..t , f ; - ' " i " r... ' T I ' * H- ' f ^ I 1 PAOB TWENTY-EIOHTt - MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1968 AyMEffe DfiUy Net P ran Ron m anrlirater £tt?ning'B?ntlb' For The Week Knded June 16, 1666 The Weather the present method of collection,. Tonight clear, cool. Low about A bput T ow n Board to Meet Informally submitted a price bf $868,000 for Richard L. Schauator, aoti of Carl'Gourinski a three-year contract. He d id ' 15,105 50. Tomorrow, fair, warmer. not bid on a one-year contrabt. Mr. and Itra. Joacph SdiaiwUr Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm High about 80. of 32 Cumberland St, received For Garbage Pickup Talks In addition to advlsong Town Choicest Meats In TownI » i the Oonneetlcut Society OPT Manager Robert Weles on the 'The Board of Directors will of having served a rntmlcipallty award of a garbage contract, YOL. LXXXVn., NO. 220 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1968 AcoounUnc Award for «k- AdvertMug oa Page U) PRICE TEN CENTS oeU^nce in academic^ achieve­ meet Informally tomorrow ' to of'a t least 80,000 population In the board tomorrow night will TUESDAY ONLY SPEDIAL! ment, at recent Claaa uay cere­ dlaipuw the award of a garbage three of the past five yean. discuss three other matters: (1) the wording of a proposed anti- monies at Fairfield UiHrerslty, and refuse collection contract BoUicello's prices for a three- Fairfield. He received a iMohe- year contract are: $910,751, for litter ordinance; (3) the word- for the next fiscal year. , The lor of science degree this month the present collection method : ing of a proposed backyard­ from the university. meeting will be at 8 p.m. In the of twice a week backyard pick­ burning-ban ordinance; and (8) Municipal Building Heating up of garbage plus twice a week the designatlo of a potUon of U.S. Plans the Olobe Hollow tract, in the Miss Marilyn J. Reid, dati|d>- Room. curb pickup of refuse; $852,919 At bid openings last Monday, for once a week backyeiitl pick­ vicinity of Garden Grove Dr., —BOX or Match Them— £ Rm . $ 2 .2 5 I Senate Unit Backs Bill ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jtdm F. for relocating the Mt. Nebo ( Reid of 1ST PariMr 8 t is on the only one bidder met specifica­ up of garbage plus twice a week ^ 38 AJDW* MVr JC-Maaaa^/ ^ ski slope. (lim it 8 Lba. Per Faailly) New Cover Dean's List at Southern Connec­ tions. He is the present contrac­ curb pickup of refuse; and 1795,- ticut State College for the sec­ tor. Anthlony Bottlcello of the 128 for twice a week curb pick­ ond semester. She will be a jun­ Sanltaiy Refuse Co. of Man­ up of both garbage Arid refuse. • HI6HLAND PMIK MA1IKET • chester. d.. ior at the school in the fall. His price for a one-year con­ 817___ Highland. 8t., Manc|ieate^PlHme____a____ ___ 648-4178 For Planes The only other bidder, Sam tract for the present method of aouRliiia; V;' Lombardo of Bast Hartford, collection is |8M,200. Oeat Flay WeeW^iy ■vcatagat Banning Mail Gun. Sale By FRED 8. HOFFBIAN M ai^ester Rotary d u b will I # # #'# #'G# # # # # # # #*# G G although submitting the lovf A y Fox Grave 0X1. have an outing Tuesday at 6:80 Bid specifications permit the AP Military Wlitor price, declared Ineligible., . .Kearay f$.,:Nka<tee«w . - p.m. at the Oast and Blast dub, award of either a one-year or WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson has until "I am delighted at the action action is now. We must give our WASHINGTON (AP) — Tfce He failed to meet the speci­ three-year contract. tmm : Air Force has ordered urgent Wapping. LowMi'Batau'.lD A Senate Judiciary sub­ Wednesday midnight to sign, at the Juvenile delinquency sub­ people the protection they de- fication which calls for evidence Lombardo, who bid only on Read Herald AdveirtLsements committee approved today veto or ignore the onmibus committee of the Senate JuA- serve from lethal rifles and reconstruction of sheltera for its i Edrcraft to South VletoEun to -------------------------------- ---------------------,-------J--'-----:----------- the bill! urged by President crime control bill and its gdn- clary Committee In reporting shotguns as soon/as ix>s8lble." Lyman Hoops,0 .VpA % sldent of the control section now on his desk. protect against totenslfled Viet Johnson to ban mail order out the gun control bill I recom­ Hruska switched his position Mandiester Chamber- of Com-” Johnson has criticiZed this Cong rocket and mortar at­ mended to the Congress last today on the hoOy debated Is­ merce, will speak' about. "The sales of shotguns and rifles. section as too weak; it bans tacks. PrcMems Facing Manchester," The bill waa approved vrith week. sue. He had led-the fight during only the mall order sale of pis­ "Recent attacks on Air Force at a meeting of the Klwanls u>nly one change, an amendment "I urge the full committee Senate action on the omnibus tols. He asked for the broader bELses to Vietnam have demon­ d u b TtMsday noortj at the Man­ ;ti^tening proposed restrictions promptly to approve the cbcUon crime - control bill, against pra- controls that ere in the bill the strated the need for better pro­ chester Country dub. on the sale of ' destructive 5®* of its subcommittee and send hlbitiiq( mail order sales, of long subcommittee has now ap­ tection of aircraft’* than the cur­ — — V _ylces like anti-tank guns, bazoo- the bill to the Senate floor for guns. -kas.and mortars. proved. immediate consideration. rent roofless elielters now in WIttam T. BnaCkm, son of Johnson, on a flight back from He said.that at Wednesday’s use, the Air Force said Monday Mr. at«d Mrs. Huglt J. Bracken , The subcommittee voted 9-0 to "Americans should not have meeting of the fuH Judiciary report the bill to the full Judl- Texas, quickly Issued this state­ to wait any longer for a strict in response to questions. of 67 nasex a t, recehred sec­ At present, the alrcntit, most tolary Committee, after rejecting ment today: gun control law. 1116 time for (See Page Eight) ond honors for the second costing at least $1 million each,- semeMer and for Ifhe 1967-68 6-3 a substitute bill that was a h em n iM "baUed up by Sen. Roman L. are parked on bsises to South year at Milford Ajoademy, Hruska, R-Neb. VietoEun to roofless revetemente where he recently compklted his Chairman Thomas J. Dodd, made from earth-tilled steel senbor year. D-Conn., and other subcommit- walls five feet wide and 12 feet high. ,tee members predicted that the On the Political Scene Mhncbecker Lodge a t Maenns Because the enemy lui^n’t ^ull committee will approve the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS wIB raeet tomoirow at 7:30 pan. ladmlnistration bill Wednesday his public life," the spokesman McCarthy waa the oqly major made air raids Eigainst ^e - said. alt Masonic Temple. The (Master ■without waiting for hearings to Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy— presidential candidate ■ to cajn- bases these shelters were Maaon degree wHl be conferred. be completed on more far­ wrapping up his New York pri­ Senate Democratic Leader palgn on behalf of delegate thought adequate, at least until Mike Mansfield sEiid he had no -reaching registration and llcens- mary campaign—says Demo­ states in final days before the toe Tet offensive cEU'ly this yesu: reason to believe that Hum­ showed them vulnerable to Senior MeSiodtota of South -•A ... ,ing bills. Methodist Churtdi wSI Have a cratic presidential rival Vice phrey’s private views on the (8ee Page Eight) rocket and mortar fire. President Hubert H. Humphrey war were any different 'than The first stepq. taken to carry ptcnSc Tliujwday nt noon at should make public any private Suait^iildi Wodey H A those the vice president Iwis out the progTEun Eire now under NHkfV 'i!'; doubts on the Vietnam war. stated publicly. Mrs. Quiim Bars way to the form of teste to de­ are peWkwIetinlieliare cowered MRS. JOSEPH L. CARL JR. "I think everyone has private MEUisfleld told newsmen he termine the >bpBt materlEil to use dhh. " doubts,” McCarthy said at a Strike Shuts had never had any private con- A ccep tin g Post to building rciofs for toe current Mias Sophie M. Gourinskl of rlage by Alfred Rolfa of Weth­ Harlem rally Monday; “ There versaf'ons with Humphrey on Mandiester Chapter of Dis­ shelters. When the tests Eure fin­ Glaatonbury, formerly of Man­ ersfield. Mrs. Walter Backus of comes a time when the prlvtfte the war. abled American Veterans will Opponents Offer ished to the ■ ncEU" future, con­ Manchester was, matron of doubts of a public man must be­ Of the vice president’s public \ fAP ^’tiototex) meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the chester, becune the bride of ^Boat Builder struction will start. honor. Miss Lisa 'Raffa of i« come public doubts.” declarations of support taf ad­ HABTJiURD (AP),-Mrs. Oli­ Poster of man sporting a neat crewcut, though ‘cut American Legion Home. , Joaeph L. Carl Jr. of CHuston- Wethersfield was flower girl. When the damage from the of­ dRlMnh... He referred to a prediction by ministration policies, Mansfield ver Butterworth of West Hart­ and bruised’ from bullets and shraiinel o f month- fensive wEra tallied, it WEra found bury, Saturday morning at St. Richard C arl,of CHastonlbury In G roton former White House press sec­ commented: "I take what he ford refused early today to that 192 aircraft were either de­ Mystic Review of North Amer­ James’ Church.
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