March 3, 1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4415 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 3, 1980 The House met at 12 noon. S. 1086. An act for the relief of Bharat INHERITANCE OF TRUST OR RE­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ford, Persaud; and STRICTED LAND ON STANDING S. 2194. An act to amend the Foreign ROCK SIOUX RESERVATION, D.D., offered the fallowing prayer: Assistance Act of 1961 to authorize special Azores earthquake relief and reconstruction NORTH DAKOTA AND SOUTH DA­ Bless the Lord, all His hosts, His min­ KOTA isters that do His will. Bless the Lord, all assistance. His works, in all places of His dominion. The Clerk called the bill <H.R. 2102) Bless the Lord, O my souZ.-Psalms 103: pertaining to the inheritance of trust or 21, 22. COL. HAROLD GOULD, A REAL restricted land on the Standing Rock Gracious Lord, we thank You that the SOLDIER Sioux Reservation, North Dakota and South Dakota. power of Your creation is not limited to Mr. FUQUA. Mr. Speaker, it is my sad heaven and the world of the spirit, but duty to inform my colleagues of the There being no objection, the Clerk Your redemptive activity surrounds our death of Col. Harold Gould on Sunday read the bill, as fallows: daily life. Help us to be aware of Your night, March 2. H.R. 2102 ministry and Your love wherever we are For the past year Colonel Gould has Be it enacted by the Senate and House or whatever we do, and remind us that served as executive director of the House of Representatives of the United States of there is no area of existence not under Committee on Science and Technology, America in Congress assembled, That to the Your dominion. May we, with all humil­ extent that the laws of descent and devise ity, be instruments of Your purpose to in which capacity he has been my close of the State in which trust or restricted govern this Nation with justice and friend and valued adviser and a mag­ land is located on the Standing Rock In­ mercy as You give us strength. Amen. nificent influence on the members of dian Reservation in North Dakota and South the committee and its staff. Dakota (hereinafter the "reservation") are It is difficult to put into words the inconsistent with this Act, the provisions of deep sadness I feel at the loss of Colonel this Act shall govern the right to inherit THE JOURNAL Gould, who served his country ably in such trust or· restricted land. SEC. 2. Only persons who are enrolled The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ two important careers: As an enlisted man and officer of the U.S. Army from members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ of North and South Dakota (hereinafter the ceedings and announces to the House 1938 until 1965, and then as a trusted "tribe"), who are members of a federally rec­ his approval thereof. and loyal staff member of this House ognized Indian tribe, or who are otherwise and the Committee on Science and Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ recognized as Indians by the Secretary of Technology. the Interior (hereinafter the "Secretary"), nal stands approved. Colonel Gould joined the staff of the shall be entitled to receive by devise or de­ then-Committee on Science and Astro­ scent any interest in trust or restricted land nautics on detail from the Army in Janu­ within the exterior bounds of the Standing MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Rock Indian Reservation as defined by the ary 1963, just as I was beginning my Act of March 2, 1889 (ch. 405, 25 Stat. 888), A message from the Senate, by Mr. first term of service in this House. except as provided in section 4 of this Act. Sparrow, one· of its clerks, announced Together we participated in decisions SEC. 3. Notwithstanding the laws of de­ that the Senate had passed without leading us through the exciting era of scent of the State in which trust or restricted amendment a joint resolution of the space exploration, watched the name land is located on the reservation, when­ House of the fallowing title. of the committee change and its respon­ ever any Indian dies leaving any interest in sibilities expand, and witnessed many trust or restricted land within the reserva­ H.J. Res. 434. Joint resolution to authorize tion, and the trust or restricted land has not and request the President to issue a procla­ other changes in the world, in Congress, been devised by an approved will consistent mation designating April 6 through 12, 1980, and in ourselves. with the provisions of section 2 of this Act, "National Medic Alert Week." I could I¥>t have asked for better, such interest shall descend to the following The message also announced that the .wiser, or pteadier counsel during my persons, subject to their being enrolled mem­ early years as a Member of this House bers of the tribe or otherwise eligible as Senate had passed with amendments in heirs under section 2 of this Act: which the concurrence of the House is and the Science and Technology Com­ mittee nor a more effective, dedicated, (a) one-half of the interest shall descend requested, bills of the House of the fol­ to the surviving spouse. The other one-half lowing titles : and loyal director to assist me in admin­ istering the affairs of the committee of the interest shall descend in equal shares H.R. 10. An act to authorize actions for to the children of the decedent and to the redress in cases involving deprivations of when I assumed the chairmanship. issue of any deceased child of the decedent, rights of institutionalized persons secured Seldom in life are we privileged to by right of representation; or protected by the Constitution or laws of meet and work with individuals of the (b) if there is no surviving spouse, the in­ the United States: and caliber of Col. Harold Gould and I terest shall descend in equal shares to the H.R. 24. An act to improve budget man­ feel truly blessed to have had that op­ children of the decedent and to the issue of agement and expenditure control by revising portunity for the past 17 years. any deceased child of the decedent, by right certain provisions relating to the Comptrol­ of representation; ler General and the Inspectors General ·of I am sure I speak not only .for myself, ( c) if there a.re no surviving children or the Departments of Energy and Health, Ed­ but for the entire membership of the issue of any child, the interest shall descend ucation, and Welfare, and for other purposes. Committee on Science and Technology to the surviving spouse; and its staff, as well as any others who The message also announced that the (d) if there is no surviving spouse and no have had the good fortune to know and surviving children or issue of any child, the Senate agrees to the amendments of work with Hal Gould in saying he will interest shall descend to the pa.rents of the the House to the amendment of the be long remembered and deeply missed decedent; Senate to a bill of the House of the by all of us. (e) if there is no surviving spouse, and no following title: surviving children or issue of any child, and H.R. 3756. An act to authorize appropria­ no surviving parents, the interest shall de­ tions for certain insular areas of the United scend equally to the brothers and sisters of States, and for other purposes. CONSENT CALENDAR the decedent; The message also announced that the The SPEAKER. This is the day for the (f) if there is no surviving spouse, no sur­ Senate had passed bills of the follow­ call of the Consent ·Calendar. The Clerk viving children or issue of any child, no sur­ ing titles, in which the concurrence of will call the bill on the Consent Calen­ viving parents, and no surviving brothers or the House is requested: dar. sisters, the interest shall escheat to the tribe; D This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings1 e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. CXXVI--279-Part 4 4416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 3, 1980 (g) any interest which descends in accord- dren" and "issue" shall include adopted chil­ If a balanced budget is a goal, let us ance with this section shall be subjeot to the dren and. acknowledged illegitimate children. have it this year. right of a non-Indian surviving spouse as SEC. 4. (a) Notwithsta~dirig the p·rovisions Let us endure the short-term problems provided in section 4 of this Act; of section 2 of this Ac't, the non-Indian sur- (h) as used in this Act, "children" and viving ·spouse of an +ndian decedent who associated with Federal spending cut­ "issue" shall include adopted children and leaves any.interest in trust or restriCted lands backs this year, so that down the stretch acknowledged illegitimate children. within .the reservation shall be entitled to the entire Nation will benefit from a bal­ SEC. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions Of take not niore than an undivided, one-'half: in­ apced?: noi:inflationary economy. section 9 of this Act, the non-Indian surviv- terest in all such trust 'or :res.t'ric_ted l!!-nds ing spouse of an Indian decedent who leaves· during his or her lifetime.- · · ", .
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