7946 ?'Grgitatinei Aaennblgy Wednesday, 28 November 1990 THE SPEAKER (Mr Michael Bamnett) took the Chair at 10.00 am, and read prayers. PETITION - MIT LESUEUR NATIONAL PARK PROPOSAL Coal Mining or Power Stations Opposition DR ALEXANDER (Perth) [10.03 am]: I have a petition expressed in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned. request that the Parliament, in recognition of the immense biological diversity and irnpontance of the Mt Lesueur area - (1) create a National Park with boundaries as recommended by the Environmental Protection Authority, (2) no coal mining or power stations be pennitted within the boundaries or adjacent to the Mt Lesueur National Park. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 150 signatures and I certify thai it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 192.1 PETITION - KALAMUNDA AND DISTRICTS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Administration Transfer Objection MR THOMPSON (Darling Range) [10.05 am]: I have a petition in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned object to the suggestion that the administration of the Kalamunda & Districts Community Hospital be transferred to a new authority and request that our Hospital continues to be managed by a Board elected by the Kalainunda community. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 1 141 signatures. of which 500 were obtained at a public meeting last night, and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 193.] PETITION - RAILWAYS South West Suburban Roil Service Extension Support MIR THOMAS (Cockburn) 110.07 am]: I have a petition expressed in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned support the extension of the suburban passenger rail service to the suburbs of the south west corridor. This part of the metropolitan area is growing and is widely recognised as one of the most desirable options for the long term expansion of the City of Perth. [Wednesday, 28 November 19901 747947 Moreover, as recent international events have shown, it is prudent to minimnise dependence on oil and environmental considerations support the extension and enhancement of our public transport system. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. The petition bears 249 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 194]) PETITION - MOTOR VEHICLE AND DRIVERS' LICENCES RENEWAL Local Post Office Agencies MR TRENORDEN (Avon) [10.09 am]: I have a petition in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. That we be allowed to use our local Post Office Agencies to renew our Motor Vehicle and Drivers Licences so that we do not have to travel further to an Official Post Office. Post Office Agencies also open on Saturday Mornings while Official Post Offices do not and we are further inconvenienced. As in duty bound your Petitioners will ever pray. The petition bears 9 306 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 195.] SELECT COMMITTEES - REPORT TAB LiNG Extension of Time - Select Committees on Land Conservation, Energy and the Processing of Resources. and the Right to Farm On motion by Dr Gallop (Minister for Education), resolved - That the time for bringing up the reports of the Select Committee on Land Conservation, the Select Committee on Energy and the Processing of Resources, and the Select Committee on the Right to Farmn be extended to 27 June 199 1. SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAND CONSERVATION - INTEREI REPORT Presentation Procedure On motion by Dr Gallop (Minister for Education), resolved - (1) That the Select Committee on Land Conservation be empowered to present any interim report to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly prior to the prorogation of the present Session: and (2) Any interim report received by the Clerk prior to the prorogation of the present Session shall be deemed to be laid on the Table of the House and shall be treated for all purposes as a proceeding of the House and the Clerk shall take such steps as is necessary and appropriate to publish the interim report. SELECT COMMITTEE ON PAROLE -REPORT TAB LING Extension of Time On motion by Mr Cunningham, resolved - (1) That the date for the presentation of the report of the Select Committee on Parole be extended to 2 April 199 1; and 7948 [ASSEMBLY] (2) That until 7 December 1990, this House grants leave for the Select Committee on Parole to sit during sittings of the House. LOCAL GO VERNMIENT AMENDMENT BILL (No 2) Committee Resumed from 27 November. The Chairman of Committees (Dr Alexander) in the Chair; Mr Cordon H-ill (Minister for Local Government) in charge of the eml. Clause 11: Section 245SA amended - Progress was reported after the clause had been partly considered. Mr CLARKO: I move - Page 6, line 4 - To delete the figure '2' and substitute "4%. This amendment relates to the period between council inspections. Another aspect of this clause is the way pool owners will be charged for inspections, with a third aspect being the question of the maximum charge the Government proposes to adopt. It will be interesting to see how the Minister puts in place the payment of a fee by pool owners for inspections. This clause proposes that pool owners share collectively the cost of pool administration in their municipalities. If the cost of pool administration is $10 000 and there are 1 000 people with pools in the area, each would pay $ 10. Everybody in Westemn Australia needs to understand that if they have a pooi they will have to pay for inspection of the pool. [ understand that, at the moment, they pay $1 to register their pool. However, they will now be charged a new fee of $ 10 or $20 a year. That is a grossly inferior system of paying for inspections to that which I suggest. I suggest that pools be inspected by councils every four years and that they pay a $40 fee for that inspection. The idea of billing pool owners a yearly fee is full of complexities and is not the right way to do this. The Bill proposes that the maximum charge will be determined by the Minister. This is an intrusion into local government at a time when the Minister and his colleagues involved in rewriting local government legislation are doing the opposite. It is proposed to give local government the ability to make decisions on matters which they are capable of making. The State Government should not be involved but, in this case, it will be involved in price control. That went out after the second World War. My amendment is complicated by the fact that the Minister declined yesterday to accept the proposition put before the House. namely, that a personal inspection form should go to every pool owner in the State for completion. I hope that amendment will be pressed in another place. It would ensure that someone would be responsible for checking the pool at least once a year and thai would be done with virtually no cost. Despite the loss of that amendment, the Opposition presses for a four year council inspection although it will be pressing in another place for that to be combined with annual inspections. Anybody reading yesterday's debate will understand that the two have to be taken together. The annual inspection should be complemented by a council inspection every four years. Every responsible owner of a pool should check it at least once every 12 months. The requirement for annual inspections will be changed to biennial inspections by the Government. Safety requirements of pools could be ignored in that time which is undesirable and no responsible citizen would want that to happen. I received this morning information from building surveyors who have said that it will not be possible to inspect all the pools by 1 July 1992. 1 do not know whether the Minister has received a submission on that matter. A requirement of the legislation introduced in May this year was that it be in place by July 1990. That did not happen. The Opposition is concerned about having a comprehensive system of inspections and that is what this amendment refers to. However, it will not be as effective as it would have been if the other inspection amendment had been passed. In summary, the Opposition wants every pool in Western Australia inspected - the Government has suggested by t July 1992 but there are some doubts about that date. Secondly. the Opposition suggests that a formal requirement be introduced for pool owners to carry out safety inspections of their pools.
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