The Inventory of the John Peter Leacacos Collection #1231 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 I. Manuscripts Box 1 A) FIRES IN THE IN-BASKET: THE ABC'S OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT, World Publishing Co,, 1968. 1) First draft. Typescript with holo. corrections, 541 pp. Box 2 2) Second draft. Typescript with halo. corrections, 545 pp. Box ..3 3) Third draft. Typescript with holo. corrections, 533pp, Box ' 4-5°4) Typescript, 1004 pp. Box ·b 5) Carbon typescript, 1004 PP• Box '1'" 6) Chapters 1-9. Carbon typescript. 487 pp. Box 8 7) Chapters 1-8. Carbon typescript, 2 copies, 232 pp. each. Box q,, 8) Chapters 1-12. Carbon typescript, 348 pp. 9) REsearch materials, Typescript, charts, etc., 32 pp. 10) Printed Items a) 7 announcements and advertisements b) 16 reviews B) Untitled. "JohhFoster Dulles •.• " July, 1958, Not published. Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp. C) Untitled. "The Bagdad Pact ... " Typescript, 3 pp. D) "Are We Getting Short Changed in our World News or The Case of the Vanishing American Foreign Correspondent." 1) Carbon typescript, 29 pp. 2) Carbon µypescript, 25 pp. E) Untitled, "The snob: He tucks ..• " Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp. p_age 2 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 II, Scrapbooks containing newspaper clips of articles written for the "Cleveland Plain Dealer". Box tO A) 1933-1945 1) Scrapbook #1 (1933-1936) No byline, 98 pp. 2) Scrapbook #2 (1936-1937) No byline, 106 pp. Box ti 3) Scrapbook #3 (1937-1938) Some byline, 99 pp. 4) Scrapbook #4 (1939) Some byline, 104 pp. Box ifl. 5) Scrapbooks #5 ( 1940) Some byline, 54 pp. 6) Scrapbooks #6 (1941) Some byline, 83 pp. Box 11 7) Scrapbooks #7 (1942-1945) Some byline, 76 pp. B) 1946-1957- All byline JPL as European correspondent 1) Scrapbook #8 (1946) In Italy, 46 arti6les, Box 14 2) Scrapbook #9 (1947) Mostly Italy, some Greece & Turkey, 131 articles/ 3) Scrapbooki #10 (1948) Israel, Spain, Italy, 85 articles, Box l.5'' 4) Scrapbook #11 (1949) Italy and Germany, 83 articles. 5) Scrapbook #12 (1950) Various countries, 78 articles. Box lh 6) Scrapbook #13 (1951) Various countries, 72 articles. 7) Scrapbook #14 (1952) Various countries including Korea, 102 articles. Box l!- 8) Scrapbook #15 (1953) Mostly Italy, some Germany, 54 articles. 9) Scrapbook #16 (1954) Various countries, 61 articles. Box lS 10) Scrapbooks #17 (1955) Various countries, 76 articles. 11) Scrapbook #18 (1956) Various countries, Much mid-East, 58 articles. Box 1q 12) Scrapbook #19 (1957) Various countries, Much Mid-East, 95 articles. C) 1958-1969- All byline JPL as Washington Correspondent. 1) Scrapbook #20 (1958) 49 articles. 2) Scrapbook #21 (1959) 101 artieles, page 3 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 Box '28 3) Scrapbook {122 (1960: Jan.-Aug.) 110 articles. 4) Scrapbook #23 (1960: Sept.-Dec.) 52 articles. Also 13 daily journals of U.N. Proceedings re: "Krushchev" visit. Box '2.t 5) Scrapbooki #24 (1961: Jan.-July) 65 articles. 6) Scrapbook {125 (1961:Aug.-Dec.) 54 articles. Box 2Q. 7) Scrapbook {126 (1962: Jan.-June) 75 articles. 8) Scrapbook 1127 (1962: July,:,Dec.) 101 articles. Box 2.l 9) Scrapbook 1/28 (1963) 100 articles. 10) Scrapbook 1129 (1964: Jau.-June) 67 articles. Box 2!1 11) Scrapbook 1130 (1964: July-Dec.) 55 articles. 12) Scrapbook 1/31 (1965: Jan.-July) 59 articles. Some from Eastern Europe. Box 2S 13) Scrapbook 1132 (1965: Aug.-Dec.) 32 articles. Also some memorabilia from European trip- ticket stubs, etc. Also including interview with Konrad Adenauer in German, Carbon Typescript, 8 pp. 14) Scrapbook #33 (1966) 62 articles. 15) Scrapbook #34 (1967) 60 articles. Including speech. Typescript with holograph corrections, 8 pp. 16) Scrapbook #35 (1968) 66 articles. 17) Scrapbooki #36 (1969) 4 articles. Boxes 1!-2.8 D) 611 Tearsheets of articles: 1948-1968. III. Correspondence Box 29( A) 1946-1954 33 TLS 5 CTL page 4 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 9 ALS 6 Telegrams Including TLS: McGhee, George (Ambassador to Turkey) Oct. 14, 1952. Taft, Robert A. (Senator) June 29, 1953. B) 1955-1956 14 TLS 4 CTL 3 ALS telegrams 16 ALS; all re: Suez Crisis Including TLS: Mendes-France, Pierre, May 18, 1955. C) 1957-1958 19 TLS 1 CTL 4 ALS D) 1959 12 TLS 1 CTL 2 ALS Including TLS: Dillon, Douglas, June 29, 1959. Hickenlooper, Bourke, June 6, 1959. Mansfield, Mike, July 15, 1959. page 5 LEACACOS, JORN PETER Gift of February, 1969 E) 1960 11 TLS Including: Black, Eugene (President, International Bank for Reconstriction and Development) Jan. 26, 1960. Monroney, A.S. Mike, 2 letters, March 9, 1960. Kerr, Robert, March 16, 1960. Lodge, Henry Cabot, August 25, 1960. Mansfield, Mike, Sept. 6, 1960. Scranton, William, Dec. 2, 1960. F) 1961 8 TLS 2 CTL Including TLS: Hays, Wayne (Representative: Ohio) 3 letters, July 11, 1961. All letters of introduction for JPL's use in Germany. G) 1962 6 TLS Including: Bow, Frank (Representative: Ohio), Augst 1, 1962. Hickenlooper, Bourke, Sept. 11, 1962. 2 Xerox TLS Including: Hilsman, Roger, July 27, 1962. page 6 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 H) 1963 15 TLS 1 CTL Including TLS: Hilsman, Roger, Jan. 26, 1963. Johnson, U. Alexis, April, 12, 1963. Rowan, Carl, June 20, 1963. Sch:1.esinger, Arthur, Jr., July 20, 1963. Shriver, R. Sargent, July 3l, 1963. I) 1964 16 TLS: Inclding: Fulbright, J.W., Jan. 15, 1964. Lausche, Frank, Feb. 17, 1964. Scranton, William, March 3, 1964. Jenkins, Walter, March 12, 1964. White, William S. March 19, 1964. Dillon, Douglas~' March 23, 1964. Eaton, Mrs. Cyrus, March 30, 1964. Rowan, Carl, April 3, 1964. Reedy, George, July 11, 1964. Mann, Thomas ( Assistant Secretary of State), August 10, 1964. Alphand, Hervl (Ambassador of France) Oct. 6, 1964. 1 Xerox TLS: Hilsman, Roger to Dean Rusk, March 14, 9 pp. page 7 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 J} 1965 32 TLS 5 ALS: Including Brosio, Manlio, May 15, 1965. 5 CTL Including TLS: Lausche, Frank, Feb. 18, 1965. Galbraith, John K., Feb. 23, 1965. Eaton, Cyrus, 3 letters, Sept. 1, April 1, May 21, 1965. Brosio, Manlio (Secretary General of NATO), April 12, 1965. Zablocki, Clement (Rep. Wisc.), Sept. 14, 1965. Dillon, Douglas, October 11, 1965. Crockett, William (Deputy under Secretary of State for Administration) 2 letters, October 19, Nov. 5, 1965. K) 1966 51 TLS 98 CTL 4 ALS Including TLS: Bundy, McGeorge, Jan. 20, 1966. Goldberg, Arthur, Jan. 13, 1966. Johnson, U. Alexis, Jan. 22, 1966. Fulbright, J.W., Jan. 26, 1966. Rostow, W.W., April 18, 1966. Pearson, Lester A., April 18, 1966. Douglas, Paul, April 19, 1966. Martin, Graham (Ambassador to Thailand), May 3, 1966. page 8 1EACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 Sullivan, William (Ambassador to Laos), May 6, 1966. Sylvester, Arthur, May 21, 1966. Symington, James (Chief of Protocol), May 24, 1966. Rusk, Dean, August 30, 1966. Tasca, Henry (Ambassador to Morocco), Sept. 26, 1966. Crockett, William, Sept. 26 and Nov. 18, 1966. Dillon, Douglas, Oct. 5, 1966. Bruce, David (Ambassador to England) Nov. 2, 1966. Brosio, Manlio, Nov. 3, 1966. Green, Marshall (Ambassador to Indonesia) Nov. 3, 1966. Hilsman, Roger, Nov. 6, 1966. Sisco, Joseph (Assistant Secretary of State for L.A.), Nov. 8, 1966. Box JO L) 1967 42 TLS 2 ALS 41 CTL Including TLS: Neustadt, Richard, Jan. 4 and Jan. 18, 1967. Watson, Marvin, Jan. 10, lliarch 27, 1967. Fulbright, J,W., Jan. 14, 1967. Humphrey, Hubert, March 14, 1967. Lausche, Frank, March 29, 1967. Dililron, Douglas, April 3, 196 7. Rowen, Henry (President, Rand Corp.), March 11, 1967. Micuno~ic, Veljko (Ambassador of Yugoslavia) May 9, 1967. Hayward, John (President, Naval War College) June 1, 1967, p_age 9 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER Gift of February, 1969 Vaughn, Jack H., June 8,1967. Bundy, McGeorge, July 4, 1967. Wood, Robert (Under Secretary H.U.D.), Aug. 15, 1967. Brezezinski, Zbigniew, Sept. 29, 1967. Rostow, W.W., October 13, 1967. Christian, George, May 12, and Sept. 2, 1967. M) 1968-1969 16 TLS 5 Xerox TLS 2 ALS 5 CTL Including TLS: Lodge, Henry C., Jan. 2 Mccloskey, Robert, June 28, Brosio, Manlio, July 1 Rostow, W.W., July 1 Kohler, Foy, July 8 Humphrey, Hubert, Dec. 18 Bliss, Ray, Jan. 16, 1969. N) Undated 6 TLS 15 ALS Box Jt IV. Memorabilia A) WHo's Who, 1958-1959. Overseas press Club of America, 128 pp. B);c73 business cards, mostly foreign diplomats, most with some holo. notation. page 10 LEACACOS, JOHN PETER IDilifili~ Gift of Feb. 1969 C) 58 press passes, special visas, identity cards, etc. Mostly foreign ! for JPL. D) 47 admission tickets, badges, etc. relating to presidential conventions and elections, 1960, 1964, 1968. E) Daily calendar, 1966, with holograph entries. F) 30 Miscellaneous items, invitations, Gridiron Club notices, etc. LEACACOS, John P. Addenda: January 1971 - June 1972 Box 32: I, Printed Material A. Magazine Articles by J.P. Leacacos 1. "Browbeating the Press: Good News - Bad News", DATELINE, 1970, tear sheets, (Folder Ill) 2. "Reporters & Diplomats: The1Competitive SibHngs", FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL, March 1969, tear sheets. 3. "Sena tor Fouls Rogers, K:l.ssinger", FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL, May 1971, tear sheets. B. Pamphlets by JPL (/12) 1. "Clearing the Fog in Europe", THE PLAIN DEALER, 1970, 14 p. 2. "Kissinger's Apparat'\ NATIONAL AFFAIRS, INC,, 1971. Reprfot from FOREIGN POLICY, 27 p. c. Newspaper Articles by JPL. All from THE PLAIN DEALER. The majority are his column "Clearing the Fog". 1. 2/2/69 - 12/28/69. 51 articles. (112½) 2. 1/4/70 - 12/27/70. 74 articles. (.//3) 3.
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