Census of India 19B I Series-3Z Union Territorg. of Pondicherrg ·DISTRICT CENSUS HAND ·BOOK Parts XIII A & B Village & Town Directory and Pnmary Census Abstract P. L. SAMY 01 tke Illdian Administrative Sen ice Director of,.ens.s Operatins POJld icherrq UNION TERRI TORY OF PONDICHERRY DISTRICT AREA IN SQ. KIt1S. PONOICHERRY DISTRICT Pondlcherry ........ ,......... 293 r .... · Karaikol .................. 160 !'"., ,_t0ZHUKARAI( ,......__ (. -.., , . Mohe .................. 9 \. ')I .r' \ " r (.J . r· .... Yanam .................. 30 , .) .MANNADI-._.~ /' • "-; ~ \.PEf • ./' ",• .,., .J C:o' ., ,. ." _" ~ l MANNADIPET C. \..'-.1 Jj~ YANAM DISTRICT ~ \.... ,..r/'")·r" '" ' .. ~.. w.c.' 0 , 1''- )." \ .4%/_ 5 ,j (..,., ._. \. V'., . ~OZHUKARAI < i ...... "'.j . \ ~~.'7/')//,. Z 'MANNADI- ) (.', '~iI~~O~DICHERR'r i ~'I PET,.i r-') '. U ~pq ANDHRA PRADESH ~ . r' '. 0 v) . i..oJ!'"'"·,r } i r f' 0 '/' BAY .f', !\.. ._r· ·-.~.VrLLIAN-' TAMILJ' OF r\." '" '. \ ....... )-. ."'-''''1 U R . NADU \N'ETTAPAKl ./ 'NUTA- i r·J·"t I' BENGAL i J' OKM~~ n \. PAKKAM '\. T UARIAN- _. L ~ /U" . ..,,', I ) KUPPAM ._...... VILLIANUR·J t.i (' .r·r.,. .'\..,, I c:J "-....... 4 \ \../..... -y 5·-1 0 BAHOUR KARAIKAL DISTRICT .~ '". 1"'1. J' '-'_'..I.' i'-" _''''''J''''' MAHE DISTRICT ''''''') r "_ \, ....!_KOTTU- \ ,NEDUNGA-\. CHERRY ~ ",-. 0 DU \ i '_'1. _"'I '\ c U.T. Boundar y ':fJ l' 7;;;::-' Commune Bounder y ~TIRUNALLAR'-'-~_ ~ District HeadQuarters • ""'~ 0 ~KARAIKAL CD Commune HecdQUQrters 0 "-'-,>-.. ~$.'-0.~ i:i Urban Area i j' 't''''NER AVY >- V·~NERAVY C·"_ .;;_:,.._0 ........ ~ TAMIL NADU 0(.., 0 f ••·) 'TRPATTI­ X'v'l NAM \ '--_ R,d",.(i upon Sun ('~ of India map with thl" pernUS!>IOD of the The tt"rritorial w.lter!'. of India extend into tbe .. ea to n ""unn·()" (~ent'Cal of India. distance 01 twel\.'(· nauhcal mile~ mea~ur('d from t~t' ~ppropriatc base Ime. CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LlST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Cen~us of India 1981-:Series ·32_:_Union Territory of Pondkherry is being published in the following parts: S1. Part Subject covered No. No. 1. I-A Administration Report-Enumer.a.tion (For office use only). 2. I-B Administration Re<port~Tabulation (For office use only). 3. lI-A General Population Tables. 4. U-B General Population Tables-Primary Censu~ Abstract. 5. III-A General Economic Tabks. 6. Jll-B do. 7. JV-A Social and Cultural Tables. 8. IY-B do. 9. V-A Migration Tables. 10. V-B do. 11. VI-A Fertil,ity Tables. 12. VI-B do. 13. VII Tables on Houses and Disabled popula.tion. 14. VII I-A Household Tables. 15. VIll-B do. 16. VlfI-C do. 17. IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Schedl,lled Trjbe~. 18. X-A Town Directory, Survey Reports on Towns and Villages. 19. X-B do. 20. x-c do. 21. XI Ethnographic Notcs and Special Studies on ~.edllled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. 22. XII Census Atlas. 23. XlH-A* Distl'ict Census Handbook-Village and Town Directory. 24. XIII-B* District Census Handbook:,:-Primary Census Abstra.ct. .. ... Present Publication, . CONTENTS PAGE Pondicherry Union Territory Map Frontispiece. Foreword (i) Preface (iii) Important Statistics (iv) Analytical Note Inset Tables PART XIIl-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I Village Directory Notations used in Village Directory 115 Pondicherry District Ariankuppam Commllne 117 Ozhukarai Commune 120 <r: Mannad ipet Commune 123 Villianur Commune 128 Bahour Commune 134 Nettapakkam Commune .1 40 Appendix (I) Communewise Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 145 Appendix (II) Land utilisation data in respect of Non-Municipal Towns (Census Towns.) 148 Appendix (III) Communewise list or villages where no amenities are available 148 Appendix (IV) List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.• A. Scheduled Castes B. Scheduled Tribes 149 Karaikal District TirunaJ.lar Commune 154 Neravy Commune 160 Nedungadu Commune 163 Kottucherry Commune 168 Tirumalairayanpattinam Commune 171 Appendix (I) Communewise Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 174 Appendix (If) , Land utilisation data in respect of Non-Municipal Towns (Census Towns) 176 Appendix (Ill) COl1lmunewise list of villages where no amenities are available 176 Appendix (IV) List of villages according to t'he proportion of Sched'uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the totaJ population by ranges. A. Scheduled Castes B. Scheduled Tribes 177 Mahe Disldct Mahe Commune 181 Appendix ({) Communewise Abstract of eduCiational, medical and other amenities 184 Appendix (II) Land utilisation data. in respect of Non-Municipal T(ml1s (Cen",ns Towns) 184 Appendix (I i l) COll1mu!1eVvi~ list of villages where no amenities are available 184 Appendix (IV) Li'>t of villages aGcorjing to the proportion of Scheduled Ca<;te::. and Scheduled Tribes to the tot.al population by ranges. A. Scheduled Castes B. Scheduled Tribes 185 YaG::tm District Nil Section-II Town Directory Notations used in To,,(·n Directory 186 Statement I Status and Growth History 188 Statement II Physical Aspech apd 1 >:;ation of Towns. J 979 190 Statement III Municipal Finance-1978-79 191 Statement IV Civic and Other amenities, 1979 193 Statement IV-A Ci"ic and Other amenities in Noti.ned slums, 1979 194 Statement V Medical. Ed ucational, Recreationat and Cultural Fal;ilities, 1979 195 Statement V[ Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking. 1979 197 Appendix. to Town Directory 199 PART XIII~R PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Pondicheny State Primary Census Abstract 201 Pondicherry District Primary Censm Abstract 204- Urban Primary Census Abstract-Pondicherry 208 Urban PrimalY Census Abstract-Ozhukarai 212 Urban Primary Census Abstract-Kurumbapet 214 \ Appendix-Pondicherry Urban 215 Location Code Numbers for Urban blocks and their jurisdiction-Ponc!ichercy Urban 224 Appendix-Ozhukarai Urban 241 Location Code Numbers for Urban blocks and their jurisdiction-Ozhukzarai Urban Appendix.-Kurumbapet Urban. ~ .. 253 Location Code Nl1mbers for Urban 'blpcks and their juri:.dicti.on-Kurumbapet Urban 253 Village Primary CensLls Abstract-Ariankuppalll 254 Village Primary Census Abstract-Ozhukarai 256 Village Primary Census Abstract-Man.nadipet 257 Village Prj ma~j Census Abstract-Vit1ianur 261 ViIlag" Pri'n!ll'Y Censu') Ab3tract-Bahour , . 265 ,village '"Pri mary C~IlS.US Ab'>i racl-:-Nettapa kkam 269 Kar;;ik.·t[ Di-;l .. ict Pril11cvj O~nsL\s Ab;;tract 271 Urban Pri'n;uy Cen~us Abstract-Karaikal 274 •.Appendlx-J(araikal Urban 276 LXJ.tiOIl Code Num.bers for Urban b\o'.=.k; <\nu their jllfisdictiol1-Karaikal Urban .. 279 Village PrimJiry Census Absi ract-TirU'l,tllar 285 Village Primary Census Ab~tract-Neravy .. 289 Village Prim'lry Cel1~l!s Abstract-Nedungadu 291 Village Primary Ceilsus AbstracL-Kottlucherry 295 VjlJag~ Pri:narj Cen:.us Abst~aCl: - Trumalajrayanpattjnm 297 Mahe District Primary O~n~us Abstr3c 298 Urban Pri'nary CC,lSUS Abstract-Mahe 300 Ap~ndix__:_Mahe Urball 301 LOC'::ltion Cod,'. Numbers for Urban blocks ;].nd their jurisdiction-Mahe Urban 302 Village Primary Cellsm' Abstract-Mahe 303 Yanam District Primary Census Abstract 304 Vrban Primary Census Abstract-Yanam 306 Appendix-Yana'11 Urban 308 LO,).'ltion Code Numbers for Urban blocks and their jurisdiction-Yanam Urban 310 SCHEI)UI,RD CASTES PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Pondicherry State Primary Cens.us Abstract (SC) .. 31l Pondicherry District Primary Census Abstract (SC) 314 Karaikal District Pr{mary Ceno;us Abstract ( SC) 318 Mahe DistriCt Primary Census Abstract (SC) 321 Yanam District Primary Census Abstract (SC) 322 MAPS Maps in Section-I (Village Directory) PONDICHERRY DISTRICT Pondicherry District Ariankuppam Commune Ozhukarai Commune Mannadipet Commune ViUianur Commune Bahour Commune Nettapakkam Commune KARAIKAL DISTRICT Karaikal District Tirunallar Commune Neravy Commune Neduogadu Commune Kottucherry Commune Tiru malairayanpattinam Commune MAHE DISTRICT Mahe District.. Mahe. Commune . Maps in Section-II. (Town Directory) Pondicher-ry Municipality Karaikal Municipality Yanam FOREWORD The district census handbook (DCH), compiled in broad ranges from the nearest place where' by the Census' Organisation on behalf of the the amenity is available may be given. The State Governments, is one of the most valuable, restructuring of the format of the village direc­ products of the Census. The DCH is constant­ tory and incorp6rating more exhaustive data on ly referred to by planners, administrators, infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to academicians and researchers. It is inter alia amenities and land-use pattern is expected to used for delimitation of constituencies, formu­ further meet the need of micro level planning lation of local level and regional plans and as for rural areas. It is expected to help not only an aid to district administration. The district in local area planning but regulating the provi­ census handbook is the only publication which sion of goods and services as well so as to provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data minimise the regional imbalances in the process upto village level for th~ rural areas and of development.· A few new items of informa­ wardwise for each city or town. It also pro­ tion have also been introduced to meet some vides data on infrastructure and amenities in of the requirements of the Revised Minimum villages and towns, etc. Needs Programme. Such new items of infor­ mation· as adult literacy centres, primary health The district census handbook series was sub-centres and community health workers in initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained the village have beel\- introduced in the village important census tables and PCA for each directory with this objective in mind. The new village and town of the district. During 1961 item on approach to the village is to have an Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and idea about the villages in the district which are it contained a descriptive account of the district, inaccessible. A new column, "total population administrative statistics, census tables and a .and number of households" has been introduced village and town directory, including PCA.
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