ifiiMIIIE REPAIRS Bargains OnUMdTires ForJuneßridesWonderful satectisn, of Tires Exchanged engagement and wedding Let us Repair your Flats rings at prices that csanot I, TIREDEPOT— be compared anywere. g Nelson Cardston Cardston Car*U» The News LANG Carl G.T. CARDSTON, THE TEMPLE CITY OF CANADA ||OL XLI,No. 32 CARDSTON, ALBERTA, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1940 SubscriptionPrice, $2.00 Per Year Canadian Amateur Boxing Sessions of Championships Priesthood of 1940 Feature At Conference Priesthood sessions of the Event For Cardston This Year conference held Sunday morning at nine and 10:30 were well at- The 1940 amateur Boxing champions for Can- teded. At the 9 o'clock meeting ada will gain their recognitionthroughout the Dominion MEDALS FOR TOURNAMENT Sunday morning President J.S. onSaturdaynight of this week when the finals take place ON DISPLAY AT NEWS OFFICE Smith told of the outstanding mCardston. The TempleCity of Canada hasjbeen chosen As you pass the windowof The achievements of the Aaronlc Association, News pause a moment to cast priesthood quorums of the Alber- this year by the Canadian Amateur Boxing your eyes on $150-worth of gold ta stake and the objectives and for this annual National event. silver and bronze medals. These progress of the program for 1940. The three nights,. Thursday, medals are tobe presented tothe Mr. Smithis the Stake chairman Friday and Saturday will seeac- fighters at the banquet to be of the Aaronlcpriesthood. tion m the ring thal^ will long be held Saturday night m the Card An eight-minute address on remembered by those who at- House. "What winning the standard tend. Indications, according to There are eight gold medals, quorum award has meant toour the advance sale of tickets, show eight silver medals and six bronz quorum" was givenby Naria Ul- keen Interest m this year's medals. These medals are all bel. Special musical numbers tournament from allparts of the beautifully engraved with "Can- were rendered by Walter Van Dominion and the bordering dian Amateur BoxingChampion- Moorlehem and Melvin Pitcher. statesof the U.S.A. However,itis ship" clearly written on them. Bishop Wlrthlin made a few re- pointed out that the auditorium The winners of these will marks. has been arranged to create truly have somethingtobeproud At the meeting held at 10:30, plenty of, seats, and any who of and toremember Cardston by. an address on,"The Calling of a feel they may have to stand are Teacher According to the Revel- assured otherwise. SWIMMING POOL ations," was given by Arthur C. B. Cheesman, secretary- Excavation on the new swim- Bates. The topic "The Purpose treasurer of the Cardston Ath- ming pool m Cardston is expec- and Meaning of the Sacrament" letic Association, Is m charge of ted tobe finished tomorrow.The was dealth with by Grant Smith. arrangements which have been new pool is located m the west An outline of the objectives and under way for a considerable end of the tourist park and will operation of the Aaronlc Priest- time. Up to press time there has be 32 feet by 82 feet and wllhave hood extension plan was dealt been approximately twenty par- a depth of 9feet at the deep end. Two members of the Grandview Athletic dub, Vancouver, B. € who will take part In the Can- with by Wilfred Hansen. K. L. ticipants registered pool BoxingChampionships here this week. Left, Henry Divine,1949 B. C. Champion m the 126-I*. Lee told of, the progress of mis- with Mr. C. B. CIIEESMAN The total cost of the will adian year. Cheesman, final be $2,000 $3,000. class. He wDI attempt to retain the Canadian title he won hi Montreal hut Right, Norman sionary workamong adultAaron, and are m Sec.-Treas. of the Cardston Ath- between and It Dawson, middleweight champion was a of the Canadian Empire gym Association. "Cheese", as he being by DeLynn 194* of B. C. He member British ie Priesthood members. Testi- training at the under the letic is constructed team to vliM Australia several yean. guidance of.their respectiveman- is called by his friends, is m Allred, a former Cardston young monies of an adult Aaronlc charge of arrangements for the priesthood member was given by agers. Canadian Amateur BoxingCham, man. The referees will be Rulon pionships,being heldm Cardston The Blue Bird class of the Prank Olsen. Lcavltt of Olenwood and Tun- this year. Cardston First Ward entertained Bishop WlrthUn was the final nyLust of Medicine Hat. Judges: their mothers at the home of speaker. Special musical num- Jensen, renderedby Kay Bob Stephen, Fred Hicken, Ft. L. Frlzzell, Lacombe, Alberta Officers Elected their teacher,Mrs.Hattle News Will Publish bers were Oreen 1940 Douglas Lacombe, all of Calgary; George Champion; Eddie Troll, Britan- onTuesday,May 14th .presenting Keith Wood and Leavitt. Pauling. Medicine Hat; W. J. Beach, Champion; a very nice program, consisting Copies At the Sunday evening meet- nia 1940 B. C. AtMeeting Of 1800 ing conference, Bishop McLean, 8.A., Red Deer; Frank Nino Barichello, North Vancou- of stories, songs and musical of the work, very Wlrthlin of the presiding Bishop- Hewer, Lethbridge; Dahl Cald- ver,B. C; Alex Boguski, Leth- numbers. After a well, Lyle Holland, of Cardston. McKenna, CardstonGolfClub dainty luncheon wasserved.One Next Week ric of the L.D.B. church testified bridge, Alberta; Bill the divinity of the Prophet The bouts will start each night Lethbridge, 1940Alberta (Novice) At a general meeting held of the main features of the af- to was judging of their ,_. againpublish Joseph Smith. He traced at 8 p.m. sharp. There will be 15 Champion; _ Tommy Campbell, Thursday, May 16, Frank Al- ternoon to4 TheNews will acoverageedition the president activity The first prize life of two eminent bouts on Thursday and Friday Lethbridge, Alberta; Bill Loftus, drlge was elected of Twoks. next issue, May 28th, when 1800 copies wilt be Christian and 13 the final night. the club tosucceed John Dewar. was won by Francis Meyer with printed. Much has been created among leaders, Martin Luther and Jos- Lestock, 1940 Saskatchewan Shirley Card interest eph Smith, tracing their life Although complete regstration Champion. Lloyd Cahoon was elected to the Fay Jensen and and menby our efforts vice-president girls of the class areogngo merchants business last history. He said that Martin had not been received by Mr. (Open) — Bob office of 2nd and The time, 128 POUNDS Sabey as tying second. The girls of week and wetrust we will receive similar encour- Luther had beenanexceptional- Cheesman up to press the Vancouver; Tony Frank waselected head for Thompson, tournament committee. this class are Thelma Sheffield agement. (Continued on page five) following names appear who are Roberts, Winnipeg, Mani- of the 1940 got away and Francis Myers, Pay Jensen, A copy of The News will be mailed to every taking part: Champion; Danny McCar- The new executive to — toba a flying by purchasing the Arlene Godfrey, Rae Marie Brad- town HEAVYWEIGHT Bob Prim- Alberta; Talsto start home m the of Cardston and surrounding thy, Edmonton, building formerly the shaw, Marjorle Ackroyd, Shirley rose, High River, 1940 Alberta Rantala, Vancouver, C;Henry which was district. Aninvitation is extended to advertisers to B. Stop Service Station. The Card, Helen Lo,w, Jeanne Oreg- Champion; Jack Patterson, Vie-, Vancouver, B. C, Nation- Short make sure they areincluded m this coverageissue. \ Divine, building will be moved to the son and Larrine Shaw, Pearl torla, 1940 B. C. Champion who al Champion. Norma and We trust we willreceive co-operationbyhaving the Canada, — course this week.Golfers and all Brunsdaye, Palmer is considered the best m (Open) Hugh copy for yourad,mearly aspossible. Gerald 118 POUNDS citizens should be very proud to Enid Lee. amateur or professional; Sloan, Cardston, 1940 Alberta Berthlaume, Montreal, have such a nuce building for a 1940 Champion; Mickey Rogan, North Quebec Champion. I club house. — IVancouver, B. C; Sid Emery, There was quite a hotly con 175 POUNDS, (Open) Dick'!Lethbridge, Alberta; Bud Walsh, challenge AGRICULTURAL REPORT No.1 Meadow Sas- tested .battle for the Perlltz, Lake, 1940 Vancouver, B. C. cup the other night. The Secre katchewan Champion; Pa-, ' John i 112 POUNDS (Open) —Ja k tary took on four at a time, b. GENERAL: The sowing season] On the whole, farmers are hara, Lethbridge, I 1940 Alberts Turner, Britannia Beach, B. C; was to detend It surest is one of the latest and;,generally optimistic Champion; Dunn, unable of 1940 concerning Alan North,Tado Kato, North Vancouver, fully powerful en of recent years.Following Vancouver, Champion;' before the wettest (crop prospects, despite thelate- 1940 B.C. C; Grant Bates, Cardston, slought Dr,Yoachim, na" winter withlittle snow In, JohnRobs, B. of whe a mild |ness ofthe spring. Sudbury, Ontario. Alberta. tured the trophy with a 3:. most districts and a nearbreak-1 (Open) — FIELDCROPS: Wheat seeding ■ 180 POUNDS Alfred (Novice)— John-, thenDenver Low v/on the down about March 15th, heavy!I Edmonton, 160 POUNDS Since varies from none toabout 60 pp" Jenlten, 1940 Alberta Wilkinson, Alix, Alberta. cup challenges are to 1 falls of, snow occurred through- Champion; Stan Glover, North ny and cent, completed, with the average (Novice , made to the Secretary. out the rest of that month and Vancouver; Rennle, I- 147 POUNDS Welter- for the province about 25 per Scotty Xl — our new care well Into April. Wet weather hasi Ontario; weight) Larry Leavitt, Card-] Donald Steed is cent, at this date. Reports chener Buster Murdoch. to colloc- continued to date, retarding from Lethbridge, Alberta; Ralph Clark, ston, Alberta; Creston Orr, Cal- taker. He is authorized southern districts indicateacon- Reg.
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