»-"*-, f" .--' % geadsfa-HeraM mmm Read fhe Herald ^ Local News For Local News Summit i**r 8en4n$ Smmmtt for C7 Yeart •t mnd Summit Record .-?'i?r , itil M 4 III MA ftAt Cfty rays of Cranes $12406 in New County Tax Pbn By Candidates for City Votes Summit will be nicked for an The Senatorial battle of the Cranes was brought before additional $12,036 In county taxes Summit voter* last Friday evening at a candidates' meet- this rear under the new "tn* i ing held at City Hall under the sponsorship of the City value" equalization program, ae* Republican Couimittee. cording to a report issued lad Despite a heavy rain the Council chamber was filled week-end by the County Tax to capacity by voters who turned out to hear the various Repub- Board. Under the new "table Sum- Jican mit will pay a tax of $458,745 as candidate* seeking the compared with $446,71* under Contests Plrty nowinatiott for county and the old system. One of the hardest hit com- Since there is no Primary con- munities under Uie new plan is Following ii a brief summary teat for nay oi the municipal of- Berkeley Heights where a f8fc> of the Primary Election that will fices, candidates for those berths #0tf increase is in prespect. '13K held next Tuesday, April 17. confined their remark»fto brief; y ; new equalization tax for that Local polling placet witt be open introduction*. ' "t" community will be , $m,m. from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sample The local candidates are K. Under the old plat) Berkeley ballot* should be received by aU Wallace "Wilkinson, Councilman Height's county tat would be registered votera by the end of for Ward i; Fletcher P. Thorn- this week. ton, Jr., Councilman for Ward 2, There are no Republican Pri- and Harry C. Kates, seeking re- Hew Providence wilt have to mary contests in Summit or New election for (Sty Clerk. pay an additional $3,858 under Crane* Bold Spotlight the true value system, for a total Providence. Berkeley Heights haa county tax payment « $121,717. a GOP contest for Township Com- It was evident that the main Berkeley Heights has been as* mittee and for Tax Assessor. interest in Summit, as it is sessing its properties at only 20 Among Republicans there are throughout Union County, is fo- per cent of true value and last the following county conteata: cused upon the spirited contest year paid the county only $73,- For Congress, two candidate!, being carried on between Robert 513.18. Mrs. Florence P. Dwyer, Mrs, C .Crane of Westfield, publisher Berkeley Heights was one of Irene T. Griffin. and editor of The Elizabeth Daily the leaders in the municipal For State Senator from Vnlon Journal, and Assembly man Car- IEET ME 09 ST. lOtHB if the theme song of the above Submit High County, three candidates, Robert lyle W. Crane, former mayor of fight recently to oppose the IE WAtBW-Ahave are members to right, standing, are Tony Cardone, Jim Ahern, C, Crane. Carlyle W. Crane, C. khl students who fiave Been selected to ting with the National High equalization program. Joined by oiti* te league all-stars, tome of the 71 Jim Alderswi, Sonny Steplight, Bob Kuboch, John Plainfield. The third contender Chows la that cHy on Monday as a highlight of the Music other county towns, but not Sum- Clifford Thomat. for the Senate seat. Assemblyman - athletes last Thursday at a buffet rapper Scheppe. Alfred Dennis, Recreation supervisor. For three vacancies on the m National, Conference. They also will appear on this Sun- mit, the group engaged counsel Recreation Center by the Board uf Front, Dick O'DonneU, Eddie Betts and Daniel G, Clifford Thomas, was not pres- j Wide, Wide-World" W'program. Left to tight, above, tr* heW tt Ei Board of Chosen Freeholders, and a tax expert to* ptead their Rectt if-the city b»iketb*ll league (Story.on Page 22)—Wolin photo. ent at Friday's meeting. m Ludlaw and Carol Meacbam, awl standing, Florence Staplin and MSSJM i i caie but the attempt was unsuc- An. estira M0 attended the event. Above, left ^r»»r^ti5tnr ~first ''™' iraeme Cowan. cessful. ninger, George W. llerlich, Sher- wood C. Valentine, Mrs. Anna M. for the Senatorial candidates, Comity Bate Slashed Murray, Eugene Daly, Harry A. told the audience that he hopes The county rate will be set at Wierenfia, Ogden Seattle, to unite the He-publican Party in 32.27 cents per $100 of evaluation Council Urged to Hire Tree Summit Man, 26, The Summit Herald will give Union County "and make it tour High School Spring Brings under the equalization program. LOCAL election results Tuesday strong . .have it really stand Without equalization it would Expert on/u//-T/me Basis after 10:30 p.m. to all who call for something." have been 92.19. The county rate Dies from Auto Re decried the factional rifts Upswing in for last year was 89.8 cents per the editorial department, CRest- Youths to Sing in that wjU pro- that are evident among county $100. open space of at least two feet view 3-4O0O. County results will vide tighten controls oa shade tree outside tlie base of trees on all not bo available. , Republicans and urged "indivi- This year for fit* first time the malntenantfe and the creation of Crash Injuries dual heroes" aM'ljyphenatcd sides, St. Louis Concert Local Building amount each municipality must local Shjrde Tree Commission A Canoe Brook Country Club Republicanism" be discarded for Fear Summit Kga School xoslc pay in county taxes Is being com* to tBper%l maintenance are The Committee declared that it firm Party solidarity. - New construction during the puted on the basis of the full employee, Patrick Ormond, 2$, Mrs. 6. D. Smith jtadenU have been selected o ap- month of March took a $60 755 up- ! by lp*j Shade Tree Commit- had engaged a representative of died early Saturday morning from Plead, for t'nlty «ar a the National High School value of the real property in each ial report submitted community. It is being done in the Bartlett Tree Company to injuries received when he crashed "We have had to*, l*any <mm. Orchestra, and Band grouo turn from February but fell con- Council accordance with slate law. ^uate-the conditlol) cf Summit his automobile into a utility pole that will present a concert at SI. siderably short of the $388,800 Mew President of hyphenated Republicans tit fci previous, years the assess* ftjee state* tBa^t^iade ttieet trtes «nd he reported they on Springfield avenue, Berkeley V«ka COW" »e d«Ul Lwii oa Monday for the fiftieth figure set for last year. ft Wi $njh;ttit needa*j» lasiwrsary cf the Haste. Sdoca nicnts assigned by the nuwlcl- were in ne«4 of "f*tw*ive «h Heights,-.-between PlaiafieW and e Ha. _ w to the report «f at tho-cit|"fi Overlook Rwanj, Dwj pttHles 'vvvc j.fi'egtcd>tas "fuil Snyd^i* AV£nue?i'"' '"* .... Dwj e om ta pfesenP program cf having -a- palw." . ' * • ? ** ^^ Poland Levesquc, vahie" tor connty tax purposes. Mr*. George D. Smith «f 175 Caie BbRepublican*l , that city. Committee work in cooperation Local Trees ttatardoui Police said that tho youth was lie local group wiU appear with •or, the March, 1958 figure was Berkeley Height*, dark, Cran- driving east "at a higli rate of Springfield avenue was elected poWlcans, ford, Fanwood, Garwood, Kenfl* with the pubKc works committee Mis report cited hundreds of Kher- in a televised rehearsal for $197,930, as compared with the speed" and hit the pole, shatter- the new president of tfie Over- cans andTaJtRepublji worth, Mountainside, New Provi- of the CounciTand the City En- trees In almost all areas of the look Hospital Women's Auxiliary time for our party tie tcncert that will be seen this February, 195G, total of $137,«5. gineer "has nbt proven practical." ing in into three sections. The dence, Rose-lie Park, Scotch city that are hazardous to all at the annual meeting held last concerted line of a Ssnday 03 the "Wide, Wide florid" Building permits were issued to Plains, Springfield, Summit, Urge Fuli-Time Employer car turned over and landed on its types of vehicular and pedestrian roof, pinning Ormond inside the Saturday at the nurses' resi- d»*l in individual ht«w*/' the following: Union and West field will pay If elected he promts*! that U Jfcfceted from Ssmintt High Instead, the Tree Committee wreckage. The accident occurcd dence. She succeeds Mrs. Lesttr more than they would have If the traffic, an abundance of poplnrs would work for an advisory com' MM were Ton Ludlow, Carol Arthur Clerici, 100 Springfield stated, a Commission could em- about 1 a.m. and Ormond died at E. Crone. equalization plan had not been and silver maples, both Species mittee that would "hammer out Ktatbam. Florence Staplin and avenue, $26,000; Rasmus J. Savig, ploy a qualified supervisor In- Overlook Hospital where he was Other officers elected are Mrs. Silver Lake drive, $36,000; adopted. stead of amateurs to handle the "in ill repute as street trees for policy and use that policy as a teeme Cowan. The group <cavei Appeal on Ffle -/ rushed by the Berkeley Heights William S. Sterns; second vice Charles Grillo, 9 Knob Hi" drive care of trees in both the parks several decades," and a prevel* president; Mrs. John W. White, measuring stick for Republican May accompanied by Dante Twelve of the 14 municipalities Rescue Squad at 4:20 a.m.
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