Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2000 4-13-2000 Daily Eastern News: April 13, 2000 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 13, 2000" (2000). April. 31. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_apr/31 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2000 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thursday April 13, 2000 Inside Sports Rockin' Beginning Eastern Illinois University the house Charleston, Ill. 61920 turnaround VoL84 , No. 136 Baseball team sweeps Band Hello Dave to perform at 12 pages Roc's tonight. ews Bradley Braves Story on Page 6 "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." Story on Page 12 Senate OKs Playing through the pain 2$7.50 fee Increases• By Michelle Jones Stu:lent g:>vemment editor The Student Senate Wednesday Internet voted to increase student fees by $15 and tabled a fee increase pro­ posal for $8.75. The senate passed a proposal to grades increase the athletic fee by $7.50 to $56.05 by a vote of 13-9-1. Senate also approved the tech­ nology fee increase of $7.50 fium debated $28 to $35.50 by a vote of20-l -l. Members tabled the grant-in-aid By Christine Demma fee increase in order to get more stu­ Staff writer dent input. The athletic fee increase The Student Senate includes money for travel, safety, Wednesday hem·d discussion athletic training room supplies and on the Intetnet program for stu­ gender equality, said Rich dents to access record, t-egistra­ McDuffie, director of athletics. tion, financial aid and business Athletes travel in vans; howevet~ infonnation on the Web. the fee increase will allow teams to Senate also hem-d fi·om rep­ rent buses and ch'ivet'S, so tired ath­ resentatives on the ordet· of the letes and coaches do not have to Student Government election chive the vans back aftet· an athletic ballot, the Student Conduct event. There have been sevet'al van Code, the alcohol coalition, accidents in recent months at othet· having an office for American univet'Sities as a result of chlvet'S Indian Affuit'S at Eastem and being tired, McDuffie said. the Conference on Student Govemment Association. Senate membet'S pointed out the Mandy Mars hall / Photo editor benefit of safety in passing the reso­ Brent Gage, director of t-eg­ Nick Levine, a junior speech communication major, Greg Sudkamp, a senior finance major, and Greg Yoder, a lution. istration and ot'ientation, pre­ "If any of ow· athletes were sented the Panther Access Web sophomore finance, and the rest of the Sigma Pi tugs team battle it out with the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity to pull killed, it would cause a large Setvices (PAWS) to the into a small men's fi nals position Wednesday afternoon at the Campus Pond. Tug teams have been training for this mckus," said Patty Mapes. Student Senate. This is an on­ event for months now to prevent humiliation and injuries. "(Students would ask) why didn't line systetn which enables stu­ we have this?" dents to access a vm'iety of Greek Week can bring injury, stress to participants Many of the senate membet'S inf01mation via the Intetnet, opposed the fee because athletes m-e Gage said. By Julie Bartlow year, it's been relatively nice and, dw'ing tugs though. Her pm·ents not the only people who ride in the This system allows students Campus editor hopefully, the gronnd will be were there and she was fine." vans; howevet~ the fee increase only to access their grades instead of chy." The Greek Week committee is applies to athletes. the rnailet'S being sent to stu­ Its all fun and games nntil Stewmt said tugs is the event prepared for any accidents, and to Other senate metnbet'S opposed dents' homes. Several senate someone gets hwt . that he and his fi:atemity brothers take care of anyone who may get the approval of the resolution metnbet'S said they thought this Mom's old motto can almost practice consistently and put a lot hwt, Anselment said. because students they talked to did systetn should be eased into. ring true for Greek Week events, of emphasis on. "We have lifeguards out (at not ag~-ee with the incr-ease. Lou Hencken, vice pt-esi­ but Greek Week organizers m·e "We've been practicing for the campus pond) for the raft races," The Student Senate is not the dent for student affait'S, said doing their best to make sw·e no past three months," he said. "This he said. "We make SUl'e eve1yone final say in fee increases; however, it grades will be automatically one gets hwt . is the only event we really pre­ will be safe." needs to represent what the students sent home for this spt'ing Even though there are many pm·e for. Evetyone stays disci­ Anselment also said he hasn't want and leave the t-est up to the semestet· as well as being avail­ safety precautions, accidents can plined, but we make sure we stay been too stt·essed out, but he does Bom·d ofTrustees, said senate metn­ able online. Something else still happen, and even just the focused on our classes, so this is know some people who take bet· Jim Millet·. will be done for the SUllllnet· stt·ess of practice on top of end­ just an added activity that's not things too far and wear their bod­ "If it has to be passed so bad, and fall, Hencken said. of-the-semester homework can taking away from our home­ ies out. then let the Bom-d of Trustees pass PAWS will allow students take a toll on people. work." "It's pretty much up to the it," Miller said. "Let the students go The real danger lies within the Stewmt said despite the hm·d chapters to limit the nwnber of dovm fighting." See INTERNET Page 2 weeks prior to Greek Week when work and weather, the discipline hours they want to practice," he A senate members held Monday all of the participants put f01w m·d pays off 100 percent. said. " (The Greek Week comtnit­ to get student input on the fees TiffaiUiy Vandever, chair of the their greatest effott in prepm'ing "We lost two years in a row, tee) gives a mle on the nwnber of resulted in students saying they did tuition and reviev.r comtnittee. for the events, and become either and when we finally won first hours that the chapters can prac­ not want the athletic fee increase by Senate membet· Kim WISe said stt·essed out or ill. (place) last yem·, it was a great tice." a vote of 58 to 36. she did not think students knev.• Jeff Stewart, a senior Delta feeling." Betv.•een the how·s of mid­ "1bat's a tnajOI'ity. I think we enough about the fee. Once she Chi member, said the weather Ryan Anselment, co-chair of night and 8 a.m. fiatetnities and should listen to the students," said explained it mot-e to people, they can really wear down the students the Greek Week conunittee said soronttes cannot practice, senate member Etin Wilcox. wet-e mot-e in favor of it, she said. when pmticipating in the events he hasn't seen many accidents Anselment said. Those hours m·e Other senate metnbet'S said a "Students saying 'no' do not for Greek Week. this year, but has in the previous reserved for rest and sleep. swvey based on the t-esults of fev.ret· fully nndet'Stand," Wise said. "Sometimes students can get years. Lynette Drake, director of than 100 students is not a fair repre­ McDuffie said he gets money sick with the really bad weather," "We haven't really had any sentation of the school. All of the he said. "For the past tv.•o years, it major accidents," he said. "We've points in the proposal also wet-e not has been rainy and cold. This had a girl tv.•ist her ankle last yem· See GREEK Page 2 included on the swv ey, said See SENATE Page 2 2 Thursday, April 13, 2000 The Dally Eastern News tion. The coalition's pmpose is to nitely and a resolution was tabled. address the topic of alcohol and how The resolution for WEIU-FM was Senate Faitern Internet from Page 1 evetyone has different viewpoints on previously tabled becanse some sen­ from Page 1 the topic of alcohol, Drake said. ate members felt it was unclear. The from other· sources, so the amount he to access their records, registration, The goal of the coalition is to resolution is for the 1<1dio station only, was asking for was the minimmn News including web-based registration in bring together different views and Senate member Will Brooks said. runount he could request. The deprut­ The Daily Eastern News is published daily, the spring 2001, financial aid and the anive at a common mission, she said. It states senate opposes the pro­ ment needs $262,000, but the fee Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill .• dur­ business office for a breakdown of Audience member Tom Leonard posed changes and will provide sug­ ing fait and spring semesters and twice weekly increase is only for $130,000 to cmn~nt during the summer term except during school charges and due dates.
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