cor VOL. XXVIII. NO. 8. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1905. PRICE 3 CTS. SANDY RIVER IMPROVEMENT Mis. Edith Pinkhaw has been quite lips National bauk, Tr.; W. W. Small FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR sick, attended by Dr. Pratt of North Supreme Judicial Comrt. Co. vs. Frank and Bessie L. Lane. New Portland. She is gaining at this A hearing was held in the county This Hustling Railroad Thorough­ writing. September Term, A. D. 160L commissioners offijj in the court house Will Be Held at Farmington, Mrs. Alton Ailbee, who has been ill, Monday on the case of Henry Winter vs. ly Up to Date. is better. Special correspondence to Maine Woodsman the Sandy River Railroad Co. It was a Oct. S-I-5. As usual, the Sandy River railroad is A meeting was held at the Center F a r m in g s o n , Sept 26, 1905. referee case. H. S Wing, Eiq , of King- Special correspondence to Maine Woodsman. schoolhouie Sunday afternoon, Sept field was chosen by the Railroad Co.; S. hustling these days to keep up to date The September term of the Supreme F a r m in g t o n , Sept. 20, 1905, in every particular. 24, by Rev. Leonard Hutchius of Judicial court commenced its sessions Clifford Belcher by Winter aud these New Portland. two chose B. M. Small, Ecq., as the “ We expect to have the biggest fair We are indebted to Mr. F. N. Beal, Tuesday, Chief Justice Andrew P. Wm Mr. and Mrs. J M Nutting were at third referee. Timberlake & Noble of that has ever been seen in the state of superintendent of the S..ndy River rail well presiding. the L dge House, Dead River, the 16th. Phillips represented the defendant rail­ Maine,” said Secrctaiy and Treasurer road, for the information contained in They report business good there and The court officials this term are: road company, while Louis Voter a:,d Geo. M. Currier to a W o o d sm a n report­ the part of this article relating to the many guests expected in open season Justice, Hon. Andrew P. Wiswell, E O. Greenleaf, Esqs, appeared for Mr. lor hunting. Winter. A long session was held in er the first of the week. “We shall have Sandy River road. Ellsworth. The Center school teacher and schol­ which Borne heated thoughts were ex the State fair sto.k here which will in­ A new round home is being built by Stenographer, C. O. Barrows, Port­ ars t ave a box supper at Moody's hall pressed by the respect ve attorneys and clude the Niles Brothers’ prize winning the Bide of the cld house which will, Thursday evening, Sep . 21. After the land. then the case went to the referees. They stock. With the fair weather which we when completed, double the capacity of supper Bert Mallay furnished music for Sheriff, Dana O. Ooolidge, Farming- have not in their decision as yet. those who wished to dance. Mr. Winter was asking for alleged dam expect our fair wili be a record breaker the present home and wili be more con­ ton. One of the Jenkins & Bogart teams ages caused him by flies alleged to have without doubt. venient besides. Another improvement Crier, J. A. Witham, Weld. of Kingfield are hauliug birch squares been . et by the defendant company’s lo­ Following are the races for the three is a new steel br.dge which has been from this place for a short time. Messenger, Roy Atkinson, Farming- comotives at various times for the past days of cattle show and faix: built across the Saudy river near this Russell Nutting and Duvid Pinkbam ton. six years. This case came before the are at Dead river Long falls at work for last term of court, when both parties Tuesday, Oct. 3. piace. It is a bridge of very stable con­ Clerk, B. M. Small, Farmington. Rulus Taylor. agreed to refer tue matter to a board of 2.50 class, Trot and Pace, Purse, $100 struction and a credit to its builders. Deputies present, Harry Bell, Phillips; arbitration, as above. 2.20 class, “ Purse, $200 A new turn table is also being built Byron. David Richardson, Strong; J. A. With- at the Madrid station which will have »m, Weld; Earle Taylor, Stratton; W. Court Notes. Wednesday, Oct. 4. R. W. Trask is doing extensive repairs 3-y e a r s -old class (limited to county.) granite foundations and all the latest B Small, Kingfield; Lester D. Eaton, Wednesday no case was tried, owing ou his house. L. A. Dunn and J. S. 2.34 class, Trot and Pace, Purse, $100 devices tor making a perfect tab.e on Ho sard are working for him. F .rmington. to unforeseen diffi.ulties arising regard­ which to turn the cars. A new turn 2.27 class, “ Purse, $150 Our potato orop is poor, with a lot of Following are the grand aud traverse ing witnesses. 2.3^ class, “ Purse, $150 table 8 being built at the Berlin Chief Justice Andrew P. Wiswell and rotten ones mixed in. juries as impanelled. mill yards. Our grange is doing good business. his stenographer, Mr. C. O. Borrows, Thursday, Oct. 5. The coal shed here which is being FIRST TBAYKR E JURY. A1 four degrees are conferred each are alway-i popular with Fariningtou 2.37 cla.s, Trot and Pace, Purse, $100 built will have, when completed, a ca meeting. Tne grange circle is also do- Dennis Adams, Jay. people. The judge aud his stenogra­ 2 24 class, “ Purse, $200 pacity of 700 tons, being 200 feet in iug wed. They met with Mrs. Charles pher are at The W-iiows through c-urt. Free for al. class, (limited to state). length. A new track i, soon to be C. H. Adams, Dallas Plantation. Purse, $300 Hodsdon last w tekand will meet with G. F. Bea , Avon. laid from the Phillips station three Mrs. G T. Hodsdon this week. Ladies will be admitted the first day miles up the line. T..e steel rails for John Hodsdon of Lewiston is in town Abbott Belcher, Farmington. PRETTY HOME WEDDING. of the lair without charge. Wednesday this purpose have already b.en re for a few da,s visiting among old neigh C. Fred Blanchard, Wnton. and Thursday there wili be specialties ceived in the yard, ready for laying. b >rs and friends. Orren Biackley, Frteman. between the heats of the races and the Mr. Eiward Greenwood, the master Miss Lelia Eriggs and Mr Adel- last day a oaby show will be held, 1st The dance at the hall last Saturday J. L. Carviile, Kingfield. mechanic at the Sandy River repair evening was not very well attended. bert Loeke Married. prize, a silver cup; 2nd prize, knife, fork shop, tells the W oodsman that F. & M. There is talk of a bird hunt in the near Wallace L Dow, Jay. aud spoon; 3id prize, silver spoon. engine No. 2, is having a new fire box future. John S. Uurrell, E .xatis* Special correspondence to Maine Woodsman. F. fl. Webster will be marshal this put in and other necessary repairs made. Levi B. Field, Phillips. Hunters have commenced to oil up Farm ington, Sept. 27, 1905. year and Chas. F. .Smith, cleik of the All tae other engines of the system, tiieir guns and get ready for hunting. J. S. Fietcher, A'iltOR. course. eight in number, are now in good work­ Luman H. Gould, Wilton. One of the prettiest home weddings Following is the committee to g t out ing order. SECOND THAVERSE JURY. that has graced Farmington society for stock and town teams: Since 1892, 10 box cars, 45 flat oars Copliu. W. C. Gray, New Sharon. a long time happened Wednesday at Farmington—Elmer N.les, R. I. Gil­ and two caboose cars have been built in high noon when Miss Lelia E. Briggs the Phillips shop. All these cars are of Mrs. Nora M. H. Jones and little Frank S. Haley^Phillips. man, Eugene Luce, Byron A. Jennings, daughter, Dor.s, from Stratton visited at D. Hiukley, Sandy R.ver and Adalbert Y. Locke, Esq., were Bert Hardy. modern p ttterus ai:d have heavy oast Plantation. ings, making them very strong and C. H. Hammond’s last week. united in marriage at the home of the Jay —W. D. Bean, Geo. Gardner, Na­ rigid. Just at present the Saudy River Ernest W. Lowit, Jay. thaniel Perkins, E. W. Bryant. Mrs. Ray Vdes of Flagstaff and Mrs. Fied F. Lunt, Ffmungton. bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Industry—R. A. RoobinB, Chas. Nor­ shop iB building over the Pmllips & Bfigg8! by Rt v. A. H. Coar. The dou Rangeley snow plows, so that that road j Floyd Taylor of Stratton visited at Mrs. Wellington H. Winter, Farmington. ton, D. M. Meny, Joseph Elder. I F. N. Taylor’s one day last week. Frank B *Nilo, Iahjv Plantation. ble ring service was u-ed. Strong—H D. Luce, Ralph Kaowlton, will be well equipped with the coming Silas H. Niles, j l of winter for the deep snows that are I Mr. and Mrs. George Baohelder of The bridal paity stood beneath an Lmcolu W-rthiey, C. F. Lewis. C. A. Pr.est, Far'v,1 gtqn. Now Vineyard -Frank Stanley, John sure to fail* little later. arch of evergreen iu the darkened din­ Mr. Greenw.oft, who is an expe'-t in I K a u g eln y vi niter) relatives in Lang Towr H.
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