Nanoscale characterization of bismuth telluride epitaxic layers by advanced X-ray analysis S´ergio L. Morelh˜ao∗ Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, S˜ao Paulo, SP, Brazil Celso I. Fornari, Paulo H. O. Rappl, and Eduardo Abramof Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, LAS, S˜ao Jos´e dos Campos, SP, Brazil (Dated: June 27, 2018) Topological insulator surface properties are strongly correlated to structural properties, requiring high-resolution techniques capable of probing both surface and bulk structures at once. In this work, high flux of synchrotron source, recursive equations for fast X-ray dynamical diffraction simulation, and genetic algorithm for data fitting are combined to reveal the detailed structure of bismuth telluride epitaxic films with thickness ranging from 8 to 168 nm. It includes stacking sequences, thickness and composition of layers in model structures, interface coherence, surface termination and morphology. These results are in agreement with the surface morphology determined by atomic force microscopy. Moreover, by using X-ray data from zero noise area detector to construct three- dimensional reciprocal space maps, insights into the nanostructure of domains and stacking faults in Bi2Te3 films are given. I. INTRODUCTION A. General problems in nanostructure characterization Nanoscale manufacturing for the modern semiconduc- tor and optical industries makes broad usage of thin crys- talline films and multilayers. Quality control and de- Bismuth chalcogenide compounds have recently at- velopment of new electronic and optical devices demand tracted great attention due to their properties as a three- suitable methods for characterization of these structures. dimensional topological insulator. This new class of Simulations of X-ray scattering and diffraction are well- materials is insulating in the bulk and exhibits gapless established procedure for structural analysis at nanome- metallic surface states with linear energy-momentum dis- ter and subnanometer length scales of layered materials, persion shaped like a Dirac cone. Due to the strong ranging from amorphous films to crystalline ones such spin-orbit coupling, these conducting surface states have as epitaxial layers on single-crystal substrates. Higher electron momentum locked to the spin orientation and are the ordering in stacking sequences of the atomic lay- are protected from scattering mechanisms by time rever- ers, the more pronounced are the diffracted intensities at sal symmetry. Hence, in the absence of external mag- higher angles allowing more refined model structures. X- netic fields, high-mobility spin polarized surface currents ray theories are well comfortable at the limiting cases, ei- can be produced, offering possibilities to new applica- ther amorphous films or perfect periodic layer sequences, 1,2 tions in spintronics . Particularly in Bi2Te3 material, i.e. crystalline films. However, in developing new mate- topological features have been theoretically predicted3 rials and processing technologies, layered materials with and the experimental observation of the metallic sur- random layer sequences of large d-spacing can often be face states, consisting of a single Dirac cone at the Γ found. Combined with the very high dynamical range of point, has been demonstrated by angle resolved photo- advanced X-ray sources and detectors, this kind of ma- electron spectroscopy measurements in bulk crystals4–6. terial represent a challenging in theoretical approach for Insulating bulk samples can be obtained by counter dop- X-ray diffraction simulation13. ing with Sn since it moves the Fermi level to inside the Large d-spacing implies that diffraction peaks are rel- arXiv:1612.09386v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 30 Dec 2016 band gap4. Furthermore, surface states are also present atively close to each other, compromising theoretical ap- in high-quality epitaxial films grown by molecular beam proaches that treat them separately. On the other hand, epitaxy (MBE)7,8. By controlling the MBE growth pa- low order or lack of perfect periodicity produces a system- rameters, thin films with intrinsic conduction through atic degradation of intensity signal in diffraction peaks only topological surface states can be obtained, i.e., films at higher angles. The simple kinematic approach that where the Fermi level is crossing only the V-shaped Dirac neglects refraction and rescattering events of diffracted cone7,8. The metallic states are susceptible to surface photons can be good enough for weak intensity reflec- processes and, consequently, to surface structures9–12. In tions and even regions in between peaks. But, strong this sense, it is desirable to have a fine structural charac- peaks at lower angles as well as diffraction peaks from terization technique able to determine the surface chem- single-crystal substrates may require an approach ac- ical termination, as well as the nanostructure of domains counting for effects of refraction and rescattering. A in topological insulator thin films. similar situation is found in the investigation of surface 2 structures by scanning of crystal truncation rods14–18. At the moment, these effects are accounted for in dy- namical diffraction theories suitable for very crystalline materials. Although long-range scans in reciprocal space, overlapping of diffraction peaks, and even strain in the crystal lattice have been treated within the scope of dy- namical diffraction13,16,19, they are distinct approaches and potential users are discouraged by the mathematical complexity that has to be understood to adapt these ap- proaches to each particular system under investigation. In this scenario, it is of great importance to have an ap- proach that is as simple as the kinematic one, able to ac- count for refraction, absorption, and rescattering in any kind of layered material, and also easily implemented in computer routines for fast simulation of diffraction ex- periments. FIG. 1: (a) Hexagonal crystalline structure of Bi2Te3. The Methods to implement nanostructured models for sim- unit cell is formed by stacking of three quintuple layers (QL) ulation of X-ray diffraction in layered materials are de- along [001] direction. The van der Waals (vdW) coupling scribed here and applied to study the case of bismuth between adjacent QLs through Te atoms is much weaker than telluride epitaxial films grown on barium fluoride (111) that between Te and Bi inside the QL. Atomic inter-layer substrates. A few of such models have already been suc- distances in (b) quintuple layer (QL), non-conventional QL cessfully applied to quantify structural information of (nQL), and (c) septuple layer (SL) sets of monolayers used our bismuth telluride epitaxial films20,21. Long-range here to simulate X-ray diffraction in epitaxial films. scans from model structures are calculated recursively and compared to the actual X-ray diffraction data. Fast 20,22 data calculation allow best-fit procedures for determining δ = 3M/(M+N) . the most probable stacking sequence of atomic monolay- To simulate X-ray diffraction in such films, we consider ers along the epitaxial films, as well as the fraction of two base sets of atomic monolayers (MLs) depicted in surface areas covered with different layer thicknesses. Figs. 1b and 1c. One set is a non-conventional QL (nQL), Te2:Bi2:Te3::Te1:Bi1 in Fig. 1b, in which the Te3::Te1 van der Waals gap is at the middle, and another set that is a 3 4 II. MODEL STRUCTURES septuple layer (SL) with the Bi :Bi BL inserted in the van der Waals gap, Fig. 1c. Model structures starting and ending with conventional QLs are obtained by adding Bi2Te3 crystallizes in a tetradymite-type structure the required Te1:Bi1 and Te2:Bi2:Te3 MLs to complete shown in Fig. 1a. The unit cell of this hexagonal lat- 1 1 2 2 3 the QLs at the bottom and top of the nQL/SL stacking tice is described by stacking of three Te :Bi :Te :Bi :Te sequences. For instance, the sequence quintuple layers (QLs) along the c direction, with a lat- tice parameter c = 30.474 A˚ for the bulk material. Inside 1 1 2 2 3 Te : Bi : nQLJ−1 : SL K : nQLJ−1 : Te : Bi : Te the QL, the neighboring Bi:Te atoms are ionic bonded (1) and the adjacent QLs are van der Waals coupled to each gives rise to the ordered (Bi2)K (Bi2Te3)J(K+1) structure other. The van der Waals gaps give to the structure with composition δ =3K/[J(K +1)+K]. In thick struc- an anisotropic character similar to other layered materi- tures, K 1, the maximum Te deficit that can be ob- als. In-plane lattice constant of the BaF2 (111) surface tained with≫ this sequence is for J = 1 where δ = 3/2, (111) ˚ aS = aS/√2=4.384 A is almost equal to the hexag- corresponding to the (Bi2)1(Bi2Te3)1 structure, i.e. the onal lattice constant a = 4.382 A˚ of Bi2Te3. This small Bi4Te3 phase. By using the sequence in Eq. (1) with lattice mismatch of only 0.04% between both materials K = 0, a pure Bi2Te3 structure with J complete QLs makes BaF2 (111) a suitable substrate for the epitaxy is obtained. Other models with different surface termi- 3 4 3 4 1 of bismuth telluride. In this epitaxy, the Bi2Te3 (001) nations, such as Bi :Bi and Bi :Bi :Te that have been 18 hexagonal planes are parallel to the cubic BaF2 (111) observed in bulk crystals , can also be considered when planes and only the (00L) Bragg peaks with L=3n, where fitting the experimental data. n is a positive integer, are allowed. Epitaxial films of One advantage of using the nQL and SL sets of MLs Bi2Te3−δ with a deficit δ of Te in the range 0 <δ< 1.5 is that in any random stacking sequence there will be at have Bi:Bi bilayers (BLs) inserted in between QLs of least one QL sandwiched in between two consecutive BLs, the Bi2Te3 phase.
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