Volume 100, Number 42 $ ITEM OF MILLBURN and SHORT HILLS - W-------------------——---------------------------------- Thursday, November 3,1988 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations 1 8 8 g»THE CENTENNIAL YKARM 9 8 8 j) GOP election sweep is forecast in township » ^ rgerSus^! Pete Dawkins and Kressmangressman EinaldoRinaldo are expected to Mr. Bush and Mr. Rinaldo. m atter of concern for Jeanne k. c Mr. Bush and Mr. Rinaldo. m atter of concern for Jeanne Committee. Mrs. Graves has no op­ elections now held to fill vacancies in Matthew Rinaldo are expected to be achieve victory margins here far in Neither the margin of victory — Graves, the Republican Party’s the choices of local voters who will be excess of the township’s 4-to-3 ratio of position in the election to choose a the state legislature; extend the nor the outcome of the election — is a nominee for a seat on the Township going to the election polls here Tues- registered Republican to Democratic successor to Cynthia Q Fuller who is veterans-senior citizen-disabled pro­ day. ItAfOPDvoters. In addition Lto - Ithe I i4,552 n o n llllltlllllllllllltllltltlllllllllflllllllllHIMIIIIIIIIIItllllHIIIIIIIIIfllllllllllllllllllfllllfliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii retiring from office December 31. perty tax deduction to those living in In addition to the presidential, sen­ Republicans and 3,123 Democrats, The only other election contest on co-ops or condominiums; and require atorial and congressional contests, there are 4,690 voters in the township Tuesday's ballot is the race for all legislative action on public ques­ township voters will be casting their not aligned with either major poli­ Need a ride? sheriff of Essex County. Seeking to tions be completed a minimum of 70 ballots for a new member of the tical party. oust the Democratic incumbent, days before the general election in Township Committee- and a county Political observers see Mr. Bush's Township voters who have no High School Student Government which those questions are to be sub­ sheriff. Local voters will also join township victory margin over Gover­ transportation need not miss casting Association and Key Club will drive Thomas D'Alessio, is Republican mitted to the voters. with other New Jersey voters in nor Michael Dukakis approaching their ballots on Election Day this senior citizens to the voting polls. Charles F. Cefalu. Mr. Cefalu is a Affirmative votes on the non-bind­ deciding the fate of four state wide 4-to-l and that of Congressman Rinal- Tuesday. Any township senior citizen in need of captain in the Newark Police Depart ing public questions will indicate to referenda and cast ballots on three do’s over his Democratic challenger, The League of Women Voters will a volunteer driver should contact ment Trenton that residents of Essex non-binding public questions which Jam es Hely of Westfield, even provide rides from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to Kevin Fox at the high school, A $300 inillion bond issue and pro­ County: are opposed to the state’s will appear on voting machines greater. those who need a lift to the polls. 376-3600, extension 348, prior to Tues­ posals to amend the state con­ mandating programs upon county throughout Essex County. Although Mr. Dawkins is expected Those interested may call president day. stitution are subjects of statewide re­ and local governments without pro­ Seventy-five to 80 per cent of the to win the favor of the majority of Susannah Likins at 379-2756 to make The township’s senior citizen ferenda on Tuesday's ballot viding the funds to implement those municipality’s registered voters are township voters in the race for a seat arrangements. Members Katherine minibus will be available to transport The bond issue, if approved, would programs; believe the state should expected to go to the polls Tuesday. in the U.S. Senate, the margin of his Becker and Pam Yulke will serve as township seniors to voting places. provide $350 million for New Jersey's assume the full cost of the superior Election places will open at 7 a m. local victory over Democratic in­ volunteer drivers. Reservations will be accepted at public and private colleges, univer court system, favor the esta­ and close at 8 p.m. 564-7076 Monday between 7 and 8:30 sities and technological centers cumbent Frank Lautenberg is ex­ Senior members of the Millburn blishment of a uniform rate for solid Both Vice President Bush and Con- pected to be smaller than those of ------- ----------- ... .... aam m Proposed amendments to the con waste disposal for counties within ...............mint.................................. stitution would: eliminate the special regional areas The senatorial campaign ‘Work horses, show horses Frank Lautenberg speaks with “When Dawkins came into New Senate. pride of his record as a member of Jersey — believing he had so much “Look," he says as he takes a the U.S. Senate for the past six years adulation - he was stunned to learn visitor to his office window. "Look at and bristles in his responses to that only 12 per cent of the people that scene th at’s a bit of statements made about him by the were aware of who he was,” Senator America.” The scene to which Mr man seeking to replace him as New Lautenbergsaid. Lautenberg points is a panorama in­ Jersey's junior senator. It was that low recognition factor cluding Manhattan's towers, a grid of Senator Lautenberg is the which, according to the Democratic- rivers and railroad tracks, of roads Democratic incumbent in next incumbent, triggered the negative and the runways of Newark Airport. week’s senatorial election. He is be­ advertisements of his opponent There can be no doubt but that the ing challenged in the election — one "Before those first television com­ view from his office window is to which many observers describe as a mercials appeared I had a 26 per cent Senator Lautenberg a vista of the contest of mud-slinging — by lead in the polls; within two weeks strength and the greatness of the na Republican Pete Dawkins that lead shrank to 12 per cent," tion. Senator Lautenberg does not Senator Lautenberg recalled. “I had And yet Senator Lautenbreg is wor­ apologize for his participation in a to respond. Look at what happened to ried — worried about the present as contest marked more by personal at­ Dukakis when he didn't respond to represented by a political campaign tacks than discussion of state and na­ the attacks on him by Bush. ’' of mud-slinging that he doesn't know tional issues. The Dawkins’ election In his Gateway Center office in how to stop and worried about the team, according to the senator, even Newark, Mr. Lautenberg spoke of the future of the nation itself. before the spring primaries set the America which provided refuge to As he looks out that window he negative tone of the campaign and immigrants and the opportunity for discusses the downside of the he, Senator Lautenberg, had no the son of immigrants to rise first to political campaign in which he is choice but to respond. wealth and then to a seat in the Continued on Page 9 Frank Lautenberg ‘My campaign is going well9 The only time a harsh edge crept “On October 11 I decided I didn't What then are the differences tiel- into Pete Dawkins' voice was when like the tone of the campaign I com­ ween the two candidates? he replied to a comment that a recent mitted myself to moving off the low “My opponent," Mr Dawkins said, poll reported the state’s electorate road and I challenged my opponent to “ is prepared to raise taxes - to in thinks less of him and his opponent, do likewise. What was his response? crease the lax load on working peo­ Frank Lautenberg, now than when He immediately contracted for two ple.” ON PARADE — Prize-winning "trees" Jesse Greenberg and the two men began their senatorial more negative attack ads." And before he left the subject of Jeffrey Kirsch march along Millburn Avenue with some 2,000 campaigns early in the year. The Hem's meeting with Mr. taxes, Mr. Dawkins accused "my op­ participants in Monday's Halloyveen parade. “My campaign is going very well, Dawkins took place early Tuesday ponent of engaging in demagoguery thank you,” Mr. Dawkins responded. morning, following by three days a by opposing a reduction in the capital And, with that serving as an in­ similar session with the incumbent gains tax by saying a reduction troduction, the retired Army general, Democratic senator would be a gift for the rich — he is ‘Magic Dragons’ win Heisman Trophy winner and Rhodes During the course of the discus playing to a constituency." Scholar placed the blame for what is sion, Mr. Dawkins put forth the pro­ Mr. Dawkins described the drug regarded as the most negative cam­ gram which he hopes to pursue in the problem as "being at the front of the paign of the year at the door of Senate — a program which in broad minds of the people - the people are Halloween contest Senator Lautenberg. terms is not unlike that of the frightened and angry and want “Puff and Puffie, the Magic Dra­ Families won first and second “When he began his reelection Democratic incumbent something done." gons,” two baby cousins in a crib prizes in the group category. “Trees, campaign he said he wanted to run on "I want to make our schools better. But, he continued, “my opponent pushed by their mothers, won the Bird and Bee” composed of members his record. And what did he do? He I think we have to face the problem of behaves as if there is no problem - grand prize in Monday’s Halloween of the Greenberg and Kirsch families immediately went on TV and spent the homeless.
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