Saeima of the Republic of Latvia Latvia is an independent democratic republic, and the sovereign power is vested in the people of Latvia. The Saeima is composed of 100 repre- sentatives of the people – members of parliament (MPs). The Constitu- tion sets forth the main functions of the Saeima, and the Rules of Procedure drafted by the Saeima sets forth its in- ternal rules and regulations. The Saeima is elected for a term of four years in general, equal and direct elections conducted by secret ballot and based on proportional representa- tion. All citizens of Latvia who enjoy full rights of citizenship and who on Main building of the Saeima in Riga at Jēkaba iela 11 election day have attained 18 years of and is then considered an unaffiliated age are entitled to vote. Legislation member of parliament. Parliamentary The Saeima has several functions, the Any citizen of Latvia who enjoys full groups may form political blocs. most important of which is the adoption rights of citizenship and who is more The Council of Parliamentary Groups of laws. Draft laws may be submitted to than 21 years of age on election day may is formed in order to determine and the Saeima by the President of Latvia, be elected to the Saeima. A person elect- coordinate the activities and strategies the government, sectoral committees of ed to the Saeima acquires the mandate of parliamentary groups and political the Saeima, not fewer than five MPs or of an MP upon giving the oath of office. blocs within the Saeima and its com- not less than one-tenth of the electorate. The work of the Saeima is managed by mittees, as well as to resolve issues The most lively and thorough debates the Presidium elected from among the which are not covered by the Rules of concerning draft laws take place in the MPs at the beginning of the Saeima’s Procedure. This Council is composed of committees, which consider matters that term of office. The Presidium consists the Presidium and one MP from each are then debated at the plenary sittings. of five MPs – the Speaker, two Deputy parliamentary group and political bloc. Adoption of the Speakers, the Secretary and the Deputy The work of the Saeima is organised in Secretary. sessions. Each year the Saeima holds national budget Each committee specialises in a par- three regular sessions: an autumn, win- Before the beginning of each fiscal year, ticular area of legislation or fulfils other ter, and spring session. Extraordinary the Saeima decides on the annual rev- functions – for example, assesses the va- sessions may be convened during the enues and expenditures of the state. The lidity of public expenditures, considers recess. Plenary sittings are usually held government submits a draft state budg- violations of the principles of ethics or once a week on Thursdays. Live broad- et to the Saeima, and a vote on the state reviews Latvia’s positions on EU issues. casts of plenary sittings and sittings budget is actually a vote of confidence devoted to answering parliamentary in the government. Consideration of Pursuant to the Rules of Procedure, questions can be heard on the radio and the draft state budget and related draft there are 16 standing committees in the viewed on the Saeima website. In ac- laws usually results in the lengthiest de- Saeima. cordance with the Rules of Procedure, bates at plenary sittings. At least five MPs belonging to the same the Saeima may hold a closed plenary political party or list of candidates sitting if at least two-thirds of the MPs Parliamentary may form a parliamentary group. If present vote to do so; however, this has scrutiny an MP leaves a parliamentary group, never happened so far. The working The Saeima supervises the everyday he/she retains the mandate of an MP language of the Saeima is Latvian. work of the government; the govern- Fact Sheet 1 v01.11ENG; 13.02.17. Saeima of the Republic of Latvia • Jēkaba iela 11, Rīga, LV-1811, Latvia • phone: +371 67087321 • www.saeima.lv • e-mail: [email protected] INTERESTING FACTS • Saeima has been the name of the par- liament of the Republic of Latvia since 1922. The Latvian etymological dictio- nary defines the word saeima as gat- hering, assembly, with the root derived from the word iet (to go in Latvian). • On 17 and 18 April 1920, the people of Latvia elected the Constitutional As- sembly, the first elected governance institution, which drafted the Consti- tution and adopted laws for the inde- pendent state, such as the Law on Land Reform and the Saeima Election Law. • On 15 February 2017, the 95th anniver- sary of the adoption of the Constitution was commemorated at the Saeima. Plenary sitting of the Saeima Plaques engraved with the first two ar- ticles of the fundamental law of our sta- work and explanations from specific Prosecutor General, the Director of the te were officially revealed in the Plenary ministries, institutions subordinated to Corruption Prevention and Combat- Chamber. Such plaques adorned the walls of the Chamber already during the them, and local governments; they also ing Bureau, the Governor of the Bank first convocation of the Saeima. Upon have the right to invite relevant public of Latvia, members of the National the suspension of the work of the parlia- officials to provide information in per- Council of Electronic Mass Media, the ment, the original plaques were remo- son at committee meetings. Director of the Constitution Protection ved and their fate remains unknown. Bureau, judges, the Ombudsman and th Parliamentary investigative committees, In honour of the 95 anniversary of the the Auditor General. Constitution, the plaques were reintro- in cooperation with experts, have the duced in the Plenary Chamber to serve right to scrutinise the work of state and Ratification of as a symbolic reminder that Latvia is municipal institutions, as well as private an independent democratic republic agencies and companies which directly international and its sovereign power belongs to its or indirectly receive state subsidies, agreements and people. loans or government contracts or par- international ment as a whole and each minister in- ticipate in the privatisation of national activity or municipal property. Parliamentary dividually are politically accountable to In accordance with Article 68 of the investigative committees also have the the Saeima. Constitution, all international agree- right to invite and question public enti- Once a year at a plenary sitting, the ments which pertain to matters that ties on the matter they are investigating. Prime Minister reports on the govern- must be decided according to legisla- ment’s performance and its planned ac- Appointment of tive procedure require ratification by tivities. Furthermore, the Saeima hosts public officials the Saeima. the annual foreign policy debate, which Along with their work in the plenary The Saeima elects numerous public is attended by experts on foreign affairs. sittings, committees and parliamentary officials by an open ballot. The secret The Ombudsman also gives an annual groups, MPs also meet foreign officials ballot procedure is used in one case report on the work of the Ombudsman’s and delegations. The Saeima is a mem- only – in appointing the President of Office at a plenary sitting. ber of international parliamentary or- Latvia, who is elected with an absolute The Saeima holds sittings devoted to an- ganisations, and it actively cooperates majority. swering parliamentary questions. Dur- with parliaments of other countries. ing these sittings, MPs hear answers to The government may commence its their questions submitted to the Prime duties after it has received Saeima’s Administration of Minister, line ministers or the Gover- vote of confidence. The President of the Saeima nor of the Bank of Latvia about matters Latvia nominates the Prime Minister. The parliament has a total of about 450 within the competence of these officials. The Saeima takes a vote of confidence staff members. Organisational units of If MPs are dissatisfied with the work in the new government after the nomi- the Administration, the Legal Bureau, of a ministry, they may submit an in- nated Prime Minister has presented the the Public Relations Department, and quiry to the government. If the Saeima government’s platform to the Saeima. the Interparliamentary Relations Bu- accepts this inquiry, it may also decide The Saeima uses the open ballot pro- reau provide technical assistance to to hold a vote of no confidence in the cedure for electing, approving and ap- MPs in their daily work and during relevant minister or in the entire gov- pointing public officials, as well as ac- plenary sittings, as well as fulfil other ernment. Committees have the right to cepting their resignation or dismissing tasks related to the functioning of the request information necessary for their them. These public officials include the Saeima. Fact Sheet 1 v01.11ENG; 13.02.17. Saeima of the Republic of Latvia • Jēkaba iela 11, Rīga, LV-1811, Latvia • phone: +371 67087321 • www.saeima.lv • e-mail: [email protected].
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