HYDERABAD � WEDNESDAY � APRIL 5, !"# � $%&!! � PA'ES (! � LA)E *I)Y EDI)I+N $OORDINATED BREACH OF SECURITY WHAT TO WATCH OUT FOR DO MOBILE APPS TEAM UP App behaviour1 hether intentional or not1 can pose a ■ $a%or ris/s could come from some of the least capable apps& A security breach1 depending on the /inds of apps you have1 flashlight app can share contacts1 location1 ith mal are apps 23,495 AND STEAL YOUR DATA? said 0ang -ang1 co4author of the research& +t as found ■ 5sers should read through the list of permissions re!uired Android apps collude and share information with each other that thousands of pairs of apps could lea/ sensitive phone before do nloading an application OF1LAKHMOSTPOPULARAPPSON on the sly, according to researchers from Virginia Tech or personal information to unauthorised apps ■ $any apps could be sharing your information unintentionally GOOGLE PLAY COULD LEAK DATA CHENNAI ■ MADURAI ■ VIJAYAWADA ■ BENGALURU ■ KOCHI ■ HYDERABAD ■ VISAKHAPATNAM ■ COIMBATORE ■ KOZHIKODE ■ THIRUVANANTHAPURAM ■ BELAGAVI ■ BHUBANESWAR ■ SHIVAMOGGA ■ TIRUCHY ■ TIRUPATI ■ MANGALURU ■ TIRUNELVELI ■ HUBBALLI ■ DHARMAPURI ■ KOTTAYAM ■ VILLUPURAM ■ KOLLAM ■ WARANGAL ■ NAGAPATTINAM ■ THRISSUR New H-1B visa CBSE EXAM rules shut doors School goofs up on entry-level on question programmers paper, case filed EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE @Hyderabad THE Trump administration has I- what appears like a re$kless mis- reworked its H1B visa norms, a take on the part of a s$hool manage- move that is likely to hit entry- ment, as many as 24 Class-X students level software programmers from of a $ity s$hool were for$ed to answer India the hardest. The revised Telugu )uestion paper - meant for &nd- guidelines were released by the hra 0radesh - in the ongoing "entral ! "iti#enship and Immigration INDO-PAK PEACE TALKS Board of !e$ondary Edu$ation 6"B!E7 !ervi$e ahead of the H1B season e2ams. Though the e2am was held on whi$h opened on %onday. &$- %ar$h 18, !9 -agar poli$e registered a $ording to reports, prospe$ts of $ase against :ignana ;yothi 0ublic entry-level programmers would STAY AWAY, UNCLE SAM !$hool on Tuesday following a $om- be severely affe$ted as they would plaint from parents. no longer be $onsidered under The students were given Telugu the 'spe$iality o$$upation( $ate- American ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says Washington, )uestion paper of &ndhra 0radesh EXPRESS READ gory, &lso, the government has and Trump himself, may try and play a role in efforts to whi$h had )uestions for 8< marks, the tightened the minimum edu$a- same as Telangana Telugu paper. But, Land acquisition for open cast mining stayed tion re)uirements for program- de-escalate Indo-Pak tensions; New Delhi shrugs, nixes the offer for the remaining =3 marks, the )ues- mers. &$$ordingly,diploma-level tions were $ompletely different for the Hyderabad: A division bench of the Hyderabad High Court on degrees and those with edu$a- RAMANANDA SENGUPTA @ Chennai wait till something happens., !he two states, whi$h the students $ould Tuesday directed the Telangana govt and Singareni Collieries tional ba$kground in other sub- went on to add that apart from Techie from TS not answer. Company Limited (SCCL) not to go ahead ith the land *e$ts might not be eligible. -E. /elhi on Tuesday snubbed the ! -ational !e$urity "oun- .hen $onta$ted, &runa >umari, ac!uisition process for Kalyani "hani #pen Cast $ining pro%ect The move also makes it diffi- the !( offer to mediate in the $il, even 0resident Trump might hangs self in Seattle prin$ipal of the school, said, +Telugu in $ancherial district ithout resolutions from gram sabhas& P5 $ult for students who studied out- India-0akistan $onfli$t, saying get involved in the pro$ess. Hyderabad: $adhukar tea$her of our s$hool was entrusted side the ! to find a *ob in the there was no $hange in the gov- In a terse statement, the %inis- with the responsibility of pi$king the 'eddy 0udur1 a 234year4old IPL: Hyd to take on $ountry.+&n entry-level program- ernment(s position on +bilateral try of E2ternal &ffairs said that soft are engineer from )uestion paper $ode given by the "B!E. mer position would not generally redressal of all India-0akistan is- while India(s position against (hongir1 allegedly hanged In this $ase, the tea$her sele$ted )ues- B’lore in opener today )ualify as a position in a spe$ial- sues in an environment free of third party interferen$e is $on- himself at his house in tion paper $ode pertaining to &ndhra ity o$$upation be$ause the plain terror and violen$e,. sistent, +.e of $ourse e2pe$t in- 0radesh whereas our students follow Hyderabad: Sunrisers Seattle in the 5S1 according language of the statutory and This follows &meri$an ambas- ternational $ommunity to en- Telangana state Telugu syllabus., Hyderabad and 'oyal to reports reaching the regulatory definition of +spe$ial- sador to the - -ikki Haley(s re- for$e international me$hanisms &runa >umari said, +.e have not Challengers (angalore ill family on Tuesday& The ity o$$upation, re)uires in part marks at a press $onferen$e in and mandates $on$erning terror- re$eived any response from the "B!E set the )*th season of the family is a aiting more that the proffered position have a -ew 1ork %onday, where she ism emanating from 0akistan, as to what $an be done now. -o a$tion 678#9 9#5' :A;#5'+T6 05+.6 T# +ndian Premier Leauge rolling details about the reasons minimum entry re)uirement of a said .ashington may +try and whi$h $ontinues to be the biggest will be taken against the tea$her and TH6 C+T9 7#- -+TH ALL )2 ,A06S on -ednesday evening& Hyd ! ba$helor(s or higher degree,” find its pla$e in efforts to de-es$a- threat to pea$e in our region., that led to the suicide of our fo$us now is on how to solve the +7 C#L#5' T# '6:L6CT TH6 is captained by .avid the statement said. MORE P8 late Indo-0ak tensions and not CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 $adhukar 'eddy& problem., CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 ;+('A7C9 #: H9.6'A(A. -arner& P16 ALMANAC TODAY FORECAST Sunset 1830 hrs Mostly Sunny Wednesday: 05/04/17 Year: Sri Hevalambi Aayanam: Uttaraayanam Rutuvu: Vasantha Sunrise 0607 hrs Rutuvu Masam: Chaitramu Paksham: Sukla Tithi: Navami10:04am MIN MAX Moonrise 01.29 hrs Nakshatram: Pushyami 11:5 !m Durmuhurtham: 11"4# am $ 1%: 5 !m WEATHER 0 0 Varjyam: 07:0# $ 0&$41 !m Rahukaalam: 1%:00 !m $01" 0 !m WATCH 26 C 38 C Moonset 01.46 hrs 02 HYDERABAD WEDNESDAY 05�04�2017 City-based millet incubator to be boon for farmers, entrepreneurs Union govt sanctions H10 crore to Nurturing Incubation Entrepreneurship with Leverage of Agri-innovation in Nutri-cereals which will come up at IIMR ne t month RAHUL V P !HAR"DY @ Hyderabad ary allocation will begin this ha&e close to 1$ technologies (in- same period, e2plained 3!/ay- commercial face of coopera- Superior to rice in April! 'amed NI()A' ('urtur- cluding ready-to-consume prod- a ar Rao, principal scientist who ti&es,0 said Rao! +At the moment, many respects AT a time when drought-resistant ing Incubation (ntrepreneurship ucts, shelf-life technologies, bio- will head the incubator! the farmer does not benefit much. Millets are '$ crops indigenous millets of Telangana with )e&erage of Agri-inno&a- fortification to enhance Rao said that the researchers To ma e the system sustainable, which e iciently utilise beg for more attention not just as tion in 'utri-cereals), the facility functionality of food, machinery, and scientists will offer mentor- we need to do bac ward integra- a nutritional food supplement set up on the IIMR campus at Ra- pac aging and labelling) gener- ing on physical as well as finan- tion! ,ith 56Os and production car"on dioxide to and staple diet, the city-based In- jendranagar will accommodate ated at the institute to choose cial aspects! ! +,e are bringing clusters, farmers would start increase productivity) dian Institute of Millet Research about #$ entrepreneurs. from, apart from an entire &alue together millet farmers from all benefiting immensely! The erst- *hey are drought0 (IIMR) has opened up an entire IIMR director *ilas A Tonapi chain of production to consump- o&er the country to form a con- while districts of Rangareddy, tolerant and can survive mar et for dryland farmers and said, supply of millets does not tion! The necessary infrastruc- sortium, lin them with self-help Meda , Mahbubnagar, 'algonda high temperatures) entrepreneurs. match the huge demand for the ture such as office space, factory groups and '4-s and form 56-s and Adilabad ha&e the potential *hey are gluten0 ree, The institute has recently been cereal! +,e ha&e all the technolo- and storage facility will also be (farmer producer organisations) to become supply hubs,0 he said. high in calcium, iron, 1inc and anti0oxidants sanctioned a grant of "#$ crore to gies and the mar et for &alue ad- pro&ided on the campus for the which would be li e a &ibrant M i l l e t s a r e g r o w n i n Ready-to-eat !ood items establish a technology-business dition products! -n the policy 7har hand, %ttara hand, Mad- and have high a 3iscuits, lakes, vermicelli, pasta, noodles, presence o dietary incubator, the first of its ind in front too, we would lo&e to work We have all technologies and market for value addition products.
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