A A History of a Community Orphanage, Its Matron and Benefactors (A) Linda Revie, 93: 117–126 Adlys, Bernie, 93: 90 Adlys, David, 93: 90 Adlys, John, 93: 90, 93: BC Adlys, Kelly, 93: 90 Adlys, Sonia, 93: 90 Ahrens, Carl Henry, 93: 150 Ahrens, Martha "Madonna" (Niles), 93: 150 Alpine Club founding, 93: 22 Oktoberfest, 1967-1969, 93: 25, 93: 31, 93: 40 Ambrose, Gordon, 93: 4, 93: 6 Ambrose, Rosemary, 93: 4, 93: 6 Another Doon–Baden Connection, 93: 76 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) North Waterloo Region Branch 25th anniversary, 93: 112–116 ACORN, 93: 115 Castle Kilbride, Baden, 93: 113 Eby house, Waterloo, 93: 113, 114 founding, 1980, 93: 112 Waterloo County Gaol Garden, 93: 115 Joseph Schneider Haus, 93: 113 Trans-Canada Trail, 93: 113 Waterloo County Gaol, 93: 115 Waterloo County Gaol Governor's House, 93: 115 Waterloo Regional Children's Museum, 93: 113 Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation Heritage Showcase, 93: 115 Arndt, John, 93: 116 Arndt, Joyce, 93: 112, 93: 115, 93: 116 Atwater-Hallatt, Rosanne, 93: 4-6 Augustine, Edna Louise (Kaufman), 93: 118, 93: 125 B Bamul, Joseph, (aka Baumele), 93: 96, 93: 111 Barrie, Lt-Col Doug, 93: 137 Bean, Walter, 93: 157 Beasley, Dr David, 93: 137 Befuddled by Beer (A) Marjorie Kohli, 93: 87–111 Bell Telephone, 93: 125 Bellingham, Susan Saunders, (aka Susan Mavor), 93: 7 Berlin Orphanage Society, Berlin first orphan’s home, Berlin, 93: 117 Berlin Orphanages, Berlin, (also see K-W Orphanage) 93: 117–126 first matron, 93: 120 founding, 1896, 93: 119 Berlin Tigers Football Team, 93: 143 Berlin, Town of first in province to receive hydroelectricity, 1910, 93: 34 Berlin, City of name change to Kitchener, 1916, 93: 17, 93: 35 Bernhardt, Henry, 93: 96–97, 93: 111 Bingeman Park, Kitchener Oktoberfest, 93: 32 Blayney, Dora Mae, 93: 4 Blayney, Fred, 93: 4 Bloomfield, Elizabeth, 93: 55 Bolender, Margaret, 93: 140 Booker, Peggy, 93: 112 Bowman, Isaac Erb, 93: 95 Bowman, Magdalena, 93: 149 Boye, Charles, Baden, 93: 103, 93: 111 Brant, Joseph, (aka Joseph Brandt), 93: 97, 93: 111 Breithaupt, James R., 93: 4–5 Breithaupt, Louis, Senior, 93: 15 Breithaupt, William Henry "W.H.", 93: 5, 93: 18 Breslau, Village of photographs, 93: 141-142 Breweries, Waterloo County Adlys Brewery, Waterloo, 93: BC Bernhardt, Henry, Preston, 93: 96–97, 93: 111 duty on beer, 1864-1867, 93: 98 fraud, 1867-1868, 93: 87–111 Spetz, Joseph, (aka Spatz), Berlin, 93: 101–106, 93: 111 Huether, Christopher, (Lion Brewery),Waterloo, 93: 90, 93: 97, 93: 101–104, 93: 106, 93: 111, 93: BC Lippert, Diedrich, aka D. Libberhart, Waterloo, 93: 111 Roos, George, (aka Preston Lager Beer Brewery), Preston, 93: 93–94, 93: 96-97, 93: 99–100, 93: 104, 93: 107, 93: 109, 93: 111 Rebscher, Wilhelm/William, Waterloo, 93: 90, 93: BC Reid, Thomas, Waterloo Township(?), 93: 101, 93: 108 Rupp, Lorenzo, (aka Lorenz), New Hamburg, Baden, 93: 103, 93: 106–107, 93: 111 Seip, George, Berlin, 93: 96–97, 93: 101–104, 93: 106, 93: 111 Kuntz, David, (aka Spring Brewery), Waterloo, 93: 97, 93: 99–104, 93: 106, 93: 111 Rau, John, New Hamburg, 93: 111 Rau, Joseph, New Hamburg, 93: 111 Rau, Stephen, (aka Stephen Rau & Sons), New Hamburg, 93: 96–97, 93: 100–101, 93: 104, 93: 106, 93: 111 Brubacher, John E., 93: 5, 93: 130 Brubacher, Magdalena, 93: 130 Brubacher, Susannah (Erb), 93: 130, 93: 133 Budd Automotive, Kitchener, 93: 26–27 C Café Mozart, (A) Robert McCauley, 93: 10–12 Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 93: 140 Canadian Society for German Relief, Kitchener founding, 93: 20 Cascaden, Ron, 93: 112 Cascaden, Wendy, 93: 112 Castle Kilbride, Baden 10th anniversary, 2005, 93: 76 Catharsis of Gemütlichkeit: Explaining the Success of Kitchener's Oktoberfest in 1969 (A) Andrew Kobus, 93: 14–42 Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, 93: 112 Chamber of Commerce Visitor and Convention Bureau, Kitchener, 93: 25–26 Children's Aid Society, (aka Family and Children`s Services) renamed, 1978, 93: 126 Churches, Berlin Berlin Mennonite (later, First Mennonite Church) Sisters’ Aid aka Ladies’ Aid, 93: 120 Trinity Methodist (aka Trinity United), 93: 121 United Brethren, 93: 117 Churches, Kitchener Zion Evangelical (later, Zion United) Ladies Aid Society, 93: 119 Churches, Waterloo First United, 94: 5 A-1 Cook Book, 1949, 93: 157 St John's Lutheran, 93: 125, 93: 157 Clay, Darwin, 93: 26–27, 93: 29, 93: 39, Coates, Bert, 93: 78 Concordia Society (aka Concordia Club), Berlin / Kitchener, 93: 11, 93: 18, 93: 22–25 and 118th Battalion, 93: 17 as “German Club of Kitchener”, 93: 36 male choir, 93: 15 Oktoberfest, 1969, 93: 23–33, 93: 40 Saengerfest, 93: 15 Coo, Robert, 93: 116 Coombe Shelter, Hespeler, 93: 126 Currie, Eleanor, 93: 116 D Dare, Sandra "Sandy," 93: 112 Deutscher Bund Canada, Waterloo founding, 93: 18–19, 93: 36 Dewdney, Selwyn, 93: 137 Dickson, F.W. Roy, 93: 5 Dickson, Margaret E., 93: 4–5 Dietrich, Brian, 93: 116 Dominion Linseed Oil Co of Canada, Baden, 93: 76 Donald, Ellen Page, 93: 149–150 Doon as Towtown, 93: 55 Doon Twines, (aka Canada Cordage Inc), 93: 54-55 Dunham, Mabel The Trail of the Conestoga, 93: 18 E Ebel, Henry, 93: 82 Ebel, Mae, 93: 82 Eby, Benjamin, 93: 5, 93: 134 Eckhardt, Edward, 93: 96, 93: 109 Edward, James, 93: 120 Electrohome (aka Dominion Electrohome) television-radio-phonograph, 1954, 93: 144 Elliott, Dorothy M., 93: 4–5 English, Dr John, 93: 116 Epp, Marlene, 93: 129–136 Erb and Erb Insurance Brokers Ltd, Kitchener, 93: 4 Esson, James, 93: 47–49 F festhallen (banquet hall), 93: 27, 93: 32 Fiery, Ernst, 93: 52 Fischer, Fred, 93: 48 flax farmed in Waterloo Co, c1860, 93: 51–63, 93: 70 tow manufacturing, 93: 51–75 Formosa Brewing Company, Formosa, Ontario Oktoberfest beer, 93: 28 fraktur (calligraphy), 93: 134 Funk, Clemens, 93: 96 Furtney, Christian, 93: 61 G Galt and District Labour Council, 93: 145 Gazzola, John, 93: 78 German Company, 93: 134 German-Canadian Singing Society founding, 1958, 93: 40 German-Canadians British allegiance, 19th-20th centuries, 93: 14–15 as enemy aliens, 1916, 93: 16 German Pioneers Day, 93: 129 Goerzen, Agnes, 93: 131, 93: 133, 93: 136 Gonzalez, Gloria, 93: 131, 93: 134, 93: 136 Good, E.R., 93: 122 Gray, Jim, 93: 113 Grierson, Bev, 93: 112 Grierson, Peter, 93: 112 H Haight, Murray, 93: 112 Hayes, Geoff, 93: 14 Hebblethwaite, Katherine, 93: 112 Heinrich, Wilf, 93: 41 Hermansen, Dick, 93: 26–27, 93: 29–32, 93: 39–41 Hilborn, David, 93: 61–62 Hoesch, Michael, 93: 40 Hoffman, Susan, 93: 9 Homer Watson House & Gallery, 93: 149-150 150th anniversary of Watson’s birth, 2005, 93: 76, 93: 78 Homer Watson: Artist and Man (A) Frank E. Page, 93: 149 Honoring Homer Watson: 150th Birthday Celebrations (A) Tiffani Tyo, 93: 78 Honsberger, Dr Jerome F., 93: 121, 93: 125 Horst, Issac, 93: 51 Hospitals Berlin-Waterloo, 93: 121 founding, 1894, 93: 119 Hospitals, Freeport Sanatorium, 93: 122 Hotels, Conestogo Schweitzer, 93: 53 Hotels, Kitchener Walper, 93: 38 Hotels, Preston Preston Springs, 93: 117 Hotels, Waterloo Ewald, 93: BC Huether, 93: 90, 93: BC Kent, 93: 90, 93: BC House of Refuge, (aka Poor House), Berlin, 93: 117 Huether, Adam, 93: BC Huether, Christopher, 93: 90, 93: 97, 93: 101–104, 93: 106, 93: 111, 93: BC Hunsberger, David L., 93: 151 J J. & J. Livingston & Co, Baden, 93: 57 J.M. Schneider Ltd, Kitchener Oktoberfest sausage, 93: 27–28 K Kitchener-Waterloo Family Services Bureau, 93: 125 Kitchener-Waterloo Naval Assoc., 93: 45-46 Kitchener-Waterloo Orphanage, 93: 117-126 Kastner, Peter, Perth County, 93: 101, 93: 107 Kaufman Rubber Co, Kitchener, (aka Kaufman Footwear), 93: 118-119, 93: 126 stationary steam engine, 93: 155 Kaufman, Alvin Ratz, “A.R.”, 93: 117-118, 93: 122, 93: 124 Kaufman, Emma Ratz, 93: 118 Kaufman, Jacob, 93: 118, 93: 123, 93: 125 Kaufman, Mary Eidt (Ratz), 93: 117–119, 93: 122-125 Kaufman, Milton Ratz, 93: 118 King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 93: 9 Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Paul-Emile Cardinal Léger Oktoberfest address, 93: 32, 93: 42 Kitchener-Waterloo as “DiverseCity”, 93: 129, 93: 135 Kitchener-Waterloo Philharmonic Choir, (aka Grand Philharmonic Choir), 93: 143 Kitchener, City of name change, 1916, 93: 17, 93: 35 Kiwanis Club of Kitchener-Waterloo, 93: 143 Klippert, John, Berlin Chief Constable, 93: 102 Kobus, Andrew, 93: 13–42 Kohli, Marjorie, 93: 87–111 Konditorei Café Mozart, Kitchener, 93: 10-12 Krauel, Joye, 93: 112, 93: 116 Krug Furniture, Berlin / Kitchener, 93: 31 Kuntz, Bert, 93: 100 Kuntz, David, 93: 97, 93: 99–104, 93: 106, 93: 111 Kuntz, Louis, 93: 100 L Lackenbauer, Owen, 93: 25–27, 93: 29–31, 93: 40, 93: BC Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, 93: 13, 93: 14 Lake, Frederick, 93: 70 Lamb, Kathryn, 93: 4 Lang Tanning, Kitchener, 93: 122 Leibbrandt, Gottlieb, 93: 36, 39-40 Lion's Club, Kitchener-Waterloo, 93: 125 Lippert, Diedrich, (aka D. Libberhart), 93: 111 Livingston, J.P. aka John P., (son of James), 93: 76-77 Livingston, James, “Flax Mill King”, Baden, 93: 76 Loch, Tracy, 93: 76 M MacFadyen, Joshua D., 93: 51–75, 93: 82 Mackay, Donald, 93: 137 Maitland, Nancy Saunders, 93: 7, 93: 113 Maitland, Ted, 93: 113 Major Holdings and Developments Ltd., Waterloo Eby house and others, 93: 113-114 Martin, Rick, 93: 112 Maryhill, Village of, (aka New Germany), 93: 128 Edward Halter House, 93: 127-128 Mauser, Richard, 93: 40 McCauley, Robert, 93: 12 McKegney, Margaret, 93: 115 McKegney, Pat, 93: 112, 93: 116 McLaughlin, Ken, 93: 14 Mennonite Central Committee relief sale, New Hamburg, 93: 135 Mennonite Historical Society of Ont (MHSO) Brubacher House, 93: 130 German Pioneers Day participation, 2005, 93: 129 Mennonite Ladies' Aid, 93: 125 Mennonites barn-raising, 93: 135
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