SEDIMENTARY AND PALEOCLIMATIC RESEARCH ON THE PROMETHEI BASIN IN THE SOUTH POLAR CAP OF MARS. E. Velasco Domínguez(1) (2), F. Anguita Virella(1) (3), A. Carrasco Castro(1) (4), R. Gras Peña(1) (5), J. Martín Chivelet(1) (6), I. Iribarren Rodríguez(1) (7). (1)Seminario de Ciencias Planetarias, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Emails:. (2) [email protected], (3) [email protected], (4) [email protected], (5) [email protected], (6)[email protected], (7) [email protected] INTRODUCTION: history of Mars. It possesses a most complete geological history as it contains layers whose Impact cratering is one of the most ages range from Noachian to Amazonian. (Fig. important planetary geological processes in the 1) forming of relief in terrestrial planets. On Mars, many impact craters and basins are probable These sediments come mainly from candidates for sedimentary basins. Chasma Australe, which was carved in Impacts form an uplifted rim as well as Amazonian times [1] providing us therefore a lower basin, creating this way a suitable area with an insight into the recent geological for the study of sedimentary processes. Even on history. The basin was also filled through Viking imagery, a number of eroded channels coming from the western edge of sedimentary series have been identified on the Dorsa Argentea [7], with sediments which craters of Mars’ highlands. possibly contain older rock succession. (Fig. 2) Promethei Basin, a half crescentic depression at the border of Planum Australe, is probably the best example of a Martian sediment trap, since its 900 km wide original impact basin could harbor sedimentary layers several kilometres deep. Fig. 2: Sketch map showing the location of the channels leading from the western edge of the Dorsa Argentea Formation to the surrounding lowlands and into the Argyre Basin. The distribution of Api, Apl, Hd, and HNu and features associated with the south polar deposits are also shown. SP, south pole; PB, Prometheus Basin; dotted line shows extension under polar cap; dashed line shows Chasma Australe; CA, Fig. 1: Geological map of the Promethei Basin. Cavi Angusti; CS, Cavi Sisyphi; arrows within Hd are Amazonian sediments appear in white and blue (Apl, Dorsa Argentea esker-like ridges, and arrows outside Api), those with Hesperian age in pink (Hdu), Hd are channels interpreted to be draining Hd. [7] medium brown (Hdl), and purple (Hr). Finally, Npl1 (in yellow) and Promethei Rupes (dark brown) are The Promethei Basin is located close to Noachian units. [9] the south pole of Mars (75º-85º South and 45º- 135ºEast). Fishbaugh and Head [3] follow This basin has been selected because it hypotheses according to which Mars’ climate is located in an area with some specific changes from cold and wet to colder and dry characteristics which may yield relevant could be due to changes in the planet’s conclusions on the geological and climatic obliquity. If this has been the case, then, the 215 most outstanding climate changes would have including ridges with the same direction as taken place simultaneously in both polar caps, unit 1. Although this terrain is not the only and therefore it should be possible to find one that contains pedestal craters, this evidence of these changes in the sedimentary morphology appears frequently. record of both hemispheres. If this however proved not to be the 4. Base of slope deposits. This unit is case, other possible causes for the climatic composed by materials very similar to unit change can be proposed [3]. Among them, we 2, with most of the bigger craters eroded. In should mention local subcap volcanic eruptions, this area we have found both gravitational a higher geothermal heat flux in the past, a slope deposits as well as fluvial processes much thicker cap, outgassing of volatiles and/or as gullies variations in solar luminosity, polar wander, cap 5. Frontal moraines unit. Similar to 1, though compositional differences, and, finally, it drapes all but the youngest terrains. It frictional heating due to basal sliding. covers units 2,3 and 4. After a first analysis, using Themis 6. Alluvial fans. context images, we have concluded that the 7. Upper glacial unit. It unconformable basin fill has taken place through fluvial- overlies units 1 and 5, and is in turn alluvial, glacial, aeolian and gravitational overlain by the PLD. Here we have found processes. The alternation of alluvial and glacial esker structures. sediments should be an indication of Mars 8. Polar Layered Deposits (PLD). They are climatic changes because these deposits are very young deposits, since they do present formed in very different environmental very few craters. Here, we find several deep contexts. At present, it is highly improbable that valleys or chasmata, the deepest and water liquid can flow over the Mars surface, biggest of them being Chasma Australe. It because in case that it happened, it would is interesting to note that we haven’t found directly sublimate, due to the low atmospheric any trace of sedimentary remains near its pressure. Nevertheless, the presence of fluvial mouth. deposits an paleochannels proves that liquid 9. Barkhanoid dunes present on the bottom of melting water did flow through this area. chasmas. We consider them to be recent formations, as they cover all other EVOLUTION OF THE SEDIMENTARY materials. FILL AT PROMETHEI BASIN Altogether, the sedimentary fill bears the In this note, a preliminary trace of at least four glacier advances and geomorphological map based in Themis context recessions. Further geomorphologic analyses images is presented. It includes the main will surely bring to light an even more morphological features and sedimentary units of complicated palaeoclimatic history. paleoclimatological interest. Subsequent research will improve this preliminary map. PENDING QUESTIONS: From the base to the top of the sequence (figure 3), we find: • Where are the sediments eroded from Chasma Australe? Even supposing that 1. Recessional front moraines, shaped as most PLD materials were ices, one would sinuous strings. They overlie the cratered expect to find well-defined deposits draping the mouth of the chasma, from which at terrain outside the basin as well. They 6 3 record the first great glaciation, and the least 30 · 10 km have been eroded. biggest one of which we have evidence. • Why eskers are limited to only a small part These materials are the most cratered, and of the basin? therefore the oldest sediments in this area. • To discuss the range of transport 2. Alluvial deposits. They are also highly mechanisms of Chasma Australe and the cratered, but most of them (and therefore other re-entrants. also the bigger ones) are eroded. We have • Has there been only one glacial period found braided drainage networks, which are which formed moraines in all the Basin visible in at least one place near the basin areas, even outside the basin? Or have there rim. been two glacial periods, one at older 3. Sheet-flow deposits. These deposits are terrains and another glacial advance on characterized by the lack of big craters. We more recent terrains? have found in this area, near the mouth of Chasma Australe, an exhumed relief 216 PENDING TASKS: caps of Mars: New observations from MOLA data and discussion of some • To use HRSC images to improve the outstanding questions. Icarus 154, 145-161. mapping of the geomorphologic units. For instance, 4. Kolb, E.J., Tanaka, K. L., 2006. o To clear the relations between fluvial Accumulation and erosion of south polar and glacier processes at the number 7 layered deposits in the Promethei Lingula area [see map] region, Planum Australe, Mars. o To study in detail the possible dendritic network at area 2. 5. Mangold, N., 2005. High latitude patterned o To delve in the apparent tectonic grounds on Mars: Classification, control of the deposits inside the distribution and climatic control. Icarus craters outside Promethei Basin 174, 336-359 included at unit 4. o To study in detail the minor re-entrants 6. Márquez, A., Fernández, C., Anguita, F., at unit impact 5. 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