THE COOLEST GENERAL AND THE YAH, YOU BETCHA STORE YOU EVER DID SEE Doncha know that the RNC is Winslow’s Home west of the Loop CROWD ROARS... Bear sports opened the 2008-2009 cam- in St. Paul this week and junior promises to be one of this year’s paign over the weekend. Read all about Scott Friedman has his own live coolest hang-out spots. Catch all how our powerhouse teams did in Sports. blog? of the details in Scene. ONLINE INSIDE PAGE 10 PAGE 4 BLOGS.STUDLIFE.COM Sthe independentTUDENT newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis LIFE since eighteen seventy-eight Vol. 130 No. 5 www.studlife.com Wednesday, September 3, 2008 College students Student Union seeks liven up DNC surge in school spirit letics this year, especially on the huge amount,” Doug Horn, a senior VP Admininstra- heels of the school’s three national and residential advisor, said. championships earned last year. Nelson has been coordinating tion thinks food will “Lot of students love Chipotle with Chipotle since April. and it’s free; I think it’s really go- “[Chipotle was] very eager to play key role ing to drive kids towards involve- work with us, get their name out ment,” he said. there in conjunction with students’ Many students said that free events and to get students out Michelle Merlin Mexican food would encour- there,” Nelson said. Contributing Reporter age them to attend more student SU’s encouragement of school events. spirit goes beyond free food. This “I think college students jump year will see the return of Go- at any opportunity for free food, CrossCampus, an Internet game in Jeff Nelson, Student Union’s especially Chipotle, so I would be which residential colleges compete vice president for administration, there,” freshman Laura Beckman against each other to conquer vari- has a plan to draw students to said. ous regions of Washington Univer- school events: free fast food. Freshman Joseph Marcus said sity’s campus in a format similar to One new program of Student that the desire for Chipotle is wide- that of the board game Risk. Union, the Chipotle Challenge, spread on campus. Jeff Nelson, Student Union Vice In order to be further in touch aims to encourage students’ par- “I would definitely go there if with students, another new program President of Administration. ticipation in campus activities. they had free Chipotle,” Marcus known as “Flash Drives for Fresh- Nelson’s brainchild, the Challenge said. “Chipotle is a strong motivat- men” will provide every freshman provides free burritos at sports ing factor for all college students, pact. with a flash drive containing in- games and major campus events. including myself.” “[Having free Chipotle] will formation and links to useful sites According to Nelson, Student However, others feel that the probably increase attendance, but I for activities, the judicial code and Union (SU) wants to focus on ath- new program will not make an im- don’t think it will increase it by a other practical places. BRIAN BAER | SACRAMENTO BEE | MCT Changing economy brings Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and vice presidential candidate Joe Biden acknowledge the Democratic National Convention crowd at Mile High in Denver, Colorado, Thursday, August 28, 2008. Hana Greenberg no one could take this election away Special to Student Life from the college students. For a movement wrapped up in the While the Democratic National youth vote, it is not surprising to fi nd new prices for Bear’s Den Convention moved its location the fi - students so excited. Several speak- nal night of its convention to be more ers at the DNC praised the role that accessible to average Americans, both Americans between the ages of 18 Increase has the Democratic and Republican con- and 30 are playing in this election. ventions are considered the epitome Many compared this generation to the not affected of elite political events. previous one, rising up for change in consumption Credentials were needed to get the 1960s and ’70s. even close to the venue and only mem- Former Vice President Al Gore bers of the press, delegates and “spe- said that this election belonged to Aaron Kacel cial” or “honored guests” could get the young. He told an ecstatic crowd, Contributing Reorter seats in the hall. So for the hundreds “This election is actually not close at of college students who took Denver all among younger voters—you are Although her official resi- by storm this week for the Democratic responding in unprecedented num- dence is Eliot House, freshman National Convention (DNC), many bers to Barack Obama’s message of Hannah Fox has found another found themselves at arms length. change and hope.” home—Bear’s Den. While some students had access While the youth may not repre- “You could almost say Bear’s to the inside of the Pepsi Center and sent a large bloc of delegates, every- Den is my ‘den,’” Fox said while could observe all of the convention’s one acknowledged its impact on this eating lunch with a few friends proceedings, they proved to be the ex- campaign. Massachusetts Sen. Ted in the popular eatery. ception rather than the rule. Kennedy passed the torch to this new The dining hall’s popularity Many students in Denver barely generation Monday night, and others may soon see a decline because, made it into the 70,000 person event thanked them for the service and pas- as of this past summer, Bear’s at Invesco Field on Thursday and sion they have demonstrated over the Den has implemented price in- found themselves doing grunt work— past year. creases on its food in an attempt guarding doors, giving directions to Ashley Griffi th, a senior at Emory to account for a recent surge in delegates from their hotels and the and Henry College in Virginia, ap- national food costs. like. preciated these thanks from the party Hoping to help students Nonetheless, few students said elite. through this nationwide shift, the they regretted coming to Denver. “Everyone knows the impact we University has raised the total Before University of Iowa senior college students can have on this number of possible meal points Kyle Treat knew if he would be able to election,” Griffi th said. “We breathed for all undergraduate meal plans make it to the proceedings on Thurs- life back into the Democratic Party. by five percent. This move en- day, he said he was “overwhelmed by Without us, who knows where the abled students to purchase more the energy that the city has brought to party would be? We do know Barack points for their plans, allowing the convention.” Obama would not be our candidate.” them to purchase as much food “I am awestruck by how excited as they would have prior to the people are over the possibility of Hana Greenberg is a special corre- change. electing Barack Obama president,” spondent for Student Life and attended “We’re not trying to make Treat said. the Democratic National Convention any more money for the Univer- Though they may have been miles after being selected by the Washing- sity,” Assistant Vice Chancellor away from the hall, guarding doors ton University administration through for Operations Steve Hoffner and burning in the strong Denver sun, an application process. said. “We’re just trying to cover some of the price increases that have been passed to us.” Assembly Series lineup Although she may have to pay more, junior Kate L. Gallagher says her dining experience at Bear’s Den has not changed. announced “I come to Bear’s Den almost The University has released this lecture on climate change. everyday, mostly for breakfast year’s Assembly Series speakers, experts Later in the semester, Peggy Oren- and occasionally for lunch,” and entertainers from various fi elds that stein, an expert on the experience of Gallagher said. “For me, I have will speak to the student body and local young women in the modern world, will to eat, so there’s not much I can community on a weekly basis. speak. Orenstein is the author of several do about it. The economy is not Refl ecting the political atmosphere of books, including “Schoolgirls: Young in my control.” the season, the series will begin with Mo Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confi dence Sophomore John Menze Rocca, an analyst on Comedy Central’s Gap” and “Waiting for Daisy.” echoed Gallagher’s sentiment. “The Daily Show with John Stewart.” Also speaking in the series will be Though he visits Bear’s Den Rocca also contributes to NBC’s “The Washington University Economics Pro- once or twice a day, Menze says Tonight Show” and to NPR’s “Wait Wait fessor Steven Fazzari, neurologist Dr. he has yet to “even notice an in- Don’t Tell Me.” He last appeared on cam- Daniel Levitin, businessman and 2002 credible difference.” pus in 2004. University alum Jay Swoboda, Washing- The University is one of a EVAN WISKUP | STUDENT LIFE Elizabeth Kolbert, a writer for the ton Post reporter Carl Bernstein, dancer number of institutions across the New Yorker, will be the next in line for Liz Lerman, health policy historian Keith country that has been forced to Bear’s den, a popular eating place for students seeking a morning breakfast burrito or 2 a.m. mozzeralla sticks, has, the series. Kolbert wrote “Field Notes Wailoo and author and Holocaust re- among other campus eateries, raised their prices this semester in response to the raising price of food off campus. from a Catastrophe,” this year’s book for searcher Daniel Mendelsohn. See B.D., page 3 the Freshman Reading Program, and will ® One Brookings Drive #1039 Newsroom: (314) 935-5995 Editor: [email protected] Please #330 Danforth University Center Advertising: (314) 935-6713 News: [email protected] www.studlife.com St.
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