April 30, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E801 Gary Ackerman, Tom Barrett, Xavier ment set in place by its founders, has contin- And finally, and this may be even more im- Becerra, Howard Berman, Rod ued throughout the history of the church. A portant, I am joined by constitutional schol- Blagojevich, Earl Blumenauer, David spirit of warmth and service emanates from ars in saying this amendment actually Bonior, George Brown, Sherrod Brown, strengthens our First Amendment freedoms. Walter Capps, Julia Carson, Donna this group of parishioners. All Saints' is an ex- I emphasize that, Mr. Chairman because Christian-Green, William Clay, Eva ample of community goodwill, and has served some Americans have raised questions about Clayton, John Conyers, Elijah as a unifying force for members of the district. our fundamental freedoms of speech and ex- Cummings, Danny Davis, Jim Davis, Under the direction of Dr. Chinn, the current pression. I have the same concerns they do, Peter DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William pastor, the church has developed programs to and they deserve some straight answers. Delahunt, Ronald Dellums, Peter help those less fortunate. Members of the con- Now, I am not going to spend too much Deutsch, Julian Dixon, Lloyd Doggett. gregation prepare and deliver meals for the el- time paying tribute to the flag. I am sure it's Eliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Lane Evans, derly and families who are struggling in their safe to say that respect for the flag is some- thing everyone in this room shares. Sam Farr, Chakah Fattah, Bob Filner, current situations. In times of crisis and need, Floyd Flake, Thomas Foglietta, Harold Americans have always felt that way about Ford, Jr., Barney Frank, Elizabeth help is always forthcoming in family oriented their flag, and that's why there is so much Furse, Gene Green, Luis Gutierrez, programs of service and volunteerism. precedent for what we're doing here today. Maurice Hinchey, Darlene Hooley, Through the donation of hymnals and vest- Some critics might say that the Supreme Jesse Jackson, Jr., Sheila Jackson-Lee, ments, All Saints' also serves those churches Court has spoken on this matter, and that's Marcy Kaptur, Joseph P. Kennedy, II, within the religious community who are less that! Well, not quite. Dale Kildee, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Ron fortunate. In the history of the Supreme Court, few Kind, Dennis Kucinich. All Saints' Episcopal Church should be a re- members guarded the First Amendment so John LaFalce, Nick Lampson, Tom Lan- jealously as Justice Hugo Black and Chief minder to us that history and good will isn't Justice Earl Warren. Both stated forcefully tos, Sander Levin, John Lewis, William just what we read in textbooks or hear about Lipinski, Zoe Lofgren, Nita Lowey, Bill that there is no First Amendment problem Luther, Carolyn Maloney, Thomas in other areas. It is evident in our communities with banning flag desecration. Manton, Edward Markey, Matthew and neighborhoods. It is living and breathing And they also believed that nothing in the Martinez, Carolyn McCarthy, Karen right in our midst. All Saints' has a place in the Constitution prevented individual states McCarthy, Jim McDermott, James P. great past of the city of Philadelphia, and it will from enacting laws to prohibit the physical McGovern, Cynthia McKinney, Martin continue to shape and mold both the neigh- desecration of the American flag! Meehan, Juanita Millender-McDonald. What we seek today is not an amendment borhood and the people who reside there. to ban flag desecration but an amendment to George Miller, David Minge, Patsy Mink, On their 225th anniversary, I would like to John Joseph Moakley, Jim Moran, allow Congress to make that decision. congratulate All Saints' Episcopal Church on a Some of you may point out that this Jerrold Nadler, Richard Neal, Eleanor long standing ideal of service and community Holmes Norton, James Oberstar, David amendment differs from the one I offered in Obey, John Olver, Major Owens, Frank centered action. I wish them luck in their fu- the last Congress. You are right. In the 104th Pallone, Bill Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pastor, ture endeavors, and thank them for 225 years Congress, the House overwhelmingly voted Donald Payne, Nancy Pelosi, Charles of unwavering commitment to the people of 312 to 120 to allow Congress and the States to Rangel, Lynn Rivers, Steven Rothman. Philadelphia. prohibit the physical desecration of the Lucille Roybal-Allard, Bobby L. Rush, American flag. f Unfortunately, that amendment fell three Loretta Sanchez, Bernard Sanders, votes short in the Senate. While I support Charles Schumer, Jose Serrano, David DRIVE TO RATIFY FLAG PROTEC- enabling both Congress and the States to Skaggs, Louise Slaughter, Deborah TION AMENDMENT CONTINUES prohibit flag desecration, a few members ex- Stabenow, Fortney ``Pete'' Stark, pressed their concern that giving the States Louis Stokes, Ted Strickland, Bart this power could lead to 50 very diverse laws Stupak, John Tierney, Esteban Torres, HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON OF NEW YORK on the topic. While I do not have those con- Edolphus Towns, Nydia Vela zquez, cerns myself, I worked with this amend- Bruce Vento, Maxine Waters, Melvin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment's cosponsors and the members of the Watt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, Wednesday, April 30, 1997 Citizens Flag Alliance to rewrite the Amend- Bob Wise, Lynn Woolsey, Albert Wynn, ment to address those concerns and only em- Sidney Yates. Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, earlier today, power Congress to prohibit flag desecration. f I testified before the House Judiciary Sub- committee on the Constitution in support of It is entirely appropriate to draft the 225TH ANNIVERSARY OF ALL House Joint Resolution 54, the flag protection amendment in this way. It is after all, the American flagÐour nation's flagÐthat we SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH amendment. As of today, this joint resolution are discussing. The federal government has 274 cosponsors, two dozen more than we should be the one to make laws protecting it. HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI had in the 104th Congress when we over- I know this will relieve many of those who OF PENNSYLVANIA whelmingly approved similar proposal by a raised this concern in the past. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vote of 312 to 120. It is my fervent hope and And physical desecration does not only in- clude flag burning, it also includes the out- Wednesday, April 30, 1997 expectation that this amendment will come to the House floor for a vote before Flag Day, rageous acts of people defecating on the Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in June 14. I urge any supporters who have not flagÐthat's right, actually treating our flag like it was nothing more than toilet paper. honor of the 225th anniversary of All Saints' yet cosponsored the joint resolution, to do so Episcopal Church. All Saints' Church was You will hear a witness testify more about now, and I respectfully request that my re- that later. founded in 1772, in the rural area of marks from the subcommittee hearing be One voteÐI repeat, one voteÐin a 5 to 4 de- Torresdale, now known as Northeast Philadel- printed here. cision turned the Court's back on the tradi- phia. Dr. William Smith, the church's first rec- Thank you very much Chairman Canady tion of Justice Black and Chief Justice War- tor, cooperated with previously established and panel members for inviting me here ren, and all of a sudden flag-burning became Swedish missionaries to organize All Saints'. today to testify on the Flag Protection ``expression'' protected by the First Amend- As we honor the anniversary of All Saints' Amendment. ment. But the very analysis of that slim ma- Church, it also serves as a reminder of the I also want to commend Mr. Canady and jority did not support that conclusion. history of our Nation. The congregation of All the over 270 other cosponsors of this joint The Court said that the government can- Saints' has been a part of that great history. resolution. And let me add this: with such not prohibit the expression of any idea just because society finds that idea offensive or This parish has seen and experienced all of good people on my side, I cannot wait to rep- resent this amendment, first on the House disagreeable. the great and troubled moments that have floor, and then to the states for ratification. But the Texas state law overturned in that made this Nation what it is today. The mem- But first, with your indulgence Mr. Chair- 1989 decision did not suppress any idea at all. bers of this church have been participants in man, I would like to tell you why I think Look at it this way. What idea does burn- the very events that have shaped this country. this amendment is so important. ing a flag communicate? What idea does This past weekend the city of Philadelphia It is important for many reasons. First of defecating on the flag communicate? What was the forum for a national summit on vol- all, the overwhelming majority of Americans thought does it express? Obviously, none! support this amendment. Under that Texas statute, and others like unteerism, and the central role that it plays in In Congress, it has won the support of it, no one was required to worship the flag or the success of our nation. All Saints' is an ex- members from both sides of the aisle, in both was prevented from speaking about the flag, ample of the virtues discussed at this summit, chambers. The presence of my good friend or even prevented from insulting the flag and should be commended for its efforts.
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