ɊɈɋɋɂɃɋɄɂɃɇɈȼɕɃɍɇɂȼȿɊɋɂɌȿɌ Ɇɨɪɨɡɂɇ., ɤɚɧɞɢɞɚɬɩɟɞɚɝɨɝɢɱɟɫɤɢɯɧɚɭɤ, ɞɨɰɟɧɬɤɚɮɟɞɪɵɢɧɨɫɬɪɚɧɧɵɯ ɹɡɵɤɨɜ ɊɨɫɇɈɍ. Ɋɟɰɟɧɡɟɧɬ: ȺɥɟɤɫɟɟɜɚɆɇ., ɞɨɰɟɧɬ, ɤɚɧɞɢɞɚɬɮɢɥɨɥɨɝɢɱɟɫɤɢɯɧɚɭɤ, ɡɚɜɟɞɭɸɳɚɹɤɚɮɟɞɪɨɣɢɧɨɫɬɪɚɧɧɵɯɹɡɵɤɨɜ ɊɨɫɇɈɍ. ɂɇ. ɆɈɊɈɁ ɍɱɟɛɧɨɟ ɩɨɫɨɛɢɟ ɩɪɟɞɧɚɡɧɚɱɟɧɨ ɞɥɹ ɨɛɭɱɟɧɢɹ ɚɧɝɥɢɣɫɤɨɦɭ ɹɡɵɤɭ ɩɪɨɝɪɚɦɦɢɫɬɨɜ, ɨɩɟɪɚɬɨɪɨɜ ɗȼɆ ɢ ɞɪɭɝɢɯ ɫɩɟɰɢɚɥɢɫɬɨɜ, ɫɜɹɡɚɧɧɵɯ ɫ ɢɧɮɨɪɦɚɬɢɤɨɣɢɜɵɱɢɫɥɢɬɟɥɶɧɨɣɬɟɯɧɢɤɨɣ. əɡɵɤɨɜɨɣɦɚɬɟɪɢɚɥɩɨɫɨɛɢɹɨɬɨɛɪɚɧɫ ɭɱɟɬɨɦɩɨɬɪɟɛɧɨɫɬɟɣɞɚɧɧɨɣɤɚɬɟɝɨɪɢɢɨɛɭɱɚɟɦɵɯ. ɐɟɥɶɸɞɚɧɧɨɝɨɩɨɫɨɛɢɹ ɹɜɥɹɟɬɫɹɩɨɦɨɳɶɫɬɭɞɟɧɬɚɦɜɨɜɥɚɞɟɧɢɢɚɧɝɥɢɣɫɤɢɦ ENGLISH FOR IT STUDENTS ɹɡɵɤɨɦɫɩɟɰɢɚɥɶɧɨɫɬɟɣ, ɫɜɹɡɚɧɧɵɯɫɢɧɮɨɪɦɚɬɢɤɨɣɢɜɵɱɢɫɥɢɬɟɥɶɧɨɣɬɟɯɧɢɤɨɣ. ȼ ɩɨɫɨɛɢɢ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɵ ɚɭɬɟɧɬɢɱɧɵɟ ɦɚɬɟɪɢɚɥɵ, ɱɬɨ ɞɚɟɬ ɜɨɡɦɨɠɧɨɫɬɶ ɩɨɡɧɚɤɨɦɢɬɶɫɹ ɢɦɟɧɧɨ ɫ ɬɟɦ ɹɡɵɤɨɦ, ɧɚ ɤɨɬɨɪɨɦ ɝɨɜɨɪɹɬ ɧɨɫɢɬɟɥɢ ɹɡɵɤɚ ɢ ɤɨɬɨɪɵɣɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɟɬɫɹɜɫɩɟɰɢɚɥɶɧɨɣɥɢɬɟɪɚɬɭɪɟɞɚɧɧɨɣɨɛɥɚɫɬɢɧɚɭɤɢɢɬɟɯɧɢɤɢ. ɉɨɫɨɛɢɟ ɫɨɫɬɨɢɬ ɢɡ ɩɹɬɢ ɪɚɡɞɟɥɨɜ, ɩɨɫɥɟɞɨɜɚɬɟɥɶɧɨɟ ɢɡɭɱɟɧɢɟ ɤɨɬɨɪɵɯ ɩɨɡɜɨɥɹɟɬ ɩɨɥɭɱɢɬɶ ɨɛɳɟɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɨ ɤɨɦɩɶɸɬɟɪɟ, ɟɝɨ ɢɫɬɨɪɢɢ, ɜɨɡɦɨɠɧɨɫɬɹɯ, ɜɢɞɚɯɢɨɫɧɨɜɧɵɯɫɮɟɪɚɯɩɪɢɦɟɧɟɧɢɹ. ȼɪɟɡɭɥɶɬɚɬɟɦɧɨɝɨɤɪɚɬɧɨɝɨ ɩɨɜɬɨɪɟɧɢɹɨɫɧɨɜɧɨɣɬɟɦɚɬɢɱɟɫɤɨɣɥɟɤɫɢɤɢɞɨɫɬɢɝɚɟɬɫɹɟɟɩɪɨɱɧɨɟɭɫɜɨɟɧɢɟ. ɉɨɫɨɛɢɟɦɨɠɟɬɛɵɬɶɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɨɞɥɹɨɛɭɱɟɧɢɹɫɬɭɞɟɧɬɨɜɥɸɛɨɣɮɨɪɦɵ ɨɛɭɱɟɧɢɹ, ɜ ɬɨɦ ɱɢɫɥɟ ɢ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɨɧɧɨɣ. ɇɚɥɢɱɢɟ ɨɬɜɟɬɨɜ ɤ ɡɚɞɚɧɢɹɦ ɢ ɬɟɦɚɬɢɱɟɫɤɨɝɨɫɥɨɜɚɪɹɩɨɡɜɨɥɹɟɬɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɬɶɟɝɨɞɥɹɫɚɦɨɫɬɨɹɬɟɥɶɧɨɣɪɚɛɨɬɵ. ɆɈɋɄȼȺ 2010 1 2 1. First Steps in IT English: Words, Notions, Measurements 2) device ɚ) ɷɤɪɚɧ b) ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ c) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ d) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ Unit A Parts and Measurements 3) to run 1 Vocabulary a) ɨɛɪɚɛɚɬɵɜɚɬɶ b) ɜɵɩɨɥɧɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɦɟɪɹɬɶ d) ɡɚɩɭɫɤɚɬɶ to compute ROM – Read Only to move computer Memory to remove 4) screen PC – Personal Computer movement ɚ) ɷɤɪɚɧ b) ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ c) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ d) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ unit desktop software 5) drive to measure ɚ) ɷɤɪɚɧ b) ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ c) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ d) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ part measurement program device to program 6) size hardware bit – binary digit programmer a) ɪɚɡɦɟɪ b) ɫɤɨɪɨɫɬɶ c) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ d) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ byte drive kilobyte, Megabyte, 7) to perform hard drive Gigabyte to operate a) ɨɛɪɚɛɚɬɵɜɚɬɶ b) ɜɵɩɨɥɧɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɦɟɪɹɬɶ d) ɡɚɩɭɫɤɚɬɶ floppy disk drive operation CD-ROM drive hertz OS – operating 8) to process CD-rewriter megahertz, gigahertz /operation system a) ɨɛɪɚɛɚɬɵɜɚɬɶ b) ɜɵɩɨɥɧɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɦɟɪɹɬɶ d) ɡɚɩɭɫɤɚɬɶ CD – Compact Disk inch to display 9) speed DVD – Digital Versatile display a) ɪɚɡɦɟɪ b) ɫɤɨɪɨɫɬɶ c) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ d) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ Disk speed to monitor 10) storage tower size monitor ɚ) ɷɤɪɚɧ b) ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ c) ɩɪɢɜɨɞ d) ɩɚɦɹɬɶ mouse screen rate b) Match the words with their meanings: key a) keyboard 1) ɧɚɛɢɪɚɬɶ to print keyboard to process b) desktop 2) ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɨ printer processor c) unit 3) ɪɚɛɨɬɚɬɶ peripherals CPU – central processing d) performance 4) ɨɛɪɚɛɚɬɵɜɚɬɶ to type unit e) operate 5) ɤɥɚɜɢɚɬɭɪɚ type to store f) device 6) ɯɪɚɧɢɬɶ storage to control g) type 7) ɛɥɨɤ character storage device h) process 8) ɞɟɬɚɥɶ letter to perform i) store 9) ɧɚɫɬɨɥɶɧɵɣ graphics memory performance j) part 10) ɛɵɫɬɪɨɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɟ image RAM – Random Access picture Memory to run c) Match the words with their definitions: a) Chose the correct translation: a) character 1) how well or badly a computer, machine, etc. works or does smth b) hardware 2) the programs used by a computer 1) to measure c) megabyte 3) a single letter, number or space that is typed in a computer a) ɨɛɪɚɛɚɬɵɜɚɬɶ b) ɜɵɩɨɥɧɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɦɟɪɹɬɶ d) ɡɚɩɭɫɤɚɬɶ document 3 4 d) performance 4) a copy or picture of sth seen on a computer measure, CPU, graphics, movies, run, processes, RAM e) process 5) the machinery and electronic parts of a computer system that you can touch 1) Most computers ___ the Microsoft Windows OS. f) software 6) to keep information or data in a computer's memory 2) We ___ the size of the hard disk in gigabytes. g) store 7) a unit for measuring the speed of a CPU. 3) Watching ___ on the Internet needs a faster ___. h) image 8) a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose 4) The CPU controls how fast the computer ___ data. i) device 9) a unit for measuring computer memory 5) Programs with a lot of ___ need a large ___to run well j) megahertz 10) (used about a computer) to read data and use it to perform a series of tasks (operations) h) Guess what it is: d) Make up two-word expressions: 1) a device that can read and write to writable disks 2) a tool or a piece of equipment made for a particular purpose to process movies 3) the part of the computer that reads and stores information on disks to control a program 4) a machine that is connected to a computer and that prints on paper to watch games 5) the set of buttons (keys) that you press to operate a computer a binary data 6) a separate part of a PC with a large screen that shows information from the computer an operation hardware 7) a small device that you move across a surface with your hand to control the movement to type device of the cursor to measure digit 8) the general term used for a computer, which usually consists of a monitor, a tower, a to play system keyboard and a mouse to run size 9) any piece of hardware (= machinery, etc. that forms part of or connects to a computer) a storage letters apart from the CPU and the working memory (RAM) 10) a metal box that contains the CPU, hard disk drive and power supply for a PC e) Make up three-word expressions: 2 Reading Central Access Disk Random Versatile Drive a) Read the text quickly. Match the headings (a-d) with the paragraphs (1-4): Read Only Memory Hard Processing Memory a Memory b Speed c PCs and Notebooks d Hardware/ Software Digital Disk Unit 1. The parts of a computer you can touch, such as the monitor or the Central Processing f) Find synonyms: Unit (CPU) are hardware. All hardware except the CPU and the working memory are called peripherals. Computer programs are software. The operating system (OS) is character picture software that controls the hardware. Most computers run the Microsoft Windows OS. speed machine MacOS and Linux are other operating systems. device work 2. The CPU controls how fast the computer processes data, or information. We measure keep rate its speed in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). The higher the speed of the CPU, the image component faster the computer will run. You can type letters and play computer games with a 500 software store MHz CPU. Watching movies on the Internet needs a faster CPU and a modem. storage letter 3. We measure the Random Access Memory (RAM) of the computer in megabytes (MB). operate program RAM controls the performance of the computer when it is working and moves data to part hardware and from the CPU. Programs with a lot of graphics need a large RAM to run well. The computer memory hard disk stores data and software programs. We measure the size of the hard disk in gigabytes (GB). g) Complete the sentences with the words from the box: 4. Computer technology changes fast, but a desktop PC (Personal Computer) usually has a tower, a separate monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. The CPU, modem, CD-ROM and 5 6 floppy disk drives are usually inside the tower. A notebook is a portable computer with Unit B What is a Computer? all these components inside one small unit. Notebooks have a screen, not a monitor, and are usually more expensive than desktops with similar specifications. 1 Vocabulary (W) to accept main memory socket b) Look at these words. Write H (hardware), P (peripheral), S (software) or M (measurement) next to each one: step influence to connect to influence connection 1 CPU 2 MacOS 3 megabyte (MB) 4 printer 5 RAM 6 megahertz to involve influential (MHz) 7 mouse 8 modem 9 Linux 10 scanner 11 gigabytes (GB) 12 floppy disk handle to feed (fed) to execute to handle c) Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text with the definitions (1-7): executive set able 1. parts 4. measurements to set to hold (held) to enable 2. pictures and images 5. use a computer program set-up to hold down 3. reads and uses data 6. keeps data in the memory common 7. how well a computer does something to put current to input currently to extract to output ɉɪɢɫɬɚɜɤɢɞɥɹɨɛɪɚɡɨɜɚɧɢɹɞɟɫɹɬɢɱɧɵɯɤɪɚɬɧɵɯɢ ɞɨɥɶɧɵɯɟɞɢɧɢɰ to attach means to make attachment by means of ɇɚɢɦɟɧɨɜɚɧɢɹɞɟɫɹɬɢɱɧɵɯɤɪɚɬɧɵɯɢɞɨɥɶɧɵɯɟɞɢɧɢɰɨɛɪɚɡɭɸɬɫɹ to make up ɩɪɢɫɨɟɞɢɧɟɧɢɟɦɧɢɠɟɭɤɚɡɚɧɧɵɯɩɪɢɫɬɚɜɨɤɤɧɚɢɦɟɧɨɜɚɧɢɹɦɢɫɯɨɞɧɵɯɟɞɢɧɢɰ. make-up to provide to plug 1 -1 da – deca (ɞɟɤɚ – ɞɚ) = 10 d – deci (ɞɟɰɢ – ɞ) = 10 to call permanent range 2 -2 h - hecto (ɝɟɤɬɨ – ɝ) = 10 c – centi (ɫɚɧɬɢ – ɫ) = 10 3 -3 k – kilo (ɤɢɥɨ – ɤ) = 10 m – milli (ɦɢɥɥɢ – ɦ) = 10 to consist to equip general 6 -6 M – mega (ɦɟɝɚ – Ɇ) = 10 - micro (ɦɢɤɪɨ – ɦɤ) = 10 equipment generally 9 -9 G – giga (ɝɢɝɚ – Ƚ) = 10 n – nano (ɧɚɧɨ - ɧ) = 10 main 12 -12 T – tera (ɬɟɪɚ – Ɍ) = 10 p – pico (ɩɢɤɨ – ɩ) = 10 15 -15 P – peta (ɩɟɬɚ – ɉ) = 10 f – femto (ɮɟɦɬɨ – ɮ) = 10 a) Chose the correct translation: 18 -18 E – exa (ɷɤɫɚ – ɗ) = 10 a – atto (ɚɬɬɨ – ɚ) = 10 1) consist ɚ) ɩɪɢɤɪɟɩɥɹɬɶ b) ɫɨɫɬɨɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ d) ɫɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ 2) extract ɚ) ɩɪɢɤɪɟɩɥɹɬɶ b) ɫɨɫɬɨɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ d) ɫɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ 3) step ɚ) ɲɚɝ b) ɧɚɛɨɪ c) ɜɥɢɹɧɢɟ d) ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɨ 4) involve ɚ) ɩɪɟɞɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ b) ɜɨɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ c) ɭɫɬɚɧɚɜɥɢɜɚɬɶ d) ɞɟɥɚɬɶ 5) set ɚ) ɲɚɝ b) ɧɚɛɨɪ c) ɜɥɢɹɧɢɟ d) ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɨ 7 8 storage units 6) influence optical product ɚ) ɲɚɝ b) ɧɚɛɨɪ c) ɜɥɢɹɧɢɟ d) ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɨ input drive physical system 7) attach computer storage ɚ) ɩɪɢɤɪɟɩɥɹɬɶ b) ɫɨɫɬɨɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ d) ɫɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ to process memory finished data 8) provide permanent devices ɚ) ɩɪɟɞɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ b) ɜɨɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ c) ɭɫɬɚɧɚɜɥɢɜɚɬɶ d) ɞɟɥɚɬɶ e) Find synonyms: 9) means ɚ) ɲɚɝ b) ɧɚɛɨɪ c) ɜɥɢɹɧɢɟ d) ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɨ a) set up 1) connect b) hold 2) input 10) make up c) step 3) chief ɚ) ɩɪɢɤɪɟɩɥɹɬɶ b) ɫɨɫɬɨɹɬɶ c) ɢɡɜɥɟɤɚɬɶ d) ɫɨɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ d) feed 4) contain e) execute 5) by means of b) Match the words with their meanings: f) via 6) give g) currently 7) now a) main 1) ɨɛɨɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɟ h) attach 8) install b) execute 2) ɧɚɡɵɜɚɬɶ i) provide 9) perform c) enable 3) ɝɥɚɜɧɵɣ j)main 10) operation d) hold 4) ɜɧɚɫɬɨɹɳɟɟɜɪɟɦɹ e) equipment 5) ɞɚɜɚɬɶɜɨɡɦɨɠɧɨɫɬɶ f) connect 6) ɞɢɚɩɚɡɨɧ 2 Reading g) common 7) ɞɟɪɠɚɬɶ h) call 8) ɪɚɫɩɪɨɫɬɪɚɧɟɧɧɵɣ a) Read the text: i) range 9) ɫɨɟɞɢɧɹɬɶ What is a Computer? j) currently 10) ɜɵɩɨɥɧɹɬɶ Computers are electronic machines which can accept data in a certain form, process c) Match the words with their definitions: the data and give the results of processing in a specified format as information.
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