,r ■ • < . I ArMra^e D«Uy Net Prew Ran The Wmther For th« Week Ended September 32, 1962 Foreon^ of U. S. Weather Soreou 13,628 Variable oloudlneea toniifht. L>ow .V) to M. Oenerally fair, pleaaaat- Member of the Audit Tueoday. Hl|rh In the 6Aii. Burenn of Olrcnlntion Monchenter— A City e / Village Charm / rOL. LXXXII, NO. T (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY, OCTTOBER 8, 1962 (Oaaelfled AdrertiainK on Pa|;e It) PRICE FIVE CENTS Giants Leading State N ew s Roundup- RapSxU.S. Plans 2-0 After Five 11 Firemen Hurt In Theater Blaze By JAibK HAND ^Skowron thenJiit a 440-foot triple Aeeooiated PreM Sporta Writer over Mays’ head in center field WA^ERBURY (AP) — NEW YORK (A P)—The but he wak stranded when Clete Eleven firemen were injured San Francisco Giants led the Boyer filed out to Harvey Kuenn. yesterday when a fire caused er RWiew Nev({ York Yankees 2-0 at the NE3W YORK (AP)—World ser­ an estimated $25,000 to $30,- end of five innings of the ies play by play; 000 damage to a movie thea­ fou r^ game of the 1962 GIANTS FIRST (0) . ter, the Lido, 236 South Main World Series today by virtue Hall of Famer Bob Feller threw St. I Bible Reading of Tom Haller’s two-run hom­ out the first ball. Kuenn filed to About 78 movie patrons, most Tresh. Hiller lined to Kubek. Boy­ of them children, were escorted Sees War er in the second. er threw out Mays. safely to the street when the tire Haller’s smash into the lower No runs, no hits, no Rirors, none In the basement of the building In Class / Also right field stands off the ace Yan­ was discovered. kee pitcher, Whitey Ford, scored ^ ’ y a n K e e s f i r s t (0) The blaze was discovered short­ InxCuban Felipe Aldu, who had opened the Before Clourt Kubek walked on a full count. ly after the first show ended yes­ Inning with a double. Richardson struck out and Kubek terday afternoon. A crowd approaching 70,000 was caught in a run down between WASHINGTON (AP) — watched in almost perfect weather Two of the firemen were hospi­ first and second, Haller to Hiller talized for. injuries. The others The Supreme Court agreed to­ as the Giants, trailing the Yan­ to Cepeda to Hiller to Marichal Blockade kees by one game to two in the were treated at the scene. day to take a further look at who .made the tag. Tresh singled Fire Chief Francis J. Scully and best-of-seven series., sent Juan up the middle. Mantle struck out the whole question of prayers Marichal to the niound to oppose his driver, Lt. Leo J. Kieman, By MAX HAKRELSON on a 3-2 pitch. were admitted to St. Mary’s Hos­ and Bible reading in public UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. Ford. No runs, one hit, no errors, one The Yankees threatened in the pital after treatment for smoke schools. ' I left. It announced it will review; | (AP)— In a speech interrupt­ second, but Marichal was master inhalation. They were reported in ed frequently by anti-Castro of the situation. Roger Maris op­ GIAN’TS SECOND (*) good condition. A decision | by a three-judge ened the inning with a hard drive F. Alou doubled inside the third One fireman, John Zukauskas, federal court in Philadcfphla that' hecklers, Cuban President Os- to left center on which Willie base line. Kubek threw out Cepe­ was treated for a back injury. The a Pennsylvania law requiring bl- valdo Dorticos Torrado today Mays made a spectacular running da, F Alou holding second Daven­ other firemen were treated for ble reading in public schools vio­ branded as “an act of war” lates the federal Oinstitutlon. catch as Alou, the left fielder, slid port struck out. Haller smashed a smoke inhalation. any U.S, move to impose a 'lfia- under him to avoid upsetting 3-2 pitch into the lower right field Fire officials said the blaze ap­ —A decision by the Maryland Mays. Jose Pagan knocked down stands for a home run, scormg F. parently broke out near the boiler court of appeals, upholding a Bal­ val blockade on his country. Klston Howard!s smash behind timore s)chool board regulation The Cuban president called on room in the basement. the 108-nation General Assembly second and retired him. Moose (Continued on Page Seven) An alarm was turned in when a calling for a daily opening exer­ cise of bible reading and recita­ to condemn the United States. At patrol detected smoke In the lob­ the same time he challenged Chief by. tion of The Lord's Prayer. In its la.st term, the high court U.S.' Delegate Adlal' E. Stevenson The precise cause of the fire to stand up and give guarantees was not determined immediately. ruled unconstitutional a prayer Cut or Reward which New York State authorities that the United States plans no at­ Theater seats were damaged by tack on Cuba. smoke, but the fire was confined had directed be used In public, schools. I Steven.son took the rostrum to the basement. The court held that this official briefly to accuse Dorticos of abus­ The movie house is owned by prayer breached the Cdnstitution's ing his’ privileged po.sition by at­ John D. and William Sirica. provision for separation of state tacking the U.S. with unparalleled Bowles Urging On Sept. 30, a fire broke out at and religion. calumny and misrepresentations the rear of the State Theater here In the Pennsylvania ease to be during a ceremorjial speech. on East Main St. About 50 pa­ reviewed In this term, the special He said he would not "descend ' trons were evacuated from the three-judge Philadelphia federal to the levels reached” by the Cu­ building safely. Damage Was es­ court declared that Penn.sylvania ban president, - but instead, would Changes in .Aid timated at $1,500. has seen fit to breach the wall abide by the U.N. tradition of not between church and state” by its an.swering I a. chief of state directly Extended Forecast bible-reading statute. A woman identified as Neida Caruz holds up clenched fist as UN guard escorts her out in the J^em bly ball.- N WINDSOR LOCKS (API—The The state’s attorney (general, the of General Assembly session today. Several persons were ejected afterNhecklers inter­ He promised, however, .,to an­ WASHINGTON (A P )— Presidential adviser Chester e)ctended Connecticut forecast for Pennsylvania superintendent of rupted an a,ttack by President'Osvaldo Dorticos of Cuba against the U.S/ jiaval block­ swer him sjiortly at a specially public Instruction, and the Ablng- called news conference. Bowles has propped a carrot-and-stick approach to nations Tuwday through Saturday, Oct. ade of Cuba. (AP Photofax.)____________ ______________ ____________ 13; \ ton Township School Board in sub­ In graVe tones, Dorticos re­ aeekinsf U.S. foreign aid. J J Temperatures are expected to urban Philadelphia, appealed to minded the delegates that Soviet In a memorandum being circulated among top Kennedy ad- average near normal with little the high tribunal to reverse the Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro­ ministraHon figures, the former^ day-to-day temperature change. derision. The appeal said that to Release l^ear myko had warned that any attack undersecretary of state su^ested Some normal high and low tem­ ban bible reading In morning op­ Meredith Returns on Cuba means war. that some nations, such as Greece, peratures are; Hartford 67 and ening exercises in schools would .“ We believe in the sincerity and Venezuela, Argentina and, Chile, 43; New Haven 65 and 4!^: Bridge­ be to Ignore the traditions of this For Prisoners value of those statements,of solid­ be cut off from direct foreign aid port 66 and 46. nation. arity by the Soviet Union,” he as- until they make important internal Count at Five ^E J^ipitation should total be- Edward L. Schempp, member sertw. '“ If the United States does reforms. quarter and half an inch pt a Unitarian church in -To Mississippi U-rH eld ^ y Cuba not believe it, then It does not He said other nations, such as a.s rain toward the end of thef"mantown section of Philadelphia, understand what principles India, Pakistan and Colombia, for began the litigation.' His children mean.” Over' Weekend period. HAVANA (AP) — Release, of efforts on their own behalf, should attended Abington ..Township Dorticos’ reference to a U.S. na­ schools. He contended the state OXFORD, Miss. (A P )—Negro-ceptance of Meredith. The federal 1,H3 Cuban prisoners captured in be rewarded with Increased aid James H. Meredith re.sunied class- men contend they are "not ask- val blockade brought a prolonged through international lending By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Neic Coed College law was unconstitutional even the April 1961 invasion appeared es. without incident at the Univer ing them to like it, but we’re hop­ burst of applause from the Soviet agencies. The highway death toll in Con­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A new though___ the Legislature in 1959 pro imminent today. A negotiator for bloc, a small group of African del­ necticut continued to rise over zity of Mississippi today, startina ing there 'will be some respected the faniilie.s of the captives said “ Why should American taxpay­ c o ^ Catholic college will open irt pupil* should be excused .students” who can silence the cat­ egates and some visitors in the ers continue to underwrite govern­ the weekend as five persons died the Bridgeport diocese net year, the second week of desegregation^ it seemed that ’’all went well, public galleries.
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