* All disclaimers are located at the bottom of page 2. •HP One-yearRadianceMobile Remote Imprint limited Control Finish hardware and software warranty with 24/7 phone support • Toll-free phone support during warranty @ 1.800.HPINVENT (1.800.474.6836) in the U.S. and Canada • Email and real-time chat support for the life of the product by clicking on the desktop "help" icon • Easy-to-use dashboard for system diagnostics and updates with preinstalled HP Advisor The HPHP Difference* Difference*Difference* The HP HP HP HP HP HPHP HP HP HP HP HP Difference*HP HPDifference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference* Difference*Difference*Difference*Difference* • Enjoy high-gloss, sophisticatedsophisticated style style with with HP HP Radiance Radiance Imprint Imprint Finish. Finish. HP Pavilion dv9830us Entertainment Notebook PC Datasheet • EnjoyEnjoy high-gloss, high-gloss, high-gloss,high-gloss, sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated sophisticatedsophisticated style style style style style stylewithstyle with with with with HPwith HPwith HP HPRadiance HPRadiance HPRadiance HPRadiance Radiance Radiance Radiance Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint Imprint ImprintFinish. ImprintFinish. Finish. Finish. Finish. Finish. Finish. • PlayEnjoy high-definition high-gloss, high-gloss,high-gloss, DVDDVD sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated sophisticatedmovies movies using using the style thestyle style stylebuilt-in stylebuilt-in with with with with withHD HDHP HP DVD-ROMHP HPDVD-ROM Radiance HPRadiance Radiance Radiance Radiance drive drive Imprint Imprint andImprint andImprint Imprint watch watchFinish. Finish. 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Finish.them Finish. them Finish.on them on TV on TV •HDMIPlayEnjoy high-definitionport.high-definition high-gloss,high-gloss, high-gloss, DVD DVDDVD sophisticated sophisticated sophisticatedsophisticated moviessophisticated moviesmovies using using using the the the style stylebuilt-in stylebuilt-instyle built-instyle with with withHD withHDwith HD DVD-ROMHP DVD-ROMHP HP DVD-ROMHP HPRadiance Radiance Radiance Radiance Radiance drive drive drive andImprint andImprint andImprint watchImprint Imprintwatch watch them •thewithPlayEnjoy HDMI thethe high-definitionhigh-definition HDMI port. high-gloss,high-gloss,high-gloss, port. port. DVD DVD DVDDVD sophisticated sophisticated sophisticatedmoviessophisticated moviessophisticated moviesmovies using using using using the the the the stylebuilt-in stylebuilt-in style built-instyle stylebuilt-in with withHD withHD withHDwith HDDVD-ROM DVD-ROMHP HP DVD-ROM HPDVD-ROM HP HPRadiance Radiance Radiance Radiance Radiance drive drive drive drive and and and watchand •TVonPlayEnjoy withTV high-definitionwithhigh-definitionhigh-definition the high-gloss,theHDMIhigh-gloss,thehigh-gloss, HDMIHDMI port. port.port. DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated moviessophisticated sophisticatedmoviessophisticated movies moviesmovies using using using usingusing the the the the stylethebuilt-in style built-instyle stylebuilt-in stylebuilt-in stylebuilt-in with withHD with withHD withHD withHD DVD-ROM HD DVD-ROMHP HPDVD-ROM HPDVD-ROM HPDVD-ROM HP HPRadiance Radiance Radiance drive drive drive drive and •ExperiencethemFinish.Enjoy onon TV TV TVriveting rivetingriveting high-gloss, withhigh-gloss,withhigh-gloss,with life-like life-likethe life-likethethe HDMI HDMIHDMI HD HD HD video video port.video port.port. sophisticated performancesophisticated sophisticated performancesophisticated sophisticatedperformance with with with NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIA style GeForcestyle style GeForcestyle styleGeForce 8600Mwith with 8600Mwith with 8600Mwith GS HP GS HP HPand GS HP HPand 512MBand 512MB 512MB • ExperiencewatchFinish.ImprintEnjoy themthemthemthem riveting riveting riveting Finish. high-gloss, onhigh-gloss, onhigh-gloss,onon TV TV TV life-likeTV life-likelife-like with with withwith HD theHD theHD thethe video videoHDMI HDMIvideo HDMIHDMI sophisticated sophisticated performancesophisticated sophisticatedperformancesophisticated performanceport. port. port. port. with with with NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIA style style GeForcestyle styleGeForcestyle GeForce with 8600Mwith with 8600Mwith with8600M GS HP HPGS HP HPandGSHP and and • dedicatedExperienceandImprintEnjoy watchwatch plusplus riveting riveting rivetingFinish. upFinish. up themthemhigh-gloss,them toto 2303MB2303MB life-like life-likeon onlife-likeon TV TVTV video video HDwith HDwithHDwith memoryvideo memoryvideo video the the thesophisticated performance HDMIperformancefeaturing HDMI performanceHDMIfeaturing port. port. NVIDIA’sport. NVIDIA’s with with with PureVideo™NVIDIA PureVideo™NVIDIA NVIDIA style GeForce GeForce technologyGeForce technology with 8600M 8600M and8600M and DirectX HPGS GS • dedicated512MBExperiencedrivePlayImprintRadiance high-definitionhigh-definitiondedicatedand plus riveting rivetingFinish.watchup to plusImprintplusImprint 2303MB life-like uplife-likethemup to to DVD 2303MBDVD videoDVD2303MB on HDFinish.HDFinish. TVmemory movies videomoviesvideomovies video videowith performance featuringperformancememory memory usingthe usingusing HDMI featuringNVIDIA’s the featuringthe the with built-in port.withbuilt-in built-in NVIDIA’sPureVideo™ NVIDIANVIDIA’s NVIDIA HD HD HDPureVideo™ GeForce PureVideo™ DVD-ROM GeForce technologyDVD-ROM DVD-ROM 8600M and •10DirectX512MBandExperiencePlayRadiance support. 512MB 10 high-definitionhigh-definitiondedicated support. dedicated rivetingrivetingriveting plusImprintImprintImprintImprint life-like uplife-likepluslife-like to upDVD 2303MBDVDDVD Finish. HDtoFinish. HDFinish.Finish.HD 2303MB moviesvideo movies videomovies videovideo performance performancevideo memoryperformance using usingusing memory featuring the the the with featuringwithbuilt-in built-in withbuilt-in NVIDIA’s NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIA NVIDIA’s HD HD HD PureVideo™GeForce GeForce GeForce •DirectXtechnologyandGSExperiencePlayRadiance and512MB 10 high-definition high-definition512MB support.and dedicated rivetingrivetingDirectX dedicated ImprintImprintImprintImprint 10 pluslife-likelife-like support. plus up DVD DVDDVD to Finish. HDFinish.upFinish. 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HD HD HD •IntegratedChatPureVideo™8600MGeForceDVD-ROMPlay face-to-faceface-to-face Microphone. high-definitionhigh-definitionGS 8600M technologytechnologyand ordriveordrivedrive take take 512MB GSGS pictures pictures andand and andand dedicated watchDirectXwatchand DirectX512MBwatchand512MB DVD DVDvideoDVD video 10 them10 them themclipsdedicated plusclipsdedicated support. support.movies moviesmovies using using onup onon theto TV TVthe TV plus 2303MBHP plus usingwith HP usingwith usingWebcamwith Webcamup up the tothe tothevideo the 2303MB theand HDMIthe 2303MBandHDMI HDMI built-in built-inmemory built-in port. port.video port.video •IntegratedChatNVIDIA’sfeaturingGeForceExperienceDVD-ROMPlay face-to-faceface-to-face Microphone. 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