The Technique "The South's Livest College Weekly" Georgia School of Technology VOL. XXIV. THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1935 No. 20 FRATERNITIES TO INITIATE 175 BASEBALL, TENNIS, TRACK, AND GOLFTEAMS SWING INTO ACTION Swimming Team Meets Tenn., The Sixteen Fraternities Report Maryville College Tomorrow Dance Committee Initiation of 125 New Men EXCELLENT MATERIAL IN SEVEN CHAPTERS TO ALL BRANCHES OF J REPORT RESULTS IN SPRING SPORTS NEXT ISSUE LARGS MAJORITY OF PLEDGE CLASS SCHEDULES NEAR COMPLETION AS BECOMES MEMBERS AT CUR­ ELIMINATION MATCHES REDUCE RENT INITIATIONS. SIZE OF SQUADS. I Heated competition for positions on From the information compiled by a the various spring sports squads has JOHN RIDLEY SHORTY ROBERTS HARRY ROBERTS WRIGHT PAULK recent visit to all Tech fraternities it President Vice-President Secretary • Treasurer been underway for the past week as is estimated that over one hundred the baseball, tennis, golf, and track Debating Teams Plan COMMITTEE REPORTS Anak Resumes Dances and seventy-five men will be initiat­ teams swung into action for one of Active Session MID-TERM DANCES Tomorrow Night ed into the various chapters on the the most exciting seasons in several campus. years. FINANCIAL SUCCESS A complete list was not to be ob­ The M. L. Brittain Debating So­ The Anak Society will resume its The swimming team, which has lost ciety, under the able leadership of tained; however, sixteen fraterni­ regular Saturday night dances to­ ties reported having initiated one only one game in nearly a dozen sea­ Professor Edwin Folk, will be very FRATERNITIES IN GEORGIA COLLEGES active during the month of March, UNITE TO DEFINITELY ABOLISH morrow night at the Armory with hundred and twenty-five pledges dur­ sons, will start its season off with a ing the last two weeks. The other fra­ with no less than five engagements HIGH SCHOOL PLEDGING; PEN­ music by the Georgia Tech Ramblers. meet with University of Tennessee with leading southern colleges. ternities will initiate new men this ALTIES TO BE IMPOSED FOR VIO­ Admission, as has been announced be­ and Maryville College in Knoxville, On March 8, W. A. Darden and week-end and all additions to the list LATION OF RECENT RULING. fore, will be by pass cards or regu­ Louis Blanks, of Georgia Tech, will will be published in The Technique as Tennessee. The team is well supplied lar athletic pass books, issued to all uphold the negative side of the ques­ soon as they are reported. with excellent material this season. The Mid-Term dances proved to be tion, "Resolved, That the Nations students and not transferrable. Those The list to date follows: Excellent material is in the offing Should Agree to Prevent Interna­ a financial success, was the report not having pass cards or books will Delta Tau Delta for all branches of spring sports with tional Shipment of Arms and Muni­ submitted by the dance committee at be charged the regular admission fee Eldridge White Bill Malone such men as Charlie Yates, National tions," against a very able team from the Inter-fraternity Council meeting of $1.10 per couple. However, those 0. C. MacLean Billy Scott Intercollegiate golf champion, heading Davidson College. last Sunday morning. The commit­ attending with pass cards will be Bob MacCown Paul Secord the golf team; Captain Billy Reese, On March 19, R. M. Bandy and S. T. tee, composed of the executive board admitted for the nominal sum of Sigma Chi nationally known tennis figure, lead­ Gibson will try their wits against a of the Council, which includes John forty cents per couple, or single. J. H. Bailey Denton Dekle ing the tennis team, and many vet­ delegation from Brenau on the ques­ Bob MacKenzie Charlie Long tion, "Resolved, That the Federal Gov­ Ridley, president; Shorty Roberts, eran baseball and track stars lending Pass cards may be obtained from Pi Kappa Phi ernment Should Adopt the Policy of vice-president; Wright Paulk, treas­ their talent to this season's sports. any member of Anak, and it is urged Joe Body John Boy Equalizing Educational Opportunities urer, and Harry Roberts, secretary, that anyone desiring these cards G. W. Lokey Ed Leake Schedules are nearing completion Throughout the United States by was commended by the council for should get theirs before Saturday Mutt Ridings Bill Shook and many attractive trips will be taken Means of Annual Grants to the Sev­ their excellent work in making the night. Don Johnston Jimmy Gordy to other southern colleges and uni­ eral States for Elementary Educa­ dances such a great success. The dances thus far have proven a Mabry Williams versities. The golf team will open the tion." A high-light of the meeting was an financial a well as a social success, Chi Phi season with a match with Fort Ben- Following these there will be de­ announcement that Tech, Georgia, and the future promises to make John Raine Bill Caldwell ning, to be played at Fort Benning, bates with the University of North and Emory would sign an agreement them even more popular. Everyone Ga., on March 23. Matches will fol­ Carolina on March 20 on the subject to abolish high school pledging. The O. L. Harrison Casper Whitner knows that the proceeds go to the low every week-end with entries in of a national labor union; South Caro­ penalty for a student pledging a col­ George Clark George Spring Spring Sport and Sweater Fund. the Metropolitan Tourney to be held lina, March 28, on the munition ques­ lege fraternity while still in high Harold Fincher Britt Pendergrasl Every admission helps promote Tech in Atlanta April 13, and a grand finish tion, and Alabama, March 25, also on school is the loss of his right to be­ Gratton Hammond activities. (Continued on Page 7) the munition question. come a member of that fraternity at (Continued on Page 6) these colleges. George Griffin addressed the Coun­ Prof. Rainey Calls Controversy cil, urging further co-operation in the The Whistle That Sounded the Inter-fraternity Basketball League. f Result of Misinterpretation Plans were discussed concerning the Knell - - Class of 02 Exposed forthcoming final dances. It was finally decided to have them at the By HAL FELSHER In the year 1902 there resided upon Questioned by The Technique as to legislators, exactly what I had said usual time, the 6th, 7th and 8th of seniors. Who was to lead the attack June. The orchestra has not been de­ the Tech campus two characters of the significance of his recent address and intended. Mr. Sabados made his on| the whistle? To whose glory cided upon yet. It was unanimously noteworthy repute. Both were seniors report to those interested, and the would it be to snatch the famous whis­ at Macon, Professor Glenn W. Rainey voted that the surplus funds from and the acknowledged leaders of their replied as follows: incident was closed." the Pan-Hellenics are to be used for class. However, the one thing in com­ tle from its cradle of rest on the walls of the wood shop building? "In my lecture on the subject, Asked specifically concerning cer­ the Finals. mon between them was the fact that 'T.V.A.—the Larger Issues,' before tain inferences as to his political they were seniors. Aside from this Here many a bitter controversy the Library Forum in Macon, my main and economic views, Professor Rainey NOTICE CO-OPS they were bitter rivals in every re­ arose which ended in the division of spect. It was due to this rivalry that thesis was that the T.V.A. is an effort stated: The election of Co-op repre­ the senior class into two armed en­ the senior class was divided into two through federal competition to con­ "I am not a communist. I am not a sentatives to Student Council for distinct factions, each devotedly at­ campments, one commanded by Pud trol public utility interests which are socialist. I am convinced that if the 1935-1936 will be held Friday, tached to its leader. Lowndes and the other by Steve Snow- so rich and so powerful that effective democratic institutions of this coun­ March 15th. All first section co­ den, the mischievous hero of the limitation of their rates by state try, which are precious to me, are to ops except freshmen are eligible This same senior class had what we agencies seems as a general proposition be saved, we must, through the state to vote in this election. The moderns call a supreme ego. They not school. Each determined to outsmart impossible. In establishing this con­ and federal governments, find ade­ nominees are: Juniors — H. H. only thought but they knew, with the the other in procuring, or rather steal­ tention, largely through citing reports quate solutions for the problems that Strickland, Jr., J J. Hill, and W. sophisticated assurance of the college ing, the whistle. of the Federal Trade Commission, I face us. I am committed to the ex­ W. Howerton; Pre-Juniors — G. man, that they were the best senior In the dark of the following night had to consider the political activities perimental method of dealing with E. Bevis, G. V. Bussey, and W. class that had ever attended Tech. this civil war of the senior class, with of the utility companies. My remarks, economic problems, to honest and C. Norton. One Junior and one Funny how the same idea is prevalent the moon asleep behind the dull, grey reported out of the tone and context courageous thinking, and to peaceful, Pre-Junior will be elected. today. But that is beside the point.
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