September 14, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1235 Paquito D’Rivera, Cyrus Chestnut, Benny Marvin Gaye.’’ And like his colleagues in the needs of some of our most vulnerable neigh- Golson, George Duke, Eric Reed, Dee Dee new guard of jazz, Williams is constantly look- bors for a century and a half. Therefore, it is Bridgewater, Roy Hargrove, and Mulgrew Mil- ing ahead, seeking the music’s potential and fitting and proper that we honor the Meriden ler, to name a few. State of Art signaled Wil- his place in it. YMCA, and all the community leaders who liams’ emergence as a prominent voice in the ‘‘I’ve worked with Stefon Harris’ Blackout for have contributed to its success, here today. greater jazz community. the past few years,’’ Williams cites. ‘‘He has f Ben’s warm, woody tone, flowing groove, definitely been a huge influence in my concept melodic phrasing, and storytelling approach of playing music. We have a similar viewpoint RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATED has found favor among not just musicians, but to music and jazz. He’s very much about ad- SERVICE AND OUTSTANDING also a larger audience. A bandleader, musical dressing modern times and not rehashing old ACHIEVEMENT OF MAJOR GEN- educator, composer, and electric and acoustic material. To really interpret what is happening ERAL JOANNE SHERIDAN bassist, Ben was the winner of the 2009 right now, a lot of jazz musicians are into hip- Thelonious Monk Institute International Jazz hop and R&B, but they don’t put that into their HON. MIKE JOHNSON Competition, a prestigious and important music. We keep up with the times and we’re OF LOUISIANA award that has propelled many a promising not afraid to put that into our music.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To other musician’s music Williams brings career. Working with New York’s finest jazz Thursday, September 14, 2017 musicians even before graduating from his great natural skill and determination to ex- Juilliard, Williams showcased his band, Sound plore, to expand boundaries while sustaining Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, I Effect, at The Jazz Gallery in New York, re- tradition. State of Art is a mature statement rise to recognize a member from my home ceiving an enthusiastic New York Times re- stamped with his voice, the next step in Ben state, Major General Joanne Sheridan, for her view. Writer Nate Chinen stated, ‘‘Williams Williams’ evolution. steadfast service to the safety and security of took several long solos in his first set at The ‘‘I wanted to make an album that regular the people of Louisiana in the Louisiana Na- Jazz Gallery . and each one felt more like nine-to-five people could enjoy,’’ Williams tional Guard. Five years ago, Major General an entitlement than an indulgence.’’ Williams says; ‘‘and to make a deep artistic statement Sheridan became the first female general in has recorded and performed regularly as a as well. I like music that grooves, and I make the Louisiana National Guard, and today, I member of bands led by saxophonist Marcus sure that my music feels good.’’ would like to commend her for raising the bar Strickland, pianist Jacky Terrasson, and ‘‘I always bring a certain energy to whatever again and becoming the first female Two-Star vibraphonist Stefon Harris. He has led his own the musical situation is,’’ the soft-spoken musi- General in the Louisiana National Guard. groups at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, Harlem cian adds. ‘‘I try to be a team player and be Originally from Maine, Major General Sheri- Stage, Rubin Museum of Art, Tribeca PAC in supportive, but also, I try to add my voice to dan moved to Leesville, La., when the Army New York City, and SPAC in Saratoga the situation. It’s a fine balance between put- stationed her father, Command Sergeant Springs, NY. ting your stamp on things and being sup- Major Joe S. Fernald, at Fort Polk. There, she Growing up in a family of musicians, visual portive. I’ve found that balance pretty well. attended Leesville High School and went on to artists, and rappers, young Ben Williams didn’t ‘‘The diversity of my musical upbringing has earn her Bachelor of Arts Degree in sociology plan on being a bassist and band leader. He allowed me to be comfortable in many dif- at Northeast Louisiana University in Monroe, wanted to be a rock star. His heroes were ferent musical situations. I don’t try to sound La., where she received her commission Prince and Michael Jackson, not Duke Elling- like anyone else, I just try to be honest musi- through Reserve Officer Training Corps in May ton and Charles Mingus. Once again, a cally and bring a youthful spirit.’’ 1983. Later, she received a master’s degree in chance meeting altered his future. Mr. Speaker, Ben Williams is an accom- strategic studies from the prestigious U.S. ‘‘I’d been playing piano by ear, but I wanted plished young artist and band leader that has Army War College. to play guitar,’’ Williams recalls. ‘‘My middle made a lasting impression on jazz as an art A true solider to her community and country, school offered a strings class where figured I and as a field. Ben Williams has become a Major General Sheridan began her impressive could learn guitar. Then I got there and it was national jazz treasure of international acclaim, military career as an active duty service mem- all violins and cellos—no guitars. So I choose and I urge all Members to join me in com- ber in the U.S. Army in February 1984, at Fort the coolest instrument I saw, the bass. It just mending him for his magnificent contributions. Polk Army Base. Throughout her 33-year ca- looked right.’’ f reer, in both her active duty and National Guard service, her leadership has earned her Williams was a natural. He excelled on both HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- the respect of her peers and included many bass and piano, and once enrolled at the SARY OF THE MERIDEN YMCA Duke Ellington High School of the Arts, he be- major accomplishments. She became the first came a star student, performing in jazz band, female to command a battalion leading the gospel choir, and orchestra, as well as extra- HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY 41th Military Intelligence Battalion, Com- OF CONNECTICUT curricular gigs. Williams graduated with honors mander of the 199th Regiment Regional Train- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and with a Best in Instrumental Music Award. ing Institute, and the first female to helm a He won scholarships from the Fish Middleton Thursday, September 14, 2017 major command when she led the 61st Troop Scholarship Competition of the East Coast Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I Command. Currently, she serves as the As- Jazz Festival, the International Society of rise today to honor and recognize the 150th sistant General for the Louisiana National Bassist’s Competition, the Steans Music Insti- Anniversary of the YMCA in Meriden, Con- Guard and is responsible as the principal mili- tute, the Duke Ellington Jazz Society, the necticut. For the past century and a half, this tary advisor to the Adjunct General in assisting International Association for Jazz Education community institution and its dedicated leaders in the deployment and coordination of pro- (IAJE), and the DC Public Schools City-Wide have brought together our neighbors to help grams, policies and plans for the Louisiana Annual Piano Competition. Williams received those in need and create a shared space for Army and Air National Guard. his Bachelor’s in Music Education at Michigan our town to learn, play, and healthy lives. The National Guard is unique in defending State University in 2007, and his Master’s in Today, the Meriden YMCA is one of the Louisiana both at home and abroad. Major Music from the Juilliard School in 2009. most active organizations in the City of Meri- General Sheridan served as a citizen soldier ‘‘In high school I dedicated myself to the den. It sponsors community events, for impor- through Hurricane Katrina, was deployed to bass and to jazz,’’ Williams says. ‘‘I knew this tant causes from promoting physical fitness to Baghdad in support of Operation Iraq Free- could be a profession, and if I could do what raising awareness about issues affecting Meri- dom in 2008, and led rescue and recovery ef- I love for a living—man, what is better than den. The YMCA also brings together seniors forts in the historic Louisiana flooding of 2016. that? You always feel like a student playing in our community to offer them resources to She previously served as president of the Na- jazz, there is so much to learn. There’s never lead active lives and share community space. tional Guard Association of Louisiana and now a point where you think you’ve arrived. I am The YMCA is critical to helping and edu- serves as secretary of the National Guard As- trying to get better every day. Even Roy cating children in Meriden. It offers them a sociation of the U.S. Her dedication to the Na- Haynes, when you see him play you get a safe place to be active, learn, and form friend- tional Guard extends past what is required. sense that he is still trying to find new things.’’ ships, often with opportunities such as sum- Twice, Major General Sheridan has battled Like many self-aware jazz musicians, Ben mer camps or trips in New England that breast cancer and with her last round of treat- Williams has several influences, from ‘‘Wayne broaden children’s educational experience.
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