SEE THE LAST GAME OF SEE "CHARLEY'S AUNT" SEASON, SATURDAY THURSDAY OR FRIDAY THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE VOLUME XLIV, No. 18 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA. MARCH 3, 1926 DEBATE TEAMS BEATEN COLLEGE BAND TO GIVE ALLEM LOSES HEART=BREAKER THIEL DEFIES CONFERENCE MEN'S SENATE DRAWS UP IN TRIANGULAR CONTEST SEVERAL CONCERTS SOON BY PLAYING GROVE CITY COLLEGE DANCE PETITION ACTION OF GREENVILLE SCHOOL FORMAL REQUEST FOR DANCING NEGATIVE AND AFFIRMATIVE MUSICIANS TO PLAY AT SENIOR TO CRIMSON BY 25=20 SCORE COMES AS FIRST BREAK IN IN COLLEGE BUILDINGS TEAMS LOSE TO OBERLIN AND PLAY TOMORROW AND FRIDAY CONFERENCE RULING SIGNED BY MANY WOOSTER, RESPECTIVELY —TRIPS PLANNED The first evidence of any official ac- The present ruling of the adminis- In one of the most brilliant and The College Band is making prepar- Baker's Men Beaten by Grove City's Late Rally---Held tion concerning the ultimatum of Com- tration which prohibits the holding closely-contested debates held at this ations for a busy time during the missioner Smith on the part of the of student dances in the college build- college for some time, Wooster Col- month of March. During that period Five Point Lead at One Stage Tri-State Conference schools was ings has caused a great deal of ad- lege's negative team defeated Alle- it will make no less than three and forthcoming Saturday, February 27, verse criticism during the last few gheny's affirmative team in Ford possibly four appearances. Two of when athletic authorities of Thiel Col- years. The great majority of 'the Chapel by a 1-0 score last Thursday these will come in connection with The annual basketball classic be- from their insecure perches upon the lege announced that their basketball students have voiced the opinion that evening. The proposition debated the Senior play, which will be given tween the Blue and Gold and Crimson rafters, and none of this howling team would play the regularly sched- college dances should be permitted in was: Resolved, That the present pol- tomorrow and Friday evenings. fives was staged on the local court crowd, whose uproar at times drowned uled game with Grove City at Green- the college 'buildings. Consequently, icy to extend governmental restric- The third concert will be presented Friday evening, February 26, and re- out the referee's whistle, will forget in the First Presbyterian Church on ville last night. This move, while ap- at a meeting of the Student Senate tion of individual liberty should be sulted in a Grove City win, 25-20. To the mighty battle. March 8, under the auspices of the plying directly to Grove City also af- last week, the question was discussed condemned. say that it was a great game and that Grove City started things off by Christian Endeavor Society, Consid. fects Allegheny, for Thiel officials and a petition drawn up in which per- The debate was one phase of a tri- Dame Fortune had the Grovers by the scoring a foul, but Yengst and Rhodes erable interest is being shown in this state that they feel morally and mission is asked to hold dances in the angular contest between Oberlin, hand during the last few minutes of came back with pointers that gave concert, since it is the first one of its legally bound to live up to the two- college buildings and which, if re- Wooster and Allegheny College. While play would be putting it mildly. With- Baker's men a lead which they held type to be presented by an Allegheny year contracts between the two non- ceived, will allow the Senior Hop to the Allegheny affirmative debaters out doubt, it was one of the greatest until within four minutes of the close College Band in some time. league institutions and themselves. be held in either the Gymnasium or were meeting Wooster here, the nega- exhibitions of the indoor sport that of the half. With the score 6-4, Mc- The College musicians are practic- They have no desire, however, to defy Cochran Hall. The petition is now tive team was in Oberlon, Ohio, argu- has been played in this section in Clurg dribbled under the net and exe- ing twice weekly and pleasing pro- the ruling of the commissioner, it is circulating among the students and as ing the same question. many a moon, but after carrying off cuted a difficult two-pointer, making grams are expected in all of their ap- said. soon as the necessary signatures are 'Wooster's 'winning team was com- honors throughout all the final five it Allegheny's at 8-6. Rose and Stev- pearances. Many new numbers will That the Allegheny College alumni attached it will be presented to the posed of W. W. McQuilkin, C. C. Con- minutes of the contest, the Blue and ens scored for the Grovers, and be played at the concerts. of Pittsburgh have unanimously en- faculty for their consideration. A over and 'R. M. Tignor. This side ad- Gold were forced to witness one of Rhodes added two foul tries, to make In addition to these local appear- dorsed the official statement of the copy of the petition has been posted vocated the restrictions of the indi- Grove City's famous last-minute ral- the score 10-12 at the half, with Grove ances, the Band is arranging several Athletic Board of Control a week ago on the bulletin board of Bentley Hill. vidual so as to achieve the greatest lies, and with victory almost in sight, City holding the advantage. trips. One of these may prove to 'be at a meeting held Friday evening, Feb- The petition is as follows: good for the greatest number of peo- the honors took a. shift and the sen- At the beginning of the second half a three-day tour of the Pittsburgh dis- ruary 26, was the announcement made To the Faculty of Allegheny College, ple, and therefore to promote social sational basket ball laurels were taken this advantage disappeared when Mc- trict, while another may include War- here Monday morning. The point con- Relative to Dancing in College welfare. They held that their policy to the Mercer county town. The strat- Clurg knotted the count at 12-12. Eaoh ren and Erie. Several shorter trips cerning Allegheny's refusal to enter Buildings: was praotical, indispensible and con- egy of the veteran Coach Thorn, in team then scored one point, and Moon into neighboring towns will probably the Conference at any time was We, the undersigned, students of sistent with the constitutional process jerking three of his regulars from the gave Allegheny the lead, 15-13. With be made. It is expected that 30 men stressed in the endorsement motion. Allegheny College, (1) Believing that of government. game, giving them a two-minute rest, the score again tied at 15-all, Captain will be carried on the trips. so-called "all-college" dances are a Robert Kirkpatrick, A. H. Bartlett, and then sending them back into the McClurg committed his fourth per- John B. Gordon and Karl Riemer, al- justifiable part of the social activity of struggle with definite instructions, did sonal foul and was ejected from the `CHARLEY'S AUNT' CAST a •o-educational college, and, (2) be- ternate, made up the Allegheny team. the trick. The Allegheny five per- game. His removal did not imme- These debaters dealt vigorous blows LE PETIT SALON PLAYS lieving that such dances should be formed just as efficiently as they did diately affect the work of his team, held in College buildings, because: against the present growing policy of against West Virginia, but the pace which jumped into a five-point lead SET FOR OPENING NIGHT the government to restrict individual TO BE STAGED MARCH 18 A. The halls located in the City of they set Ras too gruelling and the when Cibula scored from back court Meadville (1) are unsuitable for col- liberty. They pointed out that many greater reserve strength of the Crim- and Moon tipped one in from a jump. SENIOR CLASS PLAY UNDERGOES CASTS WORKING HARD ON TWO lege dances, for they are by no means cases of restriction do not compen- son was bound to tell. The old gym With the count standing at 20-15 LAST REHEARSALS FOR TO- FRENCH COMEDIES, ANNUAL as clean or as attractive as they should sate the group as intended. was packed to the doors, with eight against them, the Grovers took time MORROW'S PERFORMANCE This debate, the 16th between the DRAMATIC PRODUCTIONS be; (2) are insufficient in size; (3) are small boys obtaining a bird's-eye view (Continued on page 4) two institutions, was characterized by too expensive, both because their use Interest is increasing daily on the involves paying a fee for such use and splendid oratory and convincing argu- On Thursday evening, March 18, in campus and in the city concerning the necessitates the hiring of taxicabs by ments, especially in the rebuttals. Alle- Ford Memorial Chapel, Le Petit Salon FAMOUS PREACHER-ORATOR 'COLLEGE AUTO SHOW NUMBER play, "Charley's Aunt," which the individuals; (4) are too far from the gheny was more specific and dealt will present its annual dramatic per- Senior class will stage in the High campus, and (5) furnish a generally more in details, while Wooster dealt formance. Two one-act French farce TO VISIT HERE FOUR DAYS OF ALLIGATOR OUT TODAY School Auditorium. tomorrow and Fri- undesirable and unpleasant atmos- mainly in generalities. comedies will be given, "Rosalie," by day evenings. The tact that this play phere for a college dance, and be- The judge of the debate was W.
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