ilV : • Page THE CBAKTORO AMP CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, hreUnit Furthers Plans For Christmas Don't Let § A Christmas program .to provide • baskets and gifts for the needy of Granford -was discussed last Thurs- DEATH TAKE | day at a monthly meeting of the $ Don't Let Cranford Welfare Association at its How to Your Holiday j George H. Bates, vice-president, DEATH-TAKE . presided. " Many local churches and dubs . •-..; the Welfare Association to avoid ""' any duplication and to asure that : no unfortunate person will be overlooked, it was announced. Cash donations may be left or sent Treat that apodal man to tliis & 26 Pages — FIVE CENTS , to the North Union avenue address. oomo drat eel. Includes caff links In 'Messiah' Presentation Here Sunday Night In addition to providing for and rtui» in rolled gold with onys» Follow These Mules families,known to the association, lfe eaten. 7.50° the organization will include other For Holiday Safety needy persons living in Cranford In connection with its an- and known to the 'Union County Record nual holiday accident preven- Welfare Board, the State Board of tion campaign, being conduct- Child Welfare and persons on town v Airs. Elizabeth Hose ed this year under the slogan, relief. ... .' Appearing Here "Don't Let Death Toko Your Announcement has been, made Fatally Mart Crossing Holiday," the National Safety that employes of the local exchange Council this week issued the of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Springfield Avenue Ordinance Would following rules for Christinas What Imfls&tion Is Doing Company will provide gifts for 48 safety: • , Tentative Figures Cranford's 1947 motor vehicle Provide for Increases To Our Public Softools children and the Cranford Junior Traffic. Call for $87,087- Service League will donate gifts fatalities increased to five—an all- Totaling $10,000 . 1. Use extra care for the (The following explanatory statc- for 32 children. In an annual time high for this municipality ac- extra holiday hazards. , ni-nt by Supervising Principal Increase in Taxes project, the Cranford Lions Club cording to police records—when Township Committee Tuesday 2. Put the Christmas spirit Howard R. Best is presented by night introduced and passed on he Citizen and Chronicle because A tentative budget for the 1948- will entertain 25 children at "0 Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, 69, of 11 of "good will" into your atti- Christmas party Friday. December first reading a salary ordinance if the light it throws on the ricod •19 sahool year, providing for ap- Springfield avenue, died as a result providing for increases and incre- tude toward drivers and pe- • propriatioris totaling $624,134.11, 19 at the Chimney Corner Restau- destrians. 'or'ail'Increase of $87,087.07 in the rant. These children have been of injuries reecived when she was ments, beginning January 1, 1948, imoutit to be raised by taxes for as compared with the figure of struck by a,car while crossing for nearly all municipal employes 3. Don't lot Christmas ocal school expenses for the year $531,161.86 .in the 1947-48 budget, chosen by the Welfare Association, jpackages obstruct your-vision it was reported. Springfield avenue in front of Gray Public hearing, prior to final 948-49 as indicated in t/u- tenta- and -calling for an •'increase of Pamper Hut epedtl nun eo year llat adoption, will be held on Decem- when walking. $87,087.07 in the amount to be Others contributing to the wel- Memorial, 12 Springfield avenue ive budget adopted by the Board with 8 gold plate money Edipf Ota ber 30. 4. Don't drive if you drink •f Education at its meeting Tues- raised by taxation, was passed by fare program include the Women's at 9:57 last night. —-and vice versa. the Board of Education at its nieet- Bible Class of {he First Presby- Swank money klip ban «poee for Ida Finance Commissioner John V. ay night.) Released in his own custody afte: Nostrand, who.^serjTedvas.iiteinpo&i 5. Start in time and take ing in C!I ihe~accident,"'"Andrew" Keinneth afy'^cKairman in the absence of hearing on the pro- gifts for two high school girls. Also weather and extra holiday Despite the fact that generous planning Christmas presents tor Meeks, 28, of 404 Central avenue, Mayor G. E. Osterheldt, explained posed budget, as introduced by T. was arraigned this morning before that the proposed salary schedule traffic. j . ,. ....... , ialary .adjustments were, allocated K. Heston, finance chairman, will two families are two clubs cat Cran- Home o our teachers for the year 1947- ': f Recorder Charles J. Stevens on a represents a slight increase above be held January 20. ( ford High School. „..., M, u»c c-iiuicn auauorium at 7:45 p.m. •1. Check 'your home for 48, a study of School' budgets over Mrs. Walter Wurth, chairman of charge of causing death by motor the total of the present year's sal- Sunday. Miss Fensel, who sings at St. John's Episcopal Church, The amount to be raised by tax- : ; ary plus bonus in the case of most anything that might cause an the past' seven years indicates a the food committee, nnV^nETfrt 25 vehicle. Judge Stevens set bail at Elizabeth, will be the soprano soloist in this year's presentation. accident f.tion under the tentative budget '.} $1,500 pending action of the grand employes, and provides for ad- _Story on page 12. definite'.lag'in the financial' supfo-r the coming school year would i basketb s of fruit will be distributed port jury oh the charge. EDWIN STEFFE justments in a few instances. _, 2. Keep your Christinas ' of our schools. All other be $549,651.75. as compared with ; . .to the aged and infirm, and 10 food tree in water and away from items in the budget have been Mrs. Rose was treated at the Baritone Soloist Commissioner Nostrand sajd tax requirements of $462^564.68 •'• orders will be granted to other Early Publication flames. advanced during the past seven the total of the increases.will be under the budget for the current • ).\ families. Assisting on the commit- years, but they in turn have been approximately $10,000 more than For Holiday Wedks '. 3. Use electric tree arid school year. " ;•;_ tee as co-chairman is Mrs. Lewis _j5Undow_ Jights—no—lighted advanced only—to—tho—minimum €ranford"HaB~Fnve was-paid-for-salaries~and~bonusesl More than "hair "the"" increase, it • Gately. Twenty stuffed toys for during the current year, and in- ""Because Christmas and New candles ever. Don't leave tree with the vajn hope that the price Children hove, been donated by Year's Day fall on Thursdays, lights on when you are out of was pointed out, is attributable to • ,'• ' Of 27 Co). Fatalities cludes increases for clerical assis- spiral had reached its peak. increases in salaries for all school ' ' Armel's Furniture Store, Westfleld. tants as well as other employes our regular publication days. the room for a considerable The Cranford Public School it was revealed. Of the 27 fatal accidents thus The Citizen and Chronicle will time. employes, an item amounting to . } mentioned in the ordinance. Pro- budget for 1947-48 represented tin approximately $48.tiOO. Estimated . During the Christmas rush, o far this year in Union County, Twenty-five Children be published on Tuesdays for five have been in Cranford. vision for increases for road de- 4. Check your electrical increase of $156,269.43 since 1D31), maintenance costs also are up about member of a Cranford youth group the next two weeks—Decem- connections for ' shorts and Three-of the 27 fatal accidents partment' and other employes on Guests off Local dub an increase of 41 per cent. This|$8.000 in thee new budgetbudget , and an will assist in the office. ah hourly basis will be made be- ber 23 and December 30. Cor- wornout wires. is a considerable amount for JX bud were hit-ond-run cases, one of Christmas Program Tomorrow Evening respondents and advertisers additional $4,150 is included for Tfeere lta\ .a man yea know who them in Cranford. fore the end of the year. 5. Keep flinisy Christmas get 'to advance over a period capital improvements. ' ' ,'' are requested to cooperate by decorations and wrappings seven years, but we must realiz. c«a!&>\ eas as cstra beb! Vtta ono BsnduiM tia klip for thai trail- Tomorrow Evening at Four municipal departments will Final arrangements for the an- If the Township Committee's Hero's o tie cbab for that (pedal Cranford's auto deaths this getting their copy in as early away from the fireplace. that the school system has increas Groomed mod of yenra. This ono fa be consolidated under two depart- nual Christinas party sponsored by as possible during the holiday budget for local expenses were to man oa jour llal! b'a 10 karat solid fwr. Itafo f year include three pedestrians €ranfordl High School ment heads beginning the first of cd 13 per cent in population during Inhfatn. rich BoloVeoIor metal la one bicyclist and one automo- the Lions Club for Cranford'5 less weeks. remain unchanged for 1948. tho gold with a disc thai well monogram ,- • • "* **«* Wa go for fa! the year, it was pointed out. These fortunate children, to be held to- this period, and that inflationary Increase taxation called for under esyle. All ioOiala. 2 ffifV Sw«A««aa nwafcinwafcill fa 10 bile passenger. The bicyclist Edwin Steffe, of Columbia con- costs, according to government fig wUhnJ choree. 17.50° certs, baritone, will be guest artist include the inspector of buildings morrow evening, in >the Chimney the proposed school budget would and two of the pedestrians and assessor, and the health offi- Corner, were made at the weekly ures, have advanced <J3.8 per cen mean a boost in'the local tax rate were fatally injured within tomorrow night when the Cranford cer and director of welfare.
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