14K Penture" Inside Band "�G� 14X" ,";

14K Penture" Inside Band "�G� 14X" ,";

O O L .- __,_ '92'..». 8 - <.~.n-15 CG 87-41578 i . Deacription___ot Rin|;} e!! IE! Color nqq 67> Set engagement and band!; "14x 30342 932506" ,4-75?}, 1 diamond engagement Yellow 3..-7--_-7'-."MK Princess" inside hand -@ ".15 115.00" »u¢E2L-92.es! Set engagementand band!; "14: ani32 aaaooa" ' '.._.._ 1 diamond engagement Yellow :13 "l4K Princes! inside band "as.oo" ' gin , =41 es! Set engagement and band!; "14x 1n4as 911500" 3 diamond engagement Yellow %a§& "MK R-incese inaide bnnd "25-31 aes.oo" M 70! Set engagementand band!; "Gem of Love" Yellow 1 diamond engagement "MK Gem of Love" imeide "#I1l1 PEGGY 200.00" bend -bid! $3-5:?!-1 M1,: ;:':92§71! Set engagementand band!; "14! 5D188 914750 Yellow l diamond engagement 1 diamond hand "lé Princess" inside band ".24 299.50" .'~_.-.»<-_~.72! 4."-.=~ »-'.;~.' . 1?1 Set engagement and band!; "Gem oi Love White lddiamond engagement 5 diamond band "MK Ikincesa" inside bend "#Il06 IAIDA 300 . 00" 73! " "$2.3:-3;"= Set engagement and bend!; "IQK 3D354 912500" Yellow 3311 1:»*~r1=.'._ 2'-T1 l diamond engagement '71:=@_1-- >~.=~ ¢.<;-."-1+ 1-= -i "14! Princess" inside band ".22 259.50 T¢}921j.;>-7~=_q ~.s 74! =i§,§¢L1-2,5 Set engagement and band!; "Gem oi Love" Yellov iii 1 diamond engagement "MK Gem of Love" inside "#Lll5 leg 275.00" band ,,.,,.._.. .... 75! _-4;. ,_,_... Set engagement and band!; "l4KBDl93 916250" Yellow .. 5 diamond engagement 5 diamond band "14! gJ "inside hand "3029 339.00" Yellow Q O 9 CG 87-41878 >49 ,,,....,_0 ~ .. I 1 P¢s¢_r£s>*1°" "1. 1.195191 0 .._,._.- If X-1,. _....,_ 76! .5» 1,»:- Set engngeeent and band!; 3!! Colur S diamond engegeent; 5 l .."u'_ dianoed bend Yellov . 0., "14K Penture" inside band "g 14x" ,";-:. is ;' -L» 77! $5-3"~r"<.* Set engagement end band!; "22-49 10317 aasoo" " L v 1 diamond engagement "145" inside hand could not "14x 30353 910500" Yellow gé sake out narking! g; ".17 219.50" ?&} Set engagement and bend!; ib 1 diamond engagenent -V ~ s- .1: "14! Princess" inside band "14: 00101 945006" Yellow 35% 5.-3, Y-.1 75! Wu Set engagement and band!; ".02 99.00" -WWi 1 diamond engagement ,1.-:~r~;"; "148 Feature" inside bend " B 14x" White I 80! Set engagement and band!; ".25 30211 22000" 1 diamond engagement "io Princess" inside bend "14x 90152 939009" White §§ ., .--arm= »= 81! Set engagement and band!; "ss.00" r-7~._92-.~ 1 diamond engagement 3&5 "14K Gem of Love" inside band Yellow Iziijiré-F!82! Set engegeeent and band!; :._.Lf§¢=§-Ti~'$10 diamond engagement 2;?» f*r1.§ "MK" inside bend "14K 1DS&12 914000" Yellow -=.-..'~.. 1., _. :0}.--i 92~_ 1 ':.¢ "_t¬~':.~~ .,:__._ ~. _ 83! Lil 3:; Set engagement and band!; "1/3 .15 295.00? :,r~3-»:@?-"= 2 blue etonen end 4 deanond ~...~-}-; Q engagement "Q0! of Love" Ihite -'- . % -1 "14K Gee of Love" ineide %§ bend in "II-123 DIII 275.00? 84! 80!: engagenent and band!; 6 diamond engagenent 2 dianond and 10 red stones "l4K 1D479 923000 Yblloi bend 85! "14! Prineese" inside band ".850 .15! 475.00" $»t engagement and band!; "Gen of Love" Yellow 1 diamond engagement Q O I 10 iii CG 87-41578 35! I-4! ' »~¢>~'L-. -_:'92.'. 92=<==11¢ee1.<?=92e2f R19¢e<=>t.LE2 Color .1»:-._~1~ 86! unra- Set engagementand band!; "lg. 14K" White ire 3 diiaond engagement; 5 diamond hand I '#*§ .~n,=v;-Fr "14K Rrincesa" ineide bend 3'*3"¢. "5 2095 22400" fa .¬_ 87! 3 ,-_-aw. Set engagement and band!; "14K 1D211 949006" Yellow l . 1 diamond engagement <'- ,;..-; 7 "l4K Hincese" inside bend 88! Set engagement and band!; "14! 3Dl89 953006" Yellow 1 diamond engagement "14K Frincees" ineide band "110.00" £25..-..1._~.'au1 893 Set engagement and band!; "14K lD210 943006" Yellow 1 diamond engagement "14! Princess inside hand "89.00" SO! Set engagement and band!; "14K 3D330 910800" Yellow 1 diamond engagement ¬7 "lé GEL" inside band ej ".18 229.00" 91! Set engagement and band!; "MK 113427 920750" Yellow 13 diamond engagement "14! Princess" inside band "25-37 429,00" 92! Set engagement and band!; "Gem of Love" Yellow 1 diamond engagement, #116 57 Mn; "14K Gen of Love" inside "JU02 Madge I50.00" band --- ~ 1 ge 93! Set engagement and band!; Ihite Mt 17 diamond engagement" "|§ 14x" n"? "14K IE" insideband ".28 10406 21300" r:":.'' .1 94! Set engagement and band!: Qem of Love" Yellow 1 diamond engagement "14! Gem oi Love" inside "#8112 ZORAH 200,00" band 95! Set engagement and band!; "14x enzoz 911250" Yellow 1 diamond engagement la B! " inside band ".21 239.50" si '1 O Q 11 C0 8!-41578 vl _i¢, . ' /Za. _. _ara.»¢~ vw-,.-my Deaorigtieu of Rin§ e! I1! Color -Q; 96! Set engagementand band!; "Gem of Love" 1 diamond engagement Yellow one "l4K Ge of Love inaide band ~ "IJIO3 BRBLIA 225.00" xi-31% QI r !§'¬a=-91! '31- q;¢;_ Set engagement and band! "GO! Of L070? ":~¢!.92 Pf.- 3 diamond bank Yellow ié "14! Gem of Love" inaide #K101 PGITH 250.00" -, 3 _-:;'.."band Ff?¢'"~§ ' 4 .1 . 98! Set engagementand band!: "IIK ID437 911500" __ -# 3 diamond engagement; diamond band "14! E " ineide band "12-17 249.00" J1. _ ' a-kj Yellow .__ l-.71 99! "Set" Engagementand band!; "14! 3D285 912000" e§"'5$f{'a1 diamond engagement "l4K Hrinoeas" ineide band ".18 250.00" 1&0} "Set" engagement and band!; "14! 3D 358 982006 l diamond engagement Yellow 7% - "14! 88" ineide band 1-; ".12 . jg f rkj 1 101! § Set engagenentand band!; 12 diamond engagement Yellow "14K CRL" inside band "ll 175.00" ns.+92:~~: ;»s __ -.<,=; 102! Set engagementand band!; *2-J? ".09 '§:§::-" ~12 2 diamond engagement; 14! White :- _-.. .' ';5 4 diamond band ' ~.I-4 - _§ H1 "l4K Princess" inside band 113439 18200" .. ;. ..§ " ..., :1 ._..| 103! Set engagementand bod!; 14!" Yellow "If I l diamond engagement I3! "14K Gem of Love" inside band ".09 lD420 16500" " F344» .. !n~**~.~ 104! Set engagementand band!; "Gen of Lowe" Yellow _:'.~L'i. 9 diamond engageent -own. ' '14! Gen of Love" inside ba LY15 KEG 600.00" Ione Yellow Q O 12 3 U5 87-41587 De§§§ig§ionroi_Ring n! 3!! Color 1&5! Set engagementand band!; 14x 1043a alavso 5 diamond engagoment; Ihite 5 diamond hand I "14! Princess" inmido band 4 V-~~ o »-.~. 1 "zo_aa 300.00? ,.I~;'-*7 92!l~~¢a.~k_I81 106! Set engagementand band!; "14x 120.50" ?"?*l 1 diamond engagement Yellow Q; ' "14K Princess" inside band ".12 anasz aesooa" Efu 107! Set engagementand band!; 1!; on one ring only Yellow §%% 1 dianond engagmelt "Gem of Love" '1'§<.*: 7- ! 12 diamond engagenont -92-»-vs.-,_',~ "14! Gm of Love" inmide band "H118 Hogoaln 200.00" a"=-g; l .-L 108! Double; 3! 1 diamond I! 14$ 7D1165 980006" Ybllow b! 14 diamond ".18 175.00 2! "IQK CRL inside band b! 14K 1D5183 916500" b! "14! Princess" ineido ".28 349.00" bind 5??'1; '_ A§ 109! Single; 6 dianond and 2 None White psnrlm "143" innido band EEQ3.1:.,;,; 1.-a--;:,;; -4"-J.ii1 S On the initial invontoy those itome were designated /-1-.~.'.-; ': 17*: .72;-12 . am "brown tray containing 109 rings." . , ._ -» :-'~"-.'_n";X -4 §@a FD-30211-27-70» um-. 0 a 92 K I 1 =. FEDERAL BUREAUQF INVESTIGATION '.'..92-L5, 1 Dew of tronscription__ , I - ,_»_.. t,_.., ,,--,___ On April 17, 1974, U.S. MagistrateOLGA JURCO, arm: Northern District of Illinois, issued a search warrant for the premisesoccupied bythe UniversalGem andJewelry -- w Company, Incorporated,Room 604,5 North Wabash Avenue. .- >-1.;-. .--,~v~_1-g. _ I _~.- .. During the execution of.thi§ search warrantat 1:: we-1.1. the UniversalGem andJewelry Company,Incorporated, - 1-:5 Room 604,5 NorthWabash Avenue,the following items were located in the bottom drawerof the first cabinet which . "1'. '-4~ is located in the hallway or walk space behind the office 5% area: Q ~ Description ._- ,5 Wedding Band 3269/7 size 10 14K Y aw " " 2979/6 size 10 14K Y " " 3308/7 size 10 14K Y " 2986/6 size l0 14K Y " 3299/8 size 6 14K Y 5*? " 3296/8 size 6 14K Y %% " 3274/6 size 6 14K Y Wt 2974/7 size 6 14K Y 3305/8 size 10 14K Y 3269/7 size 6 14K Y é '" 2755/6 size 6 14K Y £:¬"1'."/3 3299/8 size l0 14K Y . ._.., -»Q 1- *1 I 3305/8 size 6 14K Y w7~.f~,¬lf_;"' 1 _'; -,1-..-,.1»,_.g~s 3276/6 size l0 14K Y §'J_'.§ <<*,§: M 2849/6 size 6 14K Y/W vi. 1?? 3314/6 size 10 14K Y 3276/6 size 6 14K Y/W gag 2755/6 size l0 14K Y/W _x.-.. .31 s- 4...... 3264/8 size 10 14K Y/W 3462/8 size 10 Y 14K 3308/7 size 6 l4K Y 31". 3314/6 size 6 14K Y 5?? hmw,n_ 4/17/74 or, Chicago5 _ 5 1-5 Illinois,,__1', , _ _ File # _______CG 87-41578 _________ by _--~§f" ¢-~ Dare dicmted -__.¬_/_g§._{Z_£i._.__..____.

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