COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO - GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 .INSTRUCTIONS ·TO VOTERS STATE Vote for One PUNCH OUT OFFICIAL BALLOT ONLY WITH GOVERNOR - GLORIA ESTELA LA AlVA VOTING INSTRUMENT ATTACHED TO VOTING DEVICE, 4 Newspaper Printer Peace and Freedom . DAN LUNGREN NEVER WITH PEN OR P.ENCIL. 5 California Attorney General Republican NATHAN E. JOHNSON 6 Public Transit Worker American Independent To vote for a canCrldate whose name appears in the Sample Official Ballot, DAN HAMBURG 7 . Educator Green punch the official ballot· at the point of the arrow opposite the number HAROLD H. BLOOMFIELD which corresponds to that ~didate. Where two or more candidates for 8 Physician/ Author/Educator Natural Law STEVE W. KUBBY the same office are to be elected, punch the official ballot at the point of Libertarian the arrow opposite the number which corresponds to' those candidates. 9 Publisher and Author GRAY DAVIS · The number of pun:hes made must not exceed the number of candidates 10 Lieutenant Governor of the State of California Democratic - to be elected. -- - =-- · - ---" '·-~.--~ . :-- -------, - - . Vote for One LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR To vote for a cancidate for Chief Justice of California; Associate Justice of THOMAS M. TRYON the Supreme Col.lt; Presiding justice; Court of Appeal; or Associate 12 County Supervisor/Rancher Libertarian Justice, Court of Ai>peal, punch the ballot card in the hole at the point of TIM LESLIE ·13 Republican the arrow to the right of the number which corresponds with "YES." To . Senator/Businessman CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE · · vote against the caldidate, punch the ballot card in the hole at the point 14 Lawmaker · Democratic of the arrow to the right of the number which Corresponds with "NO." JAMES J. MANGIA Reform 15 Children's Clinic Director To vote for a qualified write-In candidate, write the name of the office and GEORGE M. MC COY American Independent . the pe~son's name on the lines provided for that purpose on the "Write-in" 16 Businessman portion of the official ballot. · SARA AMIR 17 Environmental Scientist Green To vote on a measure which appears in the Sample Official Ballot, punch JAIME LUIS GOMEZ Peace and Freedom the official ballot at ·the point of the arrow opposite the number which 18 . Educator C<?rr~ponds to the word ~YES" or the word "NO," · Vote for One SECRETARY OF STATE All distinguishing marks or erasures are .forbidden and make the official CAROLYN RAE SHORT American Independent ballot void. · · 20 Small Business Owner GAIL K. UGHTFOOT Libertarian If you punch the wrong number; tear, or deface the official ballot, return the 21 Registered Nurse official ballot to the Precinct Official and · obtain another. · · BILL JONES Republican 22 Secretary of State ISRAEL FEUER Peace and Freedom -···-__TO START YOUR VOl']f'JG ...... ___ __ ___ _ 23 Political Reform Educator JANE ANN BIALOSKY Natural Law _... 24 Teacher · __ G~ TO NEXT PAG,E MICHELA ALIOTO Democratic 25 Businesswoman VALLI SHARPE-GEISLER Reform 26 Eoucatorrrechnology Coordinator A01o156-158 ~, - 162106-108,-1 82, 185-189,111>-113 . 206-209.136. 1~. 214-222 144-148, ·cont1·nue Vot1·ng on Next Page ••-th•Jlllll' 106-05 FP.001.009 106-04 SB-001.003 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO • GENERAL ELECTION COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO • GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 .· TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Vote for One . INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Vote for One CONTROLLER GARY R. RAMOS PAMELA J. PESCOSOLIDO Private Investigator Peace and Freedom 29 Entrepreneur . Libertarian 55 BARBARA BOURDETTE Natural Law KATHLEEN CONNELL Businesswoman/Educator · 30 California State Controller Democratic 56 DIANE MARTINEZ Democratic DENISE L JACKSON 57 California State Lawmaker 31 Systems Analyst Reform MERTON D. SHORT American lndep.endent RUBEN BARRALES 58 Aviator 32 County Supervisor Republican CHUCK QUACKENBUSH· ALFRED 'AL' BURGESS Republican L American Independent 59 State Insurance Commissioner 33 Business Owner DALE F. OGDEN · Libertarian C. T. WEBER Peace and Freedom 60 Insurance ConsuitanVActuary 34 Analyst/Union Director IRIS ADAM Natural Law Vote· for One MEMBER, STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, DISTRICT 2 35 Business Manager · DEAN ANDAL . Republican 62 Member, State Board of Equalization, District 2 Vote for One TREASURER TOMY.SANTOS ·· - -' - - · .• - -.. ·-- · DemOcr-atic CURT PRINGLE 63 Tax Management Auditor 37 State Legislator/Businessman Republican .. JON PETERSEN 38 Senior Software Engineer Libertarian JAN B. TUCKER Vote for One UNITED STATES SENATOR 39 Licensed Private investigator· Peace and Freedom BRIAN M. REES - Na~ural Law EDMON V. KAISER "66 Physician ·· 40 Doctor of Chiropractic ~erican Independent BARBARA BOXER PHIL ANGELIDES Democratic Democratic 67 U.S. Senator 41 Fmancial Manager/Businessman TED BROWN Libertarian CARLOS AGUIRRE Insurance Adjuster/Investigator 42 Businessman NatUral Law 68 - OPHIE C. BELTRAN Peace and Freedom .. Political Union Organizer Vote for One ATTORNEY GENERAL 69 TIMOTHY R. ERICH Reform ROBERT J. EVANS Teacher/School Principal 44 I · Criminal Defense Lawyer Peace and Freedom 70 H. JOSEPH PERRIN SR. American Independent DAVE STIRLING ' Researcher · 45 Chief Deputy Attorney-General Republican 71 .. MATT FONG Republican DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN California State Treasurer 46 Attorney-at-Law American Independent 72 BILL LOCKYER Democratic 47 Lawmaker/Attorney UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE JOSEPHS. FARINA · Vote for One CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 5 48 Attorney Libertarian ROBERT T. MATSUI Democratic 75 Member of Congress --- -. - · -.· - · 9ontinue. Voting on Next Page _ _._.. ROBERT S. DINSMORE Republican 76 Small Businessman DOUGLAS ARTHUR TUMA Libertarian n Retired Civil Engineer · . Continue Voting on Next Page - ...-~. AD10 84, 106-108, 110, 113, 140, 144-148, 15&- Ao10 a.. 1~108, 11.Q-1_13, 136. 140, 144-148, 15&-158, 1~-182. i~1!9, ~209. 214-222 158, 162-168, 179, 2Q6, 207 . • 106-07 S!Hl02.003 106-06 SB-003.005 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO • GENERAL ELECTION COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO • GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 ·. Continue Voting SCHOOL Vote for One STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 'DELAINE EASTIN . 106 Superintendent of Public Instruction GLORIA MATTA TUCHMAN 107 Parent'School Teacher LOS RIOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ~ ,. Vote for One TRUSTEE, AREA 6 BRUCE POMER · MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY 110 Trustee, los Rios Community College District Vote for One ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 10 I ERIC A. THOMPSON I ANTHONY PESCETTI Republican 111 Sociologist 85 Business Owner BEHROOZ"BRUCEwFARHANGI DEBRA GRAVERT 112 College Professor 86 Legislator's Policy Director Democratic TOM KOHLHEPP . 87 Book Store Owner Libertarian Continue Voting ·' Vote YES ..or NO ..______ .. _ _,._ ... ·_. -·- ....,· J;;..;U;;..;D;..I...;;C;..;.IA~L~~------ for each candidate SUPREME COURT 90 YES . FOR CHIEF JUSTICE OF CALIFORNIA 1--------1 Shall RONALD M.. GEORGE 91 NO ·be elected to the office for the tenn as prov!ded by laW? 92 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT· 1--------1 Shall MING WILLIAM CHIN -. 93 NO be elected to the office for the tenn as provided by law? , ,. 94 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SAN JUAN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1------~ · Shall JANICE R. BROWN . ~~e~:~~o · ------~~~G~O~VE~R~N;I;NG~B;O~A~R~D~M~EM~B~E~R~~~------ 95 NO be elected to the o~ice for the tenn as provided by law? ESTELLE WEAVE 96 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT 122 School Board Member 1--------1 Shali STANLEY MOSK , . PATRICIA A. AUSTIN 97 .NO be elected to the office for the tenn as provided by law? 123 Parent'Business Owner THOMA YSA M. GLO~ER Vote YES or NO 124 Mother/Homemaker for each candidate . COURT OF APPEAL CHERYL LEE MORROW 99 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT 125 Pre-School Teacher t------; Shall GEORGE NICHOLSON 100 NO be elected to the office for the term as provided by law? Continue' Voting on Next Page ---~· 101 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT t------!Shaii- CONNIE CALLAHAN- ·---·- · - ·- · ·-·-·· --·- ·- - .. - .. ·-- .. 102 NO . be elected to the office for the tenn as provided by law? 103 YES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEAL, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT t------1 Shall HARRY HULL .. · · 104 NO be elected to the office for the tenn as provided by law? ' . A010 84, 1~108, 11().113 106-09 SB-005.012 s~ . 003 106-08 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO .• GENERAL ELECTION COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO • GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1998 MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS DISTRICT - STATE SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Vote YES or NO STATE PROPOSITION 1A Vote for One DIRECTOR WARD 3 • 211 YES CLASS SIZE REDUCTION KINDERGARTEN-UNIVERSITY PUBLIC HOWARD POSNER 1---------1 EDUCATION FACILITIES BOND. ACT OF 1998. This nine billion two hun- 159 Appointed SMUD Director 212 NO dred million dollar ($9,200,000,000) bond issue will provide funding for CARL BURTON 1------___~ necessary education facilities for at least four years for class size reduc­ 160 Small Business Owner tion, to relieve overcrowding and accommodate student enrollment growth and to repair JOHN W. BURTON older schools and for wiring and cabling for education technology. Funds will also be used to 161 - Businessmiln/Energy· Consultant · upgrade · and build new classrooms in community colleges, the California State University, and the University of California. These bonds may be used only for eligible construction proj­ Continue Voting ects. Fiscal Impact: State cost of about $15.2 billion to pay off both the principal ($9.2 billion) and interest ·($6 billion) on the bonds. The aver;:~ge payment for principal and interest over 25 . I years would be about $600 million per year. State cost of $160 million to offset all or part of school-related development fees borne by certain homebuyers and renters. - Vote YES or NO STATE PROPOSITION 1 218 YES PROPERTY TAXES: CONTAMINATED PROPERTY LEGISLATIVE CON· t-----__, STITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Amends article XIII A of the Constitution, 219 NO added by Proposition 13, to · allow repair' or -replacement of -· 1------.....J environmentally-contaminated property· or structures without increasing the tax valuation of original or replacement property.
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