37 years and going strong May2019 Support Education Advocacy Volume 37 Issue 5 Pete Buttigieg Is Exposing Tensions In The LGBTQ Movement Pete Buttigieg has a shot at becoming the first openly prove that one community is more discriminated gay president in American history. But his candidacy is against than another, we tear each other apart rather already exposing tensions in the LGBTQ community than unite in common cause,” wrote John Aravosis, between gay white men, who benefit from the eco- editor of AMERICABlog. nomic and social privileges of being white men, and all The LGBTQ community is obviously not monolithic. the other queer people who don’t. It has the same fault lines of race, gender, class and “Is Buttigieg a run-of-the-mill white male candidate, or economics that persist in the rest of American culture. does his sexuality set him apart? That mammoth ques- But some of these disparities may have been obscured tion can be broken down into smaller ones that get at under President Barack Obama, who helped unite why diversity matters,” Slate’s Christina Cauterucci queer people around his pro-LGBTQ agenda. And wrote in March. “Has Buttigieg faced setbacks or barri- President Donald Trump has certainly given queer ers to success because he’s gay? … Would a win for people a common purpose in fighting his assault on Buttigieg be as historically significant and culturally LGBTQ rights. meaningful as a win for a member of an underrepre- At a time of historic diversity among Democratic sented race or gender?” presidential candidates, Buttigieg ― a white, upper- “In a primary for the overwhelmingly pro-gay Democ- class, Ivy League-educated, Midwestern man of faith ratic Party, Buttigieg can be more accurately lumped in ― is exciting LGBTQ rights groups as much as mak- with his white male peers than with anyone else,” she concluded. Join us for our monthly support Cauterucci’s piece drew immediate criticism, primarily and program meeting! by white men, for dismissing Buttigieg as not being gay enough. “Ludicrous,” wrote Drew Goins, assistant Sunday, May 19th editor of The Washington Post opinions section. “It’s the Oppression Olympics at its worst: In a battle to Entry from parking lot behind church. Look for “PFLAG” sign. PFLAG Ann Arbor is now on Amazon Order SEE MAP ON BACK PAGE through Our meetings are the 3rd Sunday Http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-2956565 of every month from 2:00 - 4:30 PM And PFLAG Ann Arbor will get a percentage of at St. Andrews Episcopal Church the Sale 306 N. Division @ Catherine Street Also check out PFLAG Ann Arbor on Facebook Ann Arbor PFLAG Ann Arbor Page 1 May 2019 ing them confront more complicated questions about “No single candidate can represent the diversity of the the best person to represent the interests of someone LGBTQ community, and Buttigieg undoubtedly enjoys who is, say, transgender, black and female. advantages because of his gender and race,” added Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian “As a black, same-gender-loving man, hearing a white, Rights. “But he is also a compelling candidate who has gay, Democrat political leader introduce new ways of shown tremendous courage, including by challenging having conversations about political identity and relig- the harms inflicted on LGBTQ people by officials and ion and intersections is exciting,” said David Johns, leaders who misuse religion to justify discrimination executive director of the National Black Justice Coali- and bigotry. We can acknowledge the impact of sexism tion. “But we need to pause to think about not only and racism on our national politics without diminishing how gayness exists as a political identity for gay white Buttigieg’s importance or well-deserved success.” men, but how LGBTQ gains have worked over the last few years.” To be clear, all of the LGBTQ rights advocates Huff- Post talked to ― some spoke on the record, some Johns said the priorities of prominent LGBTQ rights spoke privately ― said they are thrilled that Buttigieg groups have largely been driven by gay white men, is a candidate. But some felt torn about yet another from fights to allow domestic partnerships in various white man getting so much attention in a race full of states, to ensuring that financially comfortable gay and women and people of color, particularly after Hillary lesbian couples can adopt children, to fights over ban- Clinton came so close to winning in 2016. ning gay conversion therapy. “I absolutely believe it’s long past time we have a “I’ve never heard a single black person talk about con- woman president,” said Annise Parker, the former version therapy as a priority in my life. But it’s a prior- mayor of Houston and the current president and CEO ity for the Human Rights Campaign, which is led by a of Victory Fund, which helps LGBTQ candidates get gay white man,” he said. (HRC has had all white lead- elected. “But I also understand how important it is to ers since its inception in 1980. Five were men, two have an LGBTQ candidate because I’m part of that were women.) “Not only is the world set up to benefit community as well.” them, but shifts in political and social environments have allowed them to enjoy additional privileges. Asked about the idea that Buttigieg isn’t “gay enough” While those gains have been made, there hasn’t been to represent the LGBTQ community, she laughed. parallel progress or investment in black communities or black LGBTQ communities.” “I think he’s an excellent presidential candidate,” said Parker. “I can joke with my friends, ‘If only he were a “Yes,” Johns added, “there are going to be fractures black lesbian, he’d be perfect.’ But there is no one can- and fissures.” didate who can embody all the things I care about.” Some LGBTQ rights groups didn’t seem to want to talk It’s incredibly early in the campaign, which means about Buttigieg’s candidacy exposing these fractures. most voters are still learning about all the candidates. The National Center for Transgender Equality declined The fact that people are having conversations about to comment for this story. The National LGBTQ Task which pro-LGBTQ Democratic presidential contender Force did not respond to a request for comment. is the best one to represent the queer community is, in itself, a good thing, some argued, because it shows how Human Rights Campaign spokeswoman Sarah far the country has come culturally. McBride said LGBTQ people all over the country are inspired by Buttigieg’s candidacy. “Do we think it will end up causing some fault lines within our community? I’m sure it will. Mostly among “Throughout his campaign for president, Mayor Pete women, from our corner,” said Stephanie Sandberg, the has made a point of emphasizing LGBTQ equality, in- executive director of LPAC, which helps elect LGBTQ cluding the urgent need to fight for the rights and dig- women. “But we now have more than 20 people in the nity of transgender people,” said McBride. “The un- race. We have plenty of time. I hope [Buttigieg] does as precedented field of pro-equality candidates running well as he can and continues to pave the way. It’s fan- for president will ensure that LGBTQ rights are a cen- tastic.” tral part of the 2020 debate, and it’s clear that LGBTQ voters will play a decisive role in both the primary and For his part, Buttigeg seems fully aware that he can’t the general election.” speak for the entire LGBTQ community. But he’s made PFLAG Ann Arbor Page 2 May 2019 efforts to embrace the causes of it. In a March interview with Ebony, he said while he has no idea what it must be like to live as a transgender woman of color, “I know that I need to stand up for her, just as others have stood up for me.” He talked about the high rates of LGBTQ teen suicides during a CNN Democratic National Committee leadership debate in February 2017, when he ran for DNC chair. And in a March appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, he talked about transgender kids just wanting to feel a sense of belonging at school instead of being caught in a political fight over bathroom use. “If we get it right, then talking about this sense of be- longing can actually knit us back together instead of watching it turn into something that makes us so vul- nerable to being divided against each other,” Buttigieg said. “You just said transgender going to the bathroom,” Maher replied. “How often does that really happen? Is that a real problem?” “Well if you’re transgender, it happens several times a day,” Buttigieg said without missing a beat. “If it’s you.” His comments on Maher’s show caught the attention of at least one prominent transgender activist, who said her Twitter feed exploded that night with people ex- pressing gratitude for Buttigieg speaking up on their behalf. thusiastic LGBTQ supporters so far are affluent gay “His response to Bill Maher was not only perfect, but it white men. He “rarely goes more than a few days” be- was with such clarity and confidence to Maher’s com- tween private events hosted by prominent gay donors, plaints,” said this activist, who requested anonymity to The New York Times reported Wednesday, including speak freely. “I think it was really heartening for a lot gatherings in New York City and Beverly Hills hosted of trans people across the country. He’s clearly not run- by composer Stephen Sondheim, Bravo host Andy ning away from the trans community by any stretch.” Cohen and former R.E.M.
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