Independent Local News for Front Royal & Warren County, Virginia www.warrencountyreport.com Warren County Report 50¢ Vol 1 Issue 5 Mid December, 2006 Garbage police? Page 19 Centex court showdown set for December 8 Page 15 Inside: Opinion: ‘Yes, Virginia . .’ Page 2 Gangs of Front Royal Page 3 Crime, Briefs Page 4 BPOL erupts Page 2, 5 Reassessment Primer Page 9 Centex Road Hearing set Page 15 Jado Jack on the road Page 26 Town Map Centerfold Community Calendar Page 33 Puzzles, Crosswords Page 36-37 Page Warren County Report Mid December 006 Can’t we all just get along? Yes, Virginia, Santa said so, well, ah, maybe . not The Christmas season is ap- Carter observed that while and former Mayor Stan Brooks, sive, or if he did he never told us proaching and in public, officials reading about what local munici- credited with broaching the BPOL how to wrap that fact up all pretty on both sides of the town/county pal governments are up to in the idea from behind the scenes, said before we set it under the Christ- line are saying all the right things press works for citizens, it is a less such fears are unfounded. “Look, mas tree of all those county old about good cheer and compro- than ideal way for governments to nobody’s going to shove this timers’ used to quiet, rural and mise – no matter how grudgingly communicate with each other. down their throats,” Brooks said reasonably priced. – and improved communications Consequently, Carter asked the week before council’s Nov. 27 Perhaps a worthy topic for that leading toward cooperation rather Traczyk to pursue the promotion public hearing and vote to phase proposed Battle Royal, err meet- than conflict. of a “Royal Rumble” or “Battle out the BPOL tax over a longer ing of the minds of our dueling But if one were to look hard be- Royal” at Bing Crosby Stadium four-year period than three coun- local legislators might be how did hind the rosy cheeks and squinty, between the full county and town cilmen, including Brooks, seemed we get to this point politically and hopeful eyes glancing furtively governing bodies “as soon as to favor. financially – and what the heck from side to side, one can only possible” as a revenue-generat- Traczyk also sounded a hopeful are we going to do about it other wonder what the future has in ing mechanism – just kidding, note, offering his Nov. 17 meeting than chat, point fingers and en- store as town and county govern- what Carter actually proposed with Mayor James Eastham (see gage in ongoing bouts of political ments face upwardly spiraling was a joint meeting of the full related stories) as a hopeful step one-upsmanship as we embrace budgets draining surpluses, not to town council and county board in bringing the county’s dueling a future only Northern Virgin- mention growth decisions fueled to discuss the town’s intent on governments back from the brink ians, town and county department by dueling egos, as well as duel- the BPOL tax, as well as other of further name calling and seeth- heads, their lawyers and local ing perspectives on processes and issues of mutual concern. Carter ing animosities. builders will be able to afford? solutions. also asked County Administrator But ultimately, beyond all the At the first Warren County Doug Stanley to explore all the talk of fair/unfair compromises; By Roger Bianchini Board of Supervisors meeting county’s options in either replac- of outdated taxes based on obso- since Front Royal Town Council- ing the unexpected lost revenue lete economic circumstances; of man Bret Hrbek proposed a Nov. or by eliminating some planned unfair business taxes based on 27 public hearing to discuss the county service or infrastructure gross revenues; of scheming busi- town’s taking action to end a 36- expenditures should the county’s nessmen hiding profits to avoid Warren County Report 122 W 14th Street year-old county business licensing in-town BPOL revenue be elimi- taxes; or finally, of “we’re a bet- Box 20 tax (BPOL, aka Business, Profes- nated by council action. ter, more responsible governing Front Royal, VA 22630 sional and Occupational Licens- Carter also pointedly promised body than you are” – a very basic (540) 636-1014 ing) within the town limits, two that if any of the revenue adjust- political bottom line seems to be Publisher and board members spoke at length ment options studied by the super- at the root of all the BPOL joust- Editor-in-Chief: on concerns about evolving town- visors had a potential negative im- ing between the town and county Daniel P. McDermott county relations. pact on the town and its citizens, governments. [email protected] Both Board Chairman Richard the county would notify the town That bottom line is political Managing Editor and Reporter: Traczyk and Happy Creek Super- government and ask for council’s scurrying to find the least overt Roger Bianchini (540) 636-7386 visor Tony Carter said that while input prior to moving forward on method of taxing one’s constitu- [email protected] the idea of eliminating the coun- such a proposal. ents to balance ever upwardly ty’s BPOL tax inside the town lim- Picking up the baton passed by spiraling annual budgets on both Advertising Sales Manager: Paula Conrow its might have merit in a broader his colleague, Traczyk noted that sides of the town/county line. (540) 635-4835 sense, the timing and unilateral he had been made aware of the Yes, Northwestern Virginia, the [email protected] method of broaching the subject town’s BPOL initiative through times they are a changing and the Transcriptionist: by the town council seems to be a the local media and lambasted future, along with Santa and half Roya Milote continuation of what is to them a council for “blindsiding” the of Northern Virginia, is headed [email protected] troubling pattern of town political county with the BPOL proposal. this way . but Santa never told behavior. On the other side, Councilman us it was going to be this expen- www.warrencountyreport.com Mid December 006 Warren County Report Page The Gangs of Front Royal Youth, parental understanding at issue with new ‘mob squad’ styled activities, as well as with their par- The task force’s presentation to the ents. He described parents with no clue town council was made at the request about the implications of their children’s of Councilman Tom Sayre, a criminal style switch to bandannas, one-side tied defense attorney, in the wake of his rep- up pants legs, drooping and baggy pants resentation of a juvenile client in trouble worn by real gang members to conceal for spray-painting gang themed graffiti. weapons and accessories such as large “I asked what he was doing, why he crosses and other gang symbols often did it and he just gave me a blank look,” tattooed on, as well as worn as jewelry. Sayre said of the anonymous 12 year Keller said his task force tries to edu- old’s reply to his attorney’s query. Sayre cate both youths and parents that gang surmised that his experience and the role-playing can lead to serious con- rash of gang-styled graffiti found locally sequences and may also be a symptom means “it’s here and they know what of deeper adjustment, family and social they’re doing.” problems. However, Vice Mayor Tim Darr’s In response to one question posed by follow-up question to representatives of a town council member, Keller agreed the Northwestern Regional Drug Task that real urban gangs are often less than Force, “Are these real gang members or Dan McDermott enamored of rebellious suburban or wannabees?” elicited a mixed response. “It may be just fun and games or a way of expressing themselves today but the next small town teens acting out what they Task Force member Sam Keller, who thing you know they get caught up in it and they are involved in a world that they cannot know only from movies, rap videos and spearheaded the presentation of the task possibly fathom what the repercussions of that world are. They may think they do but video games. For the real gang member force’s activities to counter the gang trust me, they do not – it is a very violent lifestyle.” - Sheriff Danny McEathron born to the experience in inner city, eth- phenomena locally, replied that he had a nic and immigrant neighborhoods, gang hard time separating a youthful fascina- By ROGER BIANCHINI other gangs. So, we just want to get the life is often experienced as a necessary, tion with the gang mentality and the real Warren County Report word out to the youth that it’s not just if desperate and fatal lifestyle. Posers, no thing. saying I’m part of this local gang; you’re matter how innocently intended, could Extended discussion seemed to point The value system associated with in- entering a world that you can’t control. find themselves a target were they ever to a nebulous middle ground existing ner-city gangs such as the Bloods and It may be just fun and games or a way to run across the real thing, Keller said. between alienated youth and the actual Crips, as well as the “Gangsta Rap” mu- of expressing themselves today but the The drug task force representatives gangs they try to emulate. sical subculture seen as a glorification of next thing you know they get caught up presented statistics showing a rise in “Is it a part of illegal drugs?” Mayor the gang mentality was the topic of a pre- in it and they are involved in a world that youth participation in gang activities James Eastham inquired.
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