Vol. 5 Nº 3 págs. 391-398. 2007 https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2007.05.029 www.pasosonline.org Opiniones y ensayos Tourism, Digital Presence and Becoming Virtual: The Caribbean Curwen Best (PhD)1 [email protected] In the movie Shall We Dance John responsible for the current status quo and Clark, the character played by Richard this system will continue to impact nega- Gere, expresses the fantasy of going to the tively on the modernization project. These islands2 On the website of the extra- theories and their approaches represent the regionally owned tourist liner Royal Carib- dominant sites of discourse throughout the bean International the white corporate 1960, 1970’s and 1980’s. Arguably, more leadership of the company declares: “No recent approaches to the tourism phenome- one knows the Caribbean better than we non tend to deemphasize economic consid- do”3 Potential tourists are offered the erations while privileging the role of cul- dream of a lifetime in the Caribbean. Cy- ture in the industry. Cultural critics like berculture and the hard world of reality are Jean Baudrillard have discussed the strat- not disconnected experiences. But part of egies by which some powerful corporate the intrigue of digital space is that its exis- entities (like Disney) have gone about cap- tence both complements and challenges turing the real world to incorporate it into what we know about the real world. Given the synthetic universe5. Military and dis- the fact that more and more people are cursive strategies have been deployed over experiencing foreign cultures as digital the centuries to seize, manipulate, fashion moments, digital presence threatens to and redeploy copies of Caribbean society for supplant that which it simulates, the real. wider consumption. The fossilization of Theories of tourism and development Caribbean culture through the perpetua- have undergone alterations over the dec- tion of stereotypes and iconic motifs is an ades. The two schools of modernization and even more potent dependency have contested their positions While digital media provide countless over the years4. In tourism studies moder- opportunities for the creation and dissemi- nization theories have proposed that the nation of diverse cultural tropes, these me- economic wealth from tourism will per- dia are more widely used by corporate en- meate throughout the entire society, the trepreneurial interests to streamline and real hindrance to this trickle down are in- stereotype. Caribbean culture has repeat- ternal factors. Dependency theories have edly caught the gaze of wealthy transna- posited that the unequal economic relations tional agents and agencies, there is an on- that exist between the North and South are going fixation. These agencies have often © PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. ISSN 1695-7121 392 Tourism, Digital Presence and Becoming Virtual … used their tools and leading-edge state-of- with anything of its own? If the Internet is the-art technologies to try to fix, reconfi- the new frontier site, what does Western gure and redeploy what is “Caribbean cul- mainstream film contribute to the process ture”. But Caribbean interests are also of regional compression?8 My intention here accomplices in the process and practice of is not to develop a full blown discussion fossilizing their very culture. Caribbean about the Caribbean in Western main- governments and private sector interests stream film, but rather to hint at how that have used tourism as a tool of economic sector has invested heavily in conjuring up development; this strategy has had the simulated copies of the “Caribbean”. indirect effect of streamlining perceptions of the region. Promotions and marketing References, references advertisements have foregrounded a li- mited set of cultural metaphors. In the age Some of the recent films which make of the machines the Caribbean’s digital some reference to the Caribbean include presence continues to be subjected to tight the 1990s Confined which stars Michael industry compression. As a consequence the Ironside, in which a minor character and “Caribbean” exists as a set of stereotypes his wife suddenly reveal that they are going and tropes in the consciousness of the wid- to the Caribbean for vacation. This is a er world. Western mainstream film and bland reference. But the absence of further Caribbean tourism marketing are but two detail permits the viewer to fall back on areas in which notions of Caribbeanness already established ideas and suspicions. are refashioned, represented and simulated In the movie Thursday (1998) a black man for popular consumption. with an exaggerated Jamaican accent pre- Too few academic studies engage with tends to be a pizza man. When he gets to actual instances of this digital simulation. the door of a leading white character this Too few academic studies concern them- man asks of him a favour: ‘A little ganja?’ selves with Caribbean digital culture. In Shattered Image (1998) the female pro- While this essay is not exhaustive, it none- tagonist with a split personality meets a theless wants to contribute to what will man who befriends her and they go on a eventually be an area of expansive debate vacation to the Caribbean where much of within Caribbean digital popular culture. the movie is set. They go away in order to Earlier studies of Caribbean tourism get away from a mysterious stalker who have mapped out important practices and torments her psyche. The Caribbean is a behaviours, but relatively few have taken fitting location for the playing out of scenes into account the current advances in digital of suppressed fears and desires. In the Ca- culture6. Graham Dann’s work The Lan- ribbean setting some locals do speak but guage of Tourism was published before the they are peripheral. More substantial digital culture revolution spread through- speakers are the card box cast taxi driver, out all facets of Caribbean society, but even and the all-knowing native witch. Kid- more recent works tend to concentrate on napped in Paradise (1999) explores the theory and theories of tourism, sometimes tensions between two estranged sisters who at the expense of engaging with the frontier are reunited in the corrupted world of the sites of cultural transaction7. Given its Caribbean. In Canadian Bacon (1995) the longer history Western mainstream film American strategists and advisors to the has been the most potent medium for the President inform him that Canada would perpetuation of stereotypes of the Carib- prove an easy foe to overcome. Almost as bean. Web marketing marks the frontier easy as in Grenada, they say. Heartbreak site of fantasy imaging of the region. The Ridge (1986) stars Clint Eastwood who is cruise industry and boards of tourism the no nonsense officer selected to train a across the region have turned to technology bunch of soldiers for a final assault on the for economic salvation. But what is the island of Grenada. Before he leaves in nature of this cooptation of technology by noble service of his country he must visit the tourism industry? Is the technology an unsatisfied wife, possibly for the last passive in the whole exercise? Does tech- time. In the ABC high budget television nology come away from the association movie Future Sport (1998) it is Wesley PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(3). 2007 ISSN 1695-7121 Curwen Best 393 Snipes who enters as a quasi-dreadlocked to a Caribbean accent and identity. Their sports network business tycoon. He speaks role punctuates the excesses of the movie’s with an Afric-Caribbean accent. Tracked fixation with sex. The Caribbean character (1998) also tampers with identities. It has is especially crazed and nourishes a fixa- the plot of a white protagonist who is cap- tion with goats. Apart from this, there is tured and imprisoned and charged with also a young black “brother” who enters the keeping dogs, which will later chase him as electronics store wearing a shirt with the he is released in some sick game instituted words boldly declaring JAMAICA. At least by a deranged jailor. In prison the prota- he does not talk dirty about sex. He is more gonist is befriended by a black prisoner concerned about doing a clandestine, illegal with a Caribbean accent. But the black transaction. These, as other mainstream man soon sheds his accent to reveal an films reference the Caribbean as a place of American intonation and his special under- leisure, unmitigated pleasure, voodoo, ser- cover agent status. Soon after the film es- vile natives and carefree citizens. Western tablishes a more stable basis for the black mainstream film industry therefore falls man’s development, he is taken out. back on to stereotypes but at the same time At the ending of the big release Blade 2 the industry perpetuates and institutes (2002), the protagonist (played by Wesley these stereotypes. Snipes) returns to reap retribution on a black Caribbean voodoo priest. Of course in Virtually Beyond Your Imagination the first film Blade (1998), Miracia, the Priestess who lives in a landfill ghetto has Caribbean tourism has always been a her cabin filled with, among other things, phenomenal source of regional marketing. voodoo dolls. She requires ‘an offering for In the early 21st century Caribbean gov- the Orishas’ for giving insight to the prota- ernments increasingly turned to tourism as gonist. He throws a handful of bills across a source of renewable economic activity and the table. It is as much a commercial en- revenue. The exotic locations and their terprise as it is a cultural, underworld culture are a major sales pitch for selling transaction. Sharktale (2004) has two jelly- the islands in the 21st century9. The im- fish brothers in Rasta tams (hats). They are print of a long history of conquest, exploita- subservient hit men for the big bad shark.
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