The Jewish Social Service Quarterly The Jewish Social Service Quarterly vinced that_Jewis}i cultural work is not a matter of ex- stabilize income and makes it possible for Jewish educa­ Another aspect of community responsibility is training of sary, to curtail certain activities in the entire educational pgfjiyjticy but Jtba,t.. it. is of intrinsic value to the Jewish tional agencies to broaden their program and to improve personnel. American Judaism is still undergoing a process system. But under no circumstances should Federation per­ group and to the individual_ member of the group. their standards of instruction and supervision. of consolidation. Jewish education is yet to discover what mit the paralyzing of the central coordinating agencies, ''The approach to the problem of Jewish education must DR. BENDERLY: The financial aspects of Jewish educa­ is the point of view of American Jewry, what are its aims whose activities are highly integrated and whose functioning tion must be approached from a long range view. In therefore be from the point of view of the future of the and objectives. To do this adequately a personnel that is is essential to Jewish education, even if it is somewhat normal times, it is fair to expect that about 50% of the Jewish group in the United States. If the Jews are intent not alien to American life has to be recruited and trained. reduced in size. on retaining their cultural identity, they must create some cost of elementary education will be borne by the parents; This, too, is a task which only the community can under­ As to the policies Federations are to follow in making mechanisinTbT^Jevnsfi community organization. There is ultimately the income from this source may even be brought take. budgetary adjustments, it is possible to lay down the fol­ reason to "Believe tfiat Federation, with, its oyer emphasis up to about 75%. The community has a right to expect I To summarize: Elementary education will eventually lowing guiding principles: on institutionalism and its preo^pation_ problems of the parents to make some sacrifices for the education of Ibecome the responsibility of the parent. All the other ele- 1. In principle, Jewish education must share, in com­ individual adjustment, is not the mechanism that will serve their children, especially in view of the community's limited Jments in the Jewish education program, supervision, co­ mon with other Federation functions, in the bud­ the cultural survival interests of the Jewish group. But, resources. The remaining 25% must, however, remain ordination, adult education, training of personnel and the getary adjustments which are necessitated by de­ whatever the form of Jewish community organization, it the responsibility of the local community, to be used primar­ 'maintaining of demonstration centers will have to become creasing income. is evident that Jewish education cannot be included merely ily for maintaining a central organization for supervision, fthe responsibility of the community. 2. In making such adjustments care should be taken on the ground of expediency. There must be a clear etc. Federation support of elementary education by means It would be poor judgment for Federation to decrease the not to affect the vitality of Jewish educational effort understandingthatjf_ we want a Jewish community then of supplementation of income of individual schools reaches total amount alloted by it in former years to Jewish educa­ or disrupt its continuity. we must have Jewish education. The question of bud­ at best only about 10% of the elementary school system. tion. Once the total appropriation for this purpose is 3. The particular forms which these adjustments are getary adjustment is only a minor incident in this situation. In New York City, for instance, out of 284 elementary reduced, it will be extremely difficult to bring it back to the to assume should be worked out in agreement with It is also evident that if we accept this fundamental week-day Hebrew Schools only ten receive Federation sup­ original level. An attempt should be made to eliminate or the agencies responsible for the promotion of Jewish objective of Jewish community organization, then we must port. The others have had to force tuition fees, in some reorganize unnecessary or sub-standard schools and, if neces- educational activities. get the community to see it. Federation leadership has instances, to about 80% of their total budget. This is ac­ thus far not been able to project this point of view into complished by means of excluding those unable to pay and the Jewish community, and in this the Jewish educators by putting a greater burden upon the parents. Such ad­ are greatly at fault. Most of them have taken their work justments inevitably work hardship on many of the educa­ for granted, without giving due attention to the contro­ tional institutions and penalize those unable to pay. The Julius Rosenwald versial issues involved. Rightly or wrongly, an impression forced situation is, however, an indication that the income has been gained that Jewish education is alien to American from tuition fees can be normally increased. It requires By CYRUS ADLER life. To overcome this, the Jewish educators must keep some central planning and coordinating agency to regulate in touch with the community; they must make their aims the use of facilities and resources in such a way as to satis­ ULIUS ROSENWALD will be remembered for all time as Whenever he saw that a piece of work had been done and purposes clear to the community. They must demon­ fy the needs of all those who have a right to avail them­ J a man who loved his fellow-men and was willing to that he thought of public use, he would send a telegram or strate that Jewish education can and is being integrated selves of the community's educational facilities. aid them in all endeavors that appealed to his heart or to a letter expressing his gratitude that this work had been with American life. There is also to be considered the scattering of the Jew­ his mind. To him the word philanthropist can be applied done. In other words, although men usually associate phil­ DR. DUSHKIN: With reference to the division of re­ ish population which is bound to result in the establish­ in its original meaning—the lover oi man—and this was anthropy with the giving of money, he expressed it also in sponsibility for the support of Jewish education between ment of smaller schools in more neighborhoods. Advances intensified toward those whom he considered his friends, the encouragement of men who were doing work that he the several groups, it is generally agreed that the basic in educational methods will make it possible to attain satis­ of whom I was happy to be among the number. I can thought useful. This is a trait that will commend itself, I responsibility is that of the parent. This is a point that factory results even in small units. These small units may illustrate this in a personal way. Instead of using general am sure, to those who are engaged in social service. I put must be insisted upon. At the same time, it must be eventually become self-supporting. They will, however, phrases, he liked in a concrete fashion to give people pleasure. it in the forefront of these few words because it represents recognized that income from this source will never be suf­ not be able to maintain their own supervisory facilities, When the building of the Dropsie College was dedicated in that generosity of thought which is not so common as gen­ ficient to cover the cost of extra-mural activities. The which will have to be provided by the central organization. 1912, I had engaged a florist to put a few palms on the erosity of giving on the part of those who have the means cost of elementary Jewish education is at present $40.00— Thought should also be given to the shifting in the age platform and an occasional flower to give the modest hall to give. $50.00 per year per pupil in the week-day schools and from groups for which Jewish education must be provided. The a festive air. I surveyed this work at about five o'clock Julius Rosenwald was a great merchant who had many $15.00 to $20.00 in the Sunday schools. This is a burden average age of entrance in the Hebrew School today is ten in the afternoon and was satisfied. When I came to the years since outlived the conduct of his business for the pur­ that many parents are ordinarily unable to carry, and it years. There are sufficient indications that Jewish educa­ hall in the evening, I was surprised to see that everything pose of the financial result. The technique came to interest would be futile to insist that all of them carry this burden tion in the United States will have to direct its attention that I had placed there was gone and instead the entire him more than the result and his vast and far-flung com­ during the present emergency. to the 10-20 year age group, the group which is subjected platform was banked with beautiful roses and hidden in one mercial operations held the same fascination for him as MR. ROSEN: Income from tuition fees forms at present to outside associational influences to a greater extent than corner the words "Congratulations and good wishes from would the completion of a great epic poem for some master about 40% of the total budget for Jewish education. In the younger age group which comes largely under the in­ Julius Rosenwald", who had taken the trouble to arrange of verse.
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