Weather HOME Becoming partly cloudy, windy THEDAILY and cold today, high in mid 30s. Low tonight 20-30. Fair and cold 1 Bed Bank, Freehold ~jT Saturday, high in upper 30s. Out- FINAL look Sunday, fair and continued Long Branch J cold. BEGISTER MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 130 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Expect LBJ to OK Cambodia Talk Bid WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- posed by Post correspondent but branded it an aggressor in While stating he wouldn't send tolerate the crossing of its borders United (States should use "hot Johnson will have to decide in dent Johnson is expected to ac- Stanley Karnow. Southeast Asia. Cambodian forces against troops by troops from South Vietnam, pursuit" and search-and-destroy the first months of the new year cept promptly Prince Norodom In response to other questions Speculation was Johnson most crossing his border in hot pursuit which he called "our traditional tactics against the enemy hide- what U.S. military action may Sihanouk's indirect suggestion of put by Karnow, in a cable, Sih- likely would send Averell Har- actions, Sihanouk added: expansionist enemy." He said he outs beyond the South Vietnam- be taken. U.S.-Cambodian talks over the anouk said he would not inter- riman, U.S. ambassador-atlarge, "However, if serious incursions had learned the "Pentagon is con- ese borders. This issue, which carries the issue of Communist Vietnamese vene militarily to stop U.S. troops to talk with Sihanouk. In the in- or bombings are committed sidering the employment of the Some State Department and risk of expanding the war in use of Cambodia as a sanctuary.. from entering certain sections of terview, Sihanouk made clear he against our border regions in- Saigon army for eventual incur- other civilian officials say pri- Southeast Asia in 1968, is one of Cambodia's chief of state, de- Cambodia in so-called hot pursuit also would welcome Senate Demo- habited by Cambodians ... I de- sions into our country." vately they believe the cost various unpredictable possibili- scribing h'S country as "caught of North Vietnamese or Viet cratic Leader Mike Mansfield, clare very clearly that we would Despite Sihanouk's expressed would be too high in terms of ties of the new year. Another is between the hammer and the an- Cong forces. whom he described as a "just and not hesitate to strike back as doubts, U.S. officials believe Com- worldwide political reaction, but the outlook for peace—or at least vil," said he would welcome an U.S. officials were reported sur- courageous man ..." strongly as possible with air- munist troops by the thousands military men say the problem peace talks. envoy from the President to dis- prised and pleased with this state- But he said if large Communist craft, tanks and infantry." make periodic use of Cambodia will have to be met. On this question U.S. officials cuss the situation. Speedy dis- ment, which came only a week units are in fact entering Cam- Would Ask Aid as a sanctuary. The dominant Washington view have been intrigued for several patch of such a U.S. spokesman after the prince spurned a U.S. bodia "and if limited combat And in the case of aggression, The use of these sanctuaries is at the moment appears to be weeks by intelligence reports appeared likely. bid for joint efforts to stop Viet- breaks out between American and he said, Cambodia would demand viewed in Washington as a mat- that if Secretary of State Dean coming out of an area of South Sihanouk's statements were pub- namese Communist use of neigh- Vietnamese forces, both illegally increased military aid from Red ter of major military importance. Rusk cannot get a diplomatic so- Vietnam, reportedly south of Sai- lished today in a copyrighted boring Cambodia as a sanctuary. in Cambodia, it goes without say- China and the Soviet Union "in Advisers Split lution—at a minimum some un- gon, that the Communists have Washington Post story based on At that time, Sihanouk de- ing that we would not intervene particular." President Johnson's advisers derstanding with the government been telling villagers the fighting his replies yesterday to questions nounced, the United States and all militarily." He said Cambodia would not are reported split on whether the of Prince Sihanouk—President would end in February. Yanks Mistakenly Strafe South Viets, Kill 4, Wound 33 SAIGON (AP) - Two U.S. Air; Delta where U.S. Navy patrol tion, and an accompanying patrol wounding 17 civilians and an un- Nam Province, the sensitive see* "orce Canberra bombers mistak- boats fought Viet Cong infantry- boat pulled the stricken craft out announced number of South Viet- tor surrounding the big base of '•n'y strafed a company of South len. of the battle 45 miles southwest namese soldiers. Sharp ground Da Nangi The South Vietnamese "in tnamese irregulars locked in One Communist gunner in the of Saigon. actions involved both South Viet- reported killing 52 Red troops, i .ungle fight with the Viet Cong delta put a small patrol boat out In the big delta city of My Tho namese and American units. raising to more than 375 the num- M'sterday, killing four of the ir- of action with a recoilless rifle about 40 miles below Saigon, Viet The heaviest engagement yes- ber of enemy dead claimed by the regulars and wounding 32 and shot that wounded all five Amer- Cong mortarmen lobbed a bar- terday pitted a force of more than allies in three days of fighting in two American advisers, the U.S. ican crewmen. Helicopters swept rage of 42 rounds into the com- 1,000 South Vietnamese against a the coastal lowlands since the end Command announced. in to strafe the_Viet Cong posi- pound of the provincial hospital, Communist battalion in Quang of the brief Christmas truce. U.S. Command said the South Vietnamese force was battling a Viet Cong force in the jungled coastlands of Binh Thuan Prov- ince about 125 miles northeast of Saigon. The B57 Canberras were called Group Backs School Plan in to give supporting fire and dipped down with blazing 20mm RUMSON — An important local civic group, with 280 ultimate capacity of 600 students which, with Forrestdale cannon and SO-caliber machine members, has come out in favor of the proposed bond issue School's capacity of 1,000, would take care of the borough's guns. The ground action against to purchase the Lovett property on Ridge Road for a new projected enrollment of 1,600. the Viet Cong apparently was junior high school. The proposed school was designed by Bernard Kellenyi THE OLD AMD THE NEW — The tallow stump representing waning 1967 flickers broken off as the shattered South Eldon Harvey Jr., 31 Bellevue Ave., first vice president of Red Bank with emphasis on flexible teaching space and including a library for books, films and audio aids and a Hi last while brand new 1968 candle geti ready to spread its glow for 366 Leap Vietnamese unit, called a civilian of the Rumson Improvement Association, said in a state- irregular defense group, pulled ment yesterday, "On the basis of all evidence, we urge our cafeteria-auditorium. Year days. (Register Staff Photo by Larry Pernaj back with its casualties.. membership and every Rumson voter to turn out and vote The Improvement Association further stated: "The board The strafing run took place in in favor of this important referendum on Wednesday, Jan. of the association has conferred with both the regional school midafternoon and the weather 3, at the Forrestdale School from 4 to 9 p.m. board and the elementary school board, and investigated in was relatively clear, the U.S. "In our opinion," he continued, "it solves an immediate depth all facets of the proposed seventh and eighth grade Command said. An investigation need and encompasses any further expansion that may .be school as well as counter proposals. Barrier Installation was ordered by the commander needed." "It is our belief that the proposed school will accommo- of the U.S. 7th Air Force Gen. The referendum will deal with a proposal that the Board date all of Rumson's present elementary school requirements x William Momyer and Air Force of Education float a $1,950,000 bond issue to purchase land and we have been assured that the proposed school is adapt- officers were sent to the scene. and build arid equip the school. The Lovett's Nursery property able for a regional junior high school should this, at a later The mistaken strafing came on on the" south side of Ridge Rd. is wanted for a school, date, become desirable." a day of scattered ground actions adaptable to future expansion, that initially would cover 70,- The Rumson Improvement Association is an established Ordered at A irport up and down the nation. They 000 square feet with 14 classrooms to accommodate 350 stu- "watch dog" organization in the community with a men-only NEW SHREWSBURY - Safety Inc., operators of the airport. of Aeronautics of the Department ranged from pitched battles in dents in the seventh and eighth grades. membership. Another local group, Residents for Rumson barriers will go up at each end After Commissioner Goldberg's of Transportation. the coastal lowlands around Da The site and central facilities would accommodate an Schools, with about 85 members, also favors the referendum. Nang to clashes in the Mekong of the Red Bank Airport runway order was read at last night's Councilman Edmond J.
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