April 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E499 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE LIFE OF FIRE- COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- ment of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), FIGHTER AND EMT KEVIN LEE VERSARY OF THE GUAHAN which originated in the Congress, and which FRYE LIONS CLUB has been instrumental in protecting the people of Taiwan from the ambitions of the People’s HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Republic of China (PRC). HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK OF GUAM Along with the Six Assurances issued by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA President Ronald Reagan in 1982, the TRA Wednesday, April 12, 2017 forms the basis of our security relationship IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with one of our most important security and Wednesday, April 12, 2017 to commend and congratulate the Guahan trading partners in Asia. The U.S.-Taiwanese Lions Club as they celebrate 25 years of pub- relationship has particular importance for my Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I would like lic service to the people of Guam. The State of Ohio. Ohio’s exports to Taiwan are to honor the life of Mr. Kevin Lee Frye, who Guahan Lions Club was established in 1992 valued at over $500 million a year and are passed away on March 23, 2017 at the age of by a group of business people, teachers, ac- growing in value. Taiwan is also one of our 53. Throughout his life, Mr. Frye was a re- countants, engineers, and government and pri- largest export markets in Asia. Together, the Six Assurances and TRA remain the bedrock spected leader in our community and an ex- vate employees who shared a common desire of the U.S.-Taiwanese relationship, but we emplary Firefighter and Emergency Medical to give back to our community. Throughout its rich history, the Guahan Lions Club has cham- must do more. Technician in both Prince William County and pioned numerous causes and donated thou- As the PRC forges ever-stronger links with the City of Manassas. His dedicated service sands of dollars in support of charitable orga- its neighbors through trade and investment, so helped keep the people of Virginia’s Tenth nizations. we must find new ways to strengthen Taiwan’s District safe for over thirty years, and he will The Guahan Lions Club was charted by the regional presence and secure our own inter- always be remembered. International Association of Lions Clubs on ests in the wake of our withdrawal from the Mr. Frye began his career of service in 1983 March 23, 1992, and since then the club has Trans-Pacific Partnership. It is my hope that advocated for numerous causes and donated with the Buckhall Volunteer Fire Department, we take bilateral steps to deepen our own thousands of dollars in support of charitable trade relationship, which I hope will culminate Company 16, which is located in Manassas, organizations. They were critical to the pas- Virginia. It was here where he held the ranks in a free trade agreement. Such a goal, when sage of local legislation, Guam Public Law achieved, will enhance our own economic of Lieutenant, Captain, and Assistant Chief, In 23–27, that sought to combat graffiti, and they presence in the region and contribute to Tai- October of 1989, Mr. Frye joined the City of held an island-wide ‘‘Graffiti Wipe-out wan’s freedom and prosperity. Manassas Fire and Rescue Department that Camapaign’’ to remove graffiti throughout For myself and on behalf of my constituents, both cooperates and coordinates with the Ma- Guam and ensure that the island was clean. I celebrate our friendship with the people of nassas Volunteer Fire Company and the They have also been strong supporters of the Taiwan as this anniversary approaches, and Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad. Salvation Army, Guma Trankilidat, the Guam Memorial Hospital, St. Dominic Home Care, as offer my congratulations to them as we cele- He honorably served the City of Manassas well as numerous other community and non- brate their democratic way of life. Fire and Rescue Department for over 25 profit organizations. They have also joined years, holding the rank of Lieutenant and also other Lions Clubs in Guam and throughout the f serving on the Health and Safety Committee. region in sharing their knowledge and exper- RECOGNIZING RENARD GROUP AD- During this time he also served as the depart- tise on ways to improve local communities. I join the people of Guam in thanking all VERTISING FOR 40 YEARS SERV- ment’s Training Officer, cultivating a rising ING THE TYLER COMMUNITY generation of new service members that will members of the Guahan Lions Club for their invaluable work to our community. I especially carry on his legacy of dedication as they con- congratulate the Guahan Lions Club’s charter tinue their careers with Mr. Frye’s counsel al- members—Evelyn Angeles, Cely Aquino, HON. LOUIE GOHMERT ways in mind. He always displayed both deter- Thelma Barrozo, Fely Co, Monito Co, Bella OF TEXAS mination and dedication and continued his Duplito, Fernando Duplito, Aida Fernandez, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES training and mentorship of other Firefighters Fred Flores, Mirasol Flores, Rose Hidalgo, and EMT’s even while battling cancer. Nydia Llarenas, Cely Nisperos, Romy Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Through his long and impressive career Mr. Nisperos, Lulu Oliamot, Rolly Ricabar, Yolly Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise in Frye became one of the most respected, sen- Ricabar, Nora Sicad, Bernie Tiong, Lath Tiong, Emelio Uy and Gloria Villanueva—for recognition of Renard Group Advertising, the ior firefighters in the entire department, and oldest advertising agency dedicated to sup- his memory will always be present as a true their foresight and diligence in creating the foundation for their success. porting and assisting the businesses, organi- inspiration to both the department and our On behalf of the people of Guam, I con- zations and charities of Tyler, Texas. This local community. gratulate the Guahan Lions Club on their 25 agency recently celebrated 40 years of dedi- In addition to his selfless legacy and career years of service and look forward to continued cated service to its community. of service, Mr. Frye enjoyed fishing, com- success in the future. As the representative and servant of the 1st pleting home projects, and spending time with f District of Texas, I have had the privilege of his family. He is survived by his wife, Stacy, knowing the city of Tyler, its blessed and be- COMMEMORATING THE ANNIVER- neficent inhabitants along with its very rich his- and his two sons, Zachary and Tyler. He will SARY OF THE TAIWAN RELA- tory. Renard Group truly and accurately pro- be missed by the countless lives he has TIONS ACT motes the pride, passion and personality of touched over his years of public service. the people and businesses who make Tyler Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join HON. JAMES B. RENACCI the remarkable and close-knit Rose Capital me in celebrating the life of, and bidding fare- OF OHIO that it is and proudly will be for the future. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well to, Kevin Lee Frye. May he rest in peace, Accordingly, congratulations is due to and and his family be comforted. Wednesday, April 12, 2017 extended in honor of all those who have con- Mr. RENACCI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- tributed to Renard Group Advertising’s suc- memorate the 38th Anniversary of the enact- cess, especially its founder, Michael P. Smith. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Apr 13, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12AP8.001 E12APPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 12, 2017 HONORING THE 2016–2017 GONZAGA positive impact on Eastern Washington, and Sims, Raegan Koon, and Kandace Davis took BULLDOGS MEN’S BASKETBALL we look forward to their continued success. home the top prize after beating five other TEAM AND THEIR REMARKABLE f squads in the competition. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Originally sponsored by the state in a part- IN RECOGNITION OF THE SIXTH nership with various historic sites, the Quiz GRADERS OF BLUE RIDGE MID- Bowl pits local eighth graders against each HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS DLE SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON other to test their knowledge of North Carolina IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and national history. After the 2008 recession, Wednesday, April 12, 2017 HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK the state cut funding for the event but a few OF VIRGINIA dedicated teachers kept the competition alive. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Now the competition operates as a commu- I rise today to recognize the achievements of Wednesday, April 12, 2017 nity-based event showcasing exceptional stu- the 2016–2017 Gonzaga University Bulldogs dents from both public and private schools. Men’s Basketball Team. After a spectacular Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to This year’s event brought a host of talent 37–2 season culminating in an appearance in recognize and congratulate the sixth grade and I am extremely proud of all of the stu- the NCAA Championship game, we celebrate students of Blue Ridge Middle School located dents who participated. As a history major my- and reflect upon their success. in Loudoun County, Virginia and the adults self, I have a deep appreciation for both our This season once again demonstrated that who worked with them, in creating an extraor- state and nation’s history and I am glad these Gonzaga men’s basketball is one of the na- dinarily successful One to the World Project, students share the same passion.
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