University of Central' Oiclahornei' The Student Voice Since 1903 APR 17 2014 WINE, BEER DEBATE CONTINUES ON THE IMPORTANCE OF FRESHMAN RESIDENCE ON THE UCO CAMPUS AND COFFEE? "We find that stu- dents who live on SHAUN HAIL, CONTRIBUTING WRITER STARBUCKS ADDS ALCOHOL TO campus during their first two years are NEW 'EVENING' MENU IN US more academically ome universities require freshmen to live successful, inte- on campus, but the University of Central grate better into the Oklahoma does not. The Vista has in- university and are vestigated what students and staff view about more likely to persist freshmen housing and if it is really necessary. on to graduation." About 70 percent of students who live on the University of Central Oklahoma's campus Travis Douglas are freshmen, said Executive Director of Busi- Director of ness. Enterprise8- Jost Overocker. Residential Learning & University Housing "It's valuable for freshmen to live on campus,"-said Overocker. Students who live on campus tend to have a higher GPA and get involved in campus activities, programs and leadership opportuni- Photo by Aliki Dyer, The Vista. ties, said Overocker. There are five living facilities on the UCO KANESHA BROWN campus with Murdaugh Hall, an all-male resi- Staff Writer dence facility, being the cheapest facility to What started off as one Starbucks store in Se- live in, said Overocker. Murdaugh Hall was built attle selling beer and wine, to now having plans in 1936 and is one of the oldest active resi- of expanding to thousands of locations. dence halls in the state, said Overocker. Spokeswoman Lisa Passe said there are cur- West Hall is an all-female residence facil- rently 26 locations that serve alcohol, but the ity that was built in the 1960s. platform will expand. "The concept is a natural progression for Star- The University Commons has three build- bucks, as we seek to create a new occasion for anrewaju ings and they offer more privacy for students. customers to gather, relax and connect with each Suleiman This privacy is what causes the University Com- other in the evenings," Passe told USA today. mons to fill up when returning students register The Starbucks website said the evening day Staff Writer for rooming, said Overocker. concept first started in October 2010 in Seat- tle and then expanded to Chicago, Atlanta and The University Suites offers an eating facil- Southern California. This Saturday, April ity and rooms with bathrooms connecting two "We still be your neighborhood gathering place 19, the University of rooms, but it lacks the lobby area of Murdaugh with an inviting atmosphere for people of all Central Oklahoma Hall and West Hall. ages. After 4 p.m., you'll experience a more mel- chapter of the Pi Sigma Central Plaza was originally a hotel, so this low, less hurried atmosphere, perfect for wind- ing down and having casual conversations," the Alpha political science facility has the features of a hotel, said Overock- honorary society will website states. be holding the annual er. The Starbucks evening menu offers sparkling, (CO Easter Egg Hunt. white, red wines, along with a beer selection. It is one of Central's According to the article, "Starbucks serving al- ' any ways to reach out cohol at more locations," Starbucks is attracting to the community. SEE FRESHMAN HOUSING ON PAGE 5 more nighttime customers, but it's a turn off to The event will be customers who don't like that type of environ- part of a larger carnival. ment. Along with the hunt, it CEO Howard Schultz said that the typical Star- will have booths and bucks customer spends around $5 per visit; a games. They include glass of wine or beer would double that amount. miniature golf, bowl- UCO JUMP-A-THON Journalist Rebecca Riddle wrote, "The compa- ing, ,cookie decorating, ny plans to have as many as 40 stores serving its a raffle and many more. evening menu by the end of 2014, but the full There will be over expansion to a planned 2,000 locations will take 15,000 eggs that will years." be split among six egg With the new 'expansion, the company hopes hunts. They are sepa- to double its market to $100 billion. The alco- rated by ages. They are holic beverages cost more than the already expen- ages two and under, sive coffee drinks, Riddle wrote. three to four, five and Starbuck's Chief operating officer Troy Alstead six, seven and eight, said in an interview with Bloomberg that the nine and ten, and elev- company has had success in urban areas, espe- en and above. cially where people are out at night. There will be an Eas- Alstead said that the evening concept would ter Bunny to take pic- not work in all areas. They've had more success tures with the children in areas near restaurants and theatres. and their families. Passe said there are no plans for alcoholic bev- erages beyond wine and beer, nor are there plans to expand the program outside the USA. See Easter Egg Passe said, "In the true spirit of a traditional coffeehouse, while some stores may serve wine Hunt on Page 3 UCO's Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity hosts a jump-a-thon to raise money for St. Ju- and beer...coffee will remain the focus of the ex- de's Children's Hospital. Photo by Aliki Dyer, The Vista. perience." See More Jump-A-Thou Pictures on Page 3 OPINION THE VISTA CAMPUS 1111 100 North University Drive Edmond, OK 73034 (405)974-5549 [email protected] QUOTES The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except What is a popular fad that youfind annoying? exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. JERNYE. WERTH ALEXIA GONZALEZ EDITORIALS Speech Pathology - Junior • Forensic Science - Freshman Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should ad- dress issues and ideas, not personalities. Letter's must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 250 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves theTight not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034- 5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Build- ing, Room 131. Letters can be entailed to vistauco@gmailcom. "Chacos and socks." "High-waisted jean shorts." "Are Ugg boots still a thing? ADVERTISE WITH THE VISTA Because if so, then that." The Vista is published semiweekly during the fall and spring semesters, and once weekly during the summer. In all issues, The Vista has opportunities for both classified, online and print ads. TYLOR TRAXLER SAHARA HAUBERT ASHLEY MUELLER Email your questions to Economics - Junior Forensics/Funeral Services - Freshman Elementary Education - Junior [email protected] for rates. STAFF Management Editorial Sarah Neese, Editor-In-Chief Brooks Nickell, Senior Writer Cody Johnson, Managing Editor Josh Wallace, Staff Writer Stevie Armstrong, Copy Editor Tyler Talley, Staff Writer Rich Lemon, Sports Editor Natalie Cartwright, Staff Writer Kaneha Brown, Staff Writer Graphic Design Rachel Brochlehurst, Staff Writer Staff Writer . Michael McMillian, Design Editor Olanrewaju Suleiman, Leilei Chen, Staff Writer Austin Litterell, Sports Reporter Circulation Kevin Choi Photography Advise Mild Dyer, Photo Editor Quang Pho Duc Phuongg, Mr. Teddy Burch Photographer Shea Hussey, Photographer "Cargos cause they are un- "Ugg boots in the summer, "Leggings as pants." necessarily pocketed." I am not a big fan of that." The Inevitable Failure of Hate CAMPUS CARTOON Editorial by: Sarah Neese Editor-in-Chief What is hate? in an interview with CNN. "He's For centuries, some members of been entrenched in the hate move- the world's population have been ment his entire adult life. Levin also doing their best to shape the defi- commented that Cross was "among nition of hate through their actions. the most-over-the-top, violent white One such person is Frazier Glenn supremacists" during the 1980s. Cross. On April 14, Cross is said to have Cross, if you are unfamiliar with approached both locations attempt- him, is the prime suspect in two ing to kill Jews, reiterating his anti- shootings that occurred on Sunday, Semitism. April 13, 2014. Both shootings oc- curred in the Kansas City area, spe- The Victims cifically in the suburb of Overland As a result of the two shootings, Park. three people were killed, none of The first of the two shootings them Jews. Each of the three victims took place at the Jewish Commu- was a Christian. nity Center of Greater Kansas City Reat Griffin Underwood was and the second took place at the 14-years-old. He was a high school Village Shalom Retirement Commu- freshman, who was at the Jewish nity: Each of the shooting locations Community Center in an effort to is related in some way to the Jew- win a scholarship, using his vo- ish community in Overland Park. cal talents as part of a competition. Three people were killed in the two One of the songs Underwood had shootings.
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