PLANNING & HERITAGE STATEMENT MANOR FARM COTTAGE MAVESYN RIDWARE JANUARY 2021 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement Site Address: Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware, Staffordshire, WS15 3QE Applicant: Mr. D. Clift Proposal: Conversion and alteration of agricultural building to form dwellinghouse Planning & Heritage Statement: Date Issued: 11th January 2020 Job Reference: RDP/2021/003 Report Prepared By: Rob Duncan BSc(Hons) MA MRTPI Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy Ltd Contact Details: Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy Ltd 70 Ferndale Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7DL Email: [email protected] Tel. 07779 783521 _____________________________________________________________________ 2 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement 1 Introduction 1.1 Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy Ltd. has been instructed by Mr. D. Clift to seek full planning permission for the conversion and alteration of an existing agricultural building at Manor Farm Cottage, Manor Lane, Mavesyn Ridware to create a single dwellinghouse. 1.2 The existing building comprises a portal framed structure constructed atop a solid concrete base, with blockwork and metal clad walls, and metal sheeting to its roof. The building is located to the west of the farmhouse, beyond a larger agricultural building that is used for the storage of implements. 1.3 The application proposes to convert the existing building to a dwellinghouse, incorporating internal alterations to retrofit insulation coupled with the insertion of new windows and doors, and provision of some replacement cladding. The resultant accommodation will comprise of an open plan kitchen, lounge and dining area, utility, hallway, three bedrooms and bathroom. 1.4 Externally it is proposed to create a parking area to the immediate north of the building, accessed via the existing gateway off Manor Lane. An area of private amenity is to be provide to the south of the building, with no incursion into the field to the west of the building. 1.5 Pre-application advice has been sought from the Local Authority where it was confirmed that the proposed conversion would accord with Core Policy 6 of the Local Plan Strategy, but that it should be demonstrated that the building is suitable and capable for conversion. The proposal was also considered likely to be acceptable from a Conservation impact perspective provided that the building is designed so as to minimise domestic appearance. _____________________________________________________________________ 3 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement 2 Site Description 2.1 The application site is located within the rural area, on the western fringe of Mavesyn Ridware. The building comprises a portal framed agricultural building, which is open on its eastern elevation, and enclosed with blockwork and metal cladding on its northern, western and southern elevations. To the east of the building lie a small cluster of utilitarian agricultural buildings that are used for the storage of implements. The applicant’s existing farmhouse and a converted outbuilding lie further east of those. Agricultural fields extend to the west and south of the site, with the existing track serving the site enclosing its northern boundary. 2.2 The site as a whole is located within the Mavesyn Ridware Conservation Area. The southern end of the site is also identified on the Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning as lying within Flood Zone 2. The building and its existing access are located wholly within Flood Zone 1. The building is not statutorily listed. The centre of Armitage village lies approximately 1.4 kilometres to the south, accessible via public footpath. The village of Hill Ridware lies 1km to the north. _____________________________________________________________________ 4 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement 3 Planning Policy 3.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires proposals to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan taking into consideration any material considerations relevant to the determination of the application. The Development Plan for this area comprises the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015) of which the following policies are considered to be of relevance: 3.2 Core Policy 3 of the Local Plan Strategy relates to ‘Delivering Sustainable Development’ and states that the Council will require development to contribute to the creation and maintenance of sustainable communities, mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, make prudent use of natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, enable opportunities for renewable energy and help minimise any environmental impacts. To achieve this, development should address a number of key issues, including: • protect and enhance the character and distinctiveness of Lichfield District and its settlements; • protect the amenity of our residents and seek to improve their overall quality of life through the provision of appropriate infrastructure, services and facilities; • assist in the regeneration and evolution of towns and villages and surrounding areas in meeting the changing needs of their population over time and maintain the vitality, viability and vibrancy of local communities; • be of a scale and nature appropriate to its locality; _____________________________________________________________________ 5 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement • encourage the re-use of previously developed land in the most sustainable locations, and encouraging the reuse of buildings as a sustainable option; • reduce the overall need to travel, whilst optimising choice of sustainable modes of travel, particularly walking, cycling and public transport; • guide development away from known areas of flood risk as identified in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Level 1) and Surface Water Management Plan. Where development is proposed in flood risk areas a site-specific flood risk assessment must be undertaken in line with the National Planning Policy Framework; 3.3 Core Policy 6 of the Local Plan Strategy relates to ‘Housing Delivery’ and confirms that outside the key urban and rural settlements only the following residential development will be permitted: • Infill development within a defined village settlement boundary • Affordable housing • Changes of use and conversion schemes • Small-scale development supported by local communities • Agricultural, forestry and other occupational workers dwellings 3.4 Core Policy 6 goes on to state that residential development will be expected to contribute to the achievement of sustainable communities, incorporate high quality design, assist in meeting identified housing needs and deliver the _____________________________________________________________________ 6 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement required, identified physical, green, social and community infrastructure requirements necessary to support sustainable communities. 3.5 Core Policy 14 of the Local Plan Strategy relates to ‘Our Built & Historic Environment’ and states that the District Council will protect and improve the built environment and have special regard to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment through positive action and partnership working. The historic environment contributes to sustainable communities, including economic vitality, and new development must make a positive contribution to the historic environment's local distinctiveness. The significance of designated heritage assets including nationally protected listed buildings and their settings, ancient monuments, archaeological sites and conservation areas and their settings, will be conserved and enhanced and given the highest level of protection. Other heritage assets including locally listed buildings, and locally important parks and gardens will also be conserved and enhanced. In conjunction with Policy NR5, landscapes that form the setting to the built and historic environment will also be conserved and enhanced. Change will be directed to the most appropriate locations taking into account the District's heritage assets and their settings, including the historic landscape, as informed by the local evidence base. Development proposals which conserve and enhance a heritage asset, or its setting will be supported where clear and convincing justification has been provided through an assessment of the significance of the asset or its setting. 3.6 Policy H1 of the Local Plan Strategy relates to ‘A Balanced Housing Market’ and states that new residential developments will include an integrated mix of dwelling types, sizes and tenures based on the latest assessment of housing need. There is currently an imbalance of dwelling types within the District. To redress this, the District Council will actively promote the delivery of smaller properties including two bed apartments and two and three bed _____________________________________________________________________ 7 Manor Farm Cottage, Mavesyn Ridware Planning Statement houses to increase local housing choice and contribute to the development of mixed and sustainable communities. The District Council will also promote the delivery of supported housing and care homes to reflect the needs of the changing demographic profile of the District’s population to 2029. 3.1 Policy NR3 of the Core Strategy relates to ‘Biodiversity, Protected Species and Their Habitats’ and states that development will only be permitted where it: • Protects, enhances, restores
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