspondence and circulars -To review other items received and consider for – next agenda .21 19. To receive an update from Audley LAP and Police / Parish Liaison Committee – Cllr Proctor 20. Clerks Update – (Appendix B) 21. Councillor Reports (for information only/further actions and decisions must be included on next agenda) 22. To approve the schedule of payments (Appendix C) To approve the SPCA subscription for 2019/20 at a cost of £721 23. TO RESOLVE UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE MEETING TO BE DISCUSSED: - Update in relation to the car park Butchers Arms lease – wall/boundary responsibility to Wilbraham House - Update in relation to the Church Car Park Church Street Audley lease 3 .
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