E 38 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 5, 1995 marginal tax rates ever imposed on middle-in- quite literally left his mark on the landscape of of a lingering recession. During her 2 years in come Americans. the Keystone StateÐthe retiring Secretary of this body, Representative SCHENK fought time f Transportation, Howard Yerusalim. and time again for California's workers and on Howard and I have two important things in behalf of California's tourism industry. COMMEMORATION IN ISRAEL common. We both are native Pennsylvanians, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to continue Con- MARKS THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY and we both have viewed transportation as an gresswoman Schenk's efforts to help Califor- OF THE JACKSON-VANIK AMEND- organizing principle for the State and national nia's tourism businesses by reintroducing her MENT economy. cruise ship legislation to close a loophole in Howard is an engineer by birth and training, Federal law through which California loses an HON. NORMAN D. DICKS and he has built upon this foundation. Indeed, estimated $82 million annually. This issue is OF WASHINGTON he has combined two remarkable elements. one of great concern to businesses in Rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES First, he has had a visionary ability to look at resentative Schenk's San Diego district and to Wednesday, January 4, 1995 the vast State of Pennsylvania and understand those that I represent in San Pedro and on its many present and future transportation Catalina Island. According to Catalina's Cham- Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, this year marks needs. At the same time, he has the knack of ber of Commerce, the city of Avalon itself the 20th anniversary of the Jackson-Vanik translating these visionary plans into simple loses $1.5 million annually in canceled port amendment to the Trade bill of 1974. The blueprints and then taking these blueprints visits because of the existing loophole. amendment made history by linking most fa- and translating them into the nitty gritty of Currently under the Federal Johnson Act, a vored nation trading status to free emigration steel rods and asphalt. There are many peo- cruise ship that makes an intrastate stop is from nonmarket economies. The purpose of ple in the transportation industry who are good subject to State law even if that ship travels in the amendment was to spur the former Soviet at one of these endeavors. Howard has been international waters and is destined for an- Union to ease emigration for Soviet Jews dur- extremely able in both. other State or foreign country. In order to pre- ing the cold war. The Jackson-Vanik amend- He understands roads, rails, and runways vent the spread of gambling on the mainland, ment was instrumental in allowing hundreds of and he has the management skills to com- California currently prohibits gambling on thousands of Jews and other Soviet citizens to plement this knowledge. A list of his achieve- cruise ships which make multiple stops in the leave the U.S.S.R. to experience the freedom ments and awards would fill these pages. But, State. and security of life in Israel and the United I am particularly impressed by his selection as The legislation which I reintroduce today States. one of the Nation's top ten public works lead- would allow gambling to continue on inter- The Henry M. Jackson Foundation, in con- ers for 1992 by The American Public Works nationally bound cruises, and would not cause junction with the American Enterprise Institute, Association, and his tenure as president of the mainland gambling to uncontrollably expand. Hebrew University, the Zionist Forum, and the American Association of State Highway and My bill would amend the Johnson Act to allow Jerusalem Post, is sponsoring a conference in Transportation Officials for 1994. Federal control over voyages that begin and Jerusalem this week, on January 8±10, 1995, It seems, Mr. Speaker, that everyone in the end in the same State as long as those stops to commemorate the anniversary of this legis- transportation industry knows Howard, and ev- are part of a voyage to another State or for- lation. The Boeing Corp. and Manro Haydan eryone has their favorite moment involving eign country which is reached within 3 days of Trading of London are founding corporate him. My favorite concerns the time when he the start of the voyage. The legislation reflects sponsors. The conference will pay special trib- and I worked on the historic Intermodal Sur- a hard-fought compromise reached last year ute to Senator Henry M. ``Scoop'' Jackson, face Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. I with Senator DANIEL INOUYE by explicitly ex- recognizing his lifelong work on human rights was in constant contact with Howard, relying cluding the State of Hawaii. and his successful efforts to secure the right heavily upon his counsel on many major is- Mr. Speaker, the legislation which I offer of emigration throughout the Eastern bloc. sues covered by the bill. Most of all, he pro- today will provide a much needed shot-in-the- Human rights veterans such as Natan vided me with an honest interpretation of how arm to tourism in California. This issue is by Sharansky and Elena Bonner, widow of Nobel provisions in the bill would work in actual prac- no means partisan. Gov. Pete Wilson enthu- Laureate Andred Sakharov, will join Prime tice. siastically supported this legislation last year. Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Likud Chairman Great men and women rise to their poten- On behalf of Representative Schenk, I urge Benjamin Netanyahu, and other major political tial. It was Pennsylvania's great fortune that the House to act swiftly in approving this figures at this international event. Sessions at Howard came to PennDOT in 1968 and rose measure. the conference will address the historical and through the ranks to become its chief. As I've f contemporary significance of the amendment said in the past Howard Yerusalim is a capa- and assess the current status of Russian Jews ble and reliable advocate for public works ex- in the former Soviet Union. COORDINATOR FOR COUNTER- penditures and has earned my respect TERRORISM BILL, H.R. 22 I hope that my colleagues will mark this im- through his dedication and commitment to in- portant anniversary as a reminder of our tegrity in public service. former colleague, Senator Scoop Jackson, Mr. Speaker, transportation is the lifeblood HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN and his vital role two decades ago in helping of our communities, our Commonwealth, and OF NEW YORK to secure human rights and freedom for thou- our Nation, and yet it is often taken for grant- sands of citizens trapped behind the Iron Cur- edÐas are the individuals who plan, design, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tain. and build it, and thus leave their mark on the Wednesday, January 4, 1995 f landscape. In many ways, Howard Yerusalim Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I introduce IN PRAISE OF HOWARD is one of those individuals. And yet, through H.R. 22, a bill to preserve the coordinator for YERUSALIM, RETIRING PENN- his leadership, Pennsylvania has developedÐ Counter-Terrorism Office at the State Depart- SYLVANIA SECRETARY OF and continues to developÐa first-rate trans- ment. I was pleased that during the 103d Con- TRANSPORTATION portation system, a system which breathes life gress, we were able to enact into law my into our economy, and into our daily lives. amendment to the State Department author- HON. BUD SHUSTER f ization bill to at least temporarily reverse the OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATION TO ASSIST proposed reorganization plan that would have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CALIFORNIA TOURISM eliminated the Office of the Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism. That very important and Wednesday, January 4, 1995 HON. JANE HARMAN high level, as well as independent office, was Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to OF CALIFORNIA first established during the Reagan era as a pay tribute to an individual who has an attach- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES response to international terrorism, and it re- ment to his native State of Pennsylvania that ported directly to the Secretary of State. The is as enduring as it is remarkable. Wednesday, January 4, 1995 office faced the cutting-room knife as the new We often talk about men and women, Mr. Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, 2 years ago, administration began in 1993, when it was Speaker, who leave their mark on their com- Representative Lynn Schenk and I were both planned to be merged into an office respon- munities. We often mean this in a figurative elected to the 103d Congress from districts sible for narcotics and international crime as way. But I want to recognize a man who has hard hit by defense downsizing and the effects well. January 5, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 39 The State Department is the lead U.S. The damage from that shootdown policy de- its guard against the terrorist threat, either at agency in the battle against international ter- bacle in these two key source nations on our home, or abroad. rorism; it is inconceivable in this day and age international struggle against narcotics, will These bills being introduced here in the of a renewed threat from terrorism, both at take years to undo. We also saw during the House and the other body, make it clear there home and abroad, not to have this high level, 103d Congress, that drug use is on the rise can be no retreat from the struggle against independent, and single function office main- for the first time since the Carter era. terrorism. Let us today go firmly on the record tained permanently in place.
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