| .... r ¸ _L • _ • " L-_ _ P'--'S,___ I / All the Poin_es Every _ _ I Thursday Mornincj Gro s s¢e ¢ 1N/¢ws_ ,,I .... .... Compl te News Coverage of All the Pomtes ._i o, i VOL. 27_NO. 22 z=t_._¢aThe Pos_t OfsecficeonadtcDetroit,_, mnorinch.at '' GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JUNE..... 2, 1966 N._1_ Pr_,r c_Y®,, 20 Page_Two SectionsmSecfionOne HEADLINES Neighborhood Club to Have New I-lame Recreation Study [Will House o, . IThrift Shop, As CWEEKompiled by the Committee Vtews ]Two Centers o,o_Thursday,e__eo_ May 26 Winter Program ArSch_'al'fifeDcrSawintructuregs: HIopenLateTo ringWorLing FOOD AND DRUG Administra- Summer tion head Dr. James L. God- Cites Lackof Satisfaction For Fast-Growing Hockey dardGove,rnmteentstifying Opbeefraotreionsa Houssub-e Organizations: Hope to Provide A_ificial Ice The board of trustees cf committee, claimed one-third While the Board of .the Neighborhood Club is com- the Neighborhood Club has of the country's leading drug plating plans for its new building, members of the Rec- approved plans for con- falsemanufacturersand misleadingare publishingadvertis- reation Study Committee formed in March are specu:iat- struction of a youth center ing, despite Federal regulation, ing on an over-all Pointe area recreation program that in Waterloo Avenue across "Measurin," a pain pill, was may very well utilize the former site of the Neighbor- from the old Neighborhood cited a_ one of 80 drags under hood Club, (now owned by the Grosse Pointe Board of IClub building. review because advertising for Education), particularly for a winter program. Wor_Ang drawings are in pro- the drug was handled by the "We have developed a fairly,_ grass under the guiding hand firm of Cass Research Assort- good summer recreation pro- of Arthur A. O. Schmidt, a well ares, Inc., of Cambridge, Mass. gram in the Poi-nte over the architect in the corn- Data prepared by this'group years," City Councilman-Ernest Police $ Fire munity. The building will house information, such as the names the study committee said, "bu,t _ ' facing Waterloo, two large, well has been found to contain false B. the Neighborhood Club offices, of deceased persons in re- we are lagging behind manoy ,Wage T lks lighted rooms to be used by searing cheffecstudiests of theof thedrug.long-last- troit area hi the development _ _ _andn_o_girlsandandSeniothe r ThriftHigh Shop,boys t , , ofothera goodcommwinter proungram."e ,o-CO ti uing located in the rear facing the Friday, May 27 Councilman Kelly says Dear- No Definffe Sefflemen parking lot. ˜municipal CONGRESSIONAL investiga- born already'hassevenartificialReached Yef As A]] This new "Drop In Center" tion shows that funds amount- skatingrinks;Warren has up. willprovide a friendlygather- ing to $170 billionin private proximately that number; Li- PointesCarry On ing place,with adequatesuper- vcnia, which recently turned Negotiations vision, for teen-agers after pensiOnsupervised.planSRep.tualalYGrreMarthaVi,if.un- This is the architect's rendition of the building structure. Offices, new headquarters for The Thrift down a bond issue for a recre- school hours and week-ends. fiths (D. Mich.) summed up the the Neighborhood Club plans to erect on the parking Shop and two centbrs for junior and senior high school ation program, is still going No definite settleme3ts, This Center will be open ahead with plans for artificial except perhaps in the City, throughout the year. The recre- hearings just concluded by her lot across Waterloo avenue from the old condemned age youth will be provided in the structure. ' rinks, and Ann Arbor, among b e t w e e n Pointe officials ational programs will be con. evidenceSUbc°mmitteeby,,pensithatonSathereadmying ini.is • othersurcihnks.C°mmunities'already has and their respective police schools as carried on for the strators, experts, consultants , Ceater Bir ve Plio ce Face Frustratlon tPoli ce Catc h 500 Attend Banquet and fire personnel, have tpinuedast fewin yearsthe _ychurcthhese Neigh-and wofeesrkerfrsom andthe employers.contributionsThou-of G ets $75 ,126 en e eves r ver er - grouThep reof ishocarakeypidlyeplayerxpands in,gin the rdisclOsed on Tuesday, ]vIay sands of workmaers bwhoyommayakcon-in IWh Admitt d Thi " D i Aft Grosse Pointe Hockey Ass0cia- 31ee.• ye , community,After 55 yeThears Mutualof servingAid thisand trpeibutnsionse forwhenyearsthey areneed detnhieedm IFrom 4 751 Go F ree on T ec hni ca lity Wild Ch ase taiottn.endanAtce last hadwinterisenr's bantoque500t, ThGomasrosse KressbPointeachCitys aMiadr_atgerhat Neitha.gthbotherhreoodis stillCluba needhas forfoundits most." " over _80 for the previous year. wage increases for policemen services. With anticipation for The association boasts 18 and firemen were included in the future, the board is hoping * * * Memoria[ Day Weekend Wronged Persons Refuse +o Coopera-_e by Signing Ends When Mo+orls+Loses teams, composed of boys age the fiscalbudget approved by to startbuildingin the'lates__m_- Saturday,)lay 28 , ProvidesC¢_nfribufi:ons _omplaiafsafterWarraI nlsa_reObialned; _ Control of Car::;8,_::Idffseightt¢'16,Who have competed the City councilon May a. The mer. A STATE OF ALERT was IO End Campaign Car Sfolenand Sfrirpped Farms Pier-ParGkate in games in London and Wind. budget includesa $500 a year ordered by prime minister ........... sot,Ontario,Port.Hu:.x)nSarnia, increase,plus fully paid up It is expected the structure Fide! Castro for the Cuban The Grosse Poin_e War The work of policeofficers in the Park was aaulli- Cedric J.;Pi_lila_ki,.20, and St. Clair;however, home hospitalizatioforn personm:Iand willeastin the neighborh,o_adof game*_'smd eCen practice taeili- their dependen¢_,, amount.lag to $300,000. armed forces and the Cuban Memorial's 1966 Annual fled in two cases in which crimes were committed, wlmn of 316 R i d g e m ont, was ties are curtailed by the lack $78 a year. people Friday night _fter the Family Participation Cam- two persons refused to follow throu&_ and sign corn- ticketed by Park and Farms of good facilities. The city manager said that he protestUtoStnitedateShisgovernamentSentdiploma.tiCclaimitsPaigngoalSUCCeS, $75,000 swithreachedgiftsfullYof Thursday;plaints'it waSMaydisclosed26by_Det..........I_t...... Stanley Enders, on police, on Monday, May 30, The teams made use of as does not expect any major ing six Cuban soldiers had ..... : - ' - on a on,urge o_ reckless driv- many nearby artificial skating problems to arise as a result Lost and Found slipped'into the naval base and received over the. Memorial One ease Involved the thelandoft had three years and two in"s, followin,"as chase u"_,to rinks as possible to prolong the of the increase, which he said Week Observed "exchanged gunfire with Ameri- weekend. The successful mobile,of, and them whmstriphpinga warranOf ant outwas-[ monthse tofroserve mawbcnPr heonwas 100 miles an hour The can sentries" Monday night, con,clusion of the drive was " " " Ir leased _ rn Io " is . , . sea_on, and were granted a few he and the council consider to obtained, but the owner re- I ........ Icnase came to an end wnen hours each week at the Francis be fair, even if the other Pointes __ _naers sail ma_ a warram - Claiming that U.S. forces had briefly but gratefully, an- fused to pro acute The second .......... a ne I file youth lost control of/hs _- McCann Rink at the Grosse should raise wages a little high- City police are beginning to killeda Cuban sentryin Cuban nounced by M a r k C. case •revolve"dthe br" eaking" and wCountyas ootameProsea cxromutor'smOefficew y,inIcar and c_shed ._ioo" the AboutUntwoiverasitnd ySachalfhool.months er. Others Also Raised bWelievek ineitthwase PoLostintes.and Found Pointe communiqueterrit°ry'CastrOreaddeclaredoverradioina StevenS,boardof directorsPreOfMsiden'temo.thaetentemarlngmenager°Xa retussteaalZ_mn,toaprose's aa which Moore was charged withtgate o_ zae rarnas_vmmc_palofgood skatingicewas afforded He alsodisclosedthatal_per- Mrs. Lee Kitchen, 790 Lin- and TV that America is trying " unlawfully driving away an lPier ParK at the toot oz the _ association with Ias t sonnelof the PublicWcrk; De- coln, at noon, May 23, told to build up "an imperialistrialDay ceremonies, cute. automobile,but Dysarcyzk re- Morossroad. winter's better than average pertinenthave been granted an policethat her daughter,Ann, aggression against Ct_ba" by ' A recordnumber of f"a"milies, On May 19,GilbertDys_rczyk fused to sign a complaint for The youth is scheduledto up- weather,accordingto RobertC. 18-centincreasein hourly pay, had been missing with their cynicaland cowardly charges,4,751to be exact,parhc_pated of 1416Lakepointereportedthat prosecution, pear in the Park courton June Bendzinski,City Treasurer,bat along with fullypaid ho.,pital-dog, forabou_ an hour.Patral- the same _s the falsecharges in givingfundstotaling$75,12g.-hiscar was stolen.fromin front However, Moore's case was 22,and in Farms courton June with ice-makingfacilities,the ization,and allotherCity era. man Richard Lanskirecognized made by Nazism and Fascism.05 thisyear. This amount will of his house, between 6 p.m. referred to Michigan State 29. season could be expanded to ployeshave been granteda see- the four-year-old by /he , , • provide the needed quarter of and 10:45 p.m. Parole authorities, who have At 12:40 a.m. Park Patrolmen four m o n t h s at a minimum, en percent increase in pay. m o t h e r' s description: blond Sunday, May 29 ]income necessary to operate DrivingStolenCar filedto_haveMoore returnedto Henry Wilson and Gary Mit- On a well constructedrink,ice The policemen and firemen of hair, white blouse, madras A 55-YEAR-OLD BuddhistiWaGrossr MemoriPoinatlethrough'suniquthee livingnext Earl Moore, 18,of 4351Sprin. prison for violationof parole,chell,while on routinepatrol can be maintainedat tempera- the Park turned down a finaljumper.He foundher on Fisher gle, Detroit,was arrestedby turesunder 50 degrees,he says.offermade by the city;accord- nun burned to death after fiscalyear beginmingAugust I. In the second case, Park]On Kercheval,observed a car near Waterloo, and returned drenching herself with gasoline The other three quarter in- New Baltimore police, when he Police Sgt.
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