THE KELOWNA COURIER M R 9 B r i t i s h ('oluiubia, jrim rj.(lay, O c I o Ik m : 3 r d , K )3 5 K e l o w n a . V O L U M P : 32 it^masisnpsmscjcs: iBastsat**3ttas2:3r»rj' ^::zi^■^ LIBERAL SPEAKER 1 Italian B o m b s S lau gh ter DEATH IS MOURNED R O T A R Y IN Int. Vegetable M a r k e t i n g COMMUNITY Sleeping W om en And R e p o r t O n Board Gives SERVICE Children In Ethiopia M arketing Conditions Rotarian Ray Corner Traces Ev­ olution Of Idea Of Duty Of Planes Manned By Mussolini’s Sons Drop Explosives On Members To Community Hospital— Emperor Selassie Issues Order For Issue Of Official Statement Deemed Necessary By r General Mobilization Of Forces The Board To Offset “Insidious And Adverse Addressing the Rotary, Club of Ke­ I'v; lowna at their weekly meeting on Propaganda’’ By Selfish Interests Tuesday, Rotarian Ray Corner out­ he did not believe Uiut true Britons lined the duties of individual Rotarians LONDON, Oct. 3.—A state of war would approve of sanctions against It- in their attitude towards community now exists between Italy and Ethiopia, service, as suggested by" Rotary inter­ wlien Italian troops invaded Ethiopian From the date of its inception the The British Government has been n a tio n a l. territory late yesterday. Italian planes, B.C. (Interior) Vegetable Marketing officially inCormed tliat Italian planes Thirty years ago, he said, service was during the night, bombed the Ethiopian Board has rigidly refrained from en­ TRANSFER MADE have bombed Aduwa. It was author­ not one of the ideals of Rotary, and it town of Aduwa and despatches state tering into any newspaper controversy itatively announced that today s de­ was Arthur Sheldon who, in 15)08, first that the dead and wounded may run on the question of the merits or de­ velopments constitute violation of Art­ realized that business was not only us h ig h a s 1.700. E m p e r o r S e la s s ie h as merits of the scliemo under which the O F P IO N E E R icle X V of the League covenant, which serving oneself but also serving others. vigorously protested to the League of Board is operating. This idea was not generally accepted states that the nations must refrain However, it now appears advisable Nations at Geneva against the slaugh­ in those days but, after being put be­ from aggressive hostilities wliile the to the Board to issue an interim report D R U G S T O R E ter of sleeping women and children, fore Rotary, it soon becorne one of the League is attempting to conciliate. Orio to offset to some extent the insidious and states that the first bomb hit the Rotary ideals that Rotary should serve well informed source stated: “Bomb­ and adverse propaganda which is be­ Red Cross Hospital, killing 3 nurses. Mr. E. T. Abbott Took Over Bus­ others outside of their mcmbcrshiiJ. ing is tantamount to a declaration of ing spread across the pages of the At Addis Ababa the Emperor today and this finally was accomplished by wa’r, and is probably the only declara­ press by individuals whose views dis­ iness Of P. B. Willits & Co., handed passports to the Italian Am bas­ setting up the Vocational Service Com ­ tion of war that will be made. Things close either a woeful lack of knowl­ Ltd,, On Monday mittee. However, the service a Ro­ sa d o r. , edge of present day marketing con­ Last night the Emperor issued an will happen now." tarian had to give to others was no ditions or a viewpoint which is actu­ order for general mobilization. Through­ The British precautionary naval W it h th e close o f b u sin e ss a t 5.30 longer to 'be performed only during ARCHDEACON THOMAS GREENE out the whole country it was received movement is being continued. An Ad­ ated by selfish interest. p.m. on Monday, the drug and station­ the time in which his place of business miralty report from Aden, Arabia, said It is the intention of the Board, ery business of P. B. Willits & Co. Ltd., Universally beloved pmneercle^yman, I public, but after he with tremendous enthusiasm; men ev- therefore, to set forth in the report erywhere dropped their tasks and took that the cruiser “Berwick” and half established thirty-three years ago, who passed away in Kelowna General]^had locked___^ his door andnnri gonerynno hhome o m o which foilows as complete a picture the eighth destroyer flotilla had ai’iived passed from the hands of Messrs. P. Hospital on Saturday afternoon. for the day, he was to continue to give M AYOR G. G. McGEER up arms. It is estimated that Ethiopia as possible of the deal in each of the there. The ships came from China B. Willits and G. A. McKay to those his service to those to whom it would of Vancouver, who addressed a capacity can place 2,000,000 men in the field at stations. The warship “Londonderry” principal lines of vegetables which of the new owner, Mr. E. T. Abbott, be acceptable. It was then that com- audience in ' the Empress Theatre.^ last have fallen under stabilization. left Devonport for Gibraltar. of Armstrong. I munity service became another spoke night in support of Mr. Charles Oliver, Despatches from Agamc district, Each deal will be pictured separ­ PARIS. Oct. 3.— French officials, con­ The retiring owners have found it KELOWNA FRUIT o f R o ta ry . Liberal candidate for Yale. where the Italians invaded yesterday a te ly . a severe wrench to terminate the (Continued on Page 3) driving back Ethiopian tribesmen, state sidering sanctions against Italy una­ Onions For Export pleasant relations that had existed for that the invaders came in contact later voidable, officially reported today that A firm price G IF Auckland, New so many years between their custom­ EXHIBITS WIN with regular Ethiopian troops and were they are trying to keep the conflict Zealand, was fixed by the Agency, ers and themselves, but reasons of OPTIONS TAKEN driven back after fierce fighting from spreading. health made a change imperative. They “The situation is dangerous but noc netting the growers a minimum of $20 MANY PRIZES! APPLE PRICES ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 3.—The Aduwa obtain some Consolation in the fact per ton. Bookings have been fairly bombardment wrecked fifteen houses fatal,” one official said. “Mussolini’s that the business w ill continue,. under ON WINFIELD satisfactory and the price steady in and one hundred more were destroyed speech to mobilize Italy yesterday m ak­ contra-distinction to last year, when the capable management of Mr. Wilson FORCED DOWN Local Growers Capture Lion’s by air bombs at Adigra. The inhabi­ es it easy for the League to find him two or three different prices were McGill, with little change in the per­ •Share Of Awards At Interior PLACER LEASES tants were not warned by the Italians. the aggressor because he spoke of his quoted to the New Zealand importers, sonnel other than caused by their own army marching. It is true that Mussol­ retirement, and they are confident that Provincial Exhibition IN B R I T A I N P A R I S , O c t. 3.— T h e A d d is A b a b a netting the growers as low as $12 per ini’s quarrel is with the League and not the standard of service upon which correspondent of the Pairs Soir reports ton. The onions going forward are West Canadian Collieries, Ltd., with Britain. We never thought it they prided themselves will be main­ that^the two_sons of Mussolini and^m^^ warehouse graded and of good quality Fruit exhibits from the Kelowna dis- j ' E s c o r t Shipments From Of Blairmore, Alta., Become otherwise, but it confirms that- England tained fully under the new ownership. let carried off the bulk of the awards J -a rp ^^porr onipu u son-in-law were in the planes that and the result of this initial effort trict carried — * Interested In Gold Field lacks a selfish interest and may streng­ For patrons of the dispensing depart­ at the Interior Provincial Exhibition at Canada And United States should be a steady volume of busi­ bombed Aduwa. then opinion for enforcement of the ment continuity is insured by the com­ Flood Market ness for future seasons. Prices in an Armstrong, as follows: GENEVA, Oct. 3.— Emperor Selassie League covenant.” • French officials plete filing system installed a number There are prospects of development export deal must always be competi­ A p p le s has asked the powers, particularly foresaw prompt action by the League. of years ago, which permits of imme­ on an extensive scale of the Winfield tive with the quotations from other Due largely to American compe­ Great Britain, to raise the embargo on PARIS, Oct. 3.—It is officially an­ diate reference to any one of a _ total Fall Dessert Apples.— 1, E. B. Powell, placer gold area, which is rich in po- sources of supply, but the fact that tition, apple prices have been the shipment of arms to Ethiopia. o f 165,000 p re sc rip tio n s fille d d u r in g a East Kelowna.
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