N”Pr Total Hit Killed in Aotion Tactical Operation Divi- Mean Sion Strength Days Number Rates Number Ratul

N”Pr Total Hit Killed in Aotion Tactical Operation Divi- Mean Sion Strength Days Number Rates Number Ratul

TABLE B-6.-U.S. Army ditiriona and rsparatr tagimantal combat [Rate8 8t8t.d M caaea per day Nu2brN ”Pr Total hit Killed in action Tactical operation U.S. Divi- Mean Army Di- sion strength -- visions &YE Number Rate8 Number Rata0 I. Total U.S. Army Divisiona and separate Regi- 4 Jul 1950- mental Combat Teams.. 27 Jul 1958 8 6,522 18,305 104,048 0.87 18,654 0.16 Total Combat Operations (less redePloyha 4 Jul 1950- regrouping, and Army Reserve). 27 Jul 1953 8 5,256 18,177 103,030 1.08 18,498 0.19 II. Defensive Operations (major Communist off eneivea) . 7 376 15,484 27,235 4.67 6,881 1.18 Delaying invaeion of 8outh Korea. 4 Ju1-3 Aug 3 69 12,043 4,579 5.51 1,991 2.40 1950 Defense of Pusan perimeter.. 4 Aug-15 Sep 4 168 14,345 11,431 4.75 2,623 1.09 1950 CCF counteroffensive in North Korea.. 25 Nov-15 Dee 6 34 16,778 3,684 6.46 562 0.99 1950 CCF counterattack in Wonju-Chipyong area 12-21 Feb 1951 3 24 17,220 2,109 5.11 651 1.58 CCF first spring offensive (1951). 22-29 Apr 1951 5 32 18,343 1,914 3.25 314 0.53 CCF second spring offensive (1951). 17-22 May 1951 3 15 19,520 1,221 4.18 333 1.14 CCF attack on we&em and central fronb (1952) . , . 6-13 Ott 1952 1 8 17,395 399 2.88 51 0.37 CCF attack ROK II Corps front (1953). 10-18 Jun 1953 1 9 22,957 998 4.83 174 0.84 Battle of Kumaong River, salient. 14-20 Jul 1953 3 17 21,860 900 2.42 182 0.49 III. Withdrawal Operations (Communiet general offensive). ...* 6 194 15,666 1,795 0.59 310 0.10 Evecuetion of Hungnam. l-24 Deo 1950 2 43 15,044 638 0.99 117 0.18 Withdrawal from North Korea to Line “D”. 2 Dee 195& 4 151 15,843 1,157 0.48 193 0.08 18 Jan 1951 IV. Offensive Operations (major UN offensives). 0 632 17,164 25,737 2.37 3,943 0.36 Breakout of Pusan perimeter. 16-27 Sep 1950 4 48 15,217 4,334 5.94 790 1.08 Inchon landing and liberation of Seoul. 18-30 Sep 1950 1 13 14,127 418 2.28 94 0.51 Operation Thunderbolt-Armed Recon to 25 Jan-20 Feb retake offensive. 1951 6 125 16,495 3,788 1.84 667 0.32 Operation Killer-to reestablish UN Line 21 Feb-7 Mar e&of wonju . 1951 4 56 16,135 1,065 1.18 144 0.16 Operation Ripper-to outflank Seoul and 7 Ma14 Apr capture Chunchon.. 1951 6 161 16,562 3,786 1.41 566 0.21 Operation Rugged-to secure Phase Line KANSAS north of 38th parallel. l-15 Apr 1951 6 44 17,278 1,057 1.40 156 0.21 Operation Dsuntkaa-to secure Phase Line UTAH forward to Line KANSAS. l&22 Apr 1951 3 36 18,479 1,151 1.73 95 0.14 Operation Detonate-to return to 38th 20 May-8 Jun parallel third time and retake Line KANSAS. 1951 6 88 19,201 3,725 2.20 530 0.31 Operation Piledriver-to secure Phase Line WYOMING and The Iron Triangle. 3-12 Jun 1951 4 35 18,622 2,018 3.09 231 0.35 Operation Commando-to secure Phase Line JAMESTOWN. 3-15 Ott 1951 2 16 19,942 2,643 8.28 405 1.27 Operation Nomad and Polar-to eecure Phase Lines later designated aa Line MISSOURI 13-22 Ott 1951 1 10 21,585 1,752 8.12 265 1.23 V. Pursuit and Mopping-up Operations. , . 6 303 16,028 3,594 0.73 702 0.14 Pursuit and mopping-up south of 38th par- 28 Sep-30 Nov allel . 1950 5 113 16,946 832 0.44 194 0.10 Pursuit north of 38th parallel to Y&I river. 5 Ott-27 Nov 5 162 15,601 2,533 1.00 463 0.18 1950 Iwon end pursuit north of 38th 31 Oot-27 Nov allel. .*..... 1950 1 28 14,788 229 0.55 45 0.11 VI. All Defensive Linea (including Limited Opera- tions)..................................... 8 3,751 18,921 44,669 0.63 6,662 0.09 Defensive Linea (excluding Limited Opera- tions)..................................... 8 3,494 IS,-926 26,727 0.40 3,629 0.05 Line “D” (furthest CCF penetration into South Korea-lgbl)........................ 5-29 Jan 1951 6 107 16,548 372 0.21 93 0.05 Line BOSTON (south bank of Han River : 18 Feb-6 Mar southeast of Seoul in I Corps sector). , . 1951 2 32 16,194 147 0.28 22 0.04 Line KANSAS (Eighth Army Phaee Line acroea Korea; north and south of 38th parallel). 4-29 Apr 1951 6 48 17,847 303 0.35 46 0.05 118 leama, bu tadid opmation, U.S. Amu, Korea, July 1060-July 1865 per 1,000 average strength] Wounded in action All nonbattlecauaee Disgase Nonbattle injury - _ - .- - Admiseiona Incl. CR0 canea Excl. CR0 cawe CR0 caaea CR0 canea I Admissionc. I _- Number Rate0 Yumber R8tM Number Rate40 Number Rate0 lJumber Rate0 Humber Rate0 Tumber Rates !Tumber Rate0 12,468 0.10 72,926 0.61 196.376 1.66 74,695 1.47 20,720 0.17 33,076 1.12 960 0.01 41,620 0.36 12,189 0.13 72,343 0.70 160,695 1.68 46,275 1.52 14,626 0.15 OQ,OlS 1.14 796 0.01 36,260 0.38 1,879 0.32 18.476 3.17 16.245 2.79 15,930 2.74 280 0.05 12,045 2.07 25 0.00 3,885 0.67 150 0.18 2,438 2.93 2,160 2.60 2,110 2.54 50 0.06 1,726 2.08 - - 385 0.46 717 0.30 8,091 3.36 8,525 3.55 8.470 3.52 40 0.02 7,2Q6 3.03 15 0.01 1,176 0.49 114 0.20 3,008 5.27 2,070 3.63 2,060 3.61 10 0.02 875 1.53 - 1,185 2.08 162 0.39 1,286 3.14 1,170 2.83 1,160 2.81 10 0.02 706 1.71 - - 465 1.10 219 0.37 1,381 2.35 1,130 1.93 1,096 1.87 35 0.06 725 1.24 - - 370 0.63 116 0.40 772 2.64 530 1.82 496 1.70 35 0.12 350 1.20 - - 145 0.50 119 0.86 229 1.65 170 1.22 135 0.97 35 0.25 110 0.79 - - 25 0.18 145 0.70 679 3.29 186 0.89 166 0.75 26 0.12 125 0.60 5 0.02 30 0.15 137 0.37 581 1.56 305 0.81 250 0.67 50 0.13 136 0.36 6 0.01 115 0.31 205 0.07 1,280 0.42 8,670 2.84 8,616 2.83 45 0.01 4,845 1.59 10 0.00 3,770 1.24 13 0.02 508 0.79 1.460 2.26 1,445 2.23 5 0.01 570 0.88 10 0.02 875 1.35 192 0.08 772 0.32 7,210 3.02 7,170 3.00 40 0.02 4,275 1.79 - 2,895 1.21 2,279 0.21 19,516 1.80 24,870 2.29 24,265 2.24 676 0.05 18,106 1.67 30 0.00 6.160 0.57 340 0.47 3,204 4.39 1,850 2.54 1,845 2.53 - - 1,626 2.09 5 0.01 320 0.44 6 0.03 319 1.74 60 0.33 65 0.30 6 0.03 45 0.25 - - .lO 0.05 218 0.11 2,903 1.41 6,330 3.07 6,280 3.05 50 0.02 4,350 2.11 - 1,930 0.94 117 0.13 804 0.89 2,375 2.62 2,335 2.58 40 0.04 1,640 1.81 - - 695 0.77 32Q 0.12 2,891 1.08 6,860 2.20 5,765 2.16 60 0.03 4,265 1.60 15 0.01 1,500 0.56 136 0.18 705 1.01 1,420 1.87 1,400 1.84 20 0.03 1,086 1.43 - - 316 0.41 73 0.11 983 1.48 1,275 1.92 1.200 1.80 70 0.11 1,020 1.53 5 0.01 180 0.27 376 0.22 2,819 1.67 3,240 1 .Ql 3,100 1.83 140 0.08 2,390 1.41 - - 710 0.42 379 0.68 1,408 2.16 1,460 2.25 1,410 2.17 45 0.07 1,185 1.82 6 0.01 225 0.35 230 0.72 2,008 0.29 605 1 .QO 520 1.63 85 0.27 390 1.22 - - 130 0.41 76 0.36 1,411 6.54 396 1.83 355 1.64 40 0.19 210 0.97 - - 146 0.67 263 0.05 2,028 0.54 8,580 1.77 8.450 1.74 105 0.02 6,175 1.27 25 0.01 2,275 0.47 129 0.07 50Q 0.27 2,890 1.61 2,875 1.50 - - 2,210 1.16 15 0.01 665 0.36 129 0.05 1,941 0.77 4,780 1.89 4,675 1.85 96 0.04 3,455 1.37 10 0.00 1,220 0.48 5 0.01 179 0.43 910 2.19 900 2.17 10 0.02 510 1.23 - 390 0.94 7,563 0.11 30,444 0.43 02.330 1.44 88,016 1.24 13,610 0.19 67,845 0.96 705 0.01 20,170 0.28 5,549 0.08 17,549 0.27 94,280 1.42 80.925 1.22 12,705 0.19 62,265 0.94 650 0.01 18,670 0.28 13 0.01 266 0.15 4,915 2.77 4,835 2.73 75 0.04 3,235 1.83 5 0.00 1.600 0.90 26 0.05 QQ 0.19 1,350 2.61 1,330 2.57 16 0.03 1,030 1.99 5 0.01 300 0.58 74 0.09 183 0.21 1.365 1.60 1,326 1.55 35 0.04 1.035 1.21 5 0.01 290 0.34 119 TABLE B-5.-U.S.

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