Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-14-1982 The BG News October 14, 1982 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 14, 1982" (1982). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4048. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4048 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Tlie weather Mostly cloudy today. High near 60. Cloudy with rain expected tonite. Low good near 40. morning BGBowling GreenNews State University Thursday October 14, 1982 Economic recovery on way, Reagan says WASHINGTON (AP) - President down - and get Americans back on the ministration. how. Reagan said Wednesday night that job," Reagan said. He said Democrats would seek leg- to temporarily ease joblessness. omy heads into recovery. And make despite a "pounding economic hand- In the Democratic response, Sen. "THE POUNDING ECONOMIC islation to protect American indus- "Let's forget about party politics no mistake, America is recovery over" that has left 11 million Ameri- Donald M. Riegle of Michigan said, hangover America is suffering from tries from unfair competition from and take a look at how our country got bound and the world knows it." cans unemployed, the nation is "The truth is that this administration didivt come about overnight and there abroad, change the credit system to into this fix and what we can do to get Riegle's retort: "Staying the course "recovery-bound and the world knows has created two courses ... one of is no single, instant cure," Reagan reduce interest rates, reduce defense her out of it," Reagan said. makes sense for them (tile Republi- it." them a very fast economic track for a said. He added that "there's plenty of spending and restore cuts in Social "Bringing down inflation and interest cans). They're not paying the price. The president said his economic few, the other filled with potholes and blame to go around," for the eco- Security benefits. rates is creating a positive reaction You are." programs will bring a resurgence roadblocks for the rest of us." nomic morass, but claimed none for that will boost employment. He said the administration policies built to last" because it will create "Unemployment is the problem up- himself or his economic program. The president stuck to his Reaga- have "led to incredible economic newiobs without rekindling inflation. permost on many people's minds," In his response, Riegle - whose nomics and said his economic pro- "I WISH THERE WERE a quicker, problems for millions of Americans "This time we are going to keep Reagan said. "Getting Americans state suffers from a 16 percent jobless gram was a necessary prelude to easier way, some magic short cut, but who never thought they'd be in unem- inflation, interest rates and govern- back to work is an urgent priority for rate - said, "The course needs to be bringing down unemployment, de- unemployment is always one of the Eloyment lines - or welfare lines - or ment spending, taxing and borrowing all of us, and especially tor this ad- changed," and the Democrats know spite pressure to apply a "quick fix" last things to turn around as an econ- read lines." DCII charge enforced EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third She added that offenders face an Bess said that even if the breatha- story in a four-part series dealing automatic license suspension of 30 lyzer test does not register at .01 with the purpose of and the need for days and in the case that a persons Kircent alcohol, that does not mean legal services for students. A side bar suspected of driving under the influ- e person is not drunk. can be seen on page three and and a ence refuses to take a breathalyzer related comment can be seen on page test, their license will be automat- "They could still be drunk, just not two. ically suspended for six months. quite at the legal definition of intoxi- Dean Gerkens, associate director of cation," he said. "It's because of liieir by Marcla Sloan Campus Safety and Security, said driving that we pulled them over, not copy editor that there are several steps proceed- their breath, and we may still insist ing a DUI arrest. that they have someone else drive Driving under the influence of alco- When we see a car weaving in the home." hol or drugs is dangerous - not only to street, going extremely slow . .and the offender, who is risking his own we suspect them of DUI, we'll pull Although an individual may be ar- life, but to the general public as well. them over and give the driver a rested on charges of DUI. that does While the degree of enforce- ' not necessarily mean thijy ment and penalties placed on will be convicted of th.3t DUI offenders may help an- charge. swer part of the question of public safety, the offenders A STUDENT at the Univer may have numerous legal sity, who will be referred to questions concerning the vio- as Bill, was arTested for DUI lation and their rights. on campus after celebrating According to William Bess, his 21st birthday. Bill said director of Campus Safety that because it was his first and Security, many students offense, his lawyer was able are not aware of the conse- to plea bargain the charge' Suences of being convicted of from driving under the influ- UI. ence to wreckless operation "I think there are an awful and loss of physical control. lot of students who aren't Following the breathalyzer aware of the seriousness of test, which showed that Bill being arrested while intoxi- had a high level of alcohol in cated," he said. "It's danger- his body, he posted bond and ous, and the state of Ohio is set a court date. pretty tough with violators." "When you're picked up for DUI you have a required Bess said a person convicted of DUI normal field sobriety test (walking in court appearance, and since I had will automatically have six points put a straight line, touching finger to tip never gone to court before, I really on their license record, will have to of nose, etc.)," he said. "If we have wasn't sure what would happen," he attend a driver's improvement class, reason to believe they're under the said. "I wanted some legal advice so I and will have an increase in car influence, we'll take them down to the went and saw Dr. (Lynn) Ward over insurance rates. He added that they city police and give them a breatha- in the legal studies department. may also have to spend time in jail. lyzer test. "He gave me the names of a couple A SPOKESPERSON, from the "IF IT REGISTERS that there is of lawyers he recommended and told Bowling Green Municipal Court, who .01 percent alcohol in their body, then me about what he thought it would asked that her name not be used, said they are legally drunk, and they can cost." in-state violators also have to post a either post bond and have someone bond of $400 after the initial arrest, else drive them home, or spend a THE ATTORNEY Bill hired charged while out-of-state offenders post a night in the county jail until the bond him a straight fee of $500 and said $500 bond. is posted." see DUI paqe 3 Health Center wait in the makes students ill NEWS by Carolyn Van Schalk $2.53 for building maintenance and and Erin Eimont $13.90 for salaries, treatment, and programming. Parents plead innocent Andy Howell, a senior marketing Dr. Bobby Arrowsmith, associate major, went to the University Health dean of students, said there are two ELYRIA. Ohio (AP) — The parents Center for medical care last week, alternatives to the problem. BG Newsphoo/Ron Hafl,er and was told he would have to wait as of a child who died of starvation Down for the Count much as two-and one-half hour to see "Either provide more general fee have pleaded innocent to criminal funds to employ physicians, or (re- charges of involuntary manslaugh- Jazz pianist and band leader Count Bassie and his orchestra performed at a doctor. ter and two counts of child endan- the Toledo Masonic Auditorium Friday night. Sandy Wagner, a junior political structure) what we are doing now," gering. see related story, page 4 science major has also waited at the Arrowsmith said. A county grand jury indictee' Henry center. and Juanita Morgan last week in the THIS INCLUDES cutting services Sept. 14 starvation death of their "I went to the Health Center Friday at the Health Center as an option, he and there was a two-and one-half hour said. Arrowsmith suggested one op- daughter. Chalcedoney. Protest: wait," Wagner said. tion could be cutting hours in the The Morgans. Henry. 32. and Jua- Howell and Wagner, among other evenings to provide more services nita, 29. reportedly lived out of students, are discontent with such a during the peak hours. their car and supported themselves long waiting period, but the new di- Lloyd offered some suggestions to by doing odd jobs when possible Poles riot over outlaw of Solidarity rector of the Health Center, Dr.
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