ASSOCIATION BUSINESS | PORT UPDATES | PRESENTATIONS | TERMINAL TOUR | NETWORKING ASSOCIATION OF PACIFIC PORTS 2020 Winter Conference January 22 to 24, 2020 — Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii Summary Thank you to our sponsors! Admiral Level Commodore Level Captain Level Lieutenant Level Crew Level Plus... ASSOCIATION BUSINESS | PORT UPDATES | PRESENTATIONS | TERMINAL TOUR | NETWORKING Association of Pacific Ports Winter Conference highlights s the half-way meeting point Looking first at association business, a both port and associate members, including for Association of Pacific Ports significant development for the APP was greater communications, increased rep- members on both sides of the the establishment of the Associate Member resentation and exposure within the APacific Ocean, Oahu, Hawaii, provided Sub-Committee. To be co-chaired by international maritime industry, and more the perfect location to bring colleagues Jeannie Beckett, The Beckett Group, and opportunities for collaboration on joint and key industry stakeholders together to Joe Carrillo, SSA Marine, the committee initiatives, both with members and with conduct association business, hear updates will identify ways to create and add more other trade organizations and events. from port representatives and partners in value to those members who support the Another highlight for the APP was port management, and network with peers, goals of the association. The Executive the induction of our latest Life Member. colleagues and old friends. Committee was in agreement that Associate Support was unanimous to bestow the honor Highlights from the three-day con- Members are an important part of the APP on Jack Chong-Gum, who recently retired ference (January 22 to 24, 2020) included and must be given a bigger voice to be from RMI Ports Authority. Mr. Chong- welcoming Jane McIvor, incoming able to contribute meaningfully as well as Gum's contributions to the association have Executive Director, and extending a warm benefit from the strong connections that been very much appreciated. thanks to outgoing Executive Director Lisa can be made at APP events. Beckett and Before ending the conference, guests were Pomasl; the establishment on an Associate Carrillo will work over the coming months treated to video presentations from the Port Member Sub-Committee; an informative to develop recommendations that can be of Nanaimo (host port for the 107th Annual tour of the Matson Inc. Terminal in considered by the Executive Committee. Conference in August 2020), as well as the Honolulu; and a preview of the upcoming The Executive is also working with McIvor Commonwealth Ports Authority (host port Annual Conference in Nanaimo, B.C. to develop additional member benefits for for the 2021 Winter Conference). SAVE THE DATE! ASSOCIATION OF PACIFIC PORTS 107TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Hosted & Sponsored by PORT OF NANAIMO Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada August 9 to 12, 2020 Proud to sponsor LOCAL BENEFITS — GLOBAL REACH January 2020 — APP Winter Conference — 3 ASSOCIATION BUSINESS | PORT UPDATES | PRESENTATIONS | TERMINAL TOUR | NETWORKING Winter Conference highlights Port updates s with each meeting of the APP, Port of Benton a 90-acre industrial site at Port Westward, port representatives were given the Commissioner Roy Keck provided Oregon, for an advance green diesel pro- opportunity to provide an update a recap of activities in 2019, including duction facility. The $1 billion biofuel plant Aon developments within their jurisdictions: will generate more than 200 full-time jobs key investments that supported the eco- nomic development of the port district. in addition to 800 workers required for AmericanSamoa Department of Investments have resulted in new infra- construction. Port Administration structure for broadband, roads and utilities. Chris King, Deputy Director, reported Keck further noted that the port was cur- Commonwealth Ports Authority that great progress had been made on rently going through a leadership transition Peter Reyes, Director, reported that work the installation of their container track- as well as a strategic planning process. continues on restoring infrastructure fol- ing system as keeping up with technology lowing the Super Typhoon Yutu that hit in remains a priority for the port. Challenges Port of Columbia County October 2018. With major damage to the noted by King over the past year included Executive Director Doug Hayes was Saipan airport, ferries were being used to the recent measles outbreak in neighbor- pleased to report that the port’s efforts to facilitate travel between islands. Properties ing countries which prompted a port clos- rezone 837 acres of land have almost paid under the Ports Authority jurisdiction are ure to vessels coming from those countries off (eight of the nine questions have been undergoing rehabilitation and, in some affected, including one cruise ship visit; answered and upheld in Oregon courts cases, expansion. Challenges that have and the Category 2 tropical storm system with a remaining question on compatibil- arisen include difficulty in accommodat- that hit the Fijian Islands also impacted ity to be dealt with this March). He further ing cruise ships and limited access in some on American Samoa operations. King fur- noted growth of the airport property as areas. ther reported that the Department of Port well as an increase from 24 to 30 compan- Administration had submitted a funding ies over the past year in the nearby Oregon Port of Guam application to DOT MARAD as part of Manufacturing Innovation Center. In addi- Rory Respicio, new General Manager, the Marine Highway Designation program tion, Commissioners approved a long-term described changes occurring at the port to address issues such as security. ground lease with NEXT Renewable Fuels, due to impending military build-up plans. 4 — APP Winter Conference — January 2020 PORT UPDATES About $50 million has been allocated for that Pohnpei continues to address include: new Gaylord Marriott Hotel and an associ- expansion projects aimed at increasing passenger ships loading at the commer- ated convention center slated to start con- efficiencies and digitalizing information. cial dock; no back-up generator, dedicated struction later this year. Another issue facing Respicio presented a video which provided parking lot or sufficient plugs for reefer con- the port was looking for ways to reduce cop- an excellent overview of operations as well tainers; and outdated navigational charts. per being washed into the water – Malcolm as initiatives underway (https://www.you- Mendiola also reported on threats such as would welcome assistance from other ports tube.com/watch?v=ZDGi7OsGnsc). little outbound cargo (with lots of empty who may have experience in this area. containers taking up dock space); no dedi- Port of Long Beach cated place to detain people who have been Port of Skagit Commissioner Lou Anne Bynum reported arrested; aging infrastructure with no struc- Commissioner Kevin Ware reported on on projects being undertaken by the port tural assessments having been done; unreli- a diverse range of activities currently being that aim to improve throughput: the final able power; and climate change. Before undertaken by the port. These included phase of the Long Beach Container Terminal closing, Mendiola also touched on Aids to a broad base of development in both the is almost complete and will allow for a doub- Navigation, specifically, the Navigational marine and land jurisdictions of the port, ling of capacity; the replacement of the Beacon for the Channel was sunk during such as the installation of fiber optics, a Gerald Desmond Bridge is nearing comple- high tides and strong winds last year — he new processing plant that turns sewage tion and should be open to traffic later in requested assistance from anyone who knew into drinking water, and new agricultural 2020; the port is also investing $1 billion in of funding for a new beacon marker. opportunities. Ware spoke to success being rail improvements that will speed the flow of seen by companies within the business goods while reducing local road traffic. Port of Redwood City park before commenting on developments Chair of the Commissioners Board, within the airport. Port of Nanaimo Ralph Garcia, reported that the port Donna Hais, Chair of the Board of had recently welcomed a new Executive Port of Stockton Directors for the Port of Nanaimo, reported Director. Now in their second year of record on capital programs, such as the Vehicle Katie Miller, Human Resources Manager, tonnage, the port has embarked on a num- reported that the port was in the process Processing Centre as well as an expan- ber of new initiatives, including a public art sion of Nanaimo’s container terminal. She of updating bridge and road infrastruc- installation; a $1.85 million security grant; ture as well as on the technological side also noted that the port’s strategic plan- $2 million allocated to a new fishing pier; ning process is in its first phase with future with upgrades being made to the port’s IT and waterfront improvements. A new stra- infrastructure. Miller also described a multi- plans to include being a logistics hub that tegic plan — the first for the port — was would service the one million people liv- stakeholder partnership that was working to recently approved which will serve to guide improve Union Pacific’s western US 32,000- ing on Vancouver Island. As the port and development in the future. the Nanaimo area experience continued mile rail network. The innovative project growth, they are looking for ways to increase Republic of the Marshall Islands involves distributing ¼-mile lengths of “long capacity through a number of initiatives. rail” railroad track throughout the 32,000- Port Authority mile rail network. Noting the port’s priority Port of Newport Robert Pinho, Board Member, reported of environmental sustainability, Miller was New to the role of General Manager, on issues such as port security as well as pleased to report that they were now certi- Paula Miranda reported that she has hydrographic surveys being undertaken.
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