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WWW.A1G.G0M fe, so your footprints won't the first ones shaped like a size 10 cross-trainer. ^^K A. JSA A. fki oitk less friveUr 1 .800.23 1.0568 www.panamainfo.com APRIL 2002 VOLUME 111 NUMBER 3 FEATURES A DIVERSE & MARVELOUS COLLECTION An eighteenth-century Dutch apothecary's "cabinet of curiosities" attracted even Peter the Great. BY IRMGARD MUSCH, RAINER WILLMANN, AND JES RUST ALL FOR ONE When European hunters first came to Africa, they quickly placed the Cape butlalo on their shorthst of extremely dangerous quarry. PHOTOGRAPHS BY ADRIAN BAILEY ~ TEXT BY ROBYN KEENE-YOUNG SPECIAL REPORT INTELLIGENT COVER Mus musculus, the house DESIGN? mouse, has been associating with Homo sapiens for at new generation of A MOUSE'S TALE HA least 10,000 years. antievolutionists—some of Inbred tor special roles in them highly educated—maintain medical research, the adaptable STORY BEGINS ON PAGE 64 that evolution can produce neither house mouse remains fittest in new species the molecular nor the wilds of your pantry. PHOTOGRAPH BY structures within cells. BY STEVEN N. AUSTAD STEPHEN DALTON DEPARTMENTS \ 6 UP FRONT After All These Years 10 LETTERS 12 CONTRIBUTORS 14 AT THE MUSEUM String Theory MEREDITH F. SMALL 15 MUSEUM EVENTS IN APRIL 18 IN SUM STEPHAN REEBS 32 THE EVOLUTIONARY FRONT Crystal Balls CARL ZIMMER 42 THIS LAND Parks and Pools ROBERT H. MOHLENBROCK 44 UNIVERSE The Five Points of Lagrange NEIL deGRASSE TYSON 82 FINDINGS Scent Wars JOYCE A. POWZYK 86 NOW HEAR THIS Four Ears to the Ground ALAN BURDICK 88 BIOMECHANICS Twister! ADAM SUMMERS 92 CELESTIAL EVENTS The Producers RICHARD PANEK 93 THE SKY IN APRIL JOE RAO 94 REVIEW Baseball by the Books GEORGE GMELCH 95 nature.net The Human Presence ROBERT ANDERSON 96 BOOKSHELF 98 THE NATURAL MOMENT Arms Control PHOTOGRAPH BY FRED BAVENDAM 100 ENDPAPER Science Versus Religion? No Contest IAN TATTERSALL Visit our Web site at u'liniuiatiiralhistory.coin. His1 1 Id MarsalisIwldldCllld is considered one of the world's premier jazz piaWsts. He's taught some of the world's most famous musicians. Even fatheri a few of his own. But with retirement approaching, he dJCln't WdTlt tO imprOVIS^ Not when it came to money. We worked with him on ways to make the most of his retirement plan, so money wouldn't get in the^ piusic. After all, jazzmen aren't supposed to play the blues. Log on for ideas, advice, and results. TIAA-CRERorg or c||l 1.800.842.1924 Managing '^s,td think about.' RETIREMENT INSURANCE MUTUAL FUNDS COLLEGE SAVINGS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Ellis Marsalis became a participant in 1990. TIAA-CREF Individual and Institutional Services, Inc., and Teac) pal Investors Services, Inc., distribute securities products. ©2002 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association -College Retirement Equi #IAA-CREF). New York, NY.. ' Ellis Marsalis was compensated. - . NATURAL HISTORY 4/02 UP FRONT After All These Years The magazine of the American Museum of Natural History Ellen Goldensohn Editor in Chief / cannot look upon the Universe as the result of Mind chance, yet I can see no evidence Rebecca B. Finnell Make Crowe of beneficent design, or indeed design of any kind in the details. As for each variation Executive Editor Mmagitig Editor that lias ever occurred being preordainedfor a special end, I can no more believe Thomas Page Designer in it, than that the spot on which each drop of rain falls has been specially ordained. Board of Editors T. Kelleher, jenny Lawrence, Vittorio Maestro, —Charles Darwin, 1870 J. Richard Milner (on leave), Judy Rice, Kay Zakariasen (Pictures) J^ scientific theory stands or falls by its ability to explain and predict. Michel DeMatteis, Avis Lang Associate Managing Editors f-\ Darwin's idea of evolution by natural selection rapidly persuaded Thomas Rosinski Assistant Designer ^ -A-scientists because it offered a brilliant and thoroughgoing Flora Rodriguez Picture Coordinator explanation of the oddities, cruelties, irregularities, and patterned intricacies Carol Barnette Editorial Coordinator Merle Okada Assistant to the Editor of the natural world. Like all successful scientific theories, the Darwinian Kirsten L. Weir Contributing Editor paradigm has been modified and expanded. But its basic prenxise—that Allison Devers, Erin M. Espelie, Judy Jacobson, species have descended from common ancestors and have been modified Brittain Phillips Interns over immense periods of time—remains unrivaled in making sense of many disparate Unes of evidence. Mark A. Furlong Publistier Gale Page Consumer Marketing Director Unlike the equally revolutionary theories of Copernicus and Galileo, Judy Lee-Buller General Matiager however, Darwin's idea still provokes opposition in some quarters. Most Denise Clappi Director of Mainifacturing recently, this resistance has been embodied by the "intelligent design" (ID) Susie Chien Associate General Manager movement, whose supporters maintain that the complexity of the natural world is evidence of planning by a higher intelligence. This line of Edgar L. Harrison National Advertising Manager Sonia W. Paratore Senior Account Manager argument, familiar to theologians, is now being put forth as a scientific Donna M. Lemmon Advertising Production Manager challenge to Darwin. Ramon E. Alvarez Circulation Manager In this issue. Natural History has made the unusual move of allotting Michael Shectman Fulfilment Manager space to three of ID's leading proponents. Some of our firiends and Maria Volpe Promotion and Graphics Director colleagues have asked why a magazine such as ours, grounded in Gladys Rivera Assistant to the Publisher evolutionary biology, should give advocates a in ID voice our pages. The Monique Berkley Advertising Coordinator argument goes: "You wouldn't think of having astrologers, alchemists, or Advertising Sales Representatives New yorl.'—Metrocorp Marketing (212) 972-1157 Flat-Earthers write in the magazine, so why make an exception for Chicago—]err\- Greco & Assoc. (847) 925-9300 antievolutionists? Detroil—John kennedy & Assoc. (313) 886-4399 Mist Co^l—Auerbach Media (818) 716-9613 Our answer is simple. The latest efforts to influence the teaching of Tlwnto—Anieric-in Publishen; Representatives Ltd. (416) 363-1388 Atlanta and Miami—'Rscldes and Co. (770) 654-4567 biology in the nation's classrooms are being spearheaded by those who National Direct Response—Smyth Media Group (646) 638-4985 assert that ID theory is, in fact, science. "Intelligent Design?" (page 73) For subscription information, call (800) 234-5252 (within U.S.) or (515) 247-7631 (fom outside U.S.). offers readers the chance to evaluate, unfiltered by secondhand reports, the For advertising information, call (212) 769-5555. scientific quality of ID's propositions and to judge for themselves whether or not these propositions differ from those of evolution's old foe, American Museum creationism. In this section, each ID statement is analyzed by a respondent OF Natural History An iNSTrruTioN dedicated to undehstanding and preserving in the Darwinian camp. To further assess the design argument, we draw BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY your attention to Barbara Forrest's brief overview of the intelligent-design Lewis W Bernard Chmnuvi, Boiird ofTnislccs movement (page 80) and to columnist Carl Zimmer's report on recent Ellen V. Futxer President findings relevant to the evolution of the eye ("Crystal Balls," page 32). Niiliim! Hisiot)' (ISSN 0028-0712} is publuhed nionchly. except for combtned issues iii the American Muicum ofN.iiural Hision', Cen[fal Why is our culture still torn apart by these evolution wars? We leave the July/August .md December/|.THuar>', by Rirk West at 79tli Street, New York. NY 10024. E-iiiail; [email protected];. Subscriptions: .1 Pcriodic.ils postage piid at last, and most philosophical, word on that subject to Museum anthropology S30,(N1 year; for Canadi and .ill other eouiitrics: S40.00 a yeiT. New York, N.Y, and at additional inailine offices. Copynghi O 2002 by American Mu- seum ol'Natiiral History. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced curator Ian TattersaU ("Science Versus Religion? No Contest," page 100). wiihoui written consent of iVniiini/ Hisici): Send subscripnon ordcn aiid undelivciable — copies to the address below. For subsCTiptioii information, call (800) 2,l-t-5252 or, from out- Ellen Goldensohn Hislor); Box side U.S., (5 1 5} 247-763 1 . Postmaster: Send address clwngcs to h'Miml R O, Sm\ Harbn. lA 51537-5000. Canadian GST Registration #128426574. Cjn.idi.in Piiblicaoons Agreement #40030827. Prmted in the U.S.A. TF THE BOTTLE DIDN'T GET YOUR ATTENTION, THE AWARDS SHOULD. 98 RATING WINE ENTHUSIAST MAGAZINE. 2000 BEST WHITE SPIRIT SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION, 2000 & 2001 BEST NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION MARKET WATCH LEADERS' CHOICE AWARDS, 2000 Sip responsibly. r ^' r runswick, Canada! The world's highest tides happen right here in the Bay of Fundy! 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